4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 6 Foreword 8 Introduction And Welcome Notes 10 Keynote Speeches 10 Critical Approach To Museums In The Balkans: Building The New Mindset In The Age Of Heritage 13 Should Museums Take Sides? 14 Art And Activism 16 Workshops 16 Two Different Approaches In Community Engagement 17 Building A Community Engagement Strategy For The Museum 18 Learning Provision At National Museums Scotland 19 Memorialization Of Difficult Heritage: The Example Of The Former Communist Prison Of Spaç 20 Storytelling: The Viking Mother And Modern Leadership 21 Marketplace 22 Social Approach To Disabled People In The National Historical Museum Meet See (Critically) Do 5 23 Breaking Bread: Consciousness Of The Shared 24 Access In Action 25 Learn About Us 26 Why Bother With Personal Development? 27 Labels And Voices: Introduction To The Interpretation Of Objects 28 The Little Archaeologist: How To Engage Children At The Museum 30 Meet The Neighbours: Open Space At The History Museum Of Bosnia And Herzegovina 31 Talk Show: Regional Examples And Case Studies Of Ngo Activism 32 Balkan Museum Network Second Assembly Meeting 32 The Happy Museum 33 About BMN Balkan Museum Network 6 ForeworD Meet, See, Do is the annual conference of the Balkan Museum Network. In 2015, we have held the third conference under the title Meet, See, (critically) Do both reflecting on the difficult context in which museums in the Western Balkans operate and the need for museums to act as relevant social agents. eet, See, Do was born from In April 2015, around 90 museum and heritage the need to inspire museum and professionals from six countries of the Western heritage professionals; to provide Balkans met in Novi Sad, working in the beautiful M the space for discussions and ex- setting of the Museum of Vojvodina and the change of examples around conference themes; Museum of the City of Novi Sad. During three to develop problem-solving thinking in the work dynamic days, as one of the largest museum of museums; to encourage museums to establish conferences in the Western Balkans, Meet, See, partnerships between themselves, as well as with (critically) Do participants interacted with each other community actors, such as nongovernmen- other discussing the role of a museums in areas tal organization, artists, media and education- such as political referenda, interpretation, public al/research institutions; to enable international engagement, storytelling and the connection partnership with museums outside of the Bal- between art and activism. The Meet, See, (critically) kans; and to promote the work of both the Net- Do conference has also been an opportunity for work and its members. all members of the Balkan Museum Network to Meet See (Critically) Do 7 meet for their annual assembly meeting. Borders has realized the South East European Cul- Major results have included the strengthening of tural Heritage Exchange Programme (SEECHEP) museums’ individual and institutional capacities, as contributing to the content of the Meet, See, (crit- well as encouraging and inspiring museums in the ically) Do conference with several practical work- region to work jointly. shops that examined the topic of public engage- ment. The five SEECHEP fellows did a great job! The conference in Novi Sad was funded by the Swedish government and Swedish Institute, pre- As a post-conference survey has shown, the senting the work of international and regional ex- conference has been evaluated as highly perts. Previous Meet, See, Do conferences have positive, and we are happy that we will be able been organized in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzego- to organize similar events in the following years. vina (in 2013) and in Tirana, Albania (in 2014), all together gathering more than 200 museum and See you next year for Meet, See, Do 2016, heritage professionals. to learn, meet colleagues, exchange ideas, boost your energy and get inspired! We would like to acknowledge the Museum of Vojvodina for their hospitality, as well as the oth- er cultural institutions in Novi Sad that have wel- comed their colleagues from other countries. Last but not least, we would also like to thank British BMN Secretariat Councils, who together with Heritage without Balkan Museum Network 8 IntroDUCTION AND Welcome Notes Mr. Bogdan Babić, Deputy Director of the Museum of Vojvodina Respected participants of the conference, he Museum of Vojvodina has We all have the opportunity, during this been given a great honour, as a conference, to acquaint ourselves with the member of the Balkan Museum common problems that we encounter in our Network, to have the opportu- work. One of the issues is certainly the inclu- Tnity and the pleasure to host you during the sion of museums in the life of the local com- third regional museum conference of the Bal- munity. The speakers’ lectures will help us kan Museum Network. After Sarajevo and find some answers to the questions we have. Tirana, Novi Sad has been granted the possi- During the second part of the programme, bility to host this big international event, and the workshops will present the opportunity during three days of the conference, to show to exchange personal experiences. As mu- you a part of its cultural heritage, which is one seologists, we are aware that successful re- of the strongest arguments for our nomination search work is always based on good cooper- for the European Capital of Culture. ation with the local community. It is my hope that this exchange of experiences will meet However, what we all have missed until now, fertile ground, thanks to the great organiza- and which represents the most important val- tion of the Balkan Museum Network that has ue of this conference is re-establishing the old gathered more than a hundred participants and making of the new cultural links among and lecturers for the conference. museum institutions in the region. The dramat- ic events of the last decades that have changed On behalf of the director of the Museum of our destinies left behind broken ties that are of- Vojvodina Dr. Agneš Ozer, who is not in the ten hard to re-establish due to the complex po- position to greet you personally, I wish you a litical and social circumstances in which we live. successful work. Meet See (Critically) Do 9 The Balkan Museum Network was founded exactly for that – to help museums in the Balkans to change, to advocate for social- ly responsible museums that promote and celebrate learning – as is the main theme of this year’s conference, “to do” through co- operation, using the Balkans’ common her- itage. We hope that we are gradually suc- ceeding in creating, with the Balkan Museum Network, a strong, collective voice for Bal- kan heritage and the museum profession. It is not and was not easy. Starting as a pilot initiative of Cultural Heritage with- out Borders (CHwB), the Regional Mu- Dr. Tatjana Cvjetićanin seum Network developed into an inde- The President of the Steering Board pendent organization, with a lot of help of the Balkan Museum Network from different museums, organizations, and individuals. Some of them you are go- ing to meet during these three days – like Dear colleagues and friends, Ing-Marie Munktel and Diana Walters. esteemed ladies and gentlemen, I would like to thank them enormously. The Steering Board of the BMN is as well he annual conference organized responsible for this conference, but it by the Balkan Museum Network would not be possible without Aida Vežić, is the only regional museum con- BMN secretary and Aida Salketić, from ference in the Balkans, and just the CHwB office in Sarajevo, and other Tbecause of that, it is an essential and important capable helpers. professional occasion. But there is so much more going on: this is the third time we meet As before, this conference would not be at an inspiring and creative conference, to offer possible without the assistance of Sweden, museums and individuals inventive ideas and the Swedish government and Swedish In- guidance and support for further activities, to stitute, and our gratitude goes to them as help museums improve their condition, atti- well. Last, but for this year the most impor- tudes and approaches, and to meet colleagues, tant, is our generous host, the Museum of develop project ideas and work in cooperation Vojvodina. On behalf of the BMN, I would and partnership, as well. like to express our appreciation. Balkan Museum Network 10 KEYNOTE SPEECHES Critical Approach to Museums in the Balkans: Building the New Mindset in the Age of Heritage Dr. Tomislav S. Šola The Best in Heritage believe that museums in the Balkans culture add to this decisively. Often foreign aid is have all the same problems that museums in not ideally spent, as experts come with little or no the rest of Europe face, plus those brought by understanding of the local situation and create no transition, conflict, disintegration, and impov- resonance. Most fail to connect their imagined re- Ierishment. The poor always get more than a fair ality to the one they come to, so, at best, the locals share of troubles. Even the EU reality is not unam- are left with a feeling of inferiority and some buzz biguous, so any international effort in improving words to play with locally. To make it worse, the performances of cultural institutions serves an ex- authorities in museums and culture sector often cellent purpose. give advantage to politically positioned directors and opportunists among the staff to participate in I am not aware of the amount of help the Balkans events; they simply enjoy these trainings as a sort is receiving for heritage, nor can one be if relying of ritual, retaining little or nothing to be used in upon the usual media.
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