T he G overnm ent G azette. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Vol. 2, No. 33. NEW WESTMINSTER, JANUARY l6th, 1864. Price 12 1/2 cents. L ands and W o rk s D e partment. Table of Contents. Colonial Secretary's Notices. NOTICE. Colonial Secretary’s Notices. P age. BRITISH COLUMBIA. Announcem ent of publication of th e Governm ent G azette 1 GOVERNMENT RESERVE. Directory, - - - - 8 C o l o n i a l S e c r e t a r y ’ s O f f ic e , General Post Office. OTICE is hereby given that for the present the 22ND D e c e m b e r , 1862. Conveyance of Government Mails - - — 2 land is Reserved at the upper end of Bute Inlet, Rates of Postage - - - - 2 Ncommencing at a point on the West side of the Inlet, W I T H reference to a Notice dated 26th July, Stamping of Letters - - - 2 3 miles below the Mouth of the Homathco or Pryce List of Unclaimed Letters - •- - - 2-3 1862, announcing that all Official NoticesRiver, and extending down the shore line of said In­ Government Assay Office. and Advertisements thereafter to be issued which let for a distance of 3 miles, and inland for a distance Rates of Charges - - - - 2 o f 1 1/2 miles. should of custom or necessity appear in the Go­ Land and Works Dept, By Order, Government Gazette. vernment Gazette were, until further notice, when New Westminster, C h a r t r e s B r e w , Terms of Subscription . - 1 2nd December 1863. In Charge. published in the British Columbian newspaper, to Lands and Works Notices. be taken and deemed in all cases and for all pur­ Government Land Reservation at Bute Inlet - 1 Supreme Court. do- do. Bentinck Arm - 8 poses to have been duly published in the Govern­ do. do. Queen Charlotte Island 8 Government reserves the right to use and divert the Stream ment Gazette. Notice is hereby given that after In the Supreme Court of Civil Jus­ called Robbs Creek- - - - - - 8 Removel of Land Reservations - - - - 8 the 31st December, 1862, the Government Gazette tice of British Columbia; Notice of Public Right of Way - - 8 Government Reserves on the North coast of B. C. and Queen will be issued as a separate publication, and no In Bankruptcy: Charlotte Island, . - - . 8 Notice published in the aforesaid British Colum­ N THE matter of the petition of C h ar le s G a l ] Proclamations. l a g h e r now of New Westminster, formerly of W il­ bian newspaper after the 31st December, 1862, is I No. 8. The Legal Professions Act, 1863. - - 3 liams Creek, an Insolvent Debtor, and not being a ‘ ‘ 9. Cook’s Ferry and Clinton Road Bonds Act, 1863 4 to be taken or deemed to have been published in Trader within the meaning of the Statutes relating to “ 10. Alexandra Bridge Toll Act, - 4 “ 11. New Westminster Municipal Extension Act, No. 3. 5 the Government Gazette, as aforesaid. Bankruptcy. “ 12. Crown Officers’ Salaries Act, 1863. - - 5 Be it remembered that the said Charles Gallagher, “ 9. Pre-emption Consolidation Act, 1861 - - 5 having duly filed his petition for protection from pro­ Aliens’ Act, 1859 - - - - - 6 By order of the Governor, Order in Council, constituting Legislative Council for B. C. 7 cess in this Honorable Court, I do hereby appoint Mon­ An Act to define the Boundaries of British Columbia. 7 W il l i a m A . G. Y o u n g . day the 29th day of February, next, for the meeting Queens’ Instructions appointing the Public Officers to the of his Creditors, and for the examination of the said Legislative Council, ----- 8 Appointment of Legislative Councillors, and convening a Charles Gallagher touching his said petition and the Meeting thereof, 8 Schedule filed therewith, and all matters appertaining D e p a r tment of L ands and W o r k s . thereto. On which day at the Court House, at New Registrar General’s Notices. Westminster, and at 11 o ’ clock in the forenoon, the Prepayment of Fees - - - 2 said Charles Gallagher is to appear and surrender Receipt for Deeds returned - - - 2 himself to me, and until such day I do hereby grant Deeds for Registration - - - 2 PUBLIC NOTICE. him protection from all process against his person. Supreme Court - 1 MATT. B . BEGBIE, J. New Westminster, 22nd Decr.,1863. Government Reserves. Government Gazette. In the Supreme Court of Civil Jus­ OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undermen- tice of British Columbia. tioned Lands at Queen Charlotte Island, and on TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION N N THE matter of the petition of C h a r l e s G a l l a ­ the North Coast of British Columbia are reserved for g h e r , an insolvent, now of New Westminster, TO the present, subject to existing rights viz : Iformerly of Williams Creek. Be it remembered that the said Charles Gallagher 1. The Lands surrounding the entire Lake of Kit- having duly filed his petition for protection from pro­ The G overnm ent G azette sum-chi-lum, extending two miles back from the shore cess, I do hereby appoint G r e v il l e C h ar le s M a t h e w , line of the said Lake (as shown by a red line in the Esqr., Registrar of the Supreme Court, to be Official are $5 per annum, $2.75 per half-year, and $1.50 per Assignee of the estate and effects of the said Charles diagram) which lake aliments a stream known as the quarter, payable in advance. Single copies, 12 1/2 cents Gallagher. Kit-sum-chi-lum River, which forms a tributary to the each, to be obtained of Messrs. Clarkson & Co., New MATT. B. BEGBIE, J. Skena River. New Westminster, Westminster, and of the Express Agents in the other 22nd December, 1863. towns. 2. A certain portion of the Northern and North A yearly subscriber, for at least two copies, may Western part of Queen Charlotte Island, (as colored ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. have his name, business, and address inserted free in red in the diagram) including the Island called on the each number of the Gazette. chart Frederick Island on the West coast. In the matter of Gurgen or Johann Detje, de­ Communications to be addressed, and subscriptions 3. Wales Island, and the two small Islands adja­ ceased, intestate. to be remitted, to the Editor of the Government Gazette, cent, at the entrance to Portland Inlet, on the North OTICE is hereby given that letters o f Adminis­ Royal Engineer Camp, New Westminster. tration have been granted out of the Supreme coast of British Columbia, (as per diagram). NCourt of Civil Justice, to Ernest Picht, of New West­ By order of the Governor, minster, of all the estate, effects, and credits of Johann Diagrams of the above Reserves can be seen at the Detje, deceased. R. C. MOODY, Lands and Works Office. All persons who are indebted to the said estate, or Colonel, R. E., and Chief Commissioner. C h a r tr e s B r e w , to whom the said estate is indebted, are hereby re- quired to settle and pay the same, with and to the un­ In Charge. Lands and Works Department, dersigned, immediately. New Westminster, Lands & Works Department, ERNEST PICHT. 6th May, 1863. New Westminster, 29th Decr., 1863. New Westminster, Dec. 23rd, 1863. 2 THE GOVERNMENT GAZETTE. [J a n u a r y 16 th , 1864. List of Unclaimed Letters (Continued.) Government Assay Office. General Post Office. Baker, Peter Fletcher, Charles Barber C. J. Fuhrer, Charles Brown, Robert A. 2. French, David GOVERNMENT ASSAY OFFICE, PUBLIC NOTICE. Bingley, B. W. Francis, F. NEW WESTMINSTER, BRITISH COLUMBIA. Briere, J. Frederick, Mr. OTICE is hereby given that a Contract has Finlaison, C. 2. N been entered into with Francis Jones Bar­ Cortade, Jean Fernand, Grigos SSAYS OF GOLD B U LLIO N are made on nard, (Barnard’s Express), for the conveyance of the Chaplin, James Fox, Emma the following terms, and under the following Collins, Robert Fotheringham, John A Chapman Thomas A conditions:—- GOVERNMENT MAILS, Fife, W . H. 3. Cushing, Mrs. M Fuller, Josiah 1. A receipt will be given to the Depositor for as undermentioned. Christie, Alexander 3. Fallen, Thomas the exact gross weight of his deposit. From 1st April to 30th November: Cliffe, S Fontana, R 2. The resulting ingot will be delivered to any From New Westminster to Douglas, Hope, Coulter, Thomas 2. Fortescue, G E Campbell, R W party returning the aforesaid receipt, whether the Yale, Lytton, and Lillooet, and return weekly. Fraser, Alexander D Connolly Michael Florance, John A or A B Depositor or any one else, and the party returning From New Westminster to Douglas, Hope, Costelo, James Furrey, Jra 3. the receipt will be required to cancel it by his sig­ Yale, Lytton, Lillooet, to Williams Lake, and on Curry, E L 3. Farrell, Thomas 3. nature at the time of receiving the ingot. to Antler, and return semi-monthly. Crouch, Cyrus Flynn, R T 8. Each ingot will be stamped with its number, Charlton, Edward Fulton, Jos B From 1st December to 31st March: corresponding to its number in the official records, Craddock, Emmerson From New Westminster to Douglas, Hope, Caton, William K Grmmill, Robert with its weight, in ounces and decimals of ounces, Yale, Lytton, and Lillooet, and return semi­ Carpenter, L F Gardiner, James A its fineness in thousandths, and its value in dollars monthly.
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