EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION HOSPITAL EZHUKONE, KOLLAM, KERALA-691505 Email: [email protected], Website: www.esic.nic.in Ph: 0474-2522454, 2529380 Fax No: 0474-2529294 545/ U/ 16/ 27/ 2/ CHE/ 10(Admn) Date:15.10.2014 TENDER NOTIFICATION Sub:- Supply of Life Saving Drugs & Dressings-reg Sealed and superscribed tenders in single bid system (as per specifications) on prescribed form are invited from manufacturers, authorized dealers for the supply of below mentioned group of items for the use of ESIC Hospital, Ezhukone, Kollam for one year period. Sl. Description E.M.D IN Rs. No. 1 DRUGS AND DRESSINGS 50000/- • Detailed specification and other information, terms and conditions are given in the tender document. Medical Superintendent reserves the right to finalize the tender based on the details quoted by tenderers • Application forms and other details of the Tender can be obtained in person from the office of the Medical Superintendent by giving a request letter on letter head along with crossed DD for Rs. 225 ± ( Rupees Two Hundred and Twenty Five only) non refundable in favour of ESIC Fund A/ C No.1, Payable at State Bank of India, Keralapuram. DD for Rs. 50000/-(Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) for Drugs and Dressings towards E.M.D.should be enclosed with the bid which shall be refunded only on completion of tender process. The successful Tender- er will be required to pay performance security as per the rules. Signature of tenderer • Venue, Date & Time for issue of Tender/ Documents: from 15.10.2014 to 07.11. 2014 during 10:00 AM to 03:00 PM from office of ESIC Hospital Ezhukone, Kollam, on all working days. The tender form can also be down- loaded from website www.esic.nic.in/www.esichezhukone.in. However the same shall be accompanied by a DD for Rs.225/- in favour of ESIC Fund A/c.No: 1, payable at SBI, Keralapuram towards the cost of application. The hospital will not be responsible for any postal delay. Last Date for Receipt of completed Tender Documents: is 07/11/2014 up to 01:00 PM, or if it hap- pens to be a holiday, on next working day. • Date of opening the Tender: is 07/11/ 2014at 02:00 PM in the chamber of the Medical Superintendent, or on next working day, same time, if it happens to be a holiday, in the presence of representive of tenderers. • The undersigned reserves the right to postpone the date of opening or to ac - cept or reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason at any stage. Incomplete / late tenders will be rejected and no dispute in this regard will be enter- tained. Sd/- Medical Superintendent Signature of tenderer ESIC HOSPITAL, EZHUKONE, KOLLAM No. 545/U/16/27/2/CHE/10/(ADMN) Date APPLICATION FORM 1 Name and registered address of the : Company/ Establishment 2 Contact Telephone No./ Mobile No. : /e-mail ID/Fax No. 3 Name and designation of the : authorized person /owner 4 Registration No. Under the Shops : and Establishment Act 5 Sales Tax Registration No. /KST No./ : Service Tax No. CST No. 6 E.M.D. Details: DD No. Amount : 7 Proof Of Turn Over : 8 Wholesaler/ Retailer : 9 PAN/TAN/GIR No. : 10 Any other Information/ Experience / : Empanellment 11. Whether Undertaking (Annexure I) submitted : Yes/No 12. Percentage of discount offered on MRP : Generic.......% (In words.............) Branded......% (In words.............) Signature & Seal of Applicant/Establishment UNDERTAKING ANNEXURE-1 Date of opening Item No. Name of the Items To The Medical Superintendent ESIC Hospital Ezhukone, Kollam Sir, 1. The undersigned certify that I have gone through the terms and conditions mentioned in the instruction supplement and undertake to comply with them. The discounts quoted by me/us are valid and binding on me/us for acceptance for one year from the date of signing of agreement. 2. It is certified that discount quoted are the highest quoted by me for any institution/ Hospital in India. 3. Earnest Money deposited by me/ us viz Rs.50000/- in the form of Demand Draft in favour of ESIC fund Account No. 1, Ezhukone, Kollam is attached herewith and shall remain in custody of the corporation till the completion of the tender process 4. I/ We give the rights to Medical Superintendent, to forfeit the performance security deposited by me/ us any delay occur on my/ agent’s part or failed to supply the article at the appointed place and time of the items of the desired quantity. 5. There is no vigilance/ CBI case or court case pending against the firm/ supplier. 6. Should the said officer deem it necessary to change any article, if being found not as per supply orders, it shall be replaced by me/ us in time to prevent any inconvenience. 7. I hereby undertake to supply the items as per directions given in supply order with in the stipulated period. 8. I understand that the Medical Superintendent has the right to accept or reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason(s) thereof. 9. Signature and Address of the Tenderer (with Rubber stamp) OPEN TENDER FOR CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIIONS (GENERAL) 1. Tenderer should be ready to demonstrate/provide samples of the items in presence of a committee at his own cost at the hospital premises. 2. Packing, insurance, transport and any other incidental expenditure involved in the supply of the items shall be borne by the tenderer. 3. Items should not have passed more than 1/6 of its shelf at the ti,me of supply. 4. Settlement of bills shall be made after complete supply of items. No payment shall be made on part supply. No advance payment shall be made. 5. If the successful supplier fails to execute the supply order within stipulated period , penalty of 0.5% of the bill amount , after a grace period of 48 hours subject to a maximum of 10% may be levied on the value of supply order. Alternatively the items may be procured from the local market and the difference shall be recovered from subsequent bill/E.M.D/Security Deposit of the supplier . Any supply received after the prescribed time shall be liable to be returned to the contractor. 6. E M D Tenderer should enclose E M D by way of Demand Draft payable at State Bank of India, Keralapuram, in favour of “ESIC A/C No: I “ as detailed in the tender document which shall be refunded without interest after finalisation of tender or within 6 months whichever is earlier. 7. A performance security of (non-interest bearing deposit) at least 5% of the annual value of contract, shall be deposited by the successful tenderers before finalisation of contract. The approximate annual contract value is Rs. 25 lakhs. 8 E M D of the successful tenderers shall be retained towards performance security. The performance security shall be refunded on successful completion of contract subject to deduction of penalties/other dues for default by supplier. 9. The successful tenders shall execute an agreement with ESIC as per terms prescribed . signature of tenderer 10. Any previous Rate contract for the same items shall stand cancelled upon finalization of this tender. 11. Breach of any terms and conditions attracts penalty by way of forfeiture of E.M.D. Or Security Deposit. 12. Medical Superintendent of ESIC Hospital , Ezhukone reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reason what so ever. 13. Disputes, if any, shall be subject to the jurisdiction of court at Kollam 14. The finalisatin of this tender and contract shall be subject to instructions, orders, rules as ap- plicable to ESI Corporation. Sd/- MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT signature of tenderer EMPLOYEES' STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION HOSPITAL EZHUKONE, KOLLAM, KERALA-691505 Email: [email protected], Website: www.esic.nic.in Ph: 0474-2522454, 2529380 Fax No: 0474-2529294 545/ U/ 16/ 27/ 2/ CHE/ 10(Admn) Date:15.10.2014 OPEN TENDER FOR CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS (SPECIAL) ESIC, Ezhukone needs emergency and life saving drugs on urgent basis as per day to day requirement. Interested chemists/distributors may submit their quotations. 1. The percentage of discount offered on M.R.P. Shall be quoted clearly both for Generic and branded drugs. The discount offered shall remain valid during th e entire period of contract. 2. The contract will remain valid for one year and can be extended on suc- cessful completion of of contract on the approval of Medical Superintendent and acceptance by the contractor. 3. The medicines are to be supplied on the same day and not later than 24 hours from the time of order. 4. The time limit to supply the medicines can be extended by the Medical Su- perintendent. In any case the contractor shall ensure supply within the pre- scribed time of 24 hours /same day. 5. The supply order normally will be intended however, the vendor has to honour the demand on telephonic message also and the order can be collected subsequently. 6. The supply has to be made on all days including Sundays/holidays and dur- ing night hours in case the medicines are required on emergent situation. 7. ESIC shall not provide any space to store the drugs. It shall be the duty of the contractor to store enough stocks of medicines to meet the supply of the hospital both in terms of quantity and delivery time. 8. The contractor shall supply only generic medicines unless branded medi- cines are specifically intended by the hospital. 9. Bills shall be submitted along with the medicines seperately for generic and branded items.
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