Wednesday, July 25, 1962 TORRANCE PR E S i Pog«C-11 FINANCE RESALES Automobile- for SaU *-J 'Vutomobiles for Sale 200 Automobiles lor iilo 200 Automobiles for silo 200 Automobile* for Salt 2<H> Automobile* for Sale 200 Automobiles for sale 200 Wont Private Parties to Take Over the Following Units '61 MODELS '58 MODELS Scott Robinson Pontiac LANCER 7-door hardtop. If no FORD Station Waeon. If no cash ceth pay $23.47 mo. and assume pay $19.*0 mo. and' assume bal­ WE WON'T SELL balance of $15C2.«7. ance Of $149.1$. OFFERS THE VALIANT 4-dr. V-200. If no cash pay $22.92 mo. and assume Bal­ FORD 2-dr. hardtop. If no cash ance of 11411.34. pay $11.14' mo. and assume bal­ VALIANT 2-df. V-100. l« no cash ance. pax *! .« mo. and assume bal­ TERRIFIC TEMPEST A USED CAR ... ance of S1342.M. PLYMOUTH Station Waeon. if RAMSLIR Station Wat on. If no. no cash pay $19.40 mo. and as­ ON TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET WITHOUT A GUARANTEE cash pay J2145 mo. and assume sume balance of $492.12. balance of lUM.JO. FORD THUNDERBIRD^-Arr bids I YEAR END PRICES NOW! - BUY NOW AND SAVE EVERY CAR ON OUR LOT HAS A '60 MODELS accepted. ; VALIANT 4-df. If no cash pey 1-YEAR GUARANTEE if.tj mo. and assume balance PONTIAC 2 dr. hardtop. If no I $114».SO. tUgm^^^^^F^^ff^^BP^Ntfma* DODGE 1-dr. If no ce»h pay cash pay $1$.20 mo. and assume w »J mo. and assume balance balance of $1041.10. Of $134».»0. Check These Low Prices! FORD Retractable 2-dr. hardtop. ' it no cash pay $20.90 mo. and '59 MODELS assume balance ef $9$2.17. 1954 PONTIAC 2-Door Hardtop $ 280 OODOE J-dr. If no catn MV 27.30 mo. and assume balanca of fl04f.M. '57 MODELS 1962 TEMPEST 1962 TEMPEST 1960 COMET 4-Door .............................__.......... 1570 PLYMOUTH Fury 1-dr. hardtop. PLYMOUTH 4-dr. If no cash pay If no cash pay W.40 mo. and $11.30 mo. and assume balance 4- DOOR SEDAN assume balance of $12*0.40. Of $3tl.40. Stock Number 14 1954 MERCURY Hardtop ....................................... 325 MERCURY Station Waaon. If no cash pay $21.40 mo. and assume DeSOTO Convertible. If no cash 1957 MERCURY Turnpike Cruiser 1175 balance of $12*0.32. pay 119.4) mo. and assume bal­ $ FORD Station Waien. If no cash anca ef I49l.il. DOWN DOWN pay »l».J4 mo. and assume bal­ O.A.C. O.A.C. 1959 MERCURY Montclair Hardtop........... 1650 ance Of $1230.21. DODGE ?-dr. hardtop. If no cash DOOOE Station Waeon. If n« pay $19.20 mo. and assume bal­ 129 129 Plus Tax, License and Prelenf cash pay »l».eo mo. and assume ance Of $410.40. Plus Tax, License and Frtleht 1961 MONZA 2-Door ..... 2050 balance of $1JJ».30. Includes: Includes: PLYMOUTH J-dr. If no cash PLYMOUTH 4-dr. If no cash Exterior decor eroue>, Le- whitewells, push button ra­ Mans custom option, push pay 111.40 mo. and assume bal­ pay $il.N mo. and assuma bal­ $69.90 Per Mo. dio, O.S. mirror, deluxe discs, 1955 MERCURY Montclair Hardtop..._. 550 ance ef $792.10. anca of $412.00. I button radio, dual wipes, O.S. rmrror, deluxe wheel discs, backup FORD Oalexte Hardtop. Air con- backup lites, tinted windshield, spare tire cover, crenkcase vent, 11 tit, tinted windshield, spare tire cover, crankcese vent white- ditionint. If no cash pay $21.*0 FORD 4-dr. If no cash pay $10.91 i exterior decor eroup, custom Interior trim, 3 speed stick. wells Tempest-Torque 140. 1961 COMET 4-Dr Deluxe ......__.................. 1850 mo. and assume balance of mo. and assume balance of. $590.02. i STEP UP TO A PONTIAC TEMPEST TODAY 1961 CADILLAC Convertible ........................... 4800 TRANSPORTATION CROUP 1958 CHEVROLET 4-Door .................................... 900 'MDeSOTO 4-Door •U PLYMOUTH Station WOtOH ********** '14 OLD! 2-door Hardtop 'JS OLDS 3-door Hardtop $4 PLYMOUTH 4-dOor 5$ CHRYSLER Station WafOft "CREAM OF THE CROP" USED CAR BUYS 1957 PLYMOUTH 2-Door ........... 650 M DODGE 9-deor Hardtop 'S3 PONTIAC 2-door Hardtop '54 DODGE 1-door '55 DeSOTO J-door Hardtop '59 HILLMAN '57 FORD '60 FORD 1961 LINCOLN Continental 4-Door 4800 '** MMer Hereto* '$3 DODGE 3-door Convertible'. Fire engine red, white top, red Ranch Wanon. Beautiful 7-tone with match- Starllner Hardtop COUM. ilue witn white 14 CHtV. I-deer •n WILLYS 4-door leatherette. Bucket seats, 4-speed transmis­ in« Interior. Pordometic, radio, heater, top. Crulseomatlc> power steerine end sion, radio, heater. Local one-owner car 14 RAMtLIt Station Waion '$1 BUICK 4-doer whitewalis. Original throughout. Extra nice. brakes, radio, neater, whltewells. Local i 1959 EDSEL 2-Door ...................................................... 850 With only 25,000 actual miles. A cream owner car. 15,000 actual miles. A cream puff. ALL LOW PAYMINTS $795 puff. 1957 DODGE 2-Door Hanho?_____ 1100 All Credit Acctpttd $1895 1957 FORD 4-Door ,..:........,.,...... ._...._ 875 '59 BUICK '59 PONTIAC lectra "MS" Sedan. Medium blue finish, Star Chief Hardtop sedan. Hydratnatie, '58 FORD afunnlnf J-tone blue Interior. Ovnatlow, ra­ power tteerinv and brakes, radio, heetor, 1957 FORD Convertible ...--... ^.. 950 whltewall tire*. FACTORY AIR CONDI­ Pickup truck. Blue and white, metch- dio, heater/ power steerinq, brakes and ln» Interior. Pordomatle, radio and heater, Pacific Acceptance Co. windows. Whitewalis. A flawless car. Lux- TIONING. Extra tharn. custom eao. Looks and runs like new. A wry «t low price. *Mff, 1958 MERCURY 4-Door......._____ 1150 MR. TALiEUT $1995 $2095 DA 8-1410 $1195 1957 MERCURY Hardtop. ............... .__..... 940 '60 PONTIAC '59 STUDEBAKCft 1956 CHEVROLET Bel Air Hdrcfop 875 Venture Hardtop Sedan. Strlkini aold mist Lark station wagon. Radio, whltewaiis, full '58 VOLKSWAGEN finish with full leatherette interior. Hydra- leatherette Interior, stick shift with thrifty overdrive transmission. Exceptionally clean. 4-speed transmission, heater, leatherette, matiC/ power stearin* and brakes, radio, bucket Mats, extra sharp. 1957 CHEVROLET Bel Air Hardtop 1150 heater, whitewalis. Local one-owner car. $2395 $1195 $1095 /Most Are Deluxe Models and Fully Equipped TORRANCE '58 CHEVROLET V-8 '59 FORD Galaxie Hardtop Sedan. Polar white, con­ '56 PONTIAC Impale sport Coupe, stick thift, bit entlne, Safari station waton. Hydreamtic, radio, COME IN TODAY OPEN EVENINGS candy apple red finish, contrastint Interior. trasting trim, cruiseomatlc, power tteerine, radio, heater, whltewllls. AIR CONDITION­ neater, power sfeerina, whitewalis. Hard Radio, heeter, whitawall*. This one won't to-find model. Hurv for this one. last lone. ING. One of the best around. A steal. NO SUNDAY SELLING PRESS CLASSIFIED ADS $1495 $1495 $795 FREE 12,000 MILE OR 12 MONTHS WARRANTY ON THESE USED CARS CABRILLO MOTORS LINCOLN MERCURY We Also Have a SELECT Stock of All Other Mokes and Models! T850S. PACIFIC AVE. DO THE UOB AT A SAN PEDRO TE 3-3577 SCOTT ROBINSON PONTIAC LOW COST Your Local Authorized Pontioc-Tempest Dealer 20340 Hawthorne Blvd., Tor ranee Open Evenings and Sunday DA 5-1515 New Car Phone Service Department Open Monday Nights Used Car Phone -PRESS WANT ADS DA 5-1515 FR 1-3521 'til 9:30 p.m. for Your Convenience. Closed Sat. 371-3525 Now Is Your Opportunity To Make a Good Car Buy VACATION TIME BARGAIN BUYS Brand New Cars or Guaranteed Used Cars l BE A HAPPY DRIVER ... CHECK THESE BARGAIN CAR BUYS TODAY i MEET Mr. Frank NEW 1962 Boothe Fleet Sales Manager of AL ORTALE RAMBLER VALIANT Frank it a member of the inlet NEW PONTIAC-TEMPEST team that wen lit place in Refn6l«f'« All '61 Models Must Be Sold May-June and July teles centetl. FRANK BOOTHE Trade-ins at Fully Th« content it ov«r, *ayi Frank but our willinfncti Equipped 1899 and «xt«nd«f| offortt to place you in tho Rambltr of your choice shall continue. Pleate call on mo at Plus Tax and License SAVE $ $ $ any time, it's a privilege to a»ii»t you. LOW, LOW PRICES "REMEMBER, AT AL ORTALE RAMBLER YOU ARE TREATED AS THOUGH YOU ARE EXPECTED TO GLEDHILL CHEVROLET RETURN AGAIN—AND USUALLY DO." FRANK REIMAN CARL'S MOTORS PONTIAC CENTER 1200N. Avolon Wiimington 304 Eoit Anaheim Wilmington AL ORTALE RAMBLER 412 West Anaheim Wiimington TE 5-3131 Open Eves. Til 9 p.m. 188S TORRANCP BLVD. PA 8-9222 TE 4-3491- Open Evenings and Sunday 2061T HAWTHORNE BLVD. FR 1-1244 Open Evenings and Sundays PUBLIC NOTICE elences Art Owme en Th»je C«rj We Must Diipoi* of Immediately. BIG '61 Chrytltr 300, air-cond. '51 Detfgt 2-Door '56 CHEVROLET HARDTOP '58 Ford 2-Door Hardtop '61 Lanctr 2-Door (Lie. KJY 31$) Take eVer wltl» in c»*t> iust MY 17. » per week with ne ether cesfc '57 Chevrolet 4-Door end atsimM «n unpaid Balance. '60 Ford Ranchtro NEW AND USED CAR '56 Dodgt 2-Door '60 Falcon 4 Door '61 FALCON SEDAN '56 Chovrolot 2-Door (Lie. WN 7M) Teke ever wirn WT cesh, loir ply $7.n p*r week ne ether eat* '40 Villant '55 Plymouth 4-Door RAM8LERS-WE HAVE VEM end assume en unpaid fcalance. '59 Plymouth Convertible SALE '15 Ford Station Wagon '59, '60 end '61 Sedans and Wogoni '56 OLDSMOBILE HARDTOP '59 Ford Station Wagon '55 Do Soto 2-Door Hdtp. (tic. LOW Ml) Take ever wit* 134 ce»h, lust pay tr.tt per week wiMi M other eat* NOW IN PROGRESS end essume an unpaid balance.
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