BEGREAT Pretoria North CHRISTIAN)$0,/<CHURCH H/v Braam Pretorius & Ficus Str. (ingang), Annlin 8:00 Afrikaans 10:00 Engels Kinderkerk beide dienste MARCH 15, 2019 • www.rekordnorth.co.za • 012-842-0300 KOM ONTVANG JOU GENESING 14762/15-3-19 Visit our website for breaking Man charged in young Police operation nabs New career for woman local, national and international news. actor’s stabbing death 2 over 100 suspects 3 after husband’s funeral 5 www.rekordnorth.co.za Relay race event helps cancer survivors Cansa held a Relay For Life event under the theme “Together we can” for cancer survivors in Pretoria West on Saturday evening. The event was held to celebrate and honour survivors and inspire those affected by the disease. In the photo are Caroline Huyser, Magda Jordaan and Ferdie Lottering. Photo: Reitumetse Mahope Go to page 8 for more info and photos of the event. Cheated out of thousands Keitumetse Maako husband owed R2 370 in outstanding was a bathroom,” Oberholster said. “He took it and started walking off with fines.” Insult was added to injury when she it. I stopped him and asked him to return The Tshwane metro has warned the public This amount, however, was not printed and her husband spotted a sign which it,” Buckley said. against alleged conmen operating at the out on the documents which the man said the licensing department did not The other would-be conman assured the Akasia licensing office in the north of handed the couple due to “technical accept any cash. couple – who are in their 70s – that they Pretoria. difficulties”, as he explained. Last month, an elderly Waverley couple were from the licensing office and merely This after an elderly couple were cheated “He said he would almost fell victim to checking if they had outstanding fines. out of more than R2 000 at the centre last not give us back He said he would the same trick. “I insisted he return the licence as I did week Wednesday. the licence unless “Upon arriving in not trust him.” Magdeleen Oberholster said she and her we paid the whole not give us back my licence the parking area at The Buckleys then went to wait in the husband paid the alleged conman R2 370 amount in cash.” unless we paid the whole the centre, two men queue. when he told them there were outstanding Oberholster said came to our car,” “In the queue, we heard other people fines in her husband’s name. she and her husband amount in cash. Brian Buckley told speak of similar incidents,” he said. “The man approached us in the centre’s then went to a nearby Rekord. In a statement this week, the metro parking area and asked us why we were ATM to withdraw the money. “They told us they were from the centre warned residents against strangers who there,” Oberholster told Rekord. “When we gave him the money, he and wanted to know whether we had the were not behind the counter at a designated Oberholster told the man they were there handed us back the licence; however, required photos and any outstanding traffic service point. to renew her husband’s driver’s licence. I refused to leave without seeing him pay fines. “None of our staff provide any service The man then asked for the old licence the money in at the centre.” “I told them we had the photos and outside the offices of the centre,” said so he could “check” whether there were She then followed him into the building assured them that we did not have any Tshwane metro spokesperson Lindela outstanding fines on it. until he told her to wait outside a door so outstanding traffic fines.” Mashigo. “He went inside the building for a while,” he could bring her a receipt. He said one of the would-be conmen He advised the public to report anyone said Oberholster. “After waiting for a while, I asked around asked his wife, Naomi, for her driver’s who pretended to be officials from the “When he came back, he told us my what was behind the door and I was told it licence. licensing centre. '58*$1'$/&2+2/5(+$%,/,7$7,21&(175( Pz R Tuesday Specialrigger 80 izza with a Rusty T Any P t Beery Lager Craf T’s & C’s appl Adults above 18 yrs & “We got our lives back from addiction, Adolescents (12-18 yrs) thanks to Clearview Clinic.” Are you or a loved one struggling with Heroin | Cocaine | Khat | Nyaope | Alcohol | Tranquilizers or any other drugs of addiction? 330ml RUSTY TRIGGER LET US HELP YOU. RECOVERY IS POSSIBLE. LAGER ABV 4.5% 24 012 819 1422 7 061 424 1939 072 399 9326 ACCEPTS ALL MEDICAL AIDS Plot 79 , Bosuil Rd, Roodeplaat www.clearviewclinicsa.co.za Pretoria , 0035 * Licensed with the Dept of Health and Social Development Practice no: 0470000427942 14558/15-3-19 14730/15-03-19 2 PRETORIA NORTH REKORD MARCH 15, 2019 NEWS www.rekordnorth.co.za Man charged with city actor’s murder The 25-year-old actor was laid to rest at the weekend after being stabbed to death two weeks ago. Like what you read? Keitumetse Maako was always happiness whenever he was Visit rekord- north.co.za at home. for more The man arrested for his alleged “There was no way we wouldn’t be local news. involvement in the killing of Matwetwe laughing,” she said. actor Sibusiso Khwinana is to remain Thandeka said she was proud of behind bars until May 2019. Khwinana when he showed her the three The follows his first appearance in the international flight tickets of countries he Pretoria Magistrate’s Court earlier this would be travelling to. Khwinana’s sister Thandeka week. “You showed me and our siblings the struggled to hold back the “He is charged with murder, robbery path,” she said. tears when she poured with aggravating circumstances and She was heartbroken and “could not flowers into his grave. contravention of the Immigrant’s describe the pain she was feeling”. Act,” said NPA spokesperson Phindi “I will make all the plans we had, Louw. including those for Mom and The man, who cannot be Dad, a reality,” she said. named as yet, will be back in Local comedian, court on 17 May. writer and director “We requested an order of the Matwetwe from the court for his name movie in which and photographs not be Khwinana starred, published because we still Kagiso Lediga, said need to hold an ID parade,” Khwinana was killed Louw explained. by “inequality”. “We do not want to jeopardise “He walked out of this case.” Sterland Mall and the She said the man appeared people who killed him in court before an ID parade were desperate. could be held because the law “They did not have stipulated an arrested suspect must anything and they thought appear in court within 48 hours of okay, he’s got a phone. I am his or her arrest. going to take that phone and “There is nothing which stops us make a better life for myself. from holding an ID parade after a “I think it is the desperation that person has appeared in court.” there is not enough to go around,” News of the man’s arrest was said Ledigo. made public by police minister Khwinana was stabbed to death General Bheki Cele during in a fight after he was robbed of Khwinana’s funeral service in his phone on 1 March 2019. Soshanguve at the weekend. He was with his friend and “Out of the three suspects identified, Matwetwe co-star Tebatso we have arrested one and we are Mashishi. The two were leaving chasing the other two.” a screening of the film when Cele questioned why Police minister General they were robbed by three Khwinana was stabbed and Bheki Cele was at men. killed after the robber took Khwinana’s funeral Matwetwe follows a his phone. service to bid his character played by Khwinana “If you have taken the phone farewell to the rising star. and his friend (played by – what then is this?” he asked. Mashishi) on their post-high Actors, family and friends Cele said the nation was “sick and crazy”. school journey of navigating life in the carried Khwinana’s coffin to Khwinana’s younger sister Thandeka, township as they hustle their way along. the hearse which drove him who struggled to hold back her tears as she The movie is based in Atteridgeville, west to the Zandfontein cemetery. spoke during the funeral service, said there of Pretoria. JOE F 6$ͬVVPDUWHVW DAGDROOM MOONSHINE SUSURSHUW\DSSRSHUW\S UW\ D SA IRISH PIPE 4 & DRUMS CHRIS CHAMELEON 2OG'HVLJQ PROMOS ON THE DAY AND MORE... GO GREEN! 1HZ'HVLJQ CELEBRATION | 20 MARCH 2019 From 16H00 till late | Entrance R100.00 pp | PRIZES FOR BEST DRESSED 7LQQLWXV 5LQJLQJLQWKHHDUV 14644/15-03-19 +HDULQJ$LG5HSDLUV6HUYLFH www.shamrockspretoria.co.za | 012 542 2357 NH8316 14831 3DLGLQ)XOOE\PRVW0HGLFDO$LGV &RQWDFWXV 3XEOLVKHU &RGHRI&RQGXFW $XGLW *URXS(GLWRU 5HNRUGLVRZQHGDQGSXEOLVKHGE\&DSLWDO 7KLVQHZVSDSHUKDVFRPPLWWHGLWVHOIWRUHSRUW 7KHGLVWULEXWLRQRIWKLV 6XQHWWH9LVVHUHGLWRU#UHNRUGFR]D 0HGLD2USHQ$YH/\GLDQD3UHWRULD QHZVWUXWKIXOO\DQGDFFXUDWHO\DQGWRSXEOLVK $%&QHZVSDSHULV DQGSULQWHGE\&D[WRQ3ULQWHUVD FRPPHQWWKDWLVIDLULQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHKLJKHVW LQGHSHQGHQWO\DXGLWHG 7HO $GYHUWLVLQJ0DQDJHU GLYLVLRQRI&73/LPLWHG:ULJKW6WUHHW VWDQGDUGVRIMRXUQDOLVPDVVHWRXWLQWKH3UHVV WRWKHSURIHVVLRQDO 6DELQH*RRGZLQVDELQH#UHNRUGFR]D ,QGXVWULD$OOULJKWVDQGWKHUHSURGXFWLRQRI &RGHRI6RXWK$IULFD&RPSODLQWVWKDWWKLVFRGH VWDQGDUGVDGPLQLVWUDWHG $GGUHVV 2USHQ$YH DOOUHSRUWVSKRWRJUDSKVGUDZLQJVDQGDOO KDVEHHQEUHDFKHGPD\EHORGJHGZLWKWKHRI¿FH E\WKH$XGLW%XUHDXRI /\GLDQD3UHWRULD 'LVWULEXWLRQGLVWULEXWLRQ#UHNRUGFR]D PDWHULDOVSXEOLVKHGLQWKLVQHZVSDSHUDUH RIWKH3UHVV2PEXGVPDQ:ULWWHQFRPSODLQWVZLWK &LUFXODWLRQVRI6RXWK KHUHE\UHVHUYHGLQWHUPVRI6HFWLRQ DFRS\RIWKHUHSRUWFRQFHUQHGPD\EHVHQWWRWKH $IULFD RIWKH&RS\ULJKW$FW1RRIDQG SUHVV2PEXGVPDQ )D[ RUHPDLO 7RWDOZHHNO\GLVWULEXWLRQ DQ\DPHQGPHQWVWKHUHRI SUHVVRPEXGVPDQ#RPEXGVPDQRUJ]D 13626 www.rekordnorth.co.za NEWS PRETORIA NORTH REKORD MARCH 15, 2019 3 Police operation nets over 100 suspects ‘I am deeply saddened by the recent upsurge in many criminal activities that have gripped Gauteng.
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