Recommended Plant List for the Pleasanton Area (Adapted from WUCOLS III) H2O Type Botanical Name Common Name Size Comments Use VL = very low H2O use, L = low H2O use, M = moderate H2O use, RW = reclaimed water / salt tolerant, cvs. = cultivars Trees T-1 Acacia stenophylla eumong/shoestring acacia VL small T-2 Acer palmatum & cvs. Japanese maple M small T-3 Acer pseudoplatanus sycamore maple M med. RW T-4 Acer rubrum & cvs. red maple M med. T-5 Aesculus californica California buckeye VL med. T-6 Afrocarpus gracilior (Podocarpus gracilior) African fern pine M small T-7 Albizia julibrissin silk tree L small salt sensitive T-8 Alnus cordata Italian alder M med. T-9 Araucaria araucana monkey puzzle tree L large T-10 Araucaria bidwillii bunya-bunya L large large area T-11 Arbutus 'Marina' Marina arbutus L med. RW, avoid clay T-12 Arbutus unedo strawberry tree L small RW, avoid clay T-13 Azara microphylla box leaf azara M small shade T-14 Brachychiton populneus bottle tree L med. T-15 Callistemon viminalis weeping bottle brush L small RW T-16 Calocedrus decurrens incense cedar M large T-17 Carpinus betulus European hornbeam M med. T-18 Casuarina cunninghamiana river she-oak L large RW T-19 Casuarina srticta (Allocasuarina verticillata) Coast Beefwood L small RW T-20 Catalpa bignonioides bean tree M large T-21 Catalpa speciosa western catalpa L large T-22 Cedrus atlantica Atlas cedar M med. T-23 Cedrus deodora deodar cedar L large RW, large area T-24 Celtis australis European hackberry L med. T-25 Celtis occidentalis common hackberry L med. T-26 Celtis sinensis Chinese hackberry L med. salt sensitive T-27 Ceratonia siliqua (Male trees only) carob L med. RW, avoid clay, male only T-28 Cercis canadensis eastern redbud M med. T-29 Cercis occidentalis western redbud VL small RW T-30 Cercis reniformis Oaklahoma redbud L ? small RW T-31 Chitalpa tashkentensis 'Morning Cloud' & 'Pink Dawn' white & pink chitalpa L small T-32 Cinnamomum camphora camphor tree M large T-33 Citrus spp. orange, lemon etc. M small T-34 Cornus florida eastern dogwood M small T-35 Cupressus arizonica (Hesperocyparis arizonica) Arizona cypress VL med. salt sensitive T-36 Cupressus forbsii (Hesperocyparis forbesii) Tecate cypress L small T-37 Cupressus macnabiana (Hesperocyparis macnabiana) MacNab cypress VL med. T-38 Cupressus sempervirens Italian cypress - full form L large T-39 Cupressus sempervirens 'Fastigiata', 'Stricta' Italian cypress L tall RW T-40 Eriobotrya deflexa bronze loquat M small T-41 Eriobotrya japonica loquat L small T-42 Eucalyptus camaldulensis red gum L large large area T-43 Eucalyptus nicholii Nichol's willow leaf peppermint L med. T-44 Eucalyptus polyanthemos silver dollar gum, red box L large large area T-45 Eucalyptus sargentii Salt River mallet L med. RW T-46 Eucalyptus stellulata black sallee L med. T-47 Eucalyptus torquata coral gum L small T-48 Feijoa sellowiana (Acca sellowiana) pineapple guava M small T-49 Fraxinus americana 'Autum Purple' white ash M large T-50 Fraxinus angustifolia 'Raywood' (F. oxycarpa) Raywood ash M med. RW T-51 Fraxinus uhdei "Majestic Beauty' evergreen ash M large semi-evg., for large area T-52 Fraxinus velutina "Rio Grande' Fan-Tex-Ash M large salt sensitive T-53 Ginkgo biloba maiden hair tree M large salt sensitive T-54 Juglans hindsii California black walnut M large T-55 Juglans regia English walnut M large T-56 Juniperus scopulorum cvs. Rocky Mountain juniper L small T-57 Juniperus spp. juniper L small T-58 Koelreuteria bipinnata Chinese flame tree M med. RW T-59 Lagerstroemia spp., hybrids and cvs. crape myrtle L small bio -swale bank Page 1 of 10 T-60 Laurus nobilis sweet bay L small RW T-61 Laurus 'Saratoga' Saratoga laurel L small RW T-62 Leptospermum 'Dark Shadows' dark shadows tea tree L small RW T-63 Leptospermum laevigatum Australian tea tree L small RW T-64 Liquidambar styraciflua sweet gum M med. salt sensitive T-65 Liriodendron tulipifera tulip tree M large T-66 Magnolia doltsopa (Michelia doltsopa) wong-lan M small T-67 Magnolia gradiflora hybrids ('St. Mary's, others) hybrid magnolias M small &medium T-68 Magnolia grandiflora southern magnolia M large large areas T-69 Magnolia X soulangiana saucer magnolia M small T-70 Malus hybrids crabapple M small T-71 Maytenus boaria mayten tree M small RW, avoid clay T-72 Melaleuca bracteata 'Revolution Green' river tea tree L small RW T-73 Melaleuca decussata totem poles (lilac melaleuca) VL med. T-74 Melaleuca linariifolia flax leaf paper bark L small RW T-75 Melaleuca styphelioides prickly-leaved paperback L large T-76 Morus alba white mulberry M med. salt sensitive T-77 Nyssa sylvatica sour gum/tupelo M med. T-78 Olea europaea 'Swan Hill" & fruitless varieties European olive VL small RW T-79 Parkinsonia aculeata Mex. palo verde/ Jerusalem thorn VL small T-80 Picea pungens Colorado spruce M large T-81 Pinus brutia (P. halepensis brutia) Calabrian pine L med. RW T-82 Pinus brutia ssp. Eldarica (Pinus bruria elderica) eldarica pine L med. RW T-83 Pinus canariensis Canary Island pine L large RW T-84 Pinus eldarica (See P brutia spp. eldarica) L med. RW, avoid clay T-85 Pinus halepensis Aleppo pine L med. RW T-86 Pinus muricata bishop pine M large T-87 Pinus nigra Austrian black pine M med. avoid clay T-88 Pinus pinea Italian stone pine VL large RW, could be invasive T-89 Pinus roxburghii chir pine M large T-90 Pinus sylvestris Scots pine M large T-91 Pinus thunbergii Japanese black pine M large RW T-92 Pistacia chinensis & Var. ('Kieth Davies') Chinese pistache L large salt sensitive T-93 Pittosporum angustifolium (Pittosporum phillyraeoides) willow pittosporum M small T-94 Pittosporum crassifolium tarata M small T-95 Pittosporum eugenioides tarata M small tree or shrub T-96 Pittosporum tenuifolium and cvs. tawhiwhi M small tree or shrub T-97 Platanus acerifiolia 'Bloodgood' (Platanus x hispanica and cvs.) London plane M large salt sensitive, avoid clay T-98 Platanus racemosa California sycamore M large salt sensitive ? T-99 Podocarpus macrophyllus yew pine M small T-100 Populus alba 'Pyramidalis' bolleana poplar M med. salt sensitive T-101 Populus fremontii western cottonwood M large bio-swale, large areas T-102 Prunus caroliniana Carolina laurel cherry L small T-103 Prunus cerasifera 'Atropurpurea' purple leaf plum M med. RW T-104 Prunus ilicifolia holly leaf cherry L small RW T-105 Prunus ilicifolia lyonii Catalina cherry L small RW T-106 Prunus lusitanica Portugal laurel M small T-107 Prunus sargentii Sargent cherry M small T-108 Prunus spp. cherry flowering cherry M small T-109 Prunus spp. plum flowering plum L small RW ? T-110 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas fir L large big area T-111 Pyrus calleryana cultivars flowering pear M med. T-112 Pyrus kawakamii evergreen pear M small T-113 Quercus agrifolia coast live oak VL large RW T-114 Quercus coccinea scarlet oak M large T-115 Quercus douglasii blue oak VL large T-116 Quercus ilex holly oak L med. RW, avoid clay T-117 Quercus kelloggii California black oak L large T-118 Quercus lobata valley oak L large RW, avoid clay T-119 Quercus palustris pin oak M large T-120 Quercus rubra red oak M large T-121 Quercus suber cork oak L large RW, avoid clay T-122 Quercus texana Texas red oak, Nuttall's Oak L large Bio-swale, likes clay T-123 Quercus virginiana southern live oak M large avoid clay, salt sensitive Page 2 of 10 T-124 Quercus wislizeni interior live oak VL large RW T-125 Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' majestic beauty L small T-126 Rhus lancea African sumac L med. T-127 Robinia x ambigua and cvs. 'Purple Robe' purple locust L med. RW T-128 Sambucus mexicana blue elderberry L small RW ? T-129 Sapium sebiferum (Triadica sebifera ) Chinese tallow tree M med. RW, could be invasive T-130 Schinus molle California pepper tree VL med. RW, could be invasive T-131 Sciadopitys verticillata Japanese umbrella pine M T-132 Sophora japonica Japanese pagoda tree M med. RW, avoid clay T-133 Sophora secundiflora Texas mountain laurel L salt sensitive T-134 Taxus baccata English yew M small T-135 Taxus baccata 'Fastigiata' (T.b. Stricta) Irish yew M small T-136 Taxus X media cvs. yew (media cvs.) M small shrub T-137 Tilia cordata little leaf linden M T-138 Tilia tomentosa silver linden L T-139 Ulmus 'Frontier' frontier elm L med. T-140 Ulmus parvifolia and cvs.. ( 'True Green') Chinese evergreen elm L med. RW, avoid clay T-141 Ulmus wilsoniana 'Prospector' prospector elm L med. T-142 Zelkova serrata saw leaf zelkova M large RW, avoid clay Palms P-1 Chamaerops humilis Mediterranean fan palm L RW P-2 Cycas revoluta sago palm M small palm or shrub P-3 Jubaea chilensis Chilean wine palm L P-4 Phoenix canariensis Canary Island date palm L RW P-5 Phoenix dactylifera date palm L RW P-6 Phoenix roebelenii pigmy date palm L P-7 Syagrus romanzoffiana queen palm L med. P-8 Trachycarpus fortunei windmill palm L salt sensitive P-9 Washingtonia filifera California fan palm L RW P-10 Washingtonia robusta Mexican fan palm L RW Shrubs S-1 Abelia floribunda Mexican abelia M S-2 Abelia x grandiflora and cvs. glossy abelia M S-3 Acacia cultriformis knife acacia L S-4 Acacia redolens & cvs.
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