****************ECRWSS***** PRSRT. STD. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Elmwood, Illinois Permit No. 13 Friday Carrier Route Presort September 3, 2021 The Prairie News RURAL BOXHOLDER Vol. 19, No. 30 LOCAL P.O. BOXHOLDER Hot news tip? “The Voice of Stark and eastern Henry counties” Want to advertise? Serving the fine communities of Wyoming, Toulon, Bradford, Duncan, Galva, LaFayette, Stark, Speer, FREE! Call (309) 286-2185 Castleton, Bishop Hill, Camp Grove, Princeville, Edelstein, Laura, West Jersey, Monica, Elmira, Modena, Saxon, Lawn Ridge, Broadmoor, Compliments of Elmore, Lombardville, Milo and rural customers at Kewanee and Williamsfield. Our Fine Advertisers! ORGANIST RETIRES Fall Fest returns with McKean several new events By JOHN A. BALLENTINE There are events for chil- retires after For The Prairie News dren that includes “Kid WYOMING – The Stark games in the Park” from 1 to 26 years County Fall Festival is just 2 p.m. on Sept. 18 and the around the corner and, as al- children’s tractor pull at 3:30 By ANGIE STANGE ways, it is set for the third p.m. that same day on the For The Prairie News weekend of September, basketball court. Also sched- BRADFORD – An era has which is the 18th and 19th of uled is an obstacle course for ended at St. John the Baptist Cath- the month. the pedal tractors on the bas- olic Church. Events available this year ketball court at approx- Last Sunday, Aug. 29, was the at Thomas Park, in Wyo- imately 10 a.m. last service that church members ming, range from a dog pag- A Dog Pageant will be held got to enjoy the music of Mary eant at 2 p.m. Sept. 18 to a at the bandstand at 2 p.m. in McKean as their parish organist. church service presented by the park with T-Photography McKean has served as parish or- the Gathering Church at taking photos before the ganist, soloist and choir director 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 19. event. Bring a bag of dog for the past 26 years. In between there are plenty food to donate and receive a McKean started taking piano of sights to see and vendors, free 5x7 photo of your pet. lessons when she was eight years Mary McKean played the organ for the final time last Sunday at St. John the Bap- plus exhibits. Peking Foods tist Catholic Church in Bradford. Photo by Angie Stange. Additionally, Yer Kiln Me old. She said music was always will again be serving a menu will be giving all participants heard in the background when chorus when she was 12. When in front of the church. of Chinese food including the a free dog print tile. growing up, as both of her parents she was 14, her music director According to McKean, she eggrolls they are noted for, as Categories for the Dog enjoyed music. McKean said pulled her aside at church and told did a terrible job and it made her well as, Ruth’s Chops & Pageant are: Best Dressed, some of her earliest memories are her that since they had no one to mad. A perfectionist, she decided More, plus C & S Catering Best Look-Alike, Best Per- of her mother singing to her in a play the organ that day he wanted to show that she could play the will have Italian beef sand- sonality, and Best Manners. rocking chair. Mary to play. McKean said that he organ and so she took organ les- wiches for sale. Wyoming’s Signups can be done by con- Mary learned to play the piano literally pulled her out of her pew sons for a year to learn the pedals, Chamber of Commerce will tacting Heather Hamilton and accompanied junior high and over to the organ, which was Continued on Page 2 have corn fritters for sale, through Facebook Messenger too. Continued on Page 2 Fire destroys West Jersey home By JOHN A. BALLENTINE emergency call at approx- what they could of the Pe- For The Prairie News imately 7:20 a.m. The terson’s possessions later WEST JERSEY – An Toulon Fire Company, that morning, but they had early morning gutted the along with the fire depart- to place a second call for rural home of Terry and ments from Wyoming and the Toulon Fire Company Crystal Peterson this past LaFayette, were dis- when it was believed that Monday, Aug. 30. Terry patched to the scene. the fire had rekindled. was at home when the Stark County Ambu- Injuries to Terry Peter- fire, which is believed to lance Service was also have started in the laundry called to the scene in ad- son were unspecified at room, erupted. Crystal dition to Deputy Sheriff this time, although it is was at work when the fire Gary Bent of the Stark believed that he received occurred. County Sheriff’s Office. burns to one of his hands. The Stark County Sher- Family and friends were He received medical treat- Shown is the Peterson house that still stands but was gutted by a fire early Monday morning, Aug. 30. iff’s Office received an attempting to salvage ment for the burns Photo by John A. Ballentine. Page 2 THE PRAIRIE NEWS • September 3, 2021 www.illinoisweeklies.com McKEAN: Started full time in 1995 Continued from Page 1 ing the couple’s older children. the stops and the diffferent techniques to In 1995, she started playing full time for use on an organ versus a piano. By then, Sunday masses and other special parish Mary was hooked and she loved it. events. Mary said her younger two chil- During high school she played for dren do not remember her sitting with the church weddings, funerals, graduations family at mass, as she was in the choir loft and accompanied the high school chorus. singing and playing the piano or organ. At 19, Mary met and married Pete As an expression of its appreciation, the McKean from Bradford. After marrying, parish honored Mary at a special they entered the Peace Corps for several breakfast and presented her with gifts and years. Upon returning to Bradford, Mary many thanks for her years of heavenly played part time for St. Johns while rais- music. FALL FEST: Features “Old Coots” Continued from Page 1 they will have artifacts Coots” segment, haircuts at the Stark County Fall from their childhoods. will be available for $15 by Festival Facebook page, or At 4:30, an announce- Rhyl, the local barber. during the day of the pag- ment of the winners of the There will be games for eant at 1:30 p.m. 2021 Lil Miss and Mr. the Newly and Not So Do you have a question Stark County Fall Festival Newly Wed contestants about the past? On Sunday contest will be made. The available from 2 to 4 p.m. from noon to 2 p.m. you selection will be made by Sunday. The Wyoming can “Ask an Old Coot!” A the public who will have a Lions’ Club will offer its small variety of hand se- chance to vote for their fa- “Pancakes in the Park” lected “Legends” will be vorite contestants. available from 7 a.m. to available to answer, plus Also, during the “Old noon on Sunday morning, which will be under the park’s pavilion. Here are all the sched- uled events: Saturday, Sept. 18 • 9 a.m. – Thomas Park opens with food and craft vendors and exhibits. • 10 a.m. – Kids’ Day opens with all free activ- ities: face painting, make and take crafts and more; Super Heroes in the Park; a petting zoo; inflatables; Pedal tractor obstacle course on the basketball court, plus register for the Tractor Pull with five age divisions: 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9- 10, and 11-12. • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. – Unique Twist balloons • 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. – T-Photography and Yer Kiln Me. • Noon to 2 p.m. – On stage band “Riverton Whiskey” will be playing. • 1 to 2 p.m. – Kids’ games in the Park. • 1:30 p.m. – Register for the 2021 Dog pageant. • 2 p.m. – Dog pageant at the band stand. • 2:30 p.m. – Register for the Kids’ Tractor Pull. • 3 p.m. – Band “River- ton Whiskey” plays again. • 3:30 p.m. – Kids’ trac- tor pull contest. • 4:30 p.m. – Announce- ment of the 2021 Lil Miss & Mr. Stark County Fall Festival winners. • 5 p.m. – Park closes. Sunday, Sept. 19 • 7 a.m. to Noon – Lions’ Club pancake breakfast. • 9 a.m. – Park opens: Food, crafts vendors, en- tertainment and exhibits. • 10:30 a.m. – Commu- nity Church Service (bring lawn chairs) by The Gath- ering Church. • Noon to 2 p.m. – Ask an Old Coot, plus haircuts. • 2 to 4 p.m. – New & Not so Newly Wed’s game. • 4 p.m. – End of Fall Festival. The Voice of Stark and eastern Henry Counties www.illinoisweeklies.com THE PRAIRIE NEWS • September 3, 2021 Page 3 PUBLIC RECORD Traffic citations & St. to speak to 8-27 - A 17-year-old Toulon subject a resident was issued a citation for speeding in Ordinance violations about a lost the 1000 block of SW 2nd St. 8-28 - Emma A. Corkill - Driving cat. 8-29 - Rachel Rawlings, 36, Galva, 21-25 mph above limit. 8-25 - to the was issued a citation for operating an 8-28 - Madelyn L. Wilson - Speed- 600 block of uninsured vehicle in the 100 block of ing 26-34 mph over the limit. Industrial 8-28 - Pablo X.
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