January 23, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 153, Pt. 2 2017 There being no objection, the mate- Taylor Spink Award, the highest honor passed out of the Senate last week, in- rial was ordered to be printed in the awarded by the Baseball Writers Asso- cludes the most sweeping ethics reform RECORD, as follows: ciation of America. measures since Watergate. JOURNAL ARTICLE PRAISES VA HEALTH The great sportswriter, Red Smith, There is one point that I discussed CARE—SECRETARY NICHOLSON: FURTHER once said ‘‘There’s nothing to writing. and pushed forward during last year’s PROOF OF VA’S TOP QUALITY CARE All you do is sit down at a typewriter debate that I believe needs to again be WASHINGTON.—‘‘One of the most striking and open a vein.’’ He meant, of course, part of what we are doing now. Last examples of American health care success’’— that writing is not easy. Sports writing year I offered a sense-of-the-Senate that is one medical journal’s recent assess- can be particularly challenging, but amendment to make many of the re- ment of the health care system operated by when done well it can be some of the forms we have considered throughout the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). best journalistic writing there is. Rick this ethics debate apply to all branches The most recent tribute to VA’s health of Government. I am pleased that this care system came in an article in the med- Hummel does it well. ical journal Neurology. Those who know Hummel best call sense of the Senate was accepted and is ‘‘The quality of VA’s health care system is him the ‘‘Commish’’ a nickname he included in the underlying bill. recognized by medical professionals and, earned by organizing the newsroom’s During the debate last week, I filed most importantly, by veterans,’’ said Sec- softball and bowling league teams. an amendment, No. 71, which builds retary of Veterans Affairs Jim Nicholson. Over the years, the moniker has taken upon the principle behind this sense of ‘‘Repeatedly, the medical community holds on deeper meaning. Today, it serves as the Senate—that the standards em- up VA’s health care system as a model.’’ a nod to his extensive knowledge of the ployed in this bill should be the min- ‘‘The VA has achieved remarkable im- imum standards that guide the other provements in patient care and health out- game of baseball and as a tribute to his venerable career. branches of Government. I thought this comes, and is a cost-effective and efficient was a good amendment—in fact, a nec- organization,’’ according to the journal. For Rick Hummel was born and raised in example, the article cited VA’s comprehen- Quincy, IL. He graduated from Quincy essary amendment—that ought to be sive coverage and said it is especially suited High School in 1964, went on to earn a accepted into this bill. Unfortunately, to manage chronic disease. degree from the University of Missouri that did not happen. I have spoken Dr. Michael J. Kussman, VA’s Acting School of Journalism, and then served with some of my colleagues and under- Under Secretary for Health, said the article in the U.S. Army for 3 years. stand that though there is general sup- underscores the Department’s commitment port for the principle that ethics stand- to high quality patient care. Hummel joined the staff of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1971. At the ards in the executive branch should be ‘‘This shows that VA’s health system is as stringent as those made applicable recognized internationally as the benchmark Post-Dispatch, he learned the ropes, as for health care services,’’ Dr. Kussman said. many sportswriters do, by covering by this bill, some of my colleagues be- ‘‘It further demonstrates that our commit- high school athletics. Hummel was lieve the provisions of this amendment ment to high quality care is benefiting the given his first chance to write about warrant further evaluation. Though I men and women who have earned the best the World Champion St. Louis Car- am disappointed this amendment will possible care through service to our coun- dinals in 1973. By 1978, covering the not be included on this bill, I respect try.’’ and appreciate the importance and Cardinals was Hummel’s full-time job. The Neurology article is the second recent value of committee evaluation and will He spent the next 24 years as a beat re- study citing the quality of VA health care. look forward to working on this issue porter and continues to write for the In December, a comprehensive study by Har- as that committee process proceeds. vard Medical School said federal and mili- Post-Dispatch as a regular columnist. Mr. LIEBERMAN. I would like to tary hospitals, such as those run by the VA, Hummel is passionate about baseball, provide the best care available anywhere for thank my friend and colleague from but as a writer he is known for his un- Nebraska for bringing this amendment some of the most common life-threatening complicated style and humility, as well illnesses. and important issue forward. The Sen- In 2006, VA received the prestigious ‘‘Inno- as his ability to work with players, ate Committee on Homeland Security vations in American Government’’ Award coaches, and managers alike. and Governmental Affairs has jurisdic- from Harvard’s Kennedy School of Govern- Hummel was nominated for a Pul- tion over these issues which impact the ment for its advanced electronic health itzer Prize in 1980 and the National executive branch. As chairman of that records and performance measurement sys- Sportswriters and Sportscasters Asso- committee, I can appreciate that this tem. ciation named him Missouri Sports- amendment warrants more thorough Mr. AKAKA. I yield the floor. writer of the Year on four separate oc- evaluation and deliberation. Later this The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- casions. Now as the 57th winner of the year, the committee will consider the ator from Massachusetts. J.G. Taylor Spink Award, presented reauthorization of the Office of Govern- Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, I annually for ‘‘meritorious contribu- ment Ethics—the executive branch’s thank the Senator, my friend from Ha- tions to baseball writing,’’ Hummel ethics arm. I look forward to working waii, for his excellent presentation. I will be recognized in a permanent ex- with my friend from Nebraska on the pay tribute to him for his extraor- hibit at the National Baseball Hall of issue throughout the year and as we dinary work on behalf of the veterans Fame. He joins such legendary sports- consider this reauthorization and other of this country. He has been the real writers as Red Smith, Ring Lardner, matters. leader in the Senate on this issue, par- Grantland Rice, and Damon Runyon. Mr. NELSON of Nebraska. I thank ticularly for those who have suffered I congratulate Rick Hummel on this my good friend from Connecticut. I ap- the wounds of war. He has been a tire- achievement and recognize his accom- preciate his thoughtfulness in this de- less advocate to make sure we get the plishments throughout his long and bate, and I look forward to discussing very best focus and attention to them. successful career. it further as his committee proceeds We have listened to him frequently. I f this year. hope the Senate will pay close atten- AMENDMENT NO. 71 TO S. 1 f tion to his words and his findings and his urging for this body. Mr. NELSON of Nebraska. Mr. Presi- UNI-CAPITOL WASHINGTON I thank him for his comments, as al- dent, as I have mentioned before, last INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME ways. year Washington was rocked by the Mr. CRAPO. Mr. President, as mod- f Abramoff scandal and other misdeeds. I ern communication makes our world am pleased that Congress has shown it increasingly smaller, linking global so- RECOGNIZING RICK HUMMEL is taking seriously its responsibility to cieties at unprecedented business, gov- Mr. DURBIN. Mr. President, I rise the American people by revisiting and ernment and social levels, it is critical today to honor one of our Nation’s fin- tightening the rules and laws that gov- that America and other democracies est sportswriters, Rick Hummel, and ern Members of the Senate. Many have worldwide engage in a process of ongo- congratulate him on receiving the J.G. said that S.1, which overwhelmingly ing co-education about the efforts and VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:59 Jun 06, 2017 Jkt 059102 PO 00000 Frm 00087 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BOOK 2\LOC FILES\BR23JA07.DAT BR23JA07 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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