WESTERN PACIFIC J~!!J~P'!JSls Vol. II , No.2 SEPTEMBER , 1950 Milepost No. 14 Department of Public Relations WESTERN PACIFIC RAILROAD SACRAMENTO NORTHERN RAILWAY TIDEWATER SOUTHERN RAILWAY 52b Mission Street, San Francisco 5 lee "Fla sh" Sherwood, Editor Arthur lloyd, Jr., Associate Editor Member American Railway Magazine Editors' Association Little does the average dining car months ago. The greater part of the patron realize the planning, prepa­ building is one story high, -96 feet in INDEX ration and organization that has length and 86 feet wide. A second story, Page preceded his being seated before a 38 x 42 feet in area, is located above Last Call for Dinner. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 comfortable and attractively arranged the southwest corner of the building, 10,11, 12, 13 table, while traveling across the coun­ and houses the commissary offices. The Circus Train Time Again tryside on one of today's modern trains, concrete floor slabs vary in thickness Sacramento Northern Goes to Dinner 14,15, 16 such as the California Zephyr. Such from five to seven inches, and rest on 17 matters as balanced menus, deft serv­ large rail- reinforced concrete beams, Mileposts in Gold ice, and other attributes to satisfy the which in turn rest upon a total of 69 Up the Ladder 18, 19,20 most critical gourmet, he takes for granted. But, not unlike any housewife, In Memoriam 20 the railroad commissary has many Carl W. Ellis Rctir s 21 problems, and the duties of the dining 21 car department's employees are nu­ WP Will Rem mb t" merous and varied. Don't B JIulr urI'! 22 Step behind the scenes for a moment, Caboo. ing . 23,24, 25,26,27,28, 29,30 where many hours and much effort Tho t '~ n .ood 1I1'st iOIl! 30 have been consumed in arranging to 31 feed a small army of travelers while New Til·ltl.' !, 'l'1'stl'd enroute. Western Pacific is fortunate in 11uilroncl 1.lIws 32 having a new and one of the most modern commissary buildings in the ~ . )111 M G nth Chicago' Nevada Michelsen, Elko; I ~()halt M unce Jr., Los CO'RRU:S " ~ I) I, N'T'S: 0 1 kl de.; ie'; Small O;oville' Fred Kreuger, Sacril ",<11 I<i ; M II,tKe Slaughtner, railroad industry. Located at the west Ankolell; Jl riSti P ~ III II, nR ~~tl; Sa~ramento 'store' G ~rdon Halvorsen. SaCl'fllflf'r1l11l N {)llher~; Ji~my Sncrnmcnto ~ II Il lt. feme ur. '0' C' 11 M 11 Fa an L 'IWI f'riH ( 1lllng, Jim Mills, end of the Oakland Zephyr yard, ad­ Collin", Bob O()llIHllvCJA. S~t llakTh~~~e~s"''''st:n F~~~ci~~o; cIias. H~ My el'~. HAil JU"t I Vlrftinia Rustan, jacent to the Zephyr servicing tracks, Mnutl N Ol~~~ ~~~~:.{8S !6ck~n ~YDora Mo~roe, Tidewater Southern; Shh'l y 1, ... WI II.lllver. the building was completed only four Harold G. Wyman ~7 MILEPOSTS 2 MILEPOSTS 3 creosoted piles. The frame of the build­ ing the lower story and placing the two ing is of fabricated steel, and is covered wings of the "L" end to end on a new with Galbestos siding, having a neat foundation, it was converted into a modern appearance which matches the very comfortable dormitory building. existing buildings in the Zephyr yard. Attached to the east end of this build­ The northwest corner of the build- ~., ing is an ice storage room, made over ing houses a large refrigerator, about ~.. from an old refrigerator car body. 20 feet wide by 43 feet long. Machmery Space for Pullman operations was con­ for the refrigerator is located outside structed from parts of the removed the building on a fenced-in concrete lower story. pad. With ample space for storage of the As a part of the commissary project, wide variety of foods required, the the building which formerly occupied building also has a linen room where the site was moved and remodelled. A tablecloths and napkins are stored in two-story "L"-shaped structure, it was first class condition, a room for hold­ cut in two and moved to the southwest ing class instruction in dining car op­ Local purchases being delivered at receiving door. Lovelder Draper, Pete Bellamy and James Clark corner of the Zephyr yard. By remov- eration, and a shower and dressing prepare hors d'oeuvres in commissary kitchen for a room for the convenience of dining car special train. employees. All supply purchases are handled at this office under the supervision of J . H. • Irvin g Donnelly filling r qtli",l llolt tilt tt, II !I v hil It y III Ih. Top quality meat supplies are stored at 38 0 in commissary meat refrigerator. MILEPOSTS 4 MILEPOSTS 5 taste of the traveler, so that before the dinner call is sounded, your own pet dish is often already on the fire, or­ dered by a waiter who had served you before. Early on the run a checkup is made of through passengers so that the chef may know the probable number of meals he has to prepare. It always surprises the visitor to a dining car how so much food can be stowed and prepared in so small a space. The answer is-training. Each cook knows his j'ob thoroughly, and all his materials are close at hand. Much of the success of a dining car's service is due to its crew. They must be con­ genial people who can work together. After the last meal is served, and the Steward Stanley Gray checks his supplies as Shirley Smith prepares to transport them to diner. train is nearing its terminus, all hands turn to cleaning silver and counting H erb~r t Scott "tops off" overhead diner ice bunkers Duhig, commissary buyer, and a care­ in all detail, the report is a 20- page prIor to departure of train from Oakland yard. George Caldwell (left) and W alter Simpson loading ful check is maintained to provide an book and gives a complete financial supplies for WP special. adequate stock at all times. and supply record of the particular trip. cash register. In addition to the above Sixteen pages are needed to record The building has spacious aisles for a dining car carries sufficient linen the dining car's supplies, each page t~ ease in handling the trucks, and wide serve one thousand guests. Crockery, showing aggregate quantity of each rolling doors make for easy ingress and glassware, silver service and kitchen commodity on hand, consumed or egress to and from the building when equipment that would do justice to any needed. Under the heading of m eat, trucking supplies direct to the dining first-class hotel dining room, are all poultry and fish, th~r e are 74 various cars in the yard. stored within a short space of some 25 items. Vegetables, from the lowly onion From the time the dining cars are feet. loaded and prepared for an outbound to the lordly truffle, account for 52 en­ The chef of a WP diner plans his train, wh ether it be the California tries; fruits cover 32 items. Then there day's meals, and befo re the first break­ Zephyr or one of the "specials" oper­ are 11 standard jams and jellies, 25 fast order is given, he has luncheon and ated by Western Pacific for convention different da iry produ ts, 12 bread en­ dinner menus well along in the process or other travel groups, the dining car tries, 275 individual "dry" groceries, of preparation. In the dining car proper, crews are busily engaged in making 20 beers, 22 w in s, 25 mineral waters, five to seven waiters lay the tables with preparations for the run. The steward, 35 whisk ys, brandies and cocktails, 10 fresh linen, silver and glasses, fill the in whose charge the diner is operated, brands or igars and 10 kinds of ciga­ water bottles and give the car that must keep a perpetual inventory of r Ues. By keel ing this perpetual in­ spick and span Western Pacific look. supplies and equipment so that when v ntory 'up to dat , the dining car As the passengers entrain at a station ordering h e knows not only what he stew,H'd mnl«'s up a "grocery order " the dining car crew watch them and wants, but how much. This inv ntory 'It th(' (' li d or hi s !'lin (or enough sup­ not from mere idle curiosity, either. also serves as a trip report or journal, pl i('s to \wing his kitchen up to stand­ For from long years on the same run recording number of meals serv d and nrd. !\ dining Cl1r's storeroom thus the good dining car crew studies the revenue involved. Prop rly /ill d out 1'('SPlllhl\" n W'I) 'NY store without a MILEPOSTS 7 6 MILEPOSTS linen to prepare it for the laundry, while the chef and steward check the stock and prepare the requisition for supplies. At the terminus, inspectors from the dining car department board the car to take over the stock and supplies still left and prepare to restock it for its next run. As every member of the crew well knows, there is far more to a din­ ing car meal than the mere eating. Western Pacific' dining car depart­ ment is under the supervision of Har­ old G. Wyman, superintendent, and Walter Brunberg, assistant superin­ tendent, who are assisted by dining car Waiter Larry Boggus greeting Eleanor Parker (Warner Bros.
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