ISSN 2467-933X THE GAZE JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY Vol. 12 No.1 Year 2021 Editor-in-Chief Prof. Ramesh Raj Kunwar International School of Tourism and Hotel Management (Affi liated to Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria) Aims and Scope Th e GAZE Journal of Tourism & Hospitality is an annual peer-reviewed journal launched by IST College, Kathmandu, Nepal affi liated with Salzburg University, Austria in 2009. Journal is one of the most important sources of producing scientifi c knowledge in the academia. Basically knowledge is communicated and shared in the academic community through research. Not all forms of knowledge qualify as scientifi c knowledge. In order to be scientifi c, knowledge must be systemic, methodical, general and critical. Th e Gaze is multi-interdisciplinary journal which welcomes origi- nal research articles, research notes and book reviews. Articles should be original and unpublished, based on both primary and secondary sources refl ecting new interpretations, written in English. Th e research article should have more than 6,000 words; 3,000 words for research notes; 3,000 words for book review; and 300 words for abstract including fi ve keywords. Th e research work should be based on global research methodol- ogy in which the researcher will be required to use parentheses or author date system or in text citation. Aft er receiv- ing the research papers, it will be fi rst consulted by the editor-in-chief and then it will be sent to the expert(s) for evaluating the paper. Th e last date of paper submission will be by the end of June of the following year. Th e authors will not be charged any fee for publishing their articles. Call for Paper Th e article will be accepted in the area of theory and fi eld based research on sustainable tourism, mountain tourism and mountaineering tourism, risk management, safety and security, tourism and natural disaster, accident, medicine and rescue, cultural tourism, heritage tourism, festival tourism, pilgrimage tourism, rural tourism, village tourism, urban tourism, geo-tourism, adventure tourism, ecotourism, environmental tourism, event tourism, voluntourism, wildlife tourism, dark tourism, over tourism, tourism and politics, nostalgia tourism, tourism planning, destination development, health tourism, agri-tourism, tourism marketing, human resource management, hospitality, tourism education, tourism and research methodology, guiding profession, peace tourism (but not limited to:). Author Guidelines Manuscripts should be typed double-space on A4sized paper with a 4 cm margin on all four sides. Th e author should underline nothing except words which are to be italicized. Notes and references should be typed double-space on separate pages which should be included at the end of the articles. In case, if it is required, the text should refer to notes numbered consecutively throughout the article using raised numbers which should be mentioned at the end of the text before references. Th is means footnotes must be avoided. Th e citations and references should be based on APA method. For example (Th e mentioned below are pseudonym), in text citation, there should be: (Egger, 2013, p. 17); Egger (2013) and at the end of the sentences (p. 15); Indentation and Ellipses must be followed: ... one para- graph of sentences in single space at the center with italic... (published date and page no.) Th e references will be started from the surname of the author e.g. Th ompson, L. (2013). E-Tourism, London: Sage Publication. In the case of two authors, e.g., Smith, R., & Basnet, R. (2005). Tourism Profi le of Nepal, Kathmandu: Mandala Book Point. If there are more than two authors, e.g. Egger, M., Th apa, N., & Ranabhat, K. (2013), Raft ing in Nepal, Kathmandu: Nepal Association of River Raft ing Agents, there will be Egger et al. (2013, p. 21). In the case of chapter published in edited book, there will be Fisher, X. (1980). Life in the Land without Wheels. In Ortner, M. (Ed.) Tourists and Tourism, Kathmandu: Sen Publications. In the case of edited book, Lamichhane, S., Rawal, L., & Spenser, D. (Eds.) (2007). Tourism in Asia, New Delhi: Adroit Publisher. In the case of research article published in the Journal, Tarlow, C. (1991). Tourism, safety and security. Th e GAZE Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 4(1), 7-28. If the text has been published by the organization, i.e. Tourism Board (2009). Natural and Cultural Heritage of Nepal, Kathmandu. In case of unpublished thesis, Rawal, N.N. (2012). A Study of Cultural Heritage Tourism in Bhaktapur, An Unpublished Ph.D. Th esis Submitted to the Nabil University, Kathmandu, Nepal. For 2/3 publications in the same year, put author’s name (2015a, 2015b). Researchers are suggested to follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological As- sociation (APA Manual), 2009, Sixth Edition, Washington, DC. Entries in the references should be in alphabetical and chronological order of the authors. Tables and maps should be submitted along with the text, numbered with head- ings. Notations in the text should indicate where these are to appear. As far as illustrations and fi gures are concerned, the authors are requested to send along with the text where it is relevant and send it separately in jpg format. Th e Editor-in-Chief has right to accept or reject the articles for publication. If the article is rejected, it will be returned to the author. Authors receive three copies of the issue in which their article appears. Th e editors welcome enquiries from the readers if they are willing to publish their articles in this journal. Th e audiences are suggested to go through www. nepjol.info for reading the papers published in this journal. Views expressed in the articles are purely personal and the academic opinion of the authors which are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher and editorial board. THE GAZE JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY Vol. 12 No.1 Year 2021 Editor-in-Chief Prof. Ramesh Raj Kunwar Editorial Board Members Prof. Eugenia Wickens (University of UƩ ara, UK), Prof. Eva Brucker (Salzburg University of Applied Sciences), Prof. Mag. Leonhard Worndl (Tourism School Salzburg, Austria), Prof. Ruhet Genç (Turkish-German University, Turkey), Prof. Heredina Farnandez-Betancort (University of Las Palmas d Gran Canaria, Spain), Dr. Takamitsu Jimura (Liverpool John Moores University, UK), Dr. Fabio Carbone (Coventry University, UK), Dr. Siddhartha B. Bajracharya (NaƟ onal Trust for Nature ConservaƟ on, Nepal), Dr. Pranil Kumar Upadhayaya (Nepal), Dr. Suwaree (Ashton) Namwong (NaƟ onal InsƟ tuƟ on of Development AdministraƟ on (NIDA), Thailand), Dr. SiƟ SuriawaƟ Isa (University of Putra Malaysia), Dr. Huong T. Bui (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacifi c University, Japan), Dr. Arvind SaraswaƟ (Banarsidas Chandiwala InsƟ tute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, GGSIP University, India), Dr. Kalyan Bhandari (University of the West of Scotland, UK), Dr. Himlal Ghimire (Nepal), Dr. Gangaram Biswakarma (Central Department of Management, TU). Executive Advisory Board Narendra Bajracharya Tej Bahadur Dhakal Samjhana Basnyat Published by International School of Tourism and Hotel Management Gyaneswor, P.O. Box: 5196, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: 977 1 4434350, 4434185 Email: [email protected] Website: www.istcollege.edu.np Editorial Note We are very happy to off er Th e GAZE Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Vol. 12, No. 1, 2021 to our readers. Th is journal is published annually in English by International School of Tourism and Hotel Management, which is affi liated to Salzburg University of Applied Sciences of Austria. Th e purpose of this journal is to disseminate the knowledge and ideas of tourism to the students, researchers, journalists, policy makers, planners, entrepreneurs and other general readers. Articles and reviews in the journal represent neither the views of the concerned publishers nor those of editorial board. Responsibility for opinions expressed and for the accuracy of the facts published in the articles or reviews are solely with the individual authors. Th e authors will have their own copyright. We have realized that it is high time to make this eff ort for tourism innovation and development. We strongly believe that this knowledge based platform will make the industry and the institutions stronger. Correspondence Address Editor-in-Chief Prof. Ramesh Raj Kunwar [email protected] Publisher THE GAZE International School of Tourism and Hotel Management Gyaneswor, P.O.Box: 5196, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: 977 1 4434350, 4434185 Email: [email protected] Website: www.istcollege.edu.np ISSN 2467-933X THE GAZE JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY Vol. 12 No.1 Year 2021 CONTENTS Archana Shivakoti 1 Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism in Nepal Bhim Bahadur Kunwar 23 Th e Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism: A Case Study of Lumbini, Nepal Prakash Chandra Neupane 44 Tourism Governance in the aft ermath of COVID-19: A Case Study of Nepal Paul M. Musila 70 Constraints to Community Bonface O. Kihima Participation in Tourism in Kenya: Th e Mwaluganje Elephant Sanctuary Niranjan Devkota 88 Conveying Impetus for Fostering Udaya Raj Paudel Tourism and Hospitality Udbodh Bhandari Entrepreneurship in Touristic Destination: Lessons Learnt from Pokhara, Nepal Deepak Gautam 112 COVID-19 Global Pandemic Aarati Khatri Lockdown Impact on Visit Nepal Year 2020: A Review Ramesh Raj Kunwar 126 A Preliminary Study of Pilgrimage Nabin Th apaliya Tourism in Barahachhetra, Nepal The Gaze Journal of Tourism and Hospitality (2021) 12:1, 1-22 THE GAZE JOURNAL OF TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY Impact of COVID-19 on Tourism in Nepal Archana Shivakoti Ph.D. Scholar Email: [email protected] Article History Abstract Received 23 July 2020 Accepted 15 October 2020 Tourism is one of the world’s largest and fastest growing industries. It acts as an engine for development through foreign exchange earnings and the creation of direct and indirect employment.
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