ice of this Paper is 5$ cents everywhere—Pay no more Four Page Colored 14 Pages Today f Comic Section CARTERET PRESS Editorials, Page 4 VOL. IV, NO. 11 CAUTKRKT, N. .1., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1925 PRICE TIIUF.F, Oil Heater Explodes; y Carteret High Wins Causes Big Fire First Football Gaining TwoCouncilmen Blaze In Chrome Section Does $30,000 Damage; Garage, Strong New Brunswick High Team Goes Down Before Coughlin nnd D'Zurilla Defeat Phillip* and Lyman; Moore Auto* and Merchandise Team In Latter'* First Game; Final Score 12-0 PolU Biggett Vote In Borough Destroyed; Buildings oiigh, however, the throo propositions (By TKD) The Democratic candidates for were carried by a fairly equal vote, Damaged Rofore an enthusiastic crowd of about seven hundl I' council carried the borough at Tues- a difference of only ei(rht. ballots ap- plo, Cart.eret High School won its first football game by i day's election. A. Harry Moore, pearing in the total majority for eiirh. A fire that started when a kerosene carried Whitney, G. O. P. enndidHt.fi for itway from New Brunswick for a 12 to 0 score at Democrat,, elected goffcrnor, governor, received the lowest vote heater exploded, did more than I the borough by far the biggest ma- cast on the Republican ticket. $30,000 damage nnd threatened an Oval, Saturday. jority of any candidate on the ticket. entire block in the businesB section Although the field was very muddy and damp fc. of Chrome yesterday morning. The He polle^the biggest vote, l",240, and I he snow Friday the onlookers forgot the weather coi explosion occurred about 7:50 a. m. defeated Whitney, the G. 0. P. choice, through the steady action in the gridiron tussle. by 280 vote*. Whitney polled 950 Victory Celebration in the accessory room and office of a garage conducted l>y Cutri and Wein- Coaches Hagen, Casaleggi and Bodnar started the gau™. i Votes in the entire borough. J. Kin- stein at 71 Roosevelt avenue. The tjnonth, Democratic choice for Con- a strong lineup which took the reins of the game in handy I building is owned by Councilman- Held By Democrats The blue and white kept plowing from the first whistta.f •#ress, won out in Carteret by a mar- elect E. J. Coughlin, The explosion .jin of nine. His opponent, S. ff, end. Women's Club Engineers Event Councilman-Elect bur»t the large windows of the office Councilman-Elect ' Appleby, polled 1,041, while Kin- and flames Instantly enveloped the The gime started on marking Success At Polls; EDWARD J. COUGHLIN WILLIAM D'ZURILLA ' month received 1,060. office and stork room and lashed time, after Hiss B. V. Her All of the G. O. P. candidates for Hall Packed; Speaking across the- wain entrance, making it pervising principal, gave assembly carried the borough by Fans See Good Scra|> Carteret High Feature impossible to remove cars stored football of Carteret High tif email margins, Applegate by 34; Democrats Parade there or in course of repair. Several At Perth Amboy Show Hicks 16 and Hanson 10. '*pUin Lewis Lehrer, who ,. A victory celebration marking the cars, some of them high priced makes, Defeats Milburn ball ran out on the field to In the Freeholder-fight, the highest were badly damaged. vote WRS polled by Height (R.) 1,064, election of two Democratic council- Boxing fans were given a real for the kick-off. The other l treat at the boxing show last night, while Kalteissen (D.) was second men Tuesday, was held Wednesday Great volumes of black smoke Local Players Down Strong out and took their places ir with 1,055. Layden, the other Demo- night in the hall of FireJIouse No. when the best card of bouts held at Make Round of Borough In penetrated into the apace between the First Team By Score amidst great cheering, crat, was seven votes above Belloff, 1, under the auspices of the Women's the Amboy Auditorium in a long time crat, was sev roof and the ceiling of an adjoining Of 24-6 mann made the first kickn who wag the low man. Democrtalc Club. The crowd that Autos; Meeting At Cough- was staged. to lose building owjied hy Louis B. Nagy. four-rounder, Port capable manner, bringing The only local Democrat o attended filled the hall to capacity. lin's Hall Follows In the first •was Stephen Szymborski, candidate The chairman of the club, Mrs. Theo- The flames tollowed. Nagy occupies Reading and Carteret fans divided the well over to the opposing one side of the building, where he As we go to press news f omes that for justice of the peace. He lost by dore Pfennig, opened the meeting and rooting between Young Steve Trosko, the Carteret High School football yard line. After several conducts a clothing, shoe and dry- 43 votes to Martin Jurirk (R.) and then turned the chairmanship over to Following the announcement of the of Carteret; and Frankie Tucker, of team defeated the first team of Mil Brunswick the local eleven his defeat is attributed largely to the former Mayor Joseph A. Hermann, goods store. The other wing of the the Port. Tucker had the edge on results of the local election Tuesday Nagy building was occupied by John burn High at Milburn this afternoon session of the ball and mad* who presided during the night, auto victory parade was the Chrome mixer in the first two 84 to 6. A crowd of 150 Carterei Arapojis, who conducts an ice cream rounds. In the third Tueker floored ber of gains by steady line There was speaking by several of organized and a line of machines parlor and restaurant. fans attended the game and went pointed out, were deceived by thfe the Democratic leaders and workers. Steve for a few counts, but TToako wild with enthusiasm over the second After five minutes of play, sample ballot into behevmg thai made the round of the borough. JThe smoke soon filled both of these Counclhnen-elect Edward J. Coughlin came back to fight. success of the unbeaten Carteret ball in Cartaret's possession,' Szymborski was not a candidate. Bounding horns. The perade increased stores and ruined the stock in each, and William D'Zurilla, Councilman Jrosko, who was known to the gridiron. mann brought the ball from In the race for members of tnfc in size and ended at Coughlin's hall, while flre damaged the roof of the Samuel Brown, former Councilman ringsiders only as the "Kid," came High spots in the game were the borough council, the highest vote was where there was a celebration and restaurant. Napry'a stock of drygoods ret's 40-yard line to New borough council, the high Joseph C. Child, Assessor William D. back, ,in a strong last round finish placement kick and two touchdowns b Willi D'Zun la Demo speaking, and clothing valued at $12,000, is wick's 15-yard mark on a fo polled by William D'Zun la Demo stopped by a blow from scored by Frank Hermann and a Casey, Collector Charles A. Brady, Edward J. Coughlin and William damaged at least fifty per cent., en- end run around right. Hern_ crat. who received a total of Demo1,168-. \ School Commissioner William V. Tucker, which the Chrome lad touchdown by Moe Lehrer. William Coughlin, the other Demo- D'Zurilla, the successful candidates, tailing a loss of |6,000. The ice no little obstacles on his run Coughlin, Mrs. William V. Coughlin, thought was a foul. After recuper- The Milburn firsfirstt tteae m ia the one crat. received 1.138 votes The votes were in the crowd and wire called cream parlor was in the wing of the ating from the shock, Trosko con made short work of them hy " Edwin Casey, William Misdom, John Nagy building adjoining the garage that was defeated by Woodbridge re of the stiff arm. Following tl received by the defeated G. OO- F- y, , upon to speak, J. J. Lyman, one of tinued th,e bout and for about thirty and both stock and fixtures were cently through a fumble when every- back's run Lehrer took the candidates were: Charles A. Phillip* Harrington, Mrs. Harrington, Mrs. the defeated Republicans, came in second made Tucker look sick. ruined. The loss in stock is about thing pointed'to a Milburn victory. around loft end through the 1 i2B- J. J. Lyman, 1,066. Both are Francis Coughlin, Mrs. John W. and showed his sportsmanship by Frankie then awakened and batted $1,000 and the damaged fixtures In this afternoon's game the entire ing margin for a first touchdo members of the present council and Adams, Mrs. R. J. Murphy, C. C. congratulating the winners. the fatigued Trosko at will. At this will hold office until January 1. were valued to the extent of $2,000, Carteret team played perfect foot- At this moment the fans i Sheridan and several others spoke. In. addition to the addresses made stage of the affair, McGuire stopped The damage to beams and other ball. The score at the half period The locals failed to score The three propositions submittea io Harmony and concerted effort to by the two candidates and by party the bout and Tucker got a technical the people at referendum vote, car- woodwork In the Nagy building will was 10 to 0. point but this did not stop ' keep the party in perfect organiza- leaders several short talks were made K. O. with but a few second to go.
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