Aero Modeller c.t z AIRCRAFT DESCRIBED No. 187 DORNIERDo 17 drawn by Bjorn Karlstrom described by Bo Widfeldt IN 1933DORNIER was askcdto dcvclopa civil twin cngined aircraft based on the Heinkcl He 70. The ncw aircraft war to hc capablc of crrrying ri\ pa.. sengersand two cngines were requircd in order to irchieve hipher fliqht securit\'. I hc ncw aircrafi, Abov.: Ea.ly produclion Dornior Do 'l7Z-1 wilh B.amo Fatnir -Do 323A-1 6noines. Th. Lulrwatl6 staned ro conv..t ro rhe type dcsignatedDornier 17,wa\'primrrily dcsignedfor early 1939. Noto th6 two-ton€ gr€en splnt.r camoullage - DeutscheLufthansa (DLH) as a high-speedmailplanc and lho'n highly polishod nalural motal propollsr blad6s B6low, toD: A Oornior Do 17P with lhe roundsd shaDe nose, and suitablefor nsc on Europeanexptcss services. b66ring number 73 on tho rudder and 73 suporimposed ovor Thc first DrototvDc Do 17 Vl flew for the first a 25 markod conirally on the lussla96 cro3s. This version time in thc iutumn of 1934 and beforc lhc end of has BMW 132 N 6nginss. Bolow contro and bottom, two ycar joincd vi6wr ot a Yugo3l.vian Air Force Do l7K! aurrond6red in thc the Do 17 V2 and V3 also the flight Egypt. fhis vs.6ion wa. made under licsnce by lho test programme.Early in l9l5 DLH look ovcr thc Yugoslavian Stats Aircralr tactory; rhs badg6 ol which i6 three aircraft for cvaluation.The slinr fuselaeccon- .66n on rh. frn. Nol6 v6ry small insignia abovo winq, nsar \i\ passcngcr. rip, ond larger inrignia on the undorsid. (l,W.M. Photos lrined lwo liny cahins fnr lhe a-ndthe HU 2703. CM 697 and CM 098). seats were rather inacccssible.Althoush lhe thrcc irircrafi fully mct thc DLH demandsthey were rc- turned to Dornicr. summcr of 1935.lt difiered externallv from its Dre- dcccs\orin having lhc cirhin portholc.'climinirtetland c twin fin-and-ruddcr assembly in plrce of thc original single lin arrangemenl. Likc thc formcr prototypes,the Do l? V4 had two IIMW VI 12- cylinder liquid-coolcd cngines, ratcd at 660 h.p. ma\lmum cach. Thc Do l?E-l rnd F-l were thc first vcrsionst() bc built in seriesfor thc Luftwallc. Thcv had uD- ratcd BMW VI ?.3 cngincsand delivcrics'started in 1936.Thc first units to get the E-l bomber in early 1937wcrc I/KG l5l at Merseburgand I/KG 155 ;rr Cicbcsladl.thc Arrfll.Cr. ll) l2: simultaneou\l\ rccci!crl the F-l rcconnai((anceaircrift. Durinp the .pring of l0)7 one St:'llcl (15 aircraft) from (Ft/122 joincd the Condor Lcgion as LA'fiti in Spain-Later also twenty Do l7E-l bombers were scnt to Spain to supplantthe Heinlcl He 1l1B in L rnd 2.K/88. In 1938the Do 17M and P-versionshcsan to sun- nldnt lhe E and f-\'crsion\ in rhc Kinrpf. aid .{lrfkl:irungsgrunpcnnf the Lufiwallc. I cn P.l. werc also sent to Spain and thc 1.A/81t.On September19, 1938.580 Do l7E. F, M and P had becn deliveredbv Dornier and 479 wcrc on that dnv scrliceable bi/ thc Llrllwaffc The SwedishAir Force expertshad an opportunity io study the Do 17 in 1940.On Julv 6 that y€ar a I)o l7P made a forced landing in northcrn Sweden (Sangis).The aircrxlt bclongedto lhc I.(F)'120 based in Norway and was coded A6+JH. Almost cxactly one vcar after this first landing. a sccond Do l7P landcd at Myckle on Juty 13, 1941.This aircraft *as flown by Leulnant Karl Hasslach. Oberfeldwebel Kiinz and an unknown private.Thc Dornier Do l?P 543 October,I969 PLeLv 46. The Do l7 continued to serve as a qlider- tug for DFS 210, and one of the last operation's was the aerial supply of Budapest early in 1945. Dornier The Do l7Z was verv -w;sDoDular both with flying and ground personnel. tt also a most crsw momb.. reliable aircraft but lackinc the load-carrvinscaDa- poso! in uniform -the or tho diy batido bility of the He lll and speed of ihe-Ju'88, Dornier Do 17P production terminated during early summer 1940. By which cra3h.d an July 1941 in that time some 5OODo llz-l and -2 bombers and s w6 d.rl {aco 22 Do l7Z-3 reconnaissance-bombershad bec! de- t6xt). A.bw: Th. livered. The total Do 17 production can be estimated lirlt prototypo Do iryl fir3r llown to about 1,200aircraft. ol 1S-34- Th. .n. ffalr w3! boilr fot th. D.ut.chc Luft- THE DORIIIER DO 17 SERIES hans. (OlH) in' lsnd.d fo. rix Dornl.r Do It v.rdont: pa$.ng.r3 and Vt BMW V'l engines,fifsl llown autumn 1934. g3 . .high-!p!!d V4 BMW V 1 eogines, twin lin-and-rudder. uled lor milit.ry v5 Hispano Sui,a 1zYb'sensioes (2 r775n.p.). N46ximumspsed 243m.p.h. V, Clazed nosecap,one 7I m.m. [4G 15 operared by ths r€dio was flvinc from C)sloto Rovaniemi in liinland whcn V8 Development aircrglr kepr by Oohi€r. Also designaled Do it had'en'qinetrouble and had to forceland. On thc t7M V 1 wirh oB 600A (2 x 1000 h.p.). maximum sp€€d nosc it ca-rried an with the word 'Eismee.'. 264m.p.h. cmblem V9 D-AHAK lirstllown during lh6 spring ot 1936. Prolotypa tor The code was IR+BH and it seemedto have be- the E'1 bombef. Laler in seruice€s high sposd communica- tongqJ 1r '' LuitwafTc {F)-unit, probably tF)/100. rion 6ircl3h unril1944. AccorJingto thc crcw, lhe aircraft had earlier foughl V 10 D-AKUZ wirh oprarod BMW vl 7 3 onginos (2 I 750 h.p.) o\'er Crctc and thc wincs-dismantled. also carried ma.ks from us€d lor engine resis, several hits. Aftcr beine the aircraft was V11 Ali.s Do 171Vl with Br6mo Fatni,323A l engines. fer ed to cermany fiic days after the landing in V12 Alias Do 171V2 sam€ as V11. V13 Alias Do t7M V 2. D-AYZE with Bramo Fgtnir 323A'l ensines (2 x 9OOh.p.). Thc Dornier Do l7Z was the last aircraft in the Vta Alias Do 17M V3lik€ lho V 13. series lo retain thc original type number. It was V15 Alias Do l7P Vl wirh BMW 132N sngines (2 x 865 h.p.). essentiallysimilar to the S- and U-models (only 16 E-l Aomberwilh BMW V 1 7 3 €ngines buill in seriesfrom 1936 aircraft built) er\ccpt for the powcr plants. The Z- for the Luftwafle wilh two MG t 5 and 1,!00-lb bomblord. seriesused the Bramo Fafnir 323 enginesand pro- F-1 Lons-ranse reconnaissanc€ bomb6r lik€ lh6 E'l ,nd de- duction started in 193E. The Do l'72-2 notfi^lly liv6red parallelto lhe Lutiwalfo. carried four crcw members but an additional crew M-1 Builtin seri€sfrom 1937 wnh Bramo 3234-1 €ngines.Thr€e lbr mis- MG 15 as defensiv6amament. mclnl)cr cour(l bc acconrmodated cerlain P-1 Liko lhe lvl-l bul pholo-r€connaissance aircfafi wilh s pair ot sions, and defcnsive armament first comprised six RB 50/30 or 75130 c6mer6s. MG 15 suns. Kb-l Exporr bomber for Yugoslavia deliv6r€d iiom Oclober 1937. On Sd'ptemhcr2. lsl9. the Luftwafle Kampfgrup. Two Gnome'Fhone 14N (2 x 980 h p.). pcn noq\c\seJ212 Do l1z-l and Z-2 bomhers, of K.-2 Rsconnaassance aircralr with sscondary bombins and which ll{x wcrc \erviceable.Le\s than one hour afler K.-3 - aitact capabiliry.Twonry Oo 17K (rlllhr6e v€rsions)w€re the outbreak of World War lI a Staffelof Do llz-2 dslivofed ro Yugoslavia. L Evolved palgllel wirh rhe Oo l7M ss a palhtind€r wirh lour from III/KG I started from its base to attack the cfew membe6. No seri€sair€ratlbuilliusl V 11 .nd V 12. approachest() an important bridge at Dirschau, in BVI O-AEEE aMW V 1 and larer DB 600G. Develooment air Poland. cratt not buill in series. Laler, Do 117,also were engagedduring the 'Battlc BV2 O-ATJU with OB 60lA sngines (2 t 1.100 h.p-). Lile lhe of Britain. However, the poor arrnamentprovcd too weak and the total dcfensive armament soon increased S-O D'AFFY first aircraft flown in 1938. Nol buih in seri6s. OB ro eight ?.s mm MG l5s. From ts4l many Lufrwafle 600G engines, crew ol lour. from Do U-O Palhlinder with crew ol liv6. Thrcs sarcrafi buih with DB units starled lo Converl l1Z to lhe Junkers 600A enqines. Ju 884 and Do 2178. Apart from III/KG 3 the Do U-l Twelvs aircGfi buih and deliv€f€d lo the L|lllwaffo XamDl l72 disarrDcared from Luftwaffe first line bomber streneth.lh 1942 15 Do l7z-2 were donated to the Z-O Similar lo lhe S' and U veBions with Bramo Fafnir 3234-1 Finnish Air Forcc. supplanting the Blenheims of €nsin€s. Buih in 1938 as a four-soal bombor. z-1 Inlroduced in 1938. Sam€ ai rams Es M-1 except rhe torward z-2 arrmo Falnir323P engines (2 x 1,000 h.p.),liko lhe z-1. 2-3 Reconnaissance'bomberwith AB 2Ol30 camerasin lhe nose- enrry harch and a 1,100-lb. bombload. z-4 Du.l controllr.iner modilied by Lulrwalfo mainrenanceunils. z-a Long'fange reconnaissance version wilh exlra lile-saving z-a Kauz 1 fishrer wirh rhree MG l7 and one MG FF (20 m.m.) mounted in rhe nose.
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