The Fifth Regional Wheat Workshop For Eastern, Central and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean Antsirabe, Madagascar,October5-10, 1987 Maarten van Ginkel Douglas G. Tanner Editors Sponsored by: Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) is ar internationally funded, nonprofit scientific research and tailing organization. Headquartered in Mexico, the Center is engaged in n worldwide research program for maize, wheat, and triticale, wvith enphasis oil fiod production in dlev loping coon .vies. It is one of 13 nomprofit international agricultural research a nd train ing center; su pportecl by the Consultative Group on International Agricult ural Research (U(tIARI, which is sponsored by the Food and Agriculture ()rganization (FA(W of ' he UJnited Nations, tlne International Bank for Recons tructiom anl Developinnt (World Bank ), and the United Nations Development Progi'anrne (UNDP). Donors to the CG(IAR system consist of a cmlbination of 40 coumtries, inte'national and regiomal organizations, and private fIoundations. CIMMIYT receives core spport through the CGIAR from a number of sources, including the international aid agencies of Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Federal Repulic of ee'many, Finand, France, India, Ireland. Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, the Philippines, Spain. Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the USA, and from the Euroqean Econnomic Conunission, Ford Foundation, Inter-American l)evelopment Bank, OPEC Fund hor Internatihnal Development, UNDl', and World FBank. CIMMYT also receives nm-CGIAR extra-core support from Belgium, the Inlernational Development Research Centre, the Rock.Afeller Foundation, and many of the core doors listed above. Responsibility fn this puhlication rests solely with CIMMYT. Correct citation: Van Ginkel, M., and D.G. Tanner, eds. 1988. Fifth Regional Wheat Workshop for Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean. Mexico, D.F.: CIMMYT. ISBN 968-6127-03-8 TABLE OF CONTENTS vii Acknowledgments uiii Participating Countries in the Fifth Regional Wheat Workshop for Eastern, Central, and Southern, Africa and (c.h indian Ocean I Opening Remarks, Andri noelison Jose. Minister of Ag-ricultural Production and Agrarian Refbrm, Madagascar 4 A Review ofthe Major Constraints to Wheat Production in East,, Central and Southern Mrica, and the Indian Ocean, Douglas G. Tanner and Maarten van Ginkel, CIMMYT Wheat Program, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Breeding 18 Durum N\'heat Breeding in Ethiopia, Tesfaye Tesemma, d uruni wheat breeder, Alemaya University of Agriculture, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia 23 Ad l)tition, Product,ion and Uses of Triticale in Southern Tanzania, J.M. Orondo, Tanganyika Wattle Company Limited, Njombe, Tanzaria 30 Progresson Screening and Evaluation of Wheat, T'iticale aad Barley Varieties in the Southwestern Highlands of Uganda, Garcd M. Turyamureeba, Kalengyrere Highland Crops Research Center, Kabale, Uganda 36 Wheat and "rit-icale Breeding for Resistance to Stem Rust. and For Adaptation to Acid Soils, Rakotondramlanana and Randriantsalama Rodin A., FIFMaIANOR, Antsirabe. Madagascar 61 Grain Yield Stability of'Bread Wheat Cultivars in the hignnlds of Ethiopia, ,euinetGebeyehu, bread wheat breeder and coordinator Institute ofAgricultural Research, Addis Ababa, E.hioia 66 The Eff'ects of Lime (Ca(1ll) 2 ) on the Performance of Wheat Cultivars in Plint,;c Ferralsols (Eldoret Soils) of Kenya, J.M. Nyachiro, cereal breeder, NPBS, Njoro, Kenya, and K.G. Briggs, professor, University of Alberta. Ednionton, Alberta, Canada 74 Comparison of F2 Single Plant Grain Yield and Total Dry Matter as Estimators of'Yield Potential in Wheat, R.V. Ndondi,senior scientific officer, Tanzania-Canada, Wheat Priject, Arusha, Tanzania 111 83 A Review of Breeding Wheat for Tolerance to Aluminium Toxicity, R. Little, Zambia-Canada Wheat Project, Mbala, Zambia 98 The Comparison of the Single Seed Descent (SSD. Method, the Multiple Seed Descent (MSD) Method and the Bulk Population Method for Yield and Protein Improvement in Wheat, R.V. Ndondi, senior scientific officer, Tanzania-Canada, Wheat Project, Arusha, Tanzania Agronomy 107 Phosphorus Nutrition of Wheat in Acid Latosols and Volcanic Soils, M.A. McMahon, head, Agronomy Program, CIMMYT, Mexico 127 Differental Reaction of Wheat and Triticale to Physical and Chemical Pioperties of Soils in Mugamba, Burundi, J.J. Schalbroeck, L. Opdecanip, and R.Baragengana, ISABU-Gisozi, 13ujumbura, Burundi 141 Effect of Sowing Date on the Growth of'Wheat in the Mid Altitudes of Burundi (Incidence des Dates de Semis sur la Croissance, ]a Productiop du Ble Cultive en Moyenne Altitude au Burundi), Renovat Baragengana, Direction ge6irale, Bujumbura, Burundi 152 Crop Agronomy Research on Vertisols in the Central Highlands of Ethiopia: IAR's Experience, Hailu Gebre, agronomist/breeder, Holetta Research Centre, Aidis Ababa, Ethiopia 161 Increasing Wheat Production in Ethiopia by Introducing Double Cropping under Irrigation, Jamal Mohammed, wheat breeder/agr-onomist, Institute of Agricultural Research Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 166 The Status of Wheat Research and Production in Somalia, M.T. Haji. Agricultural Research Institute, Mogadishu, Somalia 173 Status of Wheat Production Research in Zaire, Kamate Mwitirwa, Minoterie de Matadi, Butembo, Zaire 182 Wheat Seed Production: The Kenyan Experience, Dominic M. Gitau, cereals manager, Kenya Seed Co. Ltd., Nakuru, Kenya 189 Preliminary Indications on the Importance of Yield Limiting Factors on Wheat, Hailu Gebre, Amsalu Terekegne, and Endale Asmare, Holetta Research Center, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia ik' 194 Some Agronomic Aspects of Rainfed Wheat Production in Northern Zambia, B.S. Aulakh and A.J. Rimkus, Zambia Canada Wheat Project, Lusaka, Zambia 202 Performance of Four Imroved Wheat Varieties and One Triticale Variety under Farmers' Conditions in Rwanda, K.B. Paul, L. Barasebwa, and C. Ntambabazi, FSRP/ISAR- Rwerere, Kigali, Rwanda 209 Weed Populations and Cultural Practices on the Wheat Farm.s on the Hanang Wheat Complex in Tanzania, Z.J. Owenya, 13.R. Makoko, and ,J.R. Moyer, TARO, Selian Research Center, Arusha, Tanzania 215 Nutrition of Wheat on the Hanang Plateau in Tinzania, W.K. Modestus, L.A. Loewen-Rudgers, and A.S. Nyali, Selian Agricultural Research Center, Arusha, Tanzania 224 Tillage Efftcts on Rainfed Wheat Production and Soil Bulk Density, B.S. Aulakh and K.S. Gill, Zambia-Canada Wheat Project and School of Agriculture ",cience, Lusaka. Zambia 232 Possibilities for Growing Wheat in Relation to Agro­ ecological Conditions, Rakotoarisoa Jacqueline and Rajaonarison Jean Baptiste, FOFIFA, Antananarivo. Madagascar 240 An Appraisal of Weed Control Methods in Wheat in Iganda, V.Wagoire-Warnala, Buginyanya Research Station, MTae, Uganda Pathology 244 Control of Stem and Leaf Rusts of Wheat, A.P. Roelfs, Cereal Rust Laboratory, USDA and University of Minnesota, U.S.A. 251 A Review of Chemical Disease Control Research on Wheat in Ethiopia, Yeshi Andenow, lecturer and researcher, Alemaya University of Ag-riculture, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia 256 Imoortance of Selection, Disease-Resistant Varieties, and hnproved Cultural Practices on Wheat and Triticaie Production in Rwanda (Importance de la Selection, Phytopathologie et Phvtotechnie dans la Production du Froment et, du Triticale au Rwanda), Callixte Ntambabazi, ISAR Rwerere, Rwanda 266 Reaction of'Some Wiat Lines to Leaf' Rust Races in Zimbabwe, E. Mtisi and A. Maihiringwani, Plant Protection Research Institute and Crop Breeding Institute, Harare, Zimbabwe 275 General Ilecommendations and Resolutions 278 Regional Wheat Workshop Participants vi1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank the following groups, organizations and fbr individuals contri)uting to the success of the Fifth Regional Wheat Workshop fbr Eastern, Central and Southern Afi'ca and the Indian Ocean: : The Government of the Malagasy Republic and, in particular, the Ministry of'Agricultural Production and Agrarian Reform (MPARA) through its agencies FIFAMANOR and FOFIRA for hosting the workshop). I'he naagement(of the Hotel des Thermes, Aitsirabe, for providing the conifrence facilities, food and accommodation. : The Canadian international Development Agency (CIDA) for generous its financial contribution in meeting a nmajor portion of' the travel and per f'roni 14 co)untrvies.diem expenses o)f' the 56 delegates, parti":ipants and observers j Maria tamau, secret ary, C.IMMYT/Nai robi, for initiating all correspondence, ticketing and logistical sulpport( for the workshop. : Aklilexverl Bekcle, secretIarv, CIMM YT/Addis Ababa, fbi' typing the proceedings (,i t1he mnicrocomni)uter. : The particip)ant.s thenselves who continue to pursue scientific excellence under what are often qai.e challenging conditions. Workshop Organizers Ila kotondranmmana FIFAMANOR, Madagascar Douglas G. Tanner Maarten van Ginkel CIMMYT/Addis Ababa, Ethiopia vii PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES IN THE FIFTH REGIONAL WHEAT WORKSHOP FOR EASTERN, CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN AFRICA AND THE INDIAN OCEAN. Tropic of Cancer Equator Somalia - -'"='K:---- enya - ­ Tropic ofCaprocor -Rwanda i Burtmdi Zaire. Madagascar Zambia .. Tropc ofCaprcor n Zimbviii OPENING REMARKS Andrianoelison Jose Minister of Agricultural Production and Agrarian Refbrm Madagascar Ladies and gentlemen: I have the honor of being with you today to inaugurate the symposium on wheat in East Africa. It, is a privilege for our country to host such
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