RECYCLING CENTER location ,. Oallll'me B.low Home of the NelDJ NEWSPAPERS fCiupor d S< Mool 20655 lenon, Hatpe, Woo(h, Salurdo)', Oc:lob" 28 10 D."l 1D 4 p.'" CANS Am-rican ten Co, 86.511E 1 Mil. ad MoftMy.Sohude), 10 .,,,,n. tD .. pm rosse Pointe ews ECO-LINE 879-1333 _, ...Mo.".do ..y ••F'i ..do;,;,;y,.;.,;;,;o o;,;;,m;,;,;..,;,;,'0.;.3::.;,p,n;;;;,_.1 Complete News Coverage of All the- Pointes J:;lIlere<J as Sec"",! CJaliS Maller al the ISc Per Copy Vol.33-No. 43 Posl Office al Detroit. Mlchijlan GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1972 $6.00Per Yeat 30 Pages-Two Sections-Section One HEADLINES Shores Work~r; -rpaI'~.iu Day of the ProJect Is WEEK Accept 2..Year Big Success AI Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News Hundreds of Volunteers Salary Contract Turn Out in Rain to Thursday, October 19 Accomplish Task Pay Raise of 5.5 Percent Retroactive to July ': THE 92nd CONGRESS ad. journed Wel,\nesday after Fringe Benefits Also Included in By Kathy Duff handing President Nixon two New Agreement An army of 200 volun- final legislative defeats that teers occupied the south- some Democrats feared By Kathy Duff west corner of Elworthy could be turned against them Reaching a contract agreement last week were Field Saturday, October in the closing days of the The Shores DPW and village officials. The contract, 21, and transforit\ed the eleetion campaign. Despite the outcome of negotiations since July 1, 1972, will half acre into a fully Mr. Nixon's warning of high. govern the employes' pay scale and fringe benefits landscaped park. After er' taxes, lawmakers over. for the next two years. ~ Isix hours of work, 2,000 rode his veto of a $24.6 bil. lion water poilu lion control The 12 men In the depart. Youth K:ZZed pachysandra plants, 1,150 ment were given a 5.5 per. II square yards of sod, 30 bill and refused his demand cent pay increase in accord. trees and an assortment for emergency. power to slash spending in the next ance with the federal govern. In Accident of playground equipment, ment's wage guidelines. The The Pointe had a new eight months to keep the increase is retroactive to d budget under a ceiling of July 1, 1972, the date The Roil park area. $250billion. One of the body's Shores' fiscal year began. In. On LS Sleely rain and 42-degree last acts was to raise the eluded in the contract is a temperatures did little to national debt limit, lifting provision for another 5.5 per. Early Morning Crash prevent the group of spirited , . the old $450 billion ceiling to cent pay increase next year, volunteers from joining in ;', $465 billion. Occurs When Car Goes the Environmental Act ion • • • Fringe Benefits Out of Control and Now, (EAN). and National Friday, October 20 ,Fringe benelltsinclude in. Strl'kes Tr~e Bank of Detroit, (NBD), NORTH VIETNAM'S reo ,photo by R2. Nlcosla creased Blue Cross coverage "prG)'ect. Everyone was there. quest for a cease.fire until Standing in front of the EAN sign which vice-president of NBD's Grosse Pointe ltegional begmnlng" in 1973• and ti me from s(udents to business.' after the United States elec. announced the "Plant-In" Saturday, October 21, Banking Center; and THOMASKRESSBACH, and a half for work during One person was killed men, Boy Scouts, IGirl Scouts, lion for president, was turn. which turned the southwest corner of Elworthy city manager ('If Grosse Pointe City. Within six holidays. The men nlso 'have and four others were in- EAN directors. city admin. ed down by President Nixon, Field into 'a fuBy landscaped park are, (left to hour!> Saturday, an army of 200 volunteers plant. a day ofl on their birthdays. jured when an auto ap. istrators, policen'.en. land. it was disclosed by South right): MIKE READ, head of the South High ed 2,000 pachysandra, 1,150 square yards of~od The Shores DPW is divided parently went out of con. scapers and bankers. Vietnamese legislative off!. School Earth Lovers; JOHN L. KING, Mayor of and 28 trees, bringing the redevelopment of EI. into three classifications of tro~ on Lake Shore .road, The day had been pro. cials. Members of the Na. Grosse Pointe City;' MRS. GEORGE W. DUF- worthy Field project a step closer to completion. employment: the pump sta. and struck a tree on an claimed Environmental Ac- tiona I Assembly said that FIELD, president of EAN; JOSEPH TOLARI, lion operator. the mechanic, island. The accident, tion Now (EAN) Day by President Nguyen Van Thieu [- and the general DPW em- h' h . tl d City Mayor John L. King, I~ has informed them of the I h. ployes who man the refuse W lC IS curren y un er and EAN Day it was, despite CreoJ!"eCmtiunonistbPyroPMosra.1anNcil'xtohne. pick up truck, snow plows, investigation by Shores the unencouraging weather. T II-nk .Arrest Shores ReSIdents Donate Educators and maintain village proper. police, occurred around The field was graded the · · · G. K $4 000 P .d An h ty. The pump station opera. 2 a.m. Saturday, October day bcfore by City DPW SLKatU1'sdAaYI'MoEcDtobeatrfl~n1dl'ng.tVeS to .. to rOVl e ot er tor and mechanic receive 21. workers leveling the land TA ey / Give Views ~.12 an hour; general DPW Police said that after strik. and preparing it for the peace in Indochina were con. 30 H ld U .O. P k T ,... C Ii 0 P Zemployes receive $4:/U an ing the tree, the 1966 Chevro. planting. tlnued, as presidenti!:l ad- 0 ' ,- pS SIUS ar enms ou n roposa, hour. Each of these rates ap. let convel'tible flipped on its Get Early Start visor Henry A. Kissinger con- __ ply to workers with over two top and came to rest on Work began at 8:30 a.m, ferred for three hours with W d M Wh Village Budget Will Take Care of Rest of Co, st; years' employ,ment with the Colonial road. Pronounced as C;'(y trucks brought the South Vietnamese Foreign yan oHe an 0 IS' S~;~~ol Board Members village. dead at the scene was landscaping plants, tools and Minister Tran Van Lam. Kis- Robbed Lochmoor Bar Response to Pea Leaves ponsors " 1'. ',' lJ~ge Voter," to Be Tb~Representatives Thomas McPhail. 18, of De. other equipment to the field. singer is expected to hold his Arrested N,ext Day Pleasantly Amazed A 0 The Shores was represenl. .~.t h .- --,. lh Landscaping know.how was ware,o, f angers ....OI" w a was~p ...n"" m e brought by Joseph Eckhart, fourth meeting in ~hree days __ ., ed by Village Superintendent rear of the vehicle with President Nguyen Van By Kathy Duff If C Wins Thomas K. Jeffelis and Wil. ' . the landscape architect who Thieu, after which he will reo A Wyandotte man, who After 10 months' of discussion in Shores Coun- Approval liam Killebrew, the attorney I ~tillardh Alllen, 19, of. De . designed the park, and Lynn . gt So allegedly held up the' t' . th f t 'b t' b rOI, w 0 a so was pmne d Murphy, landscape planner turn t0 Was hm on. urces ' l Cl mee mgs and one man 0 con rl u Ions y for the village. Representing . th t.' . t . th USE b Lochmoor Lounge 20934 G III e au 0, IS In serIous 0 for the NBD. Coordinating In. e .. massy in Sai. , Shores residents, a new tennis court in the eorge Next month the voters the DPW worker" were em. d' . .. t 'd Ki . d Thi Mack avenue, Monday, cnhcal con Ihon, III 10 en. and cheering on the ranks gon sal ss10ger an eu Osius Park has become a reality for next summer's of M1'chi!lan will ballot on ployes Harry McColm and . t St John Hospl' are trying to determine ex. October 16, was arrested _. d 1 b slve care, a. .. was Mrs. George W. (Nettie) actly what concessions each by Detroit police Tuesday tennis aficionados. ~-._---------I two important am end- George Harrison an a or tal.. Thro~vn from the vehicle, Duffield, president of EAN, is willing to make in the in. Success was realized when Hawthorne road, informed ments proposed to the attorney Thomas Melton. police said, were Rog~r Dale and members of the EAN terest of peace. South Viet evening, October 17, on Shores resider.t Donald Haigh the trustees. "Almost $4,000 State Constitution. Both Commenting on the con- Taylor, 17, of DetrOit, the IExecutive Board a traffic charge, said announced close to $4,000 was raised through the con. h f hi' I' tract settlement. Mr. Kille. driver; Elizabeth. Jane Haw. The hila vier .Iandscaping legislators played up the fact Woods Detective Everett d led b ~h . aye ar-reac ng Imp 1- brew said, "We think a great 1 17 f D t t d B 'dent NI'xon 'has reo was ana y ::; ores resl' tributions of 45 families, the ti f bl' d e.y. ,0 e rOl , an , o~. work, such as the tree piant. that Presl Plumb Around was d t t b 'ld a n rt in 'b' b' ca ons or pu lC ~ uca. deal of our employes and H I 18 f D tro t 'eeted a North Vietnamese' $280 en SOUL ew cou average contn utton emg t' P g f e (Pr rue awey, ,0 e.1 .
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