.· ..... r• • ' I 11111111111111111111111111u1111111111111111t11 1111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111u11tt11·1111111111 ~.li\tl:;.;!tt:J::!l::,ulll'l.ii&'.t~~:~ MAY/ 12 VOL. 46 . Distributors of: i ® ".SURVEY CHIEF" ALUMINIUM h-EVELLING STAFF 19.74 No. 6 3m, 4m & 5m. · Available ih E Pattern or Regular Metric lc.m. o -LUFKIN METRIC MEASURING TAPES & ACCESSORIES: ·o RABONE CHESTERMAN MEASURING TAPES & ACCESSORIES .® ESLON FIBREGLASS TAPES ' @. TRUMETER ROAD MEASURERS _ · ® . FABER CASTELL -W & G METRIC SCALE RULES e · LEVELS, THEODOLITES & SURVEY ACCESSORIES -.SALES AND SERVICE TELEPHONE: 2A EDWARD ·ST., 502-2029 KINGSGROVE 220 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111·11111111111111111111111111111111;11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'11111111111ltllltllltl . - . Australian Rules Football sharing the scene. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE N.S.W. FOOTBALL LEAGUE CRAVEN FILT'ER 64 REGENT STREET, . CHIPPENDALE. N.S.Vlf. 2008 c~j~" 2 belongs to your world _. LIONEL BEALE. PHONES: 698 1660 Secretary., . 698 1391 R!i!gistered at G.P.O. Sydney io' rransm1ss1on by nnst as ~ ne,_.;spaper Albert Printing Company Pty. Limited. 27 Queen Street. Chippendale. 2008 - 69 5210 H's the real,thing.~~e. FOR BIG!! DEALS ON NEW FORDS FROM CITY· FORD CROWN STREET, CITY' IF YOU CAN'T WAIT RING DENIS AITKEN-31 0322 "COCA-COLA" AND "COKE" ARE REGISTERED TRADE MARKS WHICH IDENTIFY THE SAME PRODUCT OF THE COCA·COLA COMPANY. "COCA-COtA" IS BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLERS, SYDNEY. ... ~ 12 THE FOOTBALL RECORD May 12th, 1974 May 12th, 1974 THE FOOTBALL RECORD 1 STATISTICS VICTORIA VERSUS SOUTH AUSTRALIAN MORE DETAILS DIVISION II B FIRST GRADE ROUND 6 The cream of Australian Rules Football will compete for a $5000 West 6 0 851 392 217.1 24 Pennant Hit:s 15.15 (105) d Penshurst (0) winner take all bonus when Victoria play Sou.th Australia at the Sydney S. Dist. 4 .2 636 523 121.6 16 Comb. Serv. 14.13 (97) d Bkstown 2.4 (16) Newtown 4 2 626 647 96.7 16 Sydney Uni 10.18 (78) d Mac Uni 2.6 (18) Cricket Ground on Sunday, June 2nd. "St .George 3 2 547 552 99.l 14 Warringah d U NSW I" South 2 4 583 627 92.8 8 It will be the first ever Interstate Australian Rules match played DIVISION II A LADDER East 2 4 578 677 85.4 8 in Sydney at the Cricket Ground on a Sunday. *N·. Shore 1 4 5'90 648 91.1 6 248 105 12:! 806 52.6 4 Wal'ringah 3 0 The match is being made possible from sponsorship by Philip Balmain 1 5 451 Perin3nt Hills 3 0 161 12:.) 12~ '' Drawn match Syaney Uni 2 1 252 124 8 . ·Morris Limited through Marlboro cigarettes. C. Services 2 1 312 174 8 1RESULTS , -Parties of 32 players and officials will represent each State. While U NSW 1 2 105 131 4 St.· George 5.1, 9.2, 14.5, 17.11 (113) MacQuarie Uni 1 2 142 207 4 the· selection of players. has not been finalised, coaches have already North Shore 4.2, 7.6, 13.6, 17.11 (113) Bankstown 0 3 62 355 0 Penshurst 0 3 8 77 0 been named. They are Neil Mann current Collingwood coach and Mike Newtown 3.6, 6.11, 11.19, 17.21 (123) Patterson from North A9elaide. Southern Dis. 5.4, 9.6, 12.7, 13.13 (91) The promotion ·has ·been encouraged because of growing public East 3.9, 7.11, 12.12, 21.18 (144) {:1' interest in the sport in Sydney stimulated by live televising of V.F.L. South 3.5, 8.8, ll.9, 18.12 (120) matches over the past three years: West 9.7, 16.12, 26.12, 30.17 (197) Balmain 2.3, 3.6, 5.7, 6.10 (46) The match will be televised live to Melbourne. Adelaide and Perth ABC by th2 Seven Network and the A.B.C. SECON.0 GRADE ROUND 6 COVERS The organisers are confident, given good weather, the match could West 21.22 (148) d Balmain 0.5 (5) YOUR SPORT attract a crowd in excess of 35,000. _ · · S. Dist. 9.8 (62) d Newtown 6.8 (44) N. Shore 9.14. (68) d St. George 9.9 (63) . ON ) The last Australian Rules match at the Sydney Cricket Ground _was East 14.14 (98) d South 11.4 (70) RAOIO&TV ~ between two Melbourne teams in 1969. It drew 14,000 spectators in West 5 1 634 223 284.3 20 PLUS ALL MA..JOR -shocking weather conditions. ·In 1967 and 1968 ·v.F.L club teams N. Shore 5 1 443 348 127.3 20 SPORTING RESULTS St. George· 4 2 464 257 180.5 16 attracted 22,400 and 23,700. •East 4 2 424 324 130.9 16 lNewtown 2 4 303 480 63.4 8 , With players such as Peter McKenna, Peter Crimmins, Ian Stewart_.. s. Dist. 2 4 228 436 52.3 8 ;. Alex Jesualenko, Des Tuddenham and Wayne Richardson wh_o · havifl5.:e{: South 1 5 347 481 72.1 6.\ 4 •'!""\ Bal main 1 5 228 519 43.9 4 ., come well known to Sydney followers through the V. F:L. telecastS :and South Australians Russell Ebert, Ken Whelan, Rick Davies, Phil Carrfran, .. THIRD GRADE ROUND 6 Graham Cornes, Brian Colbey, Barry Robrarn and Terry Von Bertbugh Balmain 9.10 (64) d West 4.12 (36) the match is sure to be first class. S. Dist. 14.13 (97) d Newtown 5.4 (34) St. George 13.12 (90) d N. Shore 6.5 (41) The last time these two teams met it resulted in a seven point Nirimba 12.10 (82) d:East 6.8 (44) ~ victory for Victoria in a cliff hanger finish. St. George 6 0 699 138 24 N.S.W. CHAMPIONSHIP s. Districts 5 1 521 280 20 West 4 2 332 292 16 WAGGA, MAY 18-19 Nirimba 4 2 311 211 16 Newtown 2 4 302 401 8 The N.S.W.A.F.L. side will leave Sydney next Friday night for the Baima in 2 4 220 448 8 N.S.W. State Championship to be held at Wagga on Saturday 18th, and North Shore 1 5 377 445 4 East q 6 135 689 0 Sunday 19th May. The 25 players will be announced at the Team Dinner held after DIVISION 111 ROUND 4 Heathcote 3 0 120 7 12 the final training session next Thursday at Picken Oval. West 3 1 231 92 12 Sutherland 2 1 197 174 8 Teams representing the Farrer League,. South West League and Sydney Uni. 0 3 41 92 Murray League with the New South Wales League will contest this the Holsworthy 0 3 55 348 0 first ever N.S.W. State Championship. RESULTS Following the Wagga matches the N.S.W. State Selectors will pick West 10.15 (75) d Sutherland 4.12 (36) Heathcote d Syd Uni (forfeit) &! the State team squad to represent N.S.W. at the Section II Champion­ DIVISION II A ships to be held in Sydney at Erskineville Oval on the Queens Birthday Comb. Serv. 25.15 (165) d Bkstown 4.9 (33) week end June 15, 16, 17. Sydney· Uni 16.22 (118) d Mac Uni 7.9 (51) Pennant Hills d Penshurst (forfeit) The Section II Championship will be contested by N.S.W., Queens­ Warringah 9.12 (66) d U NSW 8.13 (61) land, A.C.T. and the Australian Amateurs. THE FOOTBALL RECORD May 12th, 1974 May 12th, 1974 THE FOOTBALL RECORD 31 i --;~·;;;;;~;;~;;:;;~~1:;;;;~~;;~-:~~----1 i +- - WELCOMES TEAMS OF THE N.S.W.A.f.L. l '· . ON PREMIERSHIP MATCH DAYS i .. _,- ~! MAY ENTERTAINMENT . -~ SATURDAY, 4th .. ...... ......... ......... .......................... Jill Lindfield 1~-.- SUNDAY, 5th ........................................................... Count Coppernicus . .WEDNESDAY, 8th .............................................................. LADIES' DAY SATURDAY, 11th ...... :.. ·· ......... ............................................ James Peglar SUNDAY, 12th ........................................................................ Ann Skelton .r·'... TUESDAY, 14th ...... :....................................... FILM-"The Hot Rock" SATURDAY, 18th ............................................................ The Harmony • SUNDAY, 19th ......... ............. 7 p.m.-The Johnny Ashcroft Show ;!·r TUESDAY, 21st ............................................. The Normie Rowe Show i ... SATURDAY, 25th ......................................................... Jenny Green I :~'.' -suNDAY, 26th ....... .............................................................. Rue Kiwis .. i:· TUESDAY, 28th ................. Film-"Dust, Sweat and Gunpowder" DRESS RULES: Patrons· are advised that :;!;: NO THONGS, JERSEYS, SINGLET ORT. SHIRTS ·. ~;. WILL BE ALLOWED IN THE CLUB J· LADIES ARE PERMITTED TO WEAR SLACKS ON DAYS ' : I' WHEN FOOTBALL IS PLAYED EXCEPT IN SKYLINE LOUNGE TELEPHONES: 797-0347 - 797-0598 ~,.,,,..,._,,,.,..,..,...~,,..,~..,..,..,._..~~~.#.1-"""'~~,,_....-.~~~""""''~ i' AUSTRALIA-N.EW ZEALAND--FIJl-PAPUA NEW GU!NEA-USA..'.CANADA-r.1EXICO i Jus: one singl8 'phone c..r:dl gives y0u the choice of C'/C'i 500 Tro·:s-lJdges ti1rcughoul I lhe V\/orld. Simpl'f cliol the Trovlcx Reszrvo:ion Cr;0lrc in your copi~ol city or I .. : your locol Trc:velr_icige. /--.s you ore tolkiPg, your l.;ou~~ing is h·:!ing or.ode ond WESTERN SUBURBS AUSTRALIAN FOOTBALL CLUB LTD. confirmci!io·n is being typed, to b~ forwordecl ~o you :he som~ ck!y. Th;s receipt of conflrma:ion ensures occornrnodolion wher. you c.11: ive o: your des:inc.1lion. I A!I it tokes is one single 'phone coll for ~h:; fcnec;t o:ci;mrrod':1lion, s01vicc ANNOUNCES ond volue for rnon..-;y when ',·OU /:·ovtd iC rin·,t r~·(: 1eLodgc-·onyv-,1hf"!rC. SUNDAY SMORGASBORD LUNCKEON SKYLINE LOUNGE TRAVELODGE • PARKROYAL • CAf1AVILLf• o oOUL~VARD HOTEL • BEACHCOl.\BER HOTEL WHEN GAMES PLAYED AT PICKEN OVAL RESERVATIONS: t~·r .1•1, •t .>' c. r :·; Tr1.t'L·~~·.- :., ,\1J :11 1 ~ :,,.,., :':•;;:1• l P:ic:..i.1 :~~•·' "'."1:1•n,~.1 i,l1'i:1, 11 1 1 1 1 ~~;lj~~ t ~?r::~ .~:.~ ·0~2~u;~r~·:;~ -·;;~r~i:;rt ;7c';;~ ~ ;· { .; ;:,J~ ;•·~~:· rr ~: c; ~~ ~~ ):-~:'; ~-K~.·~~~n~~n)~s; ~ ~~~: J11>~;~'1'.~ ~~-~;~ Dress Casual ~~~956~.o~~.::'\~.~~:~1 ·~:~~-k~!'.c~,':'.,:·- ~.'/ ~·~~B:· .'~; '• ~:~'./..~ i; ~II;~,:~~;: ': ~'.Jl~ ..r.~~.: ·;~~ !.;;· ~'.·~;;:~:.
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