Gujarat Pollution Control Board RegionalOffice SardarPatel Commercial Complex, Rameshwarnagar, BediBandar Road, Jamnagar-361 008. Website: www.gpcb. gov. in PUBLIC HEARING PROCEEDINGS As per the Ministryof Environment,Forests & ClimateChange, Government of India,New Delhi,vide its NotificationNo. S,0.1533dated September L4,2006 and as amendedpublic Hearing was conductedfor the followingprojects covered 'B', under Category M/s. SandeepAbrasives Industries, For the Proposed Production-168620 TPA of Bauxite,at BhogatBauxite Mines, Survey No. 360/P (LeaseArea: 29.7749), ,Village:Bhogat, Ta. -Kalyanpur, Dist. Devbhumi Dwarka.The PublicHearing is beingheld on 1't March2OL6 at 15:30 hrs, at Open Plot, RevenueSurvey No, 360/P, BhogatBauxite Mines, Ahead of BSNL TelephoneExchange, Teen RastaChokdi, Village:-Bhogat, Taluka:-Kalyanpur, Dist:-Devbhumi Dwarka; as mentionedin theirrequest application received. A copyof the Draft EnvironmentImpact Assessment Report and the Summaryof EnvironmentImpact AssessmentReport were sent to the followingauthorities and officesto make availablethe draft EIA Reportfor the inspectionto the Public duringnormal office hours, till the PublicHearing is over: 1. The DistrictCollector Office, Devbhumi Dwarka. 2. DistrictDevelopment Office, Devbhumi Dwarka. 3, DistrictIndustry Centre, Devbhumi Dwarka. 4, TalukaDevelopment Office, Tal.Kalyanpur, Dist, Devbhumi Dwarka, 5. The ChiefConservator of Forests,Ministry of Environment& Forests,GOI, Regional Office (West Zone), Kendriya Paryavaran Bhavan, E-5, AreraColony, Link Road-3,Ravisankar Colbny, Bhopal-462076. 6. Regional Office, Gujarat Pollution Control Board, Sardar Patel CommercialComplex, Rameshwarnagar,Kasturba Gandhi Vikas Gruh Marg,Bedi Bandar Road, Jamnagar-368008 Other concernedpersons having plausiblestake in the environmentalaspects were requestedto send their responsein writing to the concernedregulatory authorities.They were requestedto send their comments to the regulatory authoritiesas above. The PublicHearing was scheduledon l't March2OL6 at 15:30hrs, at OpenPlot, RevenueSurvey No. 360/P, BhogatBauxite Mines, Ahead of BSNLTelephone Exchange,Teen Rasta Chokdi, Village:-Bhogat,Taluka:-Kalyanpur, Dist:- DevbhumiDwarka. An advertisementin Gujaratiwas publishedin "Sandesh"dtd. 29.A1.2016and in Englishwas publishedin the "IndianExpress Editions" dtd. 29.01.2016. Shri H. K. Patel,IAS, DistrictMagistrate, Devbhumi Dwarka, supervisedand presidedover the entirepublic hearing process. ",rF- A statementshowing participants present during the PublicHearing is enclosed as AnnexureA. A statementshowing salient points highligHting issues raised by the participants. and respondedby the representativeof the applicantduring the PublicHearing I in Engli6hand GujaratiLanguages is enclosedherewith as AnnexureB and 81 respectively,along with the proceedingsof the hearing. The Copyof responsereceived in writingfrom other personhaving plausible stakein environmentalaspects is enclosedherewith as AnnexureC, alongwith its reply,asAnnexure D, respectively. w Place:Bhogat f. u. Dave Mw Dist.: Devbhumi Dwarka Regional Officer, District Magistrate Date:Ot lOSl2OL6 GPCBJamnagar & as Representative of the Collector Member Secretary, GPCB Devbhumi Dwarka Encl.: l.AnnexureA, B, 81, C, and D, as above. 2. VideoCD of PublicHearing - 1 CDs Annexure-A A statementshowing participants present during the PUBLICHEARING As perthe l\llinistryof Environmentand Forests, Government of India,New Delhi, vicle its Notificationl.ro. S.O.1533 dated 14.09.2006arnrj its amendmentS.O.3067 (E), dated 0111212AA9,Public Hearing is conductedfor the lbllowingproject covered under Category 'B'. M/s. SandeepAbrasives Industries, For the ProposedProduction 168620 TPA of Bauxite.at BhogatBauxite Mines (Lease Area:29t.7749), Survey No. 360/P,Village: Bhogat, Ta. -Kalyanpur, Dist.Devbhumi Dwarka. The PublicHearing is beingheld on 1" March 2016at 15:30hrs, at OpenPlot, Revenue Survey No. 360/P,Bhogat Bauxite Mines, Ahead of BSNL TelephoneExchange, Teen Rasta Chokdi,Village:-Bhogat, Taluka:-Kalyatnpur, Dist:-Devbhumi Dwarka. The listof participantsprr;sent during the publichearing. o-lr?d+i"?5r?"11 .{.u[q.?qr aqa qd riataar'tc{l flcdtdi %t&?'tu{.5{i5.ltt. rrit. tLts3 (iJ), cri..rX.Cld.?OoSuti" I'u qtjl'U qudL qudot. UUt?t ut"qa b),crfl tc,[ll]ti t/ttq{l dcr.rir.*rt.+iG"{ QQtil..rtJ"sdt:n 6t?r.4qt ur.eot? ulSsa {t} tscsto Lfls a'tlclt[U5, +'li:ii*.r,ii.iuLga I{.trjo+r (c-{lo ldtrtt??e.ooyc &si',e), +t{ "i, 3soli.., rttH: sct{tqtUt,dt. ,.ctGE^l,i*. t.+cg{lft?sl }l.}"[[ qRail.v'tt"ftuafaaqftu a1s gataqft at.ot.oa.eotEou ilx t'.iLli ii3.3c scu} Ufysa iltUe, l. t-ildu r)QQq ij.'sdlf,J, r,t].qaict1a, ta"":1 tt{ i.: 3 SC/fi..,tqiii;.c-r c,rLsttttja r{t6,tt, o{l.tlu.rl.i..flct. }[d.gf't rl"al."cr eI[ rrttctrn,:tqt ?ktt qfsSl,,rlii"t:\q.{.irlr.G, dt.sciitqlle, [?. t,acy{l gtastutta ?tutctt{ir,ttda . l,tl at-15q'tld.q[iii.r. €tY? ?bct a].s-I'fta|.|'fl "[lL4r ]r,rct]ti ?T stc-tE. Sr. Name & Designation Organization SiEnature No" /Village "itu r,,ta€]A n6l s'i-tis ti.+e-ttzcttH *'\clcr{rLt -Zi nz, a ).'t ' q h<( , tcat t-''(rff 7), i zkq frt&r ett4et I vflnl ml{/ul Sr. Name & Designation Organization Signature No. ,u:{r{a aEL /Village +r6t - - ,i - 5 ltt5 +itettzcttH 1 2& P \ . ei r" c-,--i ut ctLX I &r&* o,, (A I "ge,tlr4t,r"" / B. /ih .{,"t- t-,.-rc1 5\tcl I o )t tttV.. .'iblt4 @k\\WM) 10. qrtciu. G>r r}rt Plot,n f>, 1l II r$:rpggrrzuP (49rtc<-P - r,uilz<t mttf hr 12. CD.xa \ *>fla r (8t 9-l2t r (].nrr*rru','rttt I !a I .1. &\\r,.' 2u. A:rr* {rrrr t^L2r 1A ia- lei+rc-latU t=")r.ilJ' {clact' i5. J.n z'fr u r*/v ff-ar:. -6{}, 16, \ l.] r,-.-b'fr^ ,r.? ftl,U,no 1i" €-\"1n \r().. z;rat0{1u- Hpl'tL- 1a )l.gl2r otj^ n fr adw& :o E*t\\ S?n t"-" 20. finan 3n*- 4fr)or.n, e^- l4zto, ) 6it8z, cA,ota<. UAr* 22. ctt^( 6r/ah t I€Fr+ Slone daut \^ 2) W -fi>za1a )>am- 67aUS.,l )E"*^rhzxz-- '\ tl dt >tc-{,adt t { rJ){1 zrL\a* ( " utu1Q 25" cZf \Ct j\.--.-r,.>e\ C}-..i\zt t .{b<-/ 26. VE ql .f) &t z aytajl pzal 27. Jaq nh aw- qw^ 28. llrunu# il L/n,nrvrflf rrj*ruo lJ^^ooul 29. ?rn/*f/ 8n^; ffi Sr, Name & Designation Organization Signature No. 'u.rtua AEL /Village ndt 5l-ri5 +itettzcttu 30. Pn^ ^/r/,,,, AutA TrtJ/4h 8, /; ]L*r- {il#r/ 31. Ii14/- - J'/a ^ nA ' h 41 2",^ lfl|-./ LK-t4 xrv ' lk-r4 .--frh aa JL. 9 ? \-.\*,2 t\ /'t wJ ) di tt/ fl)^ 33. -*.r"..,-4 Acr.A ,"\ril-t n'ltnr\ rn.rwAi-t'\0*\ 34. q"l)srrq 2.,t,trM "l 1 D{tr \ .} fu^*e' 35. =.* --:11e16\ ,<d?\{\ € trft1t6( (W 36. PqMs, 2'tne(l,i,,r,tn& rn-r rrlrrJ AttrSr X$+1 37. \\_ dfiol 6Lcl@Le }ro,^ rA)I *y'ttCl(l/ 38. o{rrrr -):r- r 9n-t'ld1 )r-rrrf) */44 fr \ 39. \\ ilrtt Cl r.', t tli),)llJlO ,h,,>rt f) 445gtHu 44. / a,l.1t15t 1559t1\ c,-tt</ (:^\\L\c. t@) 4t. q\s\ | -Jl'/z/K/ ?)fit&f ,q' j/A )f #i A1 L a-. c\ //hyqq1v fl vt/l)\ erdtr\\\ **KGesL"g 43. *t( Ct( Qtf, 6ioflz* e'Nrs*. ,hr^,aui*.,'.- 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. ANNEXURE- B (English) As per the Ministryof Environment,Forests and ClimateChange, Government of India, New Delhi vide its notificationno. S.O. 1533 dated 14th September,2006 and its subsequentamendment, Public Hearing was fixed for Bhogat bauxite minesof M/s SandeepAbrasives Industries for proposedproduction capacity from 1,68,620 TPA Bauxite ROM in Lease Area 29.7749 Ha at Survey No. 36O/P, BhogatVillage, Kalyanpur Taluka, District DevbhoomiDwarka, on OI/03/2016 at 15:30 hrs, at OpenPlot, Revenue Survey No: 360/P,Bhogat Bauxite Mines, BSNL Aheadof TelephoneExchange, Teen RastaChokdi, Village: Bhogat, Ta. Kalyanpur, Dist. DevbhumiDwarka which is coveredunder category - B. Shri P. U. Dave, Regional officer, Gujarat Pollution control Board (GPCB), Jamnagarand representativeof the MemberSecretary Gujarat PollutionControl ,\-, Board, welcomed the District Magistrateand District Collector of Devbhoomi Dwarka districtand all present at the public hearing.He outlinedthe various provisionsof the Notificationand briefedthe proceduraldetails for conductingthis PublicHearing including actions taken by GujaratPollution Control Board for wide publicityof this publichearing and also about the advertisementgiven earlierin the local Gujarati newspaper"Sandesh" and English newspaper"The Indian express" dated 29/Ot/2016. He informed that one written representationwas receivedfrom Mr. Mahesh Pandya, ParyavaranMitra, Ahmedabad prior to the PublicHearing, which is enclosedas AnnexureC-1 alongwith its replysubmitted by the projectproponent as AnnexureD-1. Shri P. U. Dave, Regionalofficer, Gujarat Pollution control Board, Jamnagar and representativeof the Member SecretaryGujarat PollutionControl Board invited the ProjectProponent to make the presentationof their project in localvernacular languagei.e. Gujarati. Representative of Greencindia Consulting Private Limited, Environment Consultant,on behalf of project proponentpresented power point presentationin Gujaratilanguage covering introduction of the Company,Product Profile, Technical Information,Details of project, EnvironmentalManagement System, its Impact on environmentAlong with proposedEnvironment Measures and Industry'sactivities towardscorporate Social Responsibilities was presented. Afterthe completionof powerpoint presentation, Shri P. U. Dave, RegionalOfficer GujaratPollution Control Board Jamnagar and representativeof the Member Secretary Gujarat Pollution Control Board declared forum open for representations/suggestions/issuesfromthe localpublic. The statement showing issues raised by the participantsand respondedby the representativesof the applicantduring the publichearing are as under: ! Sr. Name and Point Represented Replies from Project No. Address Proponent 1 ShriNathubhai These people are . Representative ofl Bhikhabhai blasting 200 holes Project proponent Bhatiya together. So, my house informed that blasting Village:Bhogat is damaged. I filed a will be limitedas much case. ComPanYhas not as possible and rock given any undertaking. breaker will be utilize Companyis lying.TheY for mining, so that are not informing to possibilitiesof blasting anybody. My farm and can be reduce.Replies houseare damaged.MY given by Project wife informedthem but Proponentare included nobody came.
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