THE MAINE Legionnaire AUGUST 2018 Vol. 33, Issue 3 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER AMERICAN LEGION DEPARTMENT OF MAINE 24 Pages Maine American Legion Celebrates its 100th Annual State Convention he very first Annual State Con- attendance. Attendees were then greeted vention for The American Le- by Bangor City Councilor and President gion, Department of Maine took of Maine Seniors Magazine David Neal- place Sept. 24, 1919 at the ley who welcomed everyone to the Ban- TU.C.T. Hall on Post Office Square in gor area. Bangor. This year, The American Legion, Various committee reports were pre- Past Department Commander Photo Op: Maine American Le- Department of Maine celebrated its 100th sented both Friday and Saturday by com- gion Past Department Commanders line up for a photo opportunity at the Annu- Annual State Convention at the Spectacu- mittee chairmen as well as special awards al State Convention in Bangor on June 16. Left to right, PDC 1979 Anthony lar Event Center in Bangor on June 15-17. to impressive individuals for achievement “Tony” Jordan, PDC 1982 Edward Roach Jr., PDC 1989 Ronald Sailor, PDC Legionnaires, Auxiliary members, Sons in their particular field. This year’s Law 1994 James Johnson, PDC 2003 Herman Wright, III, PDC 2005 Lloyd Woods, of The American Legion, Legion Riders Enforcement Officer of the Year was PDC 2007 Paul L’Heureux, PDC 2009 Andrew G. Olson, Sr., PDC 2011 Brenda and guests from all over the state filled awarded to Officer Jerry R. Locke of Dearborn, PDC 2015 Ronald Rainfrette, and PDC 2016 Peter Johnson. the convention hall Friday and Saturday South Berwick, Firefighter of the Year to in celebration of this year’s 100th Annual Chief Dana R. Hatton, Charlotte Volun- Photo by Jeffrey Stevenson State Convention which comprised of a teer Fire Dept., EMT/Paramedic of the massive parade on Sat., June 16 to kick Year to Gary L. Bennett, Naples, and Ed- off The American Legion’s 100th Centen- ucator of the Year to Eric Sherman, Commander Paradis to Lead nial Celebration. Greenville Consolidated School. Humani- The 100th Annual State Convention tarian of the Year award was presented Maine American Legion began Friday, June 15 at 9:00 a.m. with this year to Sanford Post 19 Service Of- the Resolutions Committee meeting and ficer Dale Midgley of Kennebunk, and cott Mi- 1979 and honorably discharged in 1984. public hearing on 5 resolutions submitted our own special surprise announcement S chael He served two years in the Infantry and for action. After the public hearing, the for Legionnaire of the Year went to St. Paradis was three in Supply. His basic training was committee went into executive session George Post 34 Finance Officer Jan C. elected as the held at Fort Knox, KY, advanced infantry and discussed the various resolutions and Gaudio of Spruce Head. Unfortunately, Department of training at Fort Benning, GA, and his what would be recommended to the gen- Mr. Gaudio was unable to attend the Con- Maine Com- quartermaster corps training was at Fort eral convention population on Saturday vention due to a prior commitment; there- mander of Jackson, SC. He served at the Trizonal afternoon. At 12 noon, Department Com- fore, District 6 Commander Raymond The American point where East Germany, West Germa- mander Randall Kluj of Orneville called Lewis accepted Mr. Gaudio’s award on Legion during ny and Czechoslovakia came together, th the convention to order in proper form his behalf. A complete listing of all spe- the 100 An- and later served at Fort Hood, TX. where and Past Department Commander Antho- nual State he was discharged as an E-4. ny “Tony” Jordan welcomed all those in More on CONVENTION, Page 2 Convention Scott is a paid up for life member of held at the 23 continuous years at Corinna Post 73. Spectacular COMMANDER He has served in various officer positions Event Center SCOTT PARADIS at the state and post level, as well as on in Bangor on various department committees. June 16, 2018. He was born in Dexter, Scott and his wife Sherree currently Maine on June 3, 1962 and graduated reside in Newport, Maine and have five from Nokomis High school in 1980. children, three sons and two daughters. Scott served in the U.S. Army, entering in State Commander’s Vision “My vision is to effectively meet the needs of Veterans. In so doing, I am hopeful they will see the importance of membership so that both young and old Veterans will embrace The American Legion. This will position us as Humanitarian Of The Year: Sanford Post 19 Service Officer Dale an organization for our next 100 years.” Midgley of Kennebunk receives Humanitarian of the Year award from Chair- man Edward Roach Jr., right, during the 100th Annual State Convention in Ban- gor on June 16. Photo by Jeffrey Stevenson 2 THE MAINE LEGIONNAIRE, AUGUST 2018 Commander’s Comments A ‘First’ Look would like years as the #1 Veteran’s organization in y Fellow National Commanders theme for the I to thank all the world? M Legion- membership year is “Team 100”. This of you for this It is because our members have naires! Thank theme encourages us to bring to bare all exceptional “ENTHUSIASM” for what we do. you for the privi- of our skills and abilities together as a opportunity to I think Henry Ford said it best, “You lege to serve as team to drive the best gift and celebration be Commander can do anything if you have enthusiasm. your 1st Vice we can give our organization on its 100th of the greatest Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your Commander for birthday, membership growth. Department in hopes rise to the stars. Enthusiasm is the the Department At our Fall Conference in Brunswick, the American sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your of Maine. Post 20, we will look at how to accom- Legion. I am gait, the grip of your hand, the irresistible I enjoyed plish this. We will look at retention and extremely hon- surge of will and energy to execute your seeing and cele- recruitment, and give you tools to lever- ored and will ideas. Enthusiasts are fighters. They have brating with all MATTHEW age as a post and district to drive this not let you fortitude. They have staying qualities. of you at our growth goal. As we look at the numbers COMMANDER th JABAUT down. Enthusiasm is at the bottom of all pro- 100 Depart- for the state, 100% is not enough, as it SCOTT PARADIS My vision gress. With it there is accomplishment. ment Convention. What a great event to only means you have the same number as for this coming Without it, there are only alibis.” re-invigorate our organization celebrating last year. Even if every post in the state year is to effectively meet the needs of Our members have an abundance of our legacy and looking forward to a vi- reaches the 100% we would not make the Veterans. In so doing, I am hopeful they ENTHUSIASM and FORTITUDE and I sion for the future. Department goal or have more members will see the importance of membership so salute each one of you for it. Keep up the Going into this year we will have a that both young and old Veterans will outstanding work that you do. It is appre- renewed focus on membership. The new More on “FIRST VICE”, Page 5 embrace The American Legion. This will ciated. position us as an organization for our next Thank you for the privilege of your Damariscotta Post 42; Department Sgt.-At 100 years. time. CONVENTION -Arms Kelly Ela, Naples Post 155; De- Do you know why The American Commander Scott Paradis (Continued from Page 1) partment NECA Randall Kluj, Milo Post Legion has flourished for the past 100 Department of Maine 41. cial awards and scholarships presented The 100th Annual State Convention during the 100th Annual State Convention concluded late Saturday afternoon, June can be seen on page 8 of this edition of 16, with our Sweepstakes drawing. The Installation Ceremony: The Maine Legionnaire. lucky winner for the top prize of $3500 Past Department Commander The ceremony honoring the outgoing was awarded to William W. Wildes, Herman Wright installs newly Department Commander Randall Kluj Kennebunkport Post 159; $750 to Jay elected State Commander for took place Saturday afternoon, conducted Sutter, Southwest Harbor Post 69; and Maine American Legion Scott M. by Department Adjutant Paul L’Heureux. $250 to Richard Grover, Bethel Post 81. Paradis during the Legion Family Commander Kluj thanked everyone for The convention adjourned at 4:30 p.m. Installation Ceremony held at the their support and for a great year while after the Memorial Service-Post Everlast- Spectacular Event Center on June Commander of The American Legion, ing and Retirement of Colors. The Le- 16. Department of Maine. Following his re- gion Family then gathered for installation sponse, the Chairman of Credentials of Legion, Auxiliary, and Sons of The Committee, William Alaimo read off the American Legion 2018-19 officers. Recruiter Of The voting results for the 2018-19 Department Sunday morning saw the DEC meet officers. at 8:00 a.m. where the committee re- Year: Dept. 1st Vice Com- Department Commander Scott Para- viewed the various items on the agenda mander and newly elected dis, Corinna Post 73; Department First and other topics of business of the Depart- Dept. Commander Scott Para- Vice Commander Matthew Jabaut, ment of Maine. dis, center, presents Windham Topsham Post 202; Department Second Thanks goes out to everyone who Post 148 Adjutant David R.
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