// you seek a delQhtful 0;i<.' 'way to keep your l>emiisitla, look about you. friends is not to give them —Motto of Michigan. aimty. 1 INGHAM TY NEWS 1 Seventy-fifth year. No. 40 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1934 12 Pages FORMER SHERIFF DEAD Mason Garbage Hauler May Lose Blue Eagle, Trail Mason Woman sura Wm CAUCUS CALLED Gets Warning To Comply With Hauling Code As Goodrich's Wife Miss Ledah Laverty, charge do ECTS COUNTY ROAOS Doll Dorman, Mason garbage col truckers are forced to pay, it is stated. affairs in the SMA office in Mason, 0 SELECT CITY IKE MimCLOlGflERE lector and man of all work, may lose The oiTice girl In Lansing explained was the victim of mistaken identity UECoMMEND RoAl> HOARD CoN- a blue eagle he didn't know he pos­ that unless the three dollars is paid a while vacationing in Detroit last NOMINATIONS TO BE tMADE FOR NEW ORDINANCE TO BECOME TINUE PRESENT PROGRAM. sessed. Dell's business of collecting fine can be imposed or the truck im­week. Miss Laverty left the home CITY OFFICES TUESOAY. EFFECTIVE .MONDAY. garbage was rudely interrupted Wed­pounded and the owner denied its use. of Detroit friends early in the EiiKliicer Riikowsky Ri.'c(!llviis Com-nesday when he received a throat that Quoted on the back of the ticket Is morning to take a brisk walk be­ Three ,•\lllt^n^lL^n, Two JiisHcos, Olerls, Ohninuiin Frliiik Pieiird Upheld Ordl- ineniliitinn Of Sl>l(ms And CdduiiN- he may have to pay a fine of $500 orArticl e n, Definitions, They read: "1, fore breakfast. An eagle-eyed res­ •Assessnr .'VihI Two Oim,sl.iil»lcs luuioe, .Another Exuctutlvo Held It skoiiorii On RosuU. Of Work. serve a jail term if he doesn't come The term "Industry" as used herein ident of the neighborhood thought To Be Clio.Hi'ii. WlUioiit Force, across with a $3,00 fee to the code means the transportation and all ser­ Miss Laverty was Mrs. Merton The committee on roads and bridgeauthorits y for the trucking business, vices ordinarily incidental thereto in Ward Goodrich, wife of the man Nominations for city offices will be Ruling No. 3 on Mason's recently of the Ingham county board of super­ Dell does not have the ,'i;500 for pay­ connection with any trade, industry or sought in Detroit's hunt for the made at a caucus of the Peoples party enacted midnight closing ordinance visors will recommend to the county ment of the threatened fine nor does business to the extent that such trans­ killer of a little girl. to be held In the circuit court room of for beer parlors was received by the road commission that'the present pol­ ho feel that he has time to serve a portation is over publicly used road­ Just a few minutes after the re­ the court hoiise Tuesday night, Octo­ cquncll Monday night. It uphold the icy of applying motor car revenue jail term. Ho hasn't paid the ,$3,00 ways, turn of Miss Laverty to the home ber 9. The caucus will bo called to council's right to order beer gardens collected by the stale and allocated to yet because ho does not believe he 2. The term "member of industry" of her fi-iends a police oar drove order at eight o'clock. Inasmuch as closed at midnight. The ordinance the counties bo continued. During theowe s it. That puts Dell in the same as used herein includes any individ­ up and stopped. Three officers there is taut one party in the • field, will go Into effect Monday night, Oc­ past year about one half of construc­ class with sugar beet haulers who ual, partnership, corporation or other alighted and came to the door, nomination at the caucus will be tan­ tober 8, This will be the last week tion money has been applied to the have been warned that unless they form of enterprise that is engaged in They demanded the surrender of tamount to election. For several years that sales of beer will be permitted improvement of township highways pay ,$3,00 each to the code authority the Industry as an employer, and any Mrs, Goodrich, Members of the since the successful launching of the after midnight. that they are subject to fine and Im­person engaged in the Industry who household and the guests were Peoples party the Citizens party has taken over by the county under the prisonment, The new ordinance was not neces­ provisions of the McNitt and Horton drives a vehicle on his own behalf, paraded In front of the officers. joined forces. sary. Operators of beer establish­ acts and half to laying blaclt top on Wednesday morning Dell was about 3, The term "for hire member" as The police quickly withdrew when At the caucus Tuesday night nomi­ ments agreed six weeks ago to close the more heavily traveled portions of his usual business of collecting the used herein moans any member of the they found out that their informer nations will bo made tor city clerk, at midnight. Their offer was ignored the old county road system. town's garbage for which he exacts Industry who receives compensation was inistaken. They tendered their city assessor, two justices of the by the coiuicil, A proposed closing the tremendous toll of 45 cents a or remuneration directly or Indirectly apologies to Miss Laverty. The peace, alderman at large, two ward Discussing the matter at the con month for each householder served. for the transportation of property (a) ordinance was discussed and the elusion of their annual tour of inspec-, SMA office manager remained in­ aldermen and two constables, The in­ mayor and council decided that city Dell says his business wouldn't be so of others, or (b) of his own property doors during the rest of her stay cumbents whoso terms will expire this lion, the members of roads and brid­ bad if it wore not for the fact that so for sale or disposal when the principal HARVEY O. CLINE officials possessed no authority under ges committee, declared themselves as in Detroit, * fall are William S, Soolyo, justice of the liquor law, many housewives force their husbandspurpos e or effect of such sale or dis­ the peace; David P, Whitmoi'e, justice Mr. Cline died at the St. Lawrence highly pleased at the results being ob­ to bury the garbage in the garden. posal is to obtain revenue by such hospital in Lansing Wednesday. He V, J. Brown of the Ingham County tained. It was pointed out that such of the peace who has tendered his Then too, Doll says there are some transportation," resignation; George Kellogg, clerk; served as sheriff of Ingham county News asked Frank PIcard, then chair­ a split of revenues makes possible the who slip the family leavings Into the man of the liquor commission, relative improvement of back country roads From the foregoing it would appear Carlton P, Hunter, city assessor; for eight years. During the war he garbage can of some neighbor thus that about anyone who dares take STS DISCLOSED George L, Surateaux, alderman at was chairman of the county draft to the authority of the council, Mr. never bofort; improved, thus provid­ avoiding the 45 cent charge. Anyway anything resembling a truck out on board. Picard replied that the council has ing farm to market roads for many as Dell was about his usual duties a ample authority to regulate closing rui'al sections never enjoying access the highway is subject to the levy of slick fellow from Lansing scanned his the administration fee and a fine In AT COUNTY INfliARY VACANCY ON COUNCIL hours of beer parlors. Acting on the (0 state and county highway systems, old flivver truck and then handed Doll case he fails in any way to observe all At a special meeting of the city advice of the liquor board chairman yet at the same time carrying on a a ticket. the technical provisions of the code as 198 PEOPLE OARBO FOR THERE council held last week the seat FORMER SHERIFF DEA the council passed an ordinance fixing dust laying program which brings re­ held by George L, Surateaux was midnight as the closing hour. lief to farms situated along heavily The ticket is headed "Code Viola­ to rates and tariffs which are requir­ oURINCf PAST YEAR, tion Notice" and charges the Mason ed for every owner who registers. declared vacant. Mr. Surateaux A few days later Geoi-go Kellogg, traveled roads, providing safer and trucker with "Failure to Display Fed­ was alderman at large. The coun­ more enjoyable ti-avel and gradually Warnings have already been sent to Dally Avnrage Cost Shows SUfjht Ex­ cil concluded that Mr. Surateaux city clerk, received a letter from T. reducing costs of maintenance, eral Code Plate", Dell could not dis­ owners of farm trucks who engage in cess Over Prevlirus Y(!«ir, Ilos- E, Kraus, assistant chief Inspector for play it because ho never had one. the hauling of beets. Unquestionably pMilil SiiA'e.s Clisfli. is a resident of Holt instead of the liquoi- commission, that the city John Rakowsky, county road engi­ These plates cost three dolars and it also is intended to cover the truck­ Mason. Two weeks ago Mr. Sui'a- IIARVEV O, CLINE WAS SHERIFF council does not have authority to fix teaux acted as a member of the FOR EIGHT VEARS. neer, was paid high compliment by thethre e dollars is a lot of money for a ing of milk to market.
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