THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE 1929 ARTS& ENTERTAINMENT Women's GWAR you ready? lacrosse* The violence has| wins last arrived page 6 home game Vol. 75 No. 19 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 38th St. Erie, Pa. 16546 May 2, 2002 Academic building construction^ Graphic Design Program progresses, stillkhead of schedule earns recognition for work of budget, audience, and goals and proof to potential employers that the By Annie DeMeo then evaluates how accurately the students are extremely detail ori- Staff writer piece conforms to the original inten- ented," said Hoper. tions. Annual staff members who The Erie Ad Club also recognized Area and national organizations have shared in the honor were: Elizabeth Natalie Zofko '02 for pieces she de- been taking notice of Mercyhurst's Nici '01, Erik Roedersheimer '03, signed for two separate clients. She graphic design in recent weeks. Both Vikkie Hunt '02, Melanie McClaskey won a total of three a W a r d s : a gold the Erie Ad Club, which held its an- '01, Angela Gilmore '03, and Shawn for the 2001 Lumen Poetry Chap- nual awards dinner Friday, April 5, Basile'01. * | book, a silver award for her pro-bono, and the International Association of "The senior annual is a group ef- holiday illustration "Tidings of C o m - Business Communicators (IABC) fort," said Hopper. "Often, one stu- fort and Joy," and Student Best of recently recognized student-pro- dent spearheads the project as the art Show for the 2001 Lumen. duced pieces. director (McClaskey), but it's really "Natalie is a really hard worker, The senior annual, which has been a collaborative effort for the graphic she's very dedicated to her craft," an award-winning publication since designers." said Hopper. "She is a good illustra- Jodi Staniunas Hopper became direc- Hopper noted that the originality tor and a good designer, which is a tor of the graphic design program, of the graphic designers often goes very rare combination." won a gold award from the Erie Ad unnoticed or unrecognized by stu- In addition to the awards, two Club for the third straight year. Also, dents who receive the annual. "They sophomore graphic design stu- for the first time, the publication won dont use a template, they build one dents—Erin Pile and Rachel Ma- a bronze award from the IABC, themselves, and 150 pages later w h e n son—were awarded $250 scholar- which examines the piece in*terms the concept still works, it serves as ships from the'Erie Ad Club. Traurv Moore/Contributing photographer The new academic building is ahead of schedule, With recent Spring fever hits Mercyhurst additions such as roofing. By the time school resumes next fall, was a popular suggestion, but it had while some activities remai. n a staple the building will be near completion and ready to open to the By Katie Putney been used two years ago. Instead, the (like the Inflatables), he brought Mercyhurst student body and-faculty. i. Contributing writer theme "Polynesian Paradise" was some new ideas to this year's festi- picked because according to Griglak val. The festival will be held in in the new academic center? Stu- This weekend promises to be excit- the committee tried to come up with Garvey Park from 12pm to 6pm. It By Laraine Shellito dents will be able to locate the Edu- ing with an array of events organized something that was "fun", with starts with the Inflatables, including Contributing writer c at i o n , Psy c h o l o g y , Commun i c a by the Student Activities Committee "flowers, but not j u s t Hawaiian." The sumo wrestling, jousting, boxing, pons, and Musical Theatre depart-! (SAC), and Mercyhurst Student Gov- dress code is "dressy but fun," so bowling, and a giant slide. The pents. The college's Honors pro- ernment (MSG). The festivities be- bright colored dresses and shirts are Spring Ball Game, when the Seniors Hie projected end date for construc- gram will also be found in the new gin with the Spring Formal on Fri- recommended! The Formal will be and J uniors on the Mercyhurst Foot- ion of the Audrey Hirt Academic academic building. The Audrey Hir day, May 3rd, followed by Spring held in Sabella's from 7pm to 12am, ball team play the Sophomores and Center has been moved from late Academic Centex will have 14 class- Fest running all day on Saturday, and dinner will be served from Freshers will follow this. At 3:30pm, October to mid or late September. rooms; b e i n g able to seat thirty tc May 4th. •'-• 7:30pm to 8:30pm. "Top Dog", a band from Cleveland The project was originally bel ieved sixty students, depending on class- MSG Co-Chairs, Lauren Griglak, Rich Johns, the SAC Chair, orga- will play, followed by the "Buzz Po- o take at least 14 months to finish room size. There will also be a and Megan Verbanick, and a commit- nized Spring Fest, with help from ets" from Pittsburgh at 5pm. From jut, due to the mild winter, the project graphics lab, computer labs/ and < tee organized the Spring Formal. meetings that were open to 4pm to 5:30pm, a cookout will be vill now take o n l y 12 months to com- recital hall. Griglak said that a Hawaiian theme Mercyhurst students. Johns said that provided. >lete. The new academic building The recital hall will have a 32-by- vill be in the style of Collegiate 72 foot stage that will be used for lec- jothic architecture to complement tures, movies, recitals, and as a prac- he Tudor style of Old Main and will tice facility for the musical theatre lave a green copper dome that will department. The ball will be able tc Mercyhurst holds Grottoi O p e n ?e visible from the four corners of seat245 patrons of Mercyhurst in the he campus as its signature mark. audience. The Audrey Hirt Academic Golf tournament scheduled to raiseJunds, provide enterntamment Hie Audrey H irt Academic Center is Center will also provide new offices >niy the third academic structure on for the Merciad, the yearbook and« L ho Mercyhurst campus, the first he- new studio for Hurst TV. all of Mercyhurst and the Erie pub- the main tournament, Chrysler will be holding many fun events to sup- l p Id Main and the second being It is not yet known if the new aca-j By Michelle DeLong lic, has recently changed its name to port the HRIM department. For ex- demic building will be open in tim< Contributing writer the Grot Open, after its past title with fen Hall. ^ the John M. Wolper Scholarship Golf ample, if any participant receives a So what can students expect to find for tall classes! & I Tournament. All funds and scholar- hole-in-one in a specific hole, that The Mercyhurst College Hotel Res- ships for HRIM students will remain person will receive a free car from taurant Institutional Management in his name, however. The Grotto Chrysler. This car will also be avail- department (HRIM) will hold its Open will allow contestants to play able for test drives, and any person eighth annual golf tournament on 18 holes in a four-person scramble, who takes Chrysler up on the offer May 6. This year's tournament is at- after a short gun start. The depart- will be given five dollars. tempting to surpass the successful ment also has recently decided to The eighth annual Giotto Open is outcome of last year's tournament, hold a 50-50 raffle, the proceeds from an excellent opportunity to support which had 140 players. The which will be donated to the Eric Ban Mercyhurst College, and the students trounament will be played at the scholarship. These tickets can be pur- of the HRIM department. It is also a JLakeview Country Club, and in- chased anytime before the tourna- chance to golf, earn money and cluded a dinner which will be open ment. maybe even win a free car. Show to everyone attending the event. Chrysler has offered to be a spon-1 your support and have a good time The tournament, which is open to sor for this beneficial event. During on May 6. PAGE 2 THEMERCIAD MAY 2. 2002 CAMPUS 'NEWS Speaker reveals^ndingsj on Design Students visit Chicago deliquency study Art, design and architecture meet in the Windy City causes a delinquent lifestyle and By Stacey Abbott other problematic behavior patterns. Staff writer Loeber highlighted that boys tend to By Annie Sitter develop these types of d i s r u p t i v e be- Contributing writer On Friday, April 19 Dr. Rolf Loeber havior patterns in an ordered and pro- addressed the Mercyhurst commu- gressive way. Boys tend to build on nity and the Erie public concerning less serious types of behavior with The American Society of Interior the topic of delinquent youths. His ever disruptive behavior of increas- Designers (ASID), better known as lecture, entitled "Development Path- ing severity. The study revealed some Mercyhurst's Interior Design club, ways to Delinquency,** which was distinct patterns concerning the ac- put forth a great effort this year to sponsored by the Mercyhurst College tual pathways that many boys in- raise funds for their spring trip to Civic Institute, was delivered on volved took towards delinquency. Chicago, IL, through the sale of campus in the Taylor Little Theatre Currently, Loeber is a professor of Pulakos Chocolate Bars, and the con- at 11 am. This lecture was a result psychiatry, psychology and epidemi- stant patronage of the ASID Snack of one of three correlating projects ology at the University ofPittsburgh.
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