Shabbos Youth Programs • 9:00am - end of MS services | SKIP , girls ages 18 months - grade 5; Erev Shabbos boys ages 18 months - grade 2, ECD Wing • 9:00 - 11:30am | Mommy & Me for Moms with children 2 years old FRIDAY, SEPTEMER 15 and younger, ECD Wing, Little Lions classroom Early/Mincha, MS/DM.....6:10/7:25pm • 9:15am TEEN Minyan for boys and girls grades 5 - 12, led by Rabbi Early/Candlelighting......6:28/7:26pm Shalom Yosef Horowitz, CR Earliest Shema*......................8:20pm • 9 - 10:30am | BJ Game Room for boys in grades 3 - 5, BR (*repeat Shema after this time) • 10:30am | Bnei BJ for boys in grades 2 - 5, BR • between Mincha and Maariv | Middle School Boys’ Shalosh ! שבת שלום Seudos is on break. Shabbos • between Mincha & Maariv | NCSY Shalosh Seudos for High SEPTEMBER 16 Schoolers, led by Rabbi Chaim Neiditch, CS Shacharis Good Shabbos & Welcome! Youth Programs have been generously subsidized by the Beth Jacob Legacy Fund Early Minyan, K.......................8:00am Main Minyan, MS....................9:00am PARSHAS NITZAVIM-VAYEILECH 9am Minyan, DM.....................9:00am Shabbos Classes Teen Minyan, CR......................9:15am SEPTEMBER 16, 2017 • 25 ELUL 5777 • 8:30am | Aish Kodesh Chaburah Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman, Rabbi’s Office (M) Latest Shema..........................10:26am • 8:30am | Shabbos Morning Chumash Shiur Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner, Torah Reading: page 1086 Haftarah: page 1202 MS (M/W) • 10:30am | Intro to Jewish Thought & Practice Rabbi Yakov Daniels Mincha Pirkei Avos: Chapters Five & Six and Josh Bains, CS, for men and women. Early Mincha, DM...................5:00pm • 10:45am | Shabbos Shiur for Men Kollel Rabbis, K Mincha, MS.............................7:00pm • 9am Minyan Kiddush | 5 Minute Halacha Rabbi Dov Foxbrunner, CS Maariv • one hour before Mincha | Daf Yomi Rabbi Reuven Stein, K Shabbos ends/Maariv, MS......8:19pm • one hour before Mincha | Daf Yomi Rabbi Dovid Kapenstein, K Maariv, K.................................8:29pm Ongoing Weekday Classes SUNDAY Weekday 7 - 9am | Kavana Minyan Rabbi Menashe Goldberger, K (M/W) WEEK OF SEP 17- 24 9:15 - 11am | Yesodei HaTorah K (M) Shacharis *selichos is 25 mins. before Shacharis 9:15 - 10:15am | Advanced Text-Based Class Mrs. Foxbrunner, CR (W) Sunday, DM.......*7:00/8:00/9:00am 9:15 - 10:15am | Sefer Shemos Rabbi Moshe Hiller, K (M) 9:15 - 10:45am | Gemarah Workout Rabbi Yitzchok Grossman, K (M) Monday DM....................*6:50/8:00am 10 - 11am | Shira Smiles Class Garber Home (W) Tues, DM.....................*7:00/8:00am 10:15 - 11:15am | Tefillah Mrs. Sarah Bayla Gross, BR (W) Mon & Tues, K ......................*7:30am 7:00pm | Vayikra Rabbi Doniel Pransky, FR (M/W) Wed Selichos, DM/K..............6:00am Wed Shacharis, DM/K ..7:00/7:30am MONDAY 9 - 9:15am | Cafe BJ Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman, Rabbi’s Office (M/W) 12 - 1pm | Haftarah Rabbi Reuven Stein, FR (M/W) Mincha Sun - Tues, K..........................2:30pm TUESDAY 7:30 - 8:30pm | Tehillim In-Depth Rabbi Goldberger, CS (M) Sun - Tues, DM......................7:20pm 8 - 9pm | In-Depth Sefer Shemos Rabbi Moshe Hiller, K (M) A thank you card written by residents of South Florida in appreciation to 9:30pm | Tehillim Teleconference Mrs. Sarah Bayla Gross (W) Maariv Sun - Tues, DM......following Mincha our community for opening our doors to them this past week. WEDNESDAY Sun - Tues, DM......................9:00pm Sun - Tues, K..........................9:45pm 12:45pm | Jewish Potpourri is on break until Oct. 18. Ilan D. Feldman, Rabbi | Dr. Emanuel Feldman, Rabbi Emeritus 8:00pm | Melachim will be on break this week. Dov Foxbrunner, Assistant Rabbi THURSDAY PleaseNext noteShabbos that next Shabbos is a Josh Joel, President | Cliff Alsberg, Vice President 8:00pm | Laws of Basar B’Chalav (Milk & Meat) will not meat this week. Kehillah Shabbos Rabbi Yitzchok Tendler, Executive Director | Robyn Grossblatt, Preschool Director 10:00pm | 15 Minute Parsha Chaburah will be on break until Oct. 26. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 Jodi Wittenberg & Tzippy Teller, Sisterhood Co-Presidents | Eli Gray, Men’s Club President Early/Mincha, MS/DM.........6:00/7:15pm FRIDAY Early/Candlelighting.............6:19/7:15pm 12:30pm | Halachic Dilemmas in Parsha will be on break. This Shabbos flyer is brought to you in loving memory of Marlene Mendel, z”l. MON -WED (BR) Board Room, (CS) Carson Room, (CR) Conference Room, (DM) Daily Minyan, 1:20 - 1:30pm | Mussar Teleconference Rabbi or Mrs. Pransky (W) (FR) Franco Room, (K) Kollel, 1855 Lavista Road, Atlanta, GA 30329 | 404.633.0551 | www.bethjacobatlanta.org | [email protected] | Facebook.com/bethjacobatlanta (MS) Main Shul PARSHAS NITZAVIM-VAYEILECH • SEPTEMBER 16 • 25 ELUL 5777 Mazel Tov! • Eli & Shani Hagler of Hollywood, FL on the birth of a baby boy in Atlanta. A Shalom Zachor will Upcoming Classes & Events be held at 9:00pm this Friday night at the home of Dr. Ari & Adina Leifer, 1315 Merry Ln. • Pre-Rosh Hashanah Ladies Gathering/BENA Rosh Chodesh Series Launch Mrs. Esther Pransky. Shabbos, September 16, at 6:00pm. Pransky Home, 1289 Bramble Rd. (Note • Shmuel & Ruchie Berkman of North Miami Beach, FL, on the birth of a daughter born in Atlanta Friday morning. new time). • Joe & Adina Landsberg of Boca Raton, FL on the birth of their first son. The Bris was held at • Chip off the Old Block Sunday, September 17, from 9:00 - 10:45am. Open to fathers and Beth Jacob Friday morning and the baby was named Yishai Gavriel. fathers-in-law with their adult sons or sons-in-law. Refreshments will be served. Kollel • • Nevi’im Acharonim (Later Prophets) Mrs. Rivka Foxbrunner. Sundays 9:15-10:15am, Thank you to our Sponsors Carson Room. Designed for those who can independently read and translate Hebrew text. For Kiddush is sponsored by Jay & Judy Kessler in appreciation for the tireless efforts of the staff women. and volunteers who facilitated the Florida relief efforts this past week. • Communicating with Your Creator Mrs. Sarah Bayla Gross. Special 4-week series focusing on SPECIAL DEDICATIONS the Yamim Noraim, Sundays from 10:15 - 11:15am, Board Room. For women. • Kiddush Cholent by Dr. Moshe & Glenda Sherman in gratitude to the Toco Hills • Kollel Bagel Breakfast Sunday mornings in the Kollel until Rosh Hashana, for all those who community for all of its support for Joe & Adina Landsberg and in celebration of the bris of their grandson, Yishai Gavriel. wish to stay and learn after the 8:00am Shacharis. • Rabbi’s Sermon by The Kaplan’s Untie the Knot Group in honor of having contributed • ASK Preparation for Rosh Hashanah Rabbi Shraga Neuberger of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel. $37,000 to support the activities of Congregation Beth Jacob. Monday, September 18 at 8:00pm, Kollel. NORMAN RAAB KIDDUSH FUND • Shabbos Shuva Drasha Rabbi Ilan D. Feldman. Shabbos, September 23 at • Abe & Faye Esral in memory of Faye’s sister, Harriet Isenberg, z”l. 4:45pm(W)/5:50pm(M), Heritage Hall • Tal & Pia Frank in memory of Tal’s father, Moshe Frank, z”l. • Bena/BJ Pre-Yomtov Series Yom Kippur Prep by Mrs. Miriam Feldman, Tuesday, • Mordechai & Helen Gerchikov in memory of Helen’s great aunt, Rachel (Raya) bas Mendel, z”l, September 26. 8:15pm, Conference Room. on her yahrzeit. • Jay & Chaya Leah Malka, Natan, Leah & Zalman Starkman in honor of our special community’s chesed with the Irma evacuees. Kudos to all the hosts, volunteers and the BJ staff. PRE-SELICHOS PROGRAM WITH RABBI KARMI INGBER Around Town Pre-Selichos Program • Women’s Pre-Holiday Program Women are invited to a fun Pre-Holiday Program at the home with Rabbi Karmi Ingber of Malka Adelman, 1244 Kittredge. Learn how to embellish your holiday table. D’var Torah by Mrs. The Heart of Selichos: Freeing the Trapped Inner-Self Ella Bains, Monday, September 25 from 7:30 to 9:30pm. Contact Barbara Fisher or Tziporah Wayne for more information. Is Selichos an obligation you actually dread? • Shatnez Checking The deadline for bringing clothing in to be checked for shatnez before Rosh Come join Rabbi Karmi Ingber for an uplifting and inspiring Selichos experience Hashana is this Sunday Sept 25. Please contact Rabbi Asa if you have any questions. with song, story, deep Torah insights and plenty of Ruach. • Yeshiva University Office of Admissions will be running a reception for parents of prospective Rabbi Karmi Ingber is a renowned lecturer, author, counselor and musician. In students who have questions about the university. The event will take place on Monday, September 18, at 7:30 PM, at the Schoen home, 1669 Hillshire Place. addition, he is the founding Rabbi of The Kehilla in Sandy Springs. • Making Sense of Tehillim Dr. Barry Yaffe. Explores Tehillim 27, L’Dovid Hashem Ori. Tuesday, September 19 at 8:35pm, CS (M/W). • Gift of Life Bone Marrow Registry Community members between the ages of 18-45 who have Motzei Shabbos, September 16 at 11:00pm in Heritage Hall. not yet been swabbed, are encouraged to come to Beth Jacob to join the Bone Marrow registry. This Followed by Selichos at 12:00am midnight. effort is spurred by the plight of a 24-year-old father in New Jersey. Sun, Sept. 24, 8:00-11:00am and Tues, Sept. 26 7:30-8:15pm and 9:15-10:00pm & Mon, Oct. 2, 7:00-9:00pm at Beth Jacob. See back for weekday Selichos times..
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