June 2007 Issue 44 FREE of charge PPrideride 20072007 GuideGuide Inside!Inside! PProudroud SSponsorsponsors oof:f: >> STARTING ON PAGE 16 GLBT RESOURCE • CALGARY & EDMONTON 2 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #44, June 2007 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #44, June 2007 3 4 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #44, June 2007 Established originally in January 1992 as Men For Men BBS by MFM Communications. Named changed to 10 GayCalgary.com in 1998. Stand alone company as of January 2004. First Issue of GayCalgary.com Magazine, November 2003. Name adjusted in November 2006 to GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine. Publisher Steve Polyak & Rob Diaz-Marino, [email protected] Table of Contents Editor Rob Diaz Marino, editor@gaycalgary. com 7 That Personal Touch 35 Original Graphic Design Deviant Designs Letter from the Publisher Advertising Steve Polyak [email protected] 10 Priape Swimwear 2007 Contributors Winners of the Priape Model Search Steve Polyak, Rob Diaz-Marino, Jason Clevett, Jerome Voltero, Kevin Alderson, Benjamin 14 Gay Pride Event Listing - Hawkcliffe, Stephen Lock, Arthur McComish, 16 Allison Brodowski , and the Gay and Lesbian Calgary Community of Calgary Photographer 15 Gay Pride Event Listing - Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino Edmonton Videographer Steve Polyak and Rob Diaz-Marino 16 Map & Event Listings Please forward all inquiries to: Find out what’s happening GayCalgary and Edmonton Magazine Suite 100, 215 14th Avenue S.W. 23 Gay Legalese Calgary, Alberta T2R 0M2 Phone (403) 543-6960 or toll free (888) 24 Bitter Girl 543-6960 Fax (403) 703-0685 25 Q Scopes “Shrug off scandal, Cancer!” 38 E-mail [email protected] Print Run Monthly, 12 times a year 26 Adult Film Review Masthead continued on page 6 Waterbucks II, Hard Surf, Full Throttle, and Raw Retreat 28 Q Puzzle “‘Til Death Do Us Part,” 29 A Chance to Respond An Unprinted Letter to the Lloydminster Booster 31 Pride Calgary 2007 32 Mamma Mia! Smash musical back in Calgary by Popular Demand Continued on page 6 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #44, June 2007 5 Continued from page 5 33 Music Review Wyrd Sisters and Michael Bublé 34 Lucky in Leather Northern Chaps Continues to Grow in Edmonton Continued from page 5 Copies Printed Monthly, Over 10,000 35 Remembrance copies. 37 GORD WOIMA (1951 – 2007) Distribution points up to 200 points in Calgary, largest number of distribution 37 Canadian Explosion! points for any Gay publication in Calgary. A slice of Canadiana at Stage West Up to 150 points in Edmonton, largest number of distribution points for any Gay 38 Fundraising Photos publication in Edmonton. Also distributed coast to coast across Canada in select locations in Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, 44 Edmonton Pride Regina, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, and other So Big you Might Pee…A Little! places across Canada and the United States. Please call us if you would like to 46 What defines a leatherman? be a distribution point. Distributed by Gallant Distributions 48 Thinking of refinancing? (Calgary), Clark’s Distribution (Edmonton), Here is some expert insight to help you avoid mistakes Canada Post (rest of Canada and USA) and by GayCalgary.com 50 AS THE WORLD SITS BACK Deadline for Ad Bookings 25th of the month (unless otherwise stated) 32 52 A Couple of Guys Deadline for Ad copy 28th of the month 53 Letters to the Editor (unless otherwise stated) Legal Council Courtney Sebree Aarbo, 54 Press Releases Barristers and Solicitors Printers North Hill News 58 Pride Exhibit This Issue Cover Mathew Tomczynk of Edmonton, photo provided by Priape, 60 Queer Eye - Calgary & Edmonton taken at Sky Club in Montreal . Community Events this Month The opinions expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of GayCalgary.com or 66 The Drag King Project and Little Men the contributors of the magazine. Harcourt House Presents Pride Exhibitions People photographed or interviewed, writers, advertisers, contributors and 68 Classifieds Ads anyone else involved with this publication are not necessarily gay, lesbian, bi, bi-curious or trans gendered. They can be straight people that are gay friendly. July 2007 Press No part of the publication may be reprinted without the expressed permission of the Deadlines editor-in-chief. Copyright 2007 Member of AAdd SSpacepace BookingBooking - WednesdayWednesday Canadian Gay & JJuneune 20th20th 20072007 Lesbian Chamber of Commerce AAdd SSubmissionubmission - Member of International Gay & FFridayriday JJuneune 2nd2nd 20072007 Lesbian Travel Association IInn CCirculationirculation - ThursdayThursday JuneJune 228th8th 22007007 PPleaselease contactcontact usus ifif youyou maymay hhaveave missedmissed thethe BookingBooking oror SSubmissionubmission DeadlinesDeadlines Member of Edmonton Rainbow Member of Tourism Calgary. Business Association. 6 gaycalgary and edmonton magazine #44, June 2007 That Personal Touch Letter from the Publisher ing to fi lmmakers talking about their work had a certain By Rob Diaz-Marino personal interest to me. It feels like my columns from the past few months In case you haven’t noticed from my writing, I’m some- have lost that personal touch. I suppose it shows thing of a storyteller. You probably would not have known I’ve been writing short stories since elementary school. My how getting into the groove of work can make you desk at home has a drawer full of unfi nished manuscripts, develop a pretty myopic view of the world around some spanning multiple notebooks, and a few of which I still you. A friend of mine told me that when work starts hope to revive one day. Filmmaking is just another form of to become your life, it’s time for a holiday. I laughed storytelling, and Fairy Tales reminded me it is still a medium and said, “Maybe one of these days.” Our trip to that I would like to further explore. However, ultimately I Panorama in March was about the closest thing that Video Game Design is the fi eld I dream of getting into some Steve and I have had to a holiday just the two of us, day, no matter how ambitious it may sound. which is scary as we will hit our 6th anniversary in August. I’m afraid all we can hope for is that prover- This Month bial change of pace, which is allegedly just as good. It started out with Media Night at Stage West, where we May was supposed to be a mostly empty month, or so we saw their latest production Canadian Explosion. If you’re a thought. We still ended up keeping just as busy as other Canadian Idol fan, you may remember Aaron Walpole, the months, only it doesn’t feel like we have been out to the Cal- adorable bear who fell just short of the fi nal 2. Well he’s gary bars very much. With my new schedule at the Univer- right here in Calgary, starring in this production and putting sity I have been spending 3 days a week writing my thesis, his vocal talent to good use! After observing him goofi ng while Steve has been doing a valiant job of making sure I around between shots at photo call, and meeting him after don’t get distracted while I’m there. the performance on media night, I have to say he’s such a Steve, on the other hand, had to spend a great deal of time fun guy. Add my name to the list of countless others who in Edmonton this month to cover the a number of events wish they could get to know him better. Hey, I had some including the ISCWR Coronation. I was originally supposed dignity – it’s not like I begged for an autograph…only a to go with him but the Greyhound strike put a damper on photo. those plans. His alternate form of transportation was pretty Our cover model this month is Matthew Tomczynk, the costly and Steve concluded that it was really not worth the winner of the Mr. Priape Calgary Model Search that hap- price. pened in early May. Matthew went on to the International I will have to take a picture of Steve one of these days as Mr. Priape competition, coming in 5th place over all. More he is geared up and ready to head off to Edmonton. His photos from the shoot can be seen on page 10. backpack is so full that it sticks out a good two feet, and Matthew came up all the way from Edmonton to partici- one or both hands are carrying other heavy equipment or pate, and it certainly paid off for him. As a judge I was in spare bundles of magazines in big blue Ikea bags. It is truly agreement with the fi nal decision – he showed confi dence a sight to behold. Unfortunately carrying so much weight and personality, but his extra fl are with props and poses for so long is starting to take its toll on him. His right foot made him impossible to ignore. In close second was our has been giving him quite a bit of pain and leaving him a bit April cover model Rob, who impressed us with his ability to grumpy and short tempered. Hopefully the doctor will be accessorize even in a swimsuit. Don’t take this as a euphe- able to recommend something other than “stay off your feet mism but the mask, snorkel, and water wings were a really for a while.” nice touch. While Steve was off in Edmonton, I did my duty to cover The details are still very preliminary, but it looks like Le a number of events from the Fairy Tales Film Festival. Be- Stud in Montreal if facing a serious human rights charge ing able to sit down and watch movies for a couple of hours after they denied service to the daughter of a male pa- was a very welcome tangent to the usual routine of taking tron.
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