4 4" % V •J fffi VOLUME VI. rWELVE PAGES Lcthbrid^e, Albcsi'ta. Satuiday, April 12, 1913 PRICE—FIVE CENT8 N umbel- 103 SHATTERS R. FANTASIES SAT THE R. B. O O Hon. W. R. Motherwell at Shows Exact Position of Province and Wants People to Decide Vermillion Presents Abl e Between Pro^essive Government and the Solicitor for RED PAPER * . lETING AT Big Demonstration in Favor of Case for the Liberals Speeches at Barons a Bank Fighting the People J. 0. Jones the Toilers Royal Bank Solicitor as Vormilllon, Alta., April 11.—Demon- Maolcod, April 11.—One of the two tion to the Farm Machinery Bill. Tho Friend strating unswerving loyalty to Pre­ People^s Adviser seats for which the Premier himself seven members of tho Opposition had mier SIfton and the Liberal cause, been in favor of the bill, as it passed is running, gave Hon. A. L. Sifton a through the House. The farmers o£ citizens thronged the Town Hall. if- , 0ti« of the most enthusiastJc a»d w*hen Hon. W. R. Motherwell, Minis­ great reception tonight. The meeting, the province had asked tor tho bill, Dai<>ns,. Apri] 12.—All doubts as to in t-ho Town Hall crowded to thp and approved It as It was. But Mr. encouraging meetings of the cam; ter of Agriculture for Saskatchewan' Attempt to Link Him Up With tho election of Mr. James McNaugh- Innp*:' TanrlirlahirA as paign was held last night In Burg- In a powerful speech, presented the ton in Little Bow are gone, and the J^^^^ candidature w doors, was from start to finish full of Bennett was needed, for the knew bet­ ter than the farmers themselves what man's Hall, North LetUbridge, being case of the government of Alberta. workers are now settling down to enthusiasm for the Premier. At tho well attended by a stfrong quota of a Respectable Organization Weir Received and He Will was needed hy the farmers of Alberta. The Minister of the slater province enrich the provincial treasury not close there was such an oufburst of working men oapectaUy, which speaks spoke for nearly two hours, holding only with the Socialist one hundred The speeches of Conservative load­ well for the high esteem the candi­ his audience to the end, and oalUng Won't Work dollars, but also wltji the deposit ot Get Big Majority whole-hearted cheering as was never ers In. Macleod had not dealt with date^ John 0. Jones, holds In the estl- forth rounds of applause when deal­ Mr. John T. MacdpnaUl, straight hoard in Macleod before. matters of real consequences, auoh a« rautlon of the intolllgenf, worklhg ing with the issues particular to Al­ Conservative, aftd* Mr. Bryant, Inde­ That tbo Ptremler will carry the tho record of the government for good man. berta, He declared, that the very pendent Conscrwtive. It is not 'an Coalhurst*s fine school Avas crowd­ seat agalnflt Bobort Patterson, the and beneficial leglslntlon. They had The meeting was called to order by measures for the passage of which The roorbach crop is doing nice­ impossible feat^nd'the Liberals arc ed to capacity last nipht at a meet­ late member, Is admlUed on all hands preferred to stand for the wild charg­ es, of which they produced not tho the chairman, Alderman Donald Mc- tho ministry was attacked by un­ ly. Two in one day is evidence of out to accompi h it. Mr. McNaugh- ing in the interests of Mr. J. 0. —even, as the Premier said, by R. B. Nab wh?), In a few brief and well chos­ scrupulous hirelings of corporate In­ this. Listen to No. 3, which ap­ ton is one of t i candidates in Bennett, dnd Ed. Mlchener, the Tory slightest trace of truth. How did it en remarks, introduced the candidate terests must shortly bo adopted by pears under the heading, *'U. M. ot good fel- Jones. The men of Coalhurst not appeal to fhe thinking people for the province, only filled tiie seats, but lined up leader. to the meeting, outlining the progres­ Saskatchewan and, politics apart, A. official is here to work": lows, and a nl beer for. Mr. traitors to hurl such charges from the h around the walls, sat on window sive legislation that Mr. Jones pledges must commend themselves to all fair- d at a rousing Some fiuestlons on the A. & G, W. platform, and make no substantiation. W. L. Phillips, secretary ot H. F3. Hansen3 sills, and on the floor. The mooting himself to uphold should he be elect­ minded men. t, and speeches trouble brought from the Premier the The high-minded and patriotic R. B. Gladstone (Fernic) local of meeting here la was presided over in a fair and able Information that the Jaw costs had ed "to office In the le^slatlve assem­ The meeting was keyed to a high the United Mineworkers, is in were delivered hy. candidate and Bennett had come down to save Mac­ way by ik^ popular secretary ot been in the neighborhood of 113,000, leod for the Empire. He wanted to bly to represent the Lethbrldge City pitch of enthusiasm as Mi^ Mother­ Letiibridge to take part in Mr. W. A. Buchanahf M.P., and Mr- Coalhurst local of tho. United Mine that the province could stand to lose get good assistance, as ft would let riding, and cmphasUlng his fitness well dwelt upon the record of the the election campaiRu against Sam Moore, M.P«P.j Saskatchewan. Workers of America, and the speak­ and ability to champion the working Mr. McNaugiiton /was llio first $110,000, tho difference between three Mr. Bordon force the natural resourc­ government, and reviewed tho pro­ J. O. Jones and lor Joseph ers were Mr. S. J. Sliepherd. T. W. and one-half per cent paid by the bank class. speaker, and after dealing with some es on tho people of Alberta. Mr. Ben­ gressive legislation of. the past ses­ R. Knight.—Morning News. Quayle and the candidate, Mr. Jones. of the $600,000, and the five per cent, sion. When he Went on to discuss of the fairy stftticp.|^{rculatpd hy the nett was the saviour of the country in Mr. Jones proceeded to address the This is not even a white lie. There was one very aggressive So­ the province had to pay. Even that this matter, but he kue^w the Premier meeting on his policies and principles. the relation of the Alberta elections W. L. Phillips Is not secretary Tories as to lujis^i^|!?8poke bricfiy on cialist present who asked questions, public issues and.jpve way to the sum would be saved by the settlement had long ago appealed to R. L. Bor* Hla address was short, because he to the nation-wide Issue of wider mar­ oC Gladstone Local, U. M. W. of and one Tory who asked questions which would be made by the govern­ visitors. den on the queatlou. Mr. Borden had was compelled to leave early on ac­ kets, the audience cheered to the A. hut ho is the sccrctdry of the jT^r^thevsake of trying to bring out ment in connection with the matter. F Beimett's ^mdcrs count of his engagement in Coalhurst. echo. "There is a reason, and a vital Fernic .Local of the Socialist s'side of the case, and there were The whole sum Involved; $7,400,000, just recently said a conference would 1. r Mr. Buchanaxi followed in an ablfe' be calleQ soon, but would- not say He talked from the standpoint of a reason, why you should in an unmis­ party, and tho Fcrnie Local of L J • h ^ questions from one or two who were was In the bank, under the name of when. The Premier said the control laboring man to fellow workers, and takable manner present your reply to the Socialist party bought his presentation o„f/;the. issues, and dealt honestly seeking information. The the Provincial Treasurer, and not one of the natural resources had been his the constructive and thoroughly optl- the hoa^t of the tariff pampered manu- ticket to Lethbridge. Clem in a trenchant.wa.y with the person­ meeting could be well described hlRh cent of it could bo removed' save by policy at all times. Sir Wilfrid lAur- mlstlc views he advanced were greet­ facturtrs of tho east that the cause of Stubbs, president of the United al attacks on tho\premier, emanat­ ly successful, and there is no doubt his order. The references made ag­ ler had been seen, and had given a ed with vociferous cheers from the wider markets is dead." The minis­ Mine Workers of America, Dis­ ing from men Short'on character, of Mr. Jones receiving a fine major­ ainst the government of stealing the specific promise, but Mr. Bennett and Bathering of working men, who had ter said the fight for lower tariffs Is trict No. 18, made the Socialists and who stop at lio ineans to preju­ ity at this poll. The alliance be­ money were all neside the mark. The dice the electot4/^\!R. H. Honnett the rest wer^ belittling their leader, )«i,own his work, and Ms record, and on today, and the result will depend who are opposing Mr. Jones Jh tween the forces ot Toryism and So­ government would make a settlement who intimated by tlieir cheering that this election, admit that fact at came in for soiiiS ^ •warm criticism cialism is-disgusting the miners. The as soon as aU Interested parties could saying he had not meant what he said In large measure upon the complexion which greatly-••^pjeaied the crowd.
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