TRVR8DAT, MARCH 29, 1951' iKanrh^at^r Iffrali Average DuHf Ket Pn h Ri Far Kw Week Eadlac n«w«ih« Maieh S4, IM l •t O. K VNeba 10,158 0 0 0 0 ' MemiMr •* Mm A a«t iimtTljPBtpr lEupmttg Ib raU i Benaa al OhoelattMa Manchester—“A City of VUlage Charm Manchester Public Market f L O S V E R VOL. LXX, NO. 152 (Oaaalflad AdTurtlsIai oa Pag* 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, MARCH 30, 1951 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE n v E c n n f Next to N ext to FOR YOUR SUNDAY DINNER ^ PRICES Name Adm. Halsey Convictefl Spies on Way to Juil HAY WE SUOOEST... American Big Guns Stall PUBIilC MARKET As Casey Partner MATiy^ VEAL Senators Push Probe of ; ra^ a 11 • First Red Push in Weeks War Surplus Ships 'NcWS llCibllS OUR OWN MAKE HALE'S SE Sale Which Resulted | prom (/P) Wires M M U» ffU. TO ROUT k-l). In Unusual Profits: " 'T o hu o kbeef SAUSAQE MEAT Ghina ('oinmunifltsMov« Cat To Any Slio. Rep. Charles W . Tobey, Jr., son Believe Blast Where Redfi FIkIiI Buck in Korea •ROUND lb. 75e 49e lb. Washington, March 30.— of Sen. Tobey, says he cannot re­ 30,000 Frpffh Troops d HEALTH (/F)—Investigating senators place some of “very revealing pa>- pers” he reported stolen from his Into 60 Mile FronG SREAST OF VEAL TO STUFF Otm OWN MAKE moved today to air fully a Smashed Lost LOWER ROUND downtown office in Concord, N. NORTH\-KOREA Sepin to Rc Massing LINK SAUSAOE profitable deal in war surplus H . ClO-Unlted Rubber Work­ •ROUND lb. 85c CARNA-nON DRIFT OXYDOL ships into which the names of ers gain union shop from Good­ Plane With .'53 Forres, Supplies lor SHOULDER VEAL TO ROAST S c o t t iM u e Admiral William F. (Bull) year Tiro and Rubber Co. 59c lb. Textron, Inc., earned 53,142.000 net Spriiif; Offensive; 70 M ILK * \ Lf. Sita Halsey and the late former profit on $87,647,000 sales In 1950. TENDER KNIT orm OWN MAKE 3 Rolls Secretary of State Edward R. stockholders are told . • . Earl U. S. Ship Picks Up lOiv U. S., Russian-Built MEATY VEAL CHOPS 3 Cant K e \\\ 32c Stettinius, Jr., have been in­ James McGrath, U. 8. commis­ Bits of Dchris, Some Jris in Two Rattles STEAKS ITALIAN SAUSAOE jected. sioner of education, says teachers should be wUling to sign loyalty a n L e w Tcader (Itoftin The two and Julius C. Holmes, Oiurretl in Wide Area 79c lb. mlnlater and counselor at the U. oaths. Tokyo, Mnroh 30.— (4^)— IVORY Southwest of Ircluiitl $1A5 im m I VEAL SHANKS iv o u x 8. Embassy in London, were iden­ Sweeping report on gambUng In Amprienn Oig guns today ,SN0W tified laat night as membera of a Boston, and 10 other Massachu­ stalled the first Chinese Red group which engineered the deal. setts and New Hampshire com­ London, Mareh .30—(/Cl— Increas­ counterthru.st in six weeks t Lg. 81m Two Senate committees prompt­ munities, indicating reluctance of ing evldem-e that a plane with ,63 some enforcement officials to co­ along the wcRtcrn Korean ly announced they may call Jo­ U. S airmen alxiard either blew up f r e s h " SHOULDERS lb. 49c seph E. Caaey, former Democratic operate, Is released by New Eng­ hattlefront. Doughboya spot­ I 32c land Watch and W ard Society. or plunged into tlie Atlantic Ocean Public Market CUDAHY’S SUNLIGHT congressman from Maasachusetta ted the Chinese moving along H A LE ’S FRESH There were 400 new work stop­ in flames was reported by search and a leader of the group, for a mountain trail north of GROUND queatloning. Caaey refused on pages In February, twice number vessels today. vwiwMsvti . ^ . Uijongliu. U. S. artillery \VU\IN Wednesday to give the names of for same month of 1060, reports Ethel Roeeaberg. SS, and her husband, Julius, 84, are separated by a The IT. 8. Destroyer Benner said SMOKED SHOULDERS lb. 65c po/mdrcl the mountain and by CORNED BUTTER his aasodatea to a Banking oub- Bureau of Labor Statistics In uire screen as they ride to separate Jails In New York following theli by radio It had picked np 10.6 0 20 * S i . dusk the Krda still had not push­ COFFEE commlttee. Washington . Australia reduces conviction as traitors in the nation's first .itoin spy trial. Convicted splintered pieces of del)ris — 30 minimum enlistment age for regu­ STATUTI Mills 'd through the curtain of fire. Neither that group nor the Sen­ with them was Morton Sohell, 33-vear-nld radar expert. They were per cent of them ehiirred -- over a lar army to 17 years. Bitter, close-range fighting ate Commerce committee, which accused of conspiring to deliver war secrets— Inriuding vlUil .\-bnmh ten-mlle-wldo area 60t) miles south­ Open arroMB show main |tolnU of Retl resislaaee hekiw' the 88th flared all day throughout the OlMBlLiEGS lb. 79c U also Interested, has said there About 12,000 persons from So­ data— to Soviet Russia. west of Ireland. BEEF viet xone have Fled Germaiiy parallel In Korea yesterday. Holld arrows Indicate where Allied area. The Americans won a com­ was anything Improper about the The Dally Express said all signs forcea attempted to ptmh ahead against stiffened resistance. North manding hill with a hand-grenade deal. across Baltic Sea to Scandinavian "point to sabotage" The Air Force countries since war, reports East ref\iaed to discuss this theory of­ of Musan (a) U. H. Infantrymen were driven off the rreat of a hill attack that rocked the Reda back Senator Pulbrlght (D-Ark), who by lU-da during Ibe night. Reda withdrew and hill was reoeriiple<l. on tl\i'lr heels. BETTER TRIMMED DEHER BEEF WORY heads the Banking subcommittee, German Communists . Former ficially. In eenlrnl Kor<‘B (b ) Keda repiilned American imlrola on a aeven-mlle The fury of Communist, attache Public Market Better Pcultry! said he la curious about Casey’s Governor Wilbert Snow of Middle- Crime Probers Vote U. S. Third Air division head­ 771 town confers with Governor Lodge quarters here said a Navy reserve wide front. On eB»t I'oaat Mouth Koreans were alx miles above the forced Allied troops to give ground CURED lUST RIOHT testimony at a March 12 hearing parallel at Yang>ang. L*l * For that he could not recall the names In behalf of bill that would penal­ officer aboard the Benner "has at several pUnta along the front of his asBociatee In the transaction. ize private educational Institutione Costello Indictment positively identified one piece of juat south of the Red Kor*ai| CHICKENS TO ROAST lb. 59c MEDIUM 27c Recalled Wednesday, he declined found guilty of discrimination. plywood as Douglas floorboard ma border. ^ s c o ] Approximately 15,000 craft tcrial.’’ Tha^ Reda have moved 80,000 B To T Ltm. Rm Il Need a meal with Man Appeal ? to name them. lb. 79c Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D - w'orkers In film Industry are offer­ The offieer Is a former employe Across Board Prices fresh troops into the front Long BONELESS BRISKET Colo), who beads the Commerce ed new wage Increase by major Senate Investigators Get F l i o a of the inspection department of the lines of vehicica rushed CTommun- NORY studios. Soviet occupation au- FOWL, Milk Fed lb. 49c committee, said he plana to start a 30 Days to Wrap ® Douglas Aircraft company, which lat troops and supplies toward the SOAP new and separate Inquiry Into the thorttes refuse their consent to le­ made the missing four-englned hattlefront. transaction. Senator Bricker (R - gal recognition of Methodist Globemaster. Cut Is Not Expected Up Work; President Title Golfer 8,000 Red VehMee 1 Lb. 39c church In Anstrla, but are overrid­ The huge plane vanished one lb.32e (OodtiBned m i Page Twelve) den by three western powers. Asks Greater Effort, _____ Allied air ap</tteri Thursday BIB CORNED BEEF FRYING CHICKENS week ago on a flight from Lime­ night tallied 2,000 Red vehlcles-f# stone, Me., to the American Air D i S a l l e S p p h R o l l b t i r k All Cut rp . 3 Lbs. $1.07 the largest count of tha w ar iFraneo-Ameriean Washington, March 30 -(/P — Violor of Five National Base at Mildenhall. England. I Hockanum MiU O n S o m e (' o h I m, D o e s jamming the Red Korean traiuport $1.49 and $1.69 each Senate Crime probers, given an Championships was 64 The debris reported by the Ben­ network. additional 30 days to finish their ner lay within s five-mile radius Not Antici|>ate Ration­ HEALTH MARKET Charges Prof. Saxon of the spot where searchers on Put On Market The Communlata appear to be CHUCK CORNED BEEF lb. 79c work, made plain today they ex­ —Livefl in E. Hartford HERE’S A CHANCE! PLEASE YOUR FAMILY Wednesday found s piece of crat­ ing Oriler by Prpsident massing troops and mippUea for • WITH THIS RARE TREAT: pect to recommend some kind of ing identified positively as part of spring offenatve. Allied command­ Hartford, March .30—i/l’; -Death, er i predict tha Reda will hit dur­ continuing Investigation of the un­ tho Globemdster's cargo. Washington, March 30 — (/P) — SteveiiH OfficiulH Say SMOKED SHOULDERS lb. 49c Misinformed on Mill In a single day, claimed two of ing the fir*t three week* of AprU, derworld.
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