. Strip Searches — page 7 VOL. XV, NO. 114 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary’s THURSDAY, MARCH 26, 1981 Gipp’s farewell Missing Rockne film appears By TIM FETTERS film from the 1932 game with a play- read "Notre Dame Campus”,“Notre News Staff by-play soundtrack. Previously, the Dame Glee Club 1920’s”, and Sports and Games Collection did not “Dedication of a Building.” For that The International Sports and have any game films prior to 1934, reason, the films arc being stored Games Collection of the Memorial except for five minutes of the 1926 tem porarily in the Sports and Games Library recently discovered 91 reels game with Southern California. Collection until the University of movie film which had been for­ “We’re excited about these films,” decides where they should be kept. gotten for many years. According to said Juliano, “because, for example, Thirty-four cans of the film could Herbert Juliano, the director of the we didn’t use to have any game films not be identified before they were collection, these films include Notre of Moose Krause, who played in ’32, sent to New York. Some others were Dame football game films dating '33, and ’34. We didn’t have many not labeled well enough to back to 1930, and also a complete, films at all from the 1930s before we determine exactly what they con­ unedited print of the motion picture found these.” tain. Juliano remarked, “I can’t wait Knute Rockne, All-American. Some of the films are not sports to see what these other films could Juliano recounted that for many related. Several of the film labels be.” years the University kept the films under the football stadium. They were moved to a local warehouse for safety reasons, where they remained until the warehouse Takamatsu High Court owner relocated six months ago. In taking his inventory, he found these upholds death sentence films, and calledjuliano to ask him to take the films. TOKYO (AP) — The court- sons. Critics say prosecutors don't These reels are made of 35 mil­ ordered retrial of a convicted mur­ want to admit past errors for fear of limeter nitrate film, highly flam­ derer who has lived three decades losing face. mable and hazardous to store. The on Japan's Death Row has revived a The Justice Ministry has also University stored the films in a room drive to curb police and resisted pressure to overhaul the in the Radiation Research Building prosecutorial powers left over from retrial procedure, but the Taniguchi at a constant temperature once they the post World War II occupation. case could force the issue into the were returned. Father Joyce came open. Already the order for up w ith 1 10,000 to pay for the films Taniguchi’s retrial has won praise to be converted to 16 millimeter from major newspapers. The Asahi safety film, and contracted Guffanti THURSDAY Shimbun said, “It is now necessary l.aboritories in New York to convert to take into account the trend them. FOCU shown by the judgment and recon­ The first converted films came sider wholly this legal system of the back from New York last week The High Court of Takamatsu, a past.” according to Juliano, and there were Lorret Ruppe, head o f the Peace Corps, spoke on the importance o f city in western Japan, has upheld a See JAPAN, page 4 a few surprises. The batch Included a the Peace Corps yesterday, (photo by Anne Pink) 1979 district court decision order­ print from Knute Rockne, All- ing a new trial for Shigeyoshi Am erican. When Juliano inspected Taniguchi, 50, who was sentenced the film, he found that it contained to death in 1951. Election today several scenes that had been The Takamatsu prosecutor’s removed from the movie. office decided last week not to ap­ The print includes Ronald peal the ruling. Taniguchi thus Reagan’s deathbed scene as George becomes the second Death Row Students nominat Gipp, and Pat O’Brien's "Win O ne inmate in modern Japanese history for the Gippcr ” speech as Rockne. to win a retrial. No date for the new Below is a list of 15 Senior Fellow candidates who According to a recent issue o fSports show, The Phil Donahue Show. trial has been set. were nominated by the senior class. The final vote will Illustrated, Warner Brothers 6) Rev. John Dunne, C.S.C. — Notre Dame’s resident Libertarians have complained for be held today during lunch at LaFortune and at lunch removed the scenes when they sold theologian, Rev. Dunne’s numerous contributions to years that powers given to Japanese and dinner in the dining halls. Seniors, don’t forget to the movie for television. religious philosohy have earned him the respect and authorities in the postwar overhaul vote! Juliano also found all four quarters admiration of oth his colleagues and students. After of the country’s laws, especially the of the game films from the 1930 1) Rev. Thom as B lantz, C.S.C. — Father Blantz is an receiving his doctorate in Rome, he returned to Notre power to block the reopening of Notre Dame/Southern California associate professor and chairman of the History Depart­ Dame in 1957 to write and teach. His persistent in­ criminal cases, led to abuses of the game, and one quarter of the game ment. He entered Holy Cross Seminary in 1948, made quiries and examinations of life and its meaning have rights of accused and convicted per- his final profession at Moreau Seminary in 1956, and made Fr. Dunne a living testament to spiritual and Intel was ordained in I960. He is a Fellow of the University lctual liberation. and sits on Notre Dame’s Board of Trustees. In past 7) Gerry Faust — Head coach of Moeller High School years, Rev. Blantz has served as an archivist and vice- for 18 years, Faust is Notre Dame’s new head football County ABC president of Student Affairs. coach. The 45-year-old Faust compiled an outstanding 2 ) Robert "Rocky" Bleier — Rocky was captain of the record of 173 wins, 17 losses and 2 ties during his years 1967 national championship football team at Notre at Moeller. A dynamic speaker and a highly acclaimed Corby’s license hearing Dame before graduating from the University the follow­ lecturer, Faust merited all-state honors as a quarterback ing year. In 1969, Bleier was drafted by the Army and as at Chaminade High School in Dayton, Ohio. He also By TOM KOEGEL appearance would not be necessary. a result of military action in Vietnam suffered extensive earned 3 letters as quarterback at University of Dayton. Sen tor Staff Reporter Upon Investigation by excise of­ wounds in both legs. After much determinatin, he 8 ) Rev. Jo h n Fitzgerald, C.S.C. — A native of Chicago, ficer John Clark, the board found rejoined the Pittsburgh Steelers and became a regular Fr. Fitzgerald entered the Holy Cross novitiate in 1965. The St. Joseph County Alcoholic that the state had accidentally starter in 1974. In 1965, he received his bachelor’s degree from Notre Beverage Commission yesterday mailed such a notice to CTI. The 3) Elizabeth Christman — An associate professor in Dame and in 1968 he earne t d his master's in theology postponed a hearing on a renewal of board postponed the hearing until American Studies, Ms. Christman was employed as a from Holy Cross University in Washington, D C. Or­ Corby Tavern’s license until April April 15. literary agent for Harold Ober Association before dained in 1968, Rev. Fitzgerald is acting directo r o f the 15. The ABC m eeting was attended Corby’s is already facing an In­ joining the Notre Dame faculy in 1976. At the age of 50, Campus Ministry. by approximately 25 Northeast dianapolis hearing on April 6th in she began to work toward her masters degree at New 9 ) Rev. Robert G riff in, C.S.C. — Fr. Griffin has been the Neighborhood residents who signed regard to liquor law violations in the York University and, upon completion, achieved her University Chaplain at Notre Dame since 1974. Before a remonstrance against the renewal Jan. 30, 1981 arrests of eight St. doctorate. Prof. Christman is the author of A Nice this he was an assistant rector at Keenan Hall and a of the license to the CTI Corp. the Mary’s College women for underage Italian Girl which was later made into a TV movie en­ m em ber of the Campus Ministry staff. The author of tw o operator of Corby’s. drinking. The Northeast Neigh­ titled Black M arket Baby. She also has written Flesh inspirational books and a regular columnist in student Yesterday’s meeting was intended borhood residents were led by and Spirit and Broken Family, a novel to be released in and alumni publications, he is a 1949 graduate of Notre as a review of CTl’s renewal of their Deputy City Attorney James Mas­ June. Dame. As an Eastern Province Holy Cross priest he alcoholic beverage license, but the ters, who demanded that the ABC 4)Dan Devine — As head football coach at Notre Dame divides his ministry between the students of Notre ABC postponed the m eeting w hen take into account both pending from 1975 to 1980, Devine led his team to a national Dame and the denizens of Times Square in New York CTI lawyer Thomas Anton notified violations before the state commis­ championship in ‘77. Before coming to the University, City.
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