V O I v . X X I V . PHILLIPS, M AINE, FRIDAY, FEBR U AR Y 7, 1902. N O . 2 6 . S PORTS MEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. SPORTSMEN’S SUPPLIES. Winter Sportsmen i l are made of tougher fiber than their “ fair weather” friends. They want to hunt in any weather and want ammunition that will shoot in any weather. INCHESTER FAVORITE RIFLE, Standard powders, smokeless or black, will, stand a reasonable exposure to cold if REPEATING SHOT GUNS properly loaded. are cheap in price, but in price only. “ Take Down” guns li s t at $27.00 and Solid Frame guns at $25.00, but U. M. C. Factory Loaded Shells they will outshoot and outlast the highest priced are loaded only with certain standard double barreled guns, and they are as safe, reliable powders under the U . M. C. system. No Other Make of Rifle at the Price Insist on getting the “ time tried” kind. and handy besides. Winchester Shot Guns are made of the very best materials that can be procured, a COMPARES WITH OUR FAVORITE. U. M. C. thoroughly modern system of manufacture permitting J With open sights, $6. With target sights, $8.50. Game Laws, Shooting Rules, etc. ^ All dealers in sporting: goods handle our complete line. them to be sold at buyable prices. & fr ♦ Our Complete Catalogue full of valuable information upon request. The Union Metallic Cartridge Co.. FREE—Send name and address on a postal card for 164 page illustrated catalogue. ♦ J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY, 315 Broadway, New York. WINCHESTER REPEATING’ARMS C O ., NEW HAVEN, CT. j No. 155 Broadway, - Chicopee Falls, Mass. Bridgeport, Conn. 4 2 5 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. HOTELS AND CAMPS HOTELS AND CAMPS RABBIT’S VENGE135CE. In D ead R iv e r R e g io n . T H E RANGELEY LAKES, Hotel Blanchard. Hunting, Pishing. J. S. Wheelman Thrown Down Em­ | GAME AND FISH ODDITIES.riES. | New York City. B u r r e l l , Proprietor, Stratton, Me. Via the POR TLAND & R U M FO R D FALLS RY. bankment by Small Animal. j i Through PARLOR CAR service during the Tourist season, j * ASHLAND HOUSE, R a n g e l e y L a k e s . The Bridgtou News is authority for a W e invite our readers to send contri- Corner 4 th Ave. and 24th St. Bald Mountain Camps, are situated near the We mail, free of charge, a book showing half-tone cuts of hotels famous Middle Grounds, which offer some of story of how a rabbit got the better of a butions for this column. AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLANS. the best fishing in the Ratureley Lakes. and camps at all Rangeley Lake Points. Rooms, per day, §1.00 an t upwards. Steamboat accommodations 0. K. Telephone bicylist who ran over him. at the camps. Two mails daily. You’ll get PORTLAND & RUMFORD FALLS RAILWAY, “ When I was a hoy,” said the narra­ a reply right back, if you write for free circu­ R. C. BRADFORD, Traffic Manager, Portland, Maine. Yoke of Pigs. lar to A mos E l l is , Prop’r, tor, “ I used to be quite a cyclist. That J. H. Bjothhy of Kermebunkport has R a n g k l k y L a k e s . Camp Bemis and Birches. Write for free cir­ Haines Landing, Maine. was long before the safety bicycle came a couple of trained pigs which are be­ cular. C a p t . F. 0. P a r k e r , Prop’r, Bemis. into use, and the wheel 1 used to ride Belgrade Lakes, Me. Via R a n g e l e y . gether unlikely, then the last resort of lieved to be the most intelligent animals a n g e l e y o r e m is was one of those old-fashioned concerns Via R B . The Belgrade. The best sportsman’s hotel in Kennebago Lake House, on the shore of Ken- those who are opposed to it, is to at­ of the kind in Maine. lie yokes them Mountain View House. New England. The best black bass lislii.ig with a small wheel iu front and a large in the world. Chas. A. Hill, M’g’r. nebago Lake, is the place to come to if you tack it as “ unconstitutional.” I have up aud drives them the same as steers. want Ay Ashing every day in the season wheel in the rear. If you struck any They are as handy as cattle, and the High altitude. No hay fever. Address, heard this claim all my life, first as to Ha n o v e r , Ma in e . object in the road while riding these young man can drive them about the \ R ic h a r d s o n Br o s ., Proprietors, those great war measures adopted by Indian Rock Camps. An excellent place for things, it was nine chances to one, that sport or recreation. Large brook trout in Kennebago, Me. Congress to preserve this country, and village without the least trouble. They the rider turned a back somersault and abundance. Camps new and convenient. in later years in regard to our fish and attract much attention on the street. Pure water, fust-class table. Write for de­ E ustis M a in e . landed on the back of his neck with the Tim Pond Camps, situated in the Dead River game laws. scriptive circular and terms to wlieel on top of him. Region, 2000 feet above the sea level. Trout The point Mr. Widney makes, how­ Killed Three Times. W. C. Holt, Proprietor, rise to the fly every day in the season. Write “ Well, it was upon such a wheel as for further particulars to ever, has already been passed upon, “ Uncle Dau” Gammon of Peru once Hanover, Me. J u l ia n K. V i l e s , Eustis, Me. this, that I met with a curious accident. both by our own Supreme court and the shot a black fox, and just as lie pulled I was skirting along the Androscoggin On P h il l ip s & R a n g e l e y Ra il r o a d . Supreme court of the United States of off his skin, the fox jumped up, aud ran river near Lisbon Falls and was coast­ Red ngton Camps and Cottages. Redington I Blakeslee Lake Camps, $ America. Somebody raised the point away. “ Uncle Dan” declares that he Here is situated a hotel ot rare attractive­ Pond furnishes excellent fly Ashing every ing a down grade at a good rate of ness in beautiful location for summer board­ day in the season. Elevation 2,200 feet above > A famous resort for Hunters and & that our law permitting our own citi­ shot that fox for three successive sea­ sea level Particulars furnished freely upon j. Anglers. GAME iu abundance Trout 4* speed, when I spied in the road just ers and at the same time in close proximity > rise to the fly every day during the Q zens to fish through the ice in February, sons afterwards, and took a coal black to the best places for fishing on Rangeley application. J. F. HOUGH, proprietor, P. O , ahead of me, a large rabbit sitting upon lake. Hunters in the season also find plenty Rangeley, Maine. [• season. Good accormnodHtions 4* March and April, and prohibiting non-' pelt from him each time. o f deer, partridge and woodcock near the > Address, Jos H. W h i t e , Prop’r, 0 his haunches. 1 thought of course the K Eustis, Maine. *f* residents from doing so was unconstitu­ hotel. The cuisine here is such as to hold f o r k s , m e . little fellow would run for the woods patrons year after year, the rooms are what Moxie Pond, 23 miles from Bingham. Good tional. Our court said, “ The right to Held Up by Wild-Cats. people from the cities like, large, well lighted road. Brook trout in abundance. Good ac­ when he saw me approaching, but for and pleasant. We serve vegetables, berries, fish in its (the state’s) waters is not a A Green lake correspondent reports fish and game at appropriate times in the commodations for ladies. Write for circu­ some reason, he seemed a good deal year and the table is always supplied with lars. C. M. Jones, The Forks, Me. The Place to stop is at the Phillips Hotel. privilege of the citizens in the several that three wild-cats held up the Maine P h ! IIin< Electric lights, bath, taken with my good looks, and never excellent fresh milk and cream. Pure water W h ile in r unups one----- minutes walk from states, granting to citizens of this state Central railroad section crew near there runs to the house from a spring above. This the station E. B . WHORFF, Prop’r., stirred until I was almost upon him. is a particularly good place for safe and Phillips, Me. the right to fish for and take fish, in a one day recently. As the railroad com­ pleasant boating and the drives and walks FOR SPORT: Say, did you ever try to ride through a manner and for a purpose not given to pany does^not provide guns with the are unsurpassed. Croquet and lawn tennis bring rod and gun to Kineo, the flock of hens? If you have you’ ll under­ grounds adjoin the house.
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