1878. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3647 By Mr. DAVIS, of California: The petition of merchants of San l1r. MATTHEWS presented the memorial of Allison, Smith & John­ Francisco, for the passage of House bill No. 3648-to the Committ.ee son, and others, manufa-cturers of and dealers iu type of Cincinnati on Appropriations. Ohio, remonstrating against the refunding to MilJer & Richards of ~ Also, re~olution of the Legislatu~e of Califo~ia, relative to grading fine imposecl upon thorn fo.r underv.aluing goods pa...,sed through the streets adJacent to the San Jose Pomt reservatiOn-to the Committee custom· house at San I<'ranc.u;co; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. on Finance. Also, a communication of Judge Lorenzo Sawyer, relating to the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. a~pointment of United States shipping commissioners-to the Com­ rmttee on Commerce. Mr. DAVIS, of illinois, from the Committee on the Judiciary to By l\lr. EICKHOFF: The petition of Mary li. Butler, for a pension­ whom was referred the bill (H. R. No. 41'374) for the relief of the s~re­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ties of John McNellis, asked to be discharged from its further consid­ By Mr. GARFIELD: The petition of H. M. Brown and Wi11iam C. eration and that it be referred to the Committee on Finance; which was agreed to. ~1cGill, that a ~mbstitute be adopted for the bill (H. R. No. 4621) relat­ mg to the sale of spirituous liquors in the District of Columbia-to Mr. SARGENT, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to whom the Committee for the District of Columbia. was referred the bill (H. R. No. 4420) for the relief of Horace E. Mul­ By Mr. GARTH: The petition of Mrs. C. L. Robinson, for compen­ lan, reported it with amendments, and submitted a report thereon· sation for property taken and damaged by the United States Army­ which was ordered to be printed. ' tQ the Committee on ·war Claims. He also, from the same committee, to whom was referred the bill By Mr. GIDDINGS: The 'petition of the board of aldermen of (H. R. No. 1918) for the relief of Milton B. Cushing, paymaster United States Navy, reported it without amendment, and submitted a report Austi~, .Texas, for an ~pp~opri~tio~ of $10,000 to repair barraJks upon thereon; which was ordered to be printed. the ~ihtary reservatiOn ill said city-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Mr. INGALLS, from the Committee on Indian Affairs, to whom was By Mr. HARRIS, of Georgia: The petition of citizens of Talbot referred tho bill (S. No. 230) to authorize and enable the Eastern band County, Georgia, for the passage of the Texas and Pacific Railroad of t-he Cherokee Indians to institute and prosecute a suit in the Court bill-to the Committee on the Pacific Railroad. of Claims against the Cherokee Nation, reported it with amendments and submitted-a report thereon; which was ordered to be printed. ' By M~. ~N~E : Papers relating to the claims of Albert Green­ leaf, William Fhnn, and Samuel P. Brown-to the Committee of Mr. HEREFORD. I am instructed by the Committee on Claims, Claims. to. whom was recommitted the bill (S. No. 235) for the relief of Joseph By Mr. HOUSE: The petition of S. E. Jones & Sons, of Na-shville Kinney, administrator of David Ballen tine, of .Missouri, t.o report it fa v­ Tennessee, relating to a patent for improvements in ca.ne..milli-t~ orably, adopting the report previously submitted by the committee. the Committee on Patents. Tl]ere is a minority report also, which will be presented by the Senat.or from Massachusetts, [Mr. HoAR.] ~y Mr. LOCKWOOD: Papere relating to the Indian depredation clmm of Henry A. Bateman-to the Committee of Claims. Mr. HOAR. I desire iu behalf of four members of the committee ByMr.MORGAN: Thepetitionof J.B.Emory,JohnW.Tidings and to preeent the views of the minority; which I ask to have printed. 40 other citizens of Barton County, Missouri, ·for the enactment'of a Tho PRESIDENT pro tempore. Tho order to print will be made. Jaw prohibiting the introduction of Texas cattle into the State of Mr. GROVER, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was l~issouri during the summer months-to the Committee on the Judi­ referred the b~ll (S. No. 885) to amend the act approved September mary. 27, 1850, creatmg the o~ce of sur.veyor-general of Oregon, providing . By Mr. MUL~ER: The petition of Henry L. Joyce, for compensa­ for the survey and makmg donatiOns to settlers of tho public lands tiOn as a page m the House of Representatives-to the Committee on in Oregon, and also the act amendatory thereof, approved February Reform in the Civil Service. 14, A D. 1853, reported it without amendment. By Mr. PEDDIE: The petition of steam-yacht-owners of Newark Mr. JONES, of Florida, from the Committee on Naval Affairs, to New Jersey, that smallsteam-ves.sels used aa pleasure boats, for pri~ whom was recommitt~d the bill (S. No. 1132) for the relief of Lieu­ vate uses and for the purposes of Improvement in steam-navigation, tenant-Commander James H. Sands, United States Navy, reported it with amendments. shall b~ exem~ted from the requirements of existing laws relating to the tnspectton of vesse1; propelled by steam-to the Committee Mr. OGLESBY, from the Committee on Public Lands, to whom was on Commerce. - · referred.the ~ill (H. R. No. 613) subjecting the Fort Wayne military By Mr. TO.WNSEND, of Ohio: The petition of Nathaniel Anson, ~eseryatwn, m the Stat~ of. Arkansas, to entry as other public lands Edward L. Hildebrandt, John P. Fletcher, and 400 other mechanics and ill said State, reported It with an amendment, and submitted a report la:bo!in~-men of Cleveland, Qhio, for the passage of Mr. WRIGHT's thereon; which was ordered to be printed. bill ill a1d of settlers on homesteads, or for some other similar bill­ DRURY BYNUM. to the Committee on Pnblic Lands. Mr. OGLESBY. I am directed by the Committee on Public Lands, By Mr. VEEDER: Papers relating to the pension claim of Mary to whom wa-s referred the bill (S. No. 1201) for the relief of Drury E . .Murphy-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Bynnm, to report it without amendment and to submit a written By Mr. WOOD: T~e petition of Jonas P. Levy, that he be paid the report thereon. I will state that the amount involved is only $35 sums of money due him by the government of .Mexico-to the Com­ being a fTactional part of a quarter's payment due him in 1861 i~ mitt~e on Foreign Affairs. some land office in Mississippi. The Commissioner of the General ' Land Office sent the account to be examined, and it was found that · that balance was due 1\h·. Bynum. All that is needed is an appro­ priation to allow the money to be paid. It will be a troublesome IN SENATE. matter to take np again, and it is better for the Senate to dispose of it now than at any other time. I ther@fore ask that the Senate pro­ WEDNESDAY, May 22, 1878. ceed to the consideration of the bill. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. By unanimous consent, the Senate, as in Committee of the Whole The Jo~nal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. proceeded to consider the bill. It authorizes the Secretary of th~ Treasury to pay to Drury Bynum, late register of the United States PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. land office at Paulding, Mississippi, the sum of $35. Mr. ~AMLIN presented the petition of John Brown, guardian of The bill was reported to the Senate without amendmefit, ordered the chlldr~n of John Nelson, deceased, who was a soldier in the late to be engrossed for a third reading, read the third time, and passed. war, praymg tbe passage of an act grantinu them a pension · which BILLS INTRODUCED. was referred to the Committee on Pensions~ ' Mr.M~RR~~ON. I _Present five petitions, signed bymore than 300 of 1\Ir. HAMLIN asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave to the leadmg mhz~ns of Fayette, North Carolina of aU trades and busi­ introduce a bill (S. No. 1291) granting-a pension to ArchibaM Nelson nesses, r~presen~mg that in their opinion the t~x of 10 per cent. levied and John N~lson, J'!lino~ children of John Nelson, deceased; which on the .mrc~latmg note~ issued by banks chartered by the different was read twiCe by Its tttle, and referred to the Committee on Pen­ States Is nnJnst and agamst the best inte!ests of the people, and they sions. pray Col!gress to re~eal as much of the mternal-revenue law aa im­ Mr. ALLISON asked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave poses .thi~ tax. I.beheve I can say that the public sentiment of North to introduce a bill (S. No. 1292) for the relief of Elias D. Bruner; which was read twice by its title, and, with the accompauyin (1' papers, Ca~o"!ina JS unammous.on that subject. I move the reference of these petttwns to the Committee on Finance. referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. " The mot ion was agreed to. Mr. VOORHEES ::tsked, and by unanimous consent obtained, leave .Mr. SARGENT. I present the ~otition of Benjamin S. Brooks, Eg­ to introduce a · bill (S.
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