1992 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 9, 2005 TRIBUTE TO ‘‘JESSE’’ JAMES After 17 years, Leija ended his professional fused to give up. In spite of his illness, his LEIJA career of 57 matches with a record of 47 wins, pain, his constant treatments, he has main- including 19 by knock-out, 7 losses, 2 draws, tained his courage and his determination.’’ I HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ and 1 no-contest. believe that this quotation exemplifies how the OF TEXAS All this despite having been told early on enduring strength and bravery of Andrew IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES that he was too small and not strong enough Keenan serves as an inspiration to all of us Wednesday, February 9, 2005 to be a success in the ring. who were touched by his life, and encourages Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today As impressive and admirable as his career us all to lead a more thoughtful, more coura- to pay tribute to a San Antonio hometown was, James’ dedication to his community is geous existence. hero. even more so. He founded the ‘‘Jesse’’ James The ‘‘sweet science,’’ as the sport of boxing Leija Youth Foundation, and has long sup- f has been called, has provided an arena for ported the Boys’ and Girls’ Club of San Anto- epic battles that have produced larger than life nio and the San Antonio Parks and Recreation MILITARY SEXUAL ASSAULT prize-fight champions who have, throughout Boxing Program. He has also supported nu- CRIMES REVISION ACT OF 2005 the sport’s history, captivated the national at- merous education programs, including a child tention. daycare center to allow teenage mothers to HON. LORETTA SANCHEZ Marciano, Ali, Leonard, De La Hoya—all of complete their education. them are synonymous with boxing and all are Beyond being a great boxer, ‘‘Jesse’’ James OF CALIFORNIA well-known champions. However, for every Leija has been a truly great citizen, and we in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES prize-fighter who captured a title and the na- San Antonio are lucky to have him. Wednesday, February 9, 2005 tional spotlight, there is one whose career has To the people of San Antonio ‘‘Jesse’’ not received the attention and accolades it James Leija is always a winner and he will for- Ms. LORETTA SANCHEZ of California. Mr. truly deserves. ever be their Champion. Speaker, yesterday, I introduced H.R. 664, the ‘‘Jesse’’ James Leija of San Antonio is one f Military Sexual Assault Crimes Revision Act of of those champions, and his career and com- 2005. This bill would repeal Article 120 of the mitment to succeeding deserves to be com- TRIBUTE TO ANDREW KEENAN Uniformed Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) memorated. and replace it with an improved sexual abuse Best known to fans of the sport. ‘‘Jesse’’ HON. DENNIS MOORE statute patterned on 18 U.S.C. § § 2241–2247. James’’ intense talent in the ring resulted in I introduced an identical bill last year, H.R. OF KANSAS some of the best boxing matches in recent 4709, which was offered during mark-up of the history. And in a sport that has seen it’s share IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES defense authorization bill. of controversial personas, ‘‘Jesse’’ James al- Wednesday, February 9, 2005 Although the legislation was not included in ways maintained a dignity and respect for his Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, I rise the final authorizing bill last year, a provision opponent, the sport and the fans. was included requiring the Secretary of De- While many boxing careers last only a few today to pay tribute to a young man whose life fense to provide the House and Senate Armed years, ‘‘Jesse’’ James’ recently announced was cut tragically short. Andrew Keenan, a Services Committee, by March 1, 2005, a pro- that he is retiring after an astonishing seven- resident of Ness City, Kansas, a former intern posal for changes regarding sexual offenses in teen years in the ring. in my congressional office and a law student the UCMJ and the rationale for the changes. The sport will undoubtedly miss him. at the University of Kansas, passed away on The language also ‘‘strongly encourages DoD ‘‘Jesse’’ James had a truly impressive ca- January 31, at the age of 26, following a pro- to closely align the UCMJ’s language on sex- reer. Having faced and overcome seemingly tracted battle with brain cancer. I would like to ual assault law with the appropriate section of insurmountable odds on his way to achieving express my profound sorrow at the death of the federal criminal code.’’ I am reintroducing great success, the story of ‘‘Jesse’’ James Andrew Keenan and offer my deepest sym- this legislation to send a strong message to Leija is one that can inspire anyone, in or out pathies to his fiancee, Erica Brown, his family, the DoD that Congress is serious about updat- of the ring. and friends. ing the military’s sexual assault statute, and Born and raised on the South Side of San Andy was a man of exemplary character, a that the changes are expected to incorporate Antonio, James is a proud graduate of character demonstrated by his religious faith, the U.S. federal code. Harlandale High School where being told he his determination to succeed, and his uncom- was too small to play football drove him in the mon courage in the face of hardship and ill- This legislation would help prosecutors, pro- direction of an even more challenging sport— ness. He was also a man of great industrious- tect victims, and promote good order and dis- boxing. ness, ambition, and amiability, qualities which cipline in the Armed Forces. It offers a grad- His parents, including his former pro-fighter made him respected and well-liked by every- uated array of offenses that more precisely father, would not allow him to box until he one who knew him. While interning in my define nonconsensual sex crimes. The pro- graduated from high school. So compared to Washington, DC, office, he assisted my legis- posed provisions expand the scope of sex most aspiring boxers, James got a late start lative director with issues involving financial acts that can constitute sexual abuse. They af- first entering the ring at the age of 22. He services, taxation and telecommunications. ford increased protection for victims by em- quickly won his first fifteen fights and ulti- Andy was also possessed a great sense of phasizing acts of the perpetrator rather than mately compiled an impressive 23 win and 5 empathy and the heart of a true humanitarian. the reaction of the victim during an assault. loss amateur record. He won a San Antonio His efforts to aid the unfortunate took many This legislation expressly provides for cases Golden Gloves title, won the 1988 Western forms, including the creation of a Web site involving voluntary and involuntary intoxication Olympic Trials and competed in the 1988 dedicated to raising money for cancer re- of the victim, which are common fact patterns Olympic Trials. search, providing food and clothing to a young in military sexual assault cases. Finally, it In 1994, Leija became only the third San girl in the Philippines through an adoption pro- criminalizes sexual extortion and other forms Antono boxer to win a world title when he de- gram, and, recently, donating money to victims of coercing sex from subordinates and fellow feated the legendary Ghana warrior and Hall of the tsunami. The fact that he always felt service men and women in a way that will of Famer, Azumah Nelson, for the WBC World compassion for people who were suffering, help commanders to maintain good order and Super Featherweight Championship. even while suffering himself, is a testament to discipline in the armed forces. ‘‘Jesse’’ James ultimately fought in nine the kind of benevolent and caring of person he By undertaking this critical revision to the world championship fights winning the IBA was. UCMJ, we will demonstrate that the Depart- World Lightweight Championship, the NABF As University of Kansas law professor Mike ment of Defense and Congress are committed Featherweight Championship, and on two sep- Hoeflich wrote recently in the Lawrence Jour- to reducing the incidence of sexual assault arate occasions, the NABF Lightweight Cham- nal-World, ‘‘For almost two years now, Andy within the Armed Forces, and bringing justice pionship. has fought and fought and fought. He has re- to the victims. VerDate Sep 11 2014 13:12 Jan 13, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00197 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK2\NO_SSN\BR09FE05.DAT BR09FE05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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