Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® Student Creative Writing 2012 Zephyrus Western Kentucky University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/eng_stu_write Part of the Creative Writing Commons, and the English Language and Literature Commons Recommended Citation Western Kentucky University, "Zephyrus" (2012). Student Creative Writing. Paper 52. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/eng_stu_write/52 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Creative Writing by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 2012 Zephyrus I ( 2012 •• A publication of the English Department of ,",Vestern Kentucky University Bowling Green, Kentucky Editors: Award Winners I Brittany Lee Cheak Megan Murphy Bradley Englert Abbey Piersma ( Madelyn Gates Mary Rudolph Jim Wayne Miller Poetry Award Hi lary Harlan Anthony Taylor Smith Kyle Marshall Joshua Johnston Samantha Starr "An Envoy to the Ancestral Spirits" Katie Knecht Lea Walker Amy Lindsey Ashley Weatherholt Michael Miller Browning Literary Club Poetry Award Maddey Gates "Ten Reasons Why I Don ' t Care That Yo u Cover art: Un-Friended Me on Faccbook" Justin Comley "As the World Bums, We Survive" • I Title page art: Ann Travelstead Fiction Award Alex Aquirre "The Kintai Is Comfort" of the Ladie, Literary Club Rachel Hoge <h Itp: Ilwww.wku.cdu/zel)hyrus> "Knot s" Art coordination: Mike Nichols Wanda Gatlin Essay Award Michael Miller "In the Tongues of Men and of Angels" Faculty advisor: David LeNoir Zephyr"' Art Award Justin Coml ey Printing: Print Media "Just Graphit e and Time" Editor's notc: Our se lec ti on process is based on comp lete anonym ity. If an editor recogni zes an author's work, he or she Writing award recipients are chosen by the Creative Writing faculty ofWKU; the art award is chosen by Zep ltyrus stafT. Table of Contents Jenni fer Recchio "The Best Laid Plans of Gods and Rebecca Davis "Stcampunk" , ' .. , , ' . , ' . , , , .. , . ,6 English Majors". , , , , . , .. , . , .. ' . , .. ,58 "Falling Stars" , . , , , . , . , , . ' , ,60 Kirby Fields "Over the Moon, Unde r the Sun", .. , . , , 7 Mon ica Specs "Thc Abridged Handbook on I-low to Isiah Fish "Dawning" . , , . , . , ' . , , . , .. , . , . , , . , . 8 Act Appropriately in a Traditional "Red Soda Circus" , , . , . , , . , , JO Baptist Church". .. ,., .. ,." . ..61 Maddey Gates "Gct Me a Six-Pack of Sestina Justi n Lawson "Backwoods" . .. 63 and a Fifth ofCheny Bumett's". ,." " 12 "Ten Reasons Why I Don't Care Samantha Starr "Fine Wine ... , ... .. "., .. , . .64 That You Un-Fricnded Me on Faeebook", "',.,'" .14 Clint Waters "Angry Grapes" .... , , . , . , ... .. 66 "In Car(s) with Boy(s): A Four .. Vi visection" ,., .. ,.,' . .... 68 Act Memory", ' . , .. , . , , ' .17 "'America Bleeds God''' . ... 70 "Just Graphite and Time", . 20 "Cowboys and Indians" . ... .. ... 71 Justin Comley Madal yn Wilbanks • Ellen Hatler " Whiskey Breath",. ... .. ..... .21 Scanna Lyn Wilhelm "Claustrophobia" , . .... 72 Grace Kl einhelter "Seated Woman and Plant". , , . , . , . , , .22 Rachel Hoge " Knots" .. , , . ...23 Amy Lindsey "On Helping People" , ......... 29 Tracy Jo Ingram " I Fold to This End: You Might I-I ave Loved Mc" , ' . , , , . , , . , . 30 Preparing a Meal from the Gard en with J. Calloway", , . , , . , . , .32 Kyle Marshall "An Envoy 10 the Ancestral Spirits", , , ,34 Alex McNeilage "Chicken". , .36 Michael Miller " In the Tongues of Men and of Angels"" , . , .. ,. "., . ,. " . , . , . 37 Ka theryne Newman "A Portrai t of the Murder"., . .... , ., .47 Timoth y Phelps "Conversations with the Taj Mahal" , . , 49 Over the Moon, Under the Sun Kirby Fields I We build a teleporlation machin e to escape the heat. With me lt ing crayons, I draw boxy, red and green cars ( on the cardboard side. "That way it will go extra fa st," I te ll Steven. We climb inside and leave the hose on, Drowning the yellow grass arollnd liS. Steven tosses an old beach towel on top to serve as the roof. Light shines through the tired fabric. Our sweating legs stick together in the cramped quarlers. We travel to the beach, the moon. .' When we hear Steven's·mother shouting his name, he covers my mouth with hi s tan, sweating hand. "As long as we remain silent , no one wi ll be abl e to sec us," he tells me. Then he presses hi s lips against mine. He smells like chocolate and wames. We sit silently for a few minutes and then we dismantle th e machin e. We never told a soul of what we had built. Rebecca Davis Steampunk 7 Dawning Isiah Fi sh I Honestly. let 's be honest. When I hufT on my postprandial cigar, We're stay ing together fo r th e sake of the cats. I' m secret ly posing fo r the squirrels in the yard. ( It would ri p them apart to see us ri pped apart. They think I'm a drug lord and who am I to tamper with their And sin ce we're being honest, there's somethin g ass umptions? wrong with society's stance on slurpi ng. Sometimes, in the mornings, I wake up early without an alann. I slurp loud for all to hea r! I rise with the sun like my soul is connected to the ascension. It 's a fu n sound, and it lets the people know I My bed is the hori zon. appreciate a da mn good drin k! I am the sun. Sl urping shoul d be mandatory now that YOll know the importance of it. Slurp. Now, let's ta lk about the man who ofTered to buy me a glass of milk at the bar. Enough said. .' Did I ever tell you that the sound of erescendoi ng vi olins make me want to cry? Actually, I do cry, but you can't sec it. It 's an internal cry. I'm doing it right now. It kind of fee ls like my brain is precipitating love. Or something. Have you ever smell ed the incredib ly fresh breath of a grizzly bear? That's what my armpit smell s li ke. You can sniffit if you want. I want to li ve long enough to te ll pre-apocalyptic anecdotes to a post-apocalyptic society. I want to be a paper boy just so I can tell my lover "Put me on a bike and kiss me, stupid . I'm ofT to deli ver the obsolete morn ing papers." I-lave you ever noticed that there are two types of people in the world: slow-walkers and fast-walkers. I see it as a huge divider. 8 9 Red Soda Circus Isiah Fish I I see you getting coffee after so many years between his ankles. ,' II give you your own bouquet of roses ( of not seeing you whil e 1 got my coffee alone and before you go to sleep you can smell them and dream and ' walk towards you to ask how you've been, about going to breakfast wi th Salvador and sharing a maybe hug you, maybe even give you the slightest cantaloupe with cheek kiss and tell you that since we lasl saw Maria. You get your coffee an d turn away to wa lk oul the door, each other I've been recruited by the circus and I wish I would've become a trapeze artist because then I For my unusual talent of dissecting cadavers would know to further understand how people love. how to walk on tightropes. I can entertain you with stories about Penelope, the circus lion and how she loathes tap shoes but adores tutus. I bet you've never seen a full grown fema le li on in a tickle-me-pink tutu before. I could tell you about Richard .' the Ringl eader or the poodles that do back-handsprings for doggie biscui ts or why I want to cry when 1 watch Penelope jump through a ring of fire. I could give you a free pass to come see me in the most spectacular show on Earth and ifyoll come maybe you'll remember how we tasted like red soda the first time we kissed because you were thirsty and alii had was Big Red. I want to li ght your face up like a carn iva l at night in the rain and ' want you to enjoy peanuts and cotton-candy whil e watching the elephant named Salvador paint a picture of clocks. I want you to witness Maria and how she hypnotizes panthers by blowing si lver kisses dusted with lavender. I want you to feel like you have all the time in the world to do all the things you ever wanted while Sylvester the fire-breather spits flames and Pierre rides his unicycle in a handstand with a bouquet of roses clenched 10 11 Get Me a Six-Pack of Sestina and a fifth of Cherr)' Burnett's Maddey Gates I The streets were sli ck with snow and broken glass. you had to carry me home. My mother prays over her bottle ( We spilled across the hill like whi skey, our clothes dark in case of organic soymil k every morning that J stay far from the path of anyone was looking. February wind poured onc last drink broken glass, between my chapped lips. I curled my frosted Icgs around daddy keeps a bottle-cap-cross over the mantel and smil es to an Kevin's back, " I can angel of a beer ca n. walk" while Calvin fixed the back of my dress, put a ca p on my words, on thc ni ght like I was the last drained bottle. One ni ght we walked around the city to remind ourselves wc can slip through the night, skipping cracks in the sidcwalks and cap In a house in the belly-curve of Park Street we sha red a bottle off semesters with th oughtless fli ght s into each othcrs arms.
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