08_Mar_1_for pdf.qxp 2/21/08 4:53 PM Page 501 Talent Development: A ‘MUST’ FOR A PROMISING FUTURE Ms. Roberts points out that when we plan to establish P-16 systems, we must be sure that they are flexible enough to allow all students to learn what they are ready to learn when they are ready to learn it. JULIA LINK ROBERTS RE your children breaking an “ac- portunities to make progress. No one is limited in what ademic sweat”? This question is es- he or she can learn because of age, but rather learning sential, for it addresses the need to experiences are planned to match the level at which the work hard to reach a goal. Parents child is ready to learn. Student talents are accommodat- and educators often resort to an analogy between athletics and academics in an effort to bring children around onA the matter of the dual importance of hard work and talent. No athlete becomes a cham- pion without facing challenges. No athlete ex- cels without expert coaching. The same holds true for all talent areas. Schools that offer var- sity sports need to offer varsity-level opportu- nities in academic and artistic areas as well. In the movement toward an integrated P-16 system of education, we need to address a num- ber of questions about talent development. Why is talent development important for society in general? What must be in place in a P-16 sys- tem in order to nurture the development of tal- ent in a school and throughout a school system? And what must be in place to develop top talent? What factors erect barriers to talent development? In ed in a variety of areas, whether in academic subjects, in this article, I will meld key concepts in the develop- the arts, or in athletics. ment of talent and, indeed, the development of top Society needs talented individuals to create a bright talent, with the characteristics of an integrated P-16 future in our communities, states, and nation. Inventors, system of schooling. innovators, entrepreneurs, scholars, artists, and leaders So what is talent development? The most basic mod- are needed to solve local and global problems. In a world el for talent development must see that each child has flattened by advanced technology, educators need to gar- opportunities to excel at the highest level possible. The ner the resources and offer opportunities to ensure that child who is working above grade level has ongoing op- all students are developing their abilities to optimal lev- els. Continuous progress is at the heart of talent devel- I JULIA LINK ROBERTS is Mahurin Professor of Gifted Studies opment. Of course, all children need to learn on an on- and director of the Center for Gifted Studies, Western Kentucky Uni- going basis; however, top talent is often overlooked. For versity, Bowling Green. the sake of our future, we must not let this happen. Photo: Liquid Library MARCH 2008 501 08_Mar_1_for pdf.qxp 2/21/08 4:53 PM Page 502 In his retrospective study, Benjamin Bloom exam- a premium in world markets that will enable them to pay ined individuals who had achieved international emi- high wages to their citizens.5 nence in their thirties and looked at the factors that led to their achievement. He described teachers of young Nobel laureate physicist Leon Lederman, who is co- people at various levels of talent development: teachers chair of the Commission on 21st Century Education at the first level create a love of the talent area and de- in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, velop the basic skills; at the second level, teachers devel- puts it this way: “Not only do we have to have equity op competence; and at the third level, teachers take the and close the famous achievement gap, we also have to talented individuals to the level of expertise.1 have innovation if we’re going to survive, so you have Numerous reports have called for the development to nurture the gifted kids.”6 The need to develop top tal- Having talent does not guarantee that a young person will develop that talent. Opportunities and resources of the schools, community, and home environment are required to encourage and foster talent. of talent, highlighting the critical need for the U.S. to ent echoes through national reports and the statements maintain its competitive position in the 21st century. of leaders in various parts of our society. In Rising Above the Gathering Storm, the National Acad- Having talent does not guarantee that a young per- emies Committee on Prospering in the Global Econo- son will develop that talent and reach an exceptional level my of the 21st Century identified just four actions fed- of expertise. Opportunities and resources of the schools, eral policy makers should take to enhance the science community, and home environment are required to en- and technology enterprise “so the United States can suc- courage and foster talent. Talented individuals must have cessfully compete, prosper, and be secure in the global opportunities to learn at advanced levels. Resources in- community of the 21st Century.”2 The first is to “in- clude both human resources, such as teachers and men- crease America’s talent pool” by vastly improving K-12 tors, and physical resources, such as laboratories and spe- mathematics and science education, which carries im- cialized equipment. Without chemistry laboratories and plications for a P-16 system. And each of the four rec- expert teachers and mentors, there are no Nobel laure- ommendations refers in its own way to the development ate chemists. Such losses are both personal and societal. of talent and the importance of innovation if the U.S. Thus talent development is important if both the indi- is to thrive in the global economy. vidual and society are to reach future goals. Writers, scientists, and politicians emphasize the tie P-16 educators can play a leading role in the devel- between innovation and a bright economic future. Rich- opment of talent. What practices do educators engage ard Florida states in The Flight of the Creative Class, “The in that foster talent development? How do we describe competition for creative talent is heating up in all cor- a school that is a good place for children and young peo- ners of the globe.”3 The National Governors Associa- ple to develop their abilities, competencies, and exper- tion and Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano announced tise? What must be in place to develop talent to top Innovation America, her yearlong chair’s initiative for levels? 2006-07, based on the conviction that “United States A key factor for the development of talent is pro- economic growth in the 21st century will be driven by viding the child ongoing opportunities to work above our nation’s ability to innovate.”4 Tough Choices or Tough the level at which he or she can easily perform. Instruc- Times, the report of the New Commission on the Skills tion that is optimal will always challenge what Lev Vy- of the American Workforce states: gotsky called the student’s zone of proximal develop- ment. Young people develop their talents best when The best employers the world over will be looking for the they have opportunities to stretch in order to learn ad- most competent, most creative, and most innovative people vanced content, refine skills, and expand expertise. on the face of the earth and will be willing to pay them top Talents do not develop to their fullest without instruc- dollar for their services. This will be true not just for the top professionals and managers, but up and down the length tion and without opportunities to stay focused on the and breadth of the workforce. Those countries that produce process. In his study of talent development, Bloom made the most important new products and services can capture the following statement: 502 PHI DELTA KAPPAN 08_Mar_1_for pdf.qxp 2/21/08 4:53 PM Page 503 No matter how precocious one is at age ten or eleven, if the sential for cultivating talent, yet it places peculiar obsta- individual doesn’t stay with the talent development process cles in the way of its development; and 5) no child suc- over many years, he or she will soon be outdistanced by others ceeds unless he or she is strongly supported by adults.9 who do continue. A long-term commitment to the talent field and an increasing passion for the talent development Educators need to examine our own behaviors so we are essential if the individual is to attain the highest levels can facilitate talent development and eliminate barriers of capability in the field.7 we unintentionally put in its way. Examining the model for the development of ath- Thus, while exposure to the talent development area letic talent can shed light on the development of aca- begins the process, ongoing opportunities to develop demic and artistic talent. A child who demonstrates the the talent as well as commitment to the talent area are physical ability, interest, and skills to be a basketball essential for honing exceptional talent. player has that talent addressed. In order to help that Individual effort is paramount in the realization of student improve, instruction and specific feedback tar- talent. Carol Dweck described one’s understanding of get the individual’s level of skill development, and op- ability as the key determinant of success: “It’s whether portunities to practice with others who are equally skilled you look at ability as something inherent that needs to and interested are provided. To be the best, a player must be demonstrated or as something that can be developed.”8 play with the best.
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