RICE COMES FIRST 'Texas' Outstanding Semi-Weekly College Newspaper' VOL. xvm SOUTHERN METHODIST UNIVERSITY, DALLAS, TEXAS, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1932 Awards Qr anted all PHI ALPHA DELTA mmamm INSTALLS YEAR'S Prep Honor Qrads OFFICERSSEPT. 23 TO ilEETTUpAY Association of Colleges Serves Eligibility of Candidates for As Clearing House for School's Newest Professional Uncertainty as to Member­ SYMPHONY TICKETS -: council jpii»vi»r3tb:|Bijg^ Awards ITEDAS Installed at Close of ship Marks Plans for Discussed Last Year. First Meeting Forty-three scholarships, each NEARLY 700 USE TO BE AVAILAOLE Tuesday, Oct. 4, is deadline for pood for half of one year's tuition submission to'.'thestudents^presig; dent, Ennis Hill; if petiti6n8|^f| in S. M. U. and carrying a cash ALL RESIDENT WOMEN candidates applying for the vacant; value of $145, were awarded to FIRST TEXB CHAPTER ON S. WLU. CAHIPUS seats in the general council left by honor graduates of Texas high First Petitionining Chapter in AU Matters of Discipline in Van Katwijk To Be Director "Kitty" Morrisoni..v;represe^i^tiwfSt|S| schools and junior colleges, R. L. Theatre Crowded as Boys : 10 Years Admitted Dormitory Handled by of Orchestra In Season of .from the school p£-(::; ar|s;;v»ifl^3,^ Brewer, registrar, announced Fri­ Clip Campus Coupons for Council. sciences, and Hugh' 0'Neil/:'grrado|;i||j|p Unanimously. Six Concerts. : day. Dates and Roommates. ate school representative! Hill '£ar:%$ig0 Apparently uncertain as to how These scholarships, awarded Installation exercises for this The Dallas Symphony Orchestra nounced. The council will meet at§S|«S; through the aid of the Association The spectacular rush of nearly year's officers were held Sept. 23 and for how long its own members 7:15 p. m. in religious activity ofcSS||| season of six concerts begins No­ : of Colleges, go to the highest boy seven-hundred students in two days for Phi Alpha Delta, law fratern­ are elected, the Woman's Self- fice. •••• •...- ':[^X'-i-'''~li :M6M d the highest girl in each grad­ Governing council will hold its first vember 13th, with Bomar Cramer an to use passes to the Varsity the­ ity and newest professional organ­ The petition of the aspirantofr|v?S!| uating class. The Association of ization on the campus. Those in­ official meeting of the year Tues­ as piano solioist and Paul van Kat­ fice holders must .be ...signed,',; by :«':||J atre printed in Wednesday's cam­ Colleges serves as clearing house stalled were: Bonner Landman, day afternoon at 5 o'clock in the wijk conductor, according to an an­ fifty students, according to the; yvg pus rather convincingly demon­ for all universiites offering the justice; James Walsh, vice-justice; living room of Virginia hall. The nouncement from the school of constitution of the students assp^|f|;||i scholarships. strated the value of advertising in council handles matters of discip­ ciation. Before the council 'accepts-.#10$ Henry C. Harris, clerk; Earl Wil- music. Graduates in January, 1932, who the school paper, according to Jer­ lard Green, treasurer; Calhoun An­ Howard Sprague, captain of the Ponies this year, is playing his last line in the dormitories. the eligibility of a candidate fjORvSS|f| Season tickets, which are good any representative office in a stu^ Sf| received the scholarship for the ry Drake, business manager of derson, marshal. season for the Red and Blue. At halfback and fullback, he has estab­ All women students residing on s second semester of 1931-1932, and lished a reputation in the past two years for his versatility, being a the University campus are re­ for a seat in the reserved seat sec­ dent organization, the Student Ac?, -!;':||i University student publications. The fraternity was officially in­ first semester of 1932-1933 are: stalled into Phi Alpha Delta, na­ blocker, ball-toter, and kicker, and good at all of them. He will next quired to attend and answer to the tion of the first floor, are $5.00 tivity committee, headed by Dr.;J;'^M! Helen Christensen, Highland Park; Paul P. Scott, manager of the tional law fraternity, last May 28, be seen in action here with the Mustangs against Rise on Oct. 8, the roll call, according to Lorene Mc- each. Miss La Rue Johnson is in U. Yarborough, must approve:'&?'#?% Eunice Lucille Faison, Forest Varsity, was more than pleased the local chapter being the first opening day of the State Fair of Texas. Clintock, president of the council. charge of the ticket sale on the the student's eligibility, according'-:.2;Sf:j Avenue; Vinson Grice, North Dal­ with the results of the advertise­ The purpose of the meeting, if campus. to a ruling passed by last year's-\/S3|$! one in Texas and the first petition­ i : las, and E. J. Simons, Highland ment. ing chapter in ten years to receive known, was not made public. Anyone interested in securing a council. •\i' ':^" M Park. "However," he added, "most girls a unanimous vote for admission. Marguerite Rembert is vice- season ticket may give his name To represent the school in :any^ ^i^ Junior college scholarship hold­ were frozen out of the free enter­ The Dallas alumnae chapter of Phi MEN'S GLEE CLUB president of the council and Artha and address to Miss Johnson or to way or to hold any office of a stu-i ; S ers for 1932-1933 are: Marjorie tainment, many dormitory girls, Alpha Delta was also installed at Blair Crutchfield is treasurer. The Miss Frances Deadrick at the box dent organization one must - have Louise Arp, Blinn Memorial col- usually loyal patronesses, having the same time. secretaryship is open and will be office in McFarlin auditorium not satisfied the University entrance epe; Daphne Gallimore, Northeast been unable to secure a single copy The installation ceremonies wore E OATE FOR RHODES filled at its first election. Dundee later than Oct. 8th. The ticket will requirements, must have made at Oklahoma Junior college; Samuel of the unusually popular first is­ conducted at Melrose court by Al­ Sheeks, last year's secretary, failed be sent to you from the Associa­ least twenty credit hours during L E. Holcomb, Little Rock Junior sue." lan T. Gilbert, supreme justice of to re-enter school this year. tion. the two preceding semesters, must; collepe; Margaret Little, West­ Amends will be made in the near Phi Alpha Delta, and Frank M. PLANS FOR YEAR Although the council boasts of These concerts include the Kos- have made not less than nine hours moreland Junior college; and Belle future, he stated, as a special coed Ludwick, supreme secretary of Phi nine members besides its officers, loff Ballet. Single tickets will be in either, and must be registered, pass will be distributed. only six of the members were for a least four courses; the stu- 3 Danziger, Jexarkana Junior col­ Alpha Delta, with the aid of the First Meeting of Year to Be Oct. 22 Set as Deadline; Three hard to secure at that time, so lege. Such was the dash for passes members of the Dallas alumnae known to officials of the group. get a season ticket now. dent activity committee requires. ; Students in the school of arts that many, especially in the engi­ chapter. Held Tuesday Afternoon S. M. U. Men Have Won Two of these members, the fresh­ Later attractions include for Pending Problems ? and sciences who received scholar­ neering school, grabbed dozens of After the initiation and installa­ at Five o'clock. That Honor. men representatives from Virginia December: Ethyl Leginska, fa­ Only the eligibility of candidates ships for this year are: copies of the paper and ran, think­ tion ceremonies were carried out, and Snider halls, are to be elected mous woman conductor and pian­ will be considered next Tuesday. : V i n c e Addington, McKinney ing no doubt to provide for their Dean C. S. Potts, University law Out-of-town trips, radio broad­ Applications for Rhodes scholar­ immediately. ist; January: Alice Holcomb, The election of two students to fill Hiph school; Russell D. Austin, dates, roommates and families. The school, and Judge William Hawley casts, opera work, chapel entertain­ ships must be made before Oct. 22, Virginia James is sophomore prominent young Dallas violinist; the two vacancies is scheduled for Electra High school; Harris Beall, Campus shack was beseiged for ex­ Atwell, judge of the United States ments, and contests with glee clubs Prof. C. F. Zeek, chairman of the representative from Snider while February: Juliette Lippe, soprano Tuesday, Oct. 11. tra copies, one enterprising fresh­ the sophomore representative from Henderson High school; Martha District Court for the Northern of the southwest will be included S. M. U. committee, announced of the German Grand Opera Co.; Two additional pending problems Alice Beattie, Oak Cliff High man collecting enough to attempt Virginia is unknown. March: Theodore Kosloff Ballet; district of Texas, were made hon­ in the work of the Men's Glee club Friday. All interested students are for the council are the proposals school; David E. Box, Grapevine to sell extras to late show-goers. orary members. this year, according to a recent an­ Ann Catherine Cooper and Mar­ April: Lenora Corona, soprano of for constitutional amendments left-'' advised to talk to Prof. Zeek in ian Taylor are junior representa­ High school; Ruby Elliott, North A banquet followed the cere­ nouncement of Prof. Ivan Dne- the Metropolitan Opera Co., and over from last year. Latham Leeds, room 213, Dallas hall, immediately. tives to the council and Mary El­ formerly of Dallas. Dallas High school; McLauren El­ monies. Principal after-dinner prov, director.
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