- Mail a Copy of The Times To Some of Your Friends. Back Home Friday Clear. Temp. 44 at 9 A. M. They’d Like To Hear of . Ocean Grove Sun Rises 6.33. Sets 4.53 Day’s Length 10 Hours 20 Minutes Vol. X X IX OCEAN GROVE, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 , 1 9 2 1 N o, 4 4 FATHER CHARGED WITH MISS E. G. MASSINGER WEDS | FIREMEN’S AUXILIARY ELOQUENT TRIBUTE NEGLECT OF CHILDREN M. C. FROEMKE IN FLORIDA ! STOKES SPEAKER AT REPORTS FAVOR THE RESUMES ACTIVITIES Mrs. Ella Smith", attendance officer Miss Eva Gladys Massinger, eldest of Neptune township, befdre Judge The parlors of the firehouseat Cen­ PAID TO WOMANHOOD REPUBLICAN DINNER daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. J. Mas­ tral avenue and Olin street were Lawrence in the township juvenile singer, L18 Main avenue, Ocean Grove, REPUBLICAN TICKET court last Saturday entered against bright with life, light and color and and Maynard C.' Froemke, of Lake a giiy company thronged the place William Palmer complaint that he Albert, Fla., were married .at the lat-j BY EEV. G. S. JOHNSON IN neglected to send his children, Wil­ RIGHT OF JURY TRIAL FOR Tuesday evening, when the ladies’ ter place on Wednesday evening of SITUATION AS SIZED UP BY auxiliary of • the Washington and liam, thirteen, and Ella, fifteen, to last week by Rev. Herbert Denison, LOCAL PULPIT. school and also with neglect in the LAW VIOLATORS Stokes companies resumed, social ac-. rector of the-. Lake Albert Episcopal ■ PARTY WORKERS ' tivity for the fall anil winter. In the nourishment and control of tho chil­ Church. Mrs. Fayette Froemke, the dren. Mrs. Smith declared thnt the groom’s sister; was thc matron of rather elaborate Scheme of decora- ' boy had not attended school more than; tion; and displaying excellent taste in a Beautiful and Virtuous honor, and the groom was attended by its arrangement,. fall foliage, as a six months in all his life, and"at pres­ He Points Out That When aOMau’s Wright Hilyard, of Asbury Park, Women of Monmouth Are Better ent was in the subprimary class. The background formed an appropriate Woman Is Coined From, the The newlyweds wero given a din­ setting for the concomitants of a girl, she said, had not been to school Life or Liberty Is .Involved He ner, at Groveland Inn, Haines City, Organized Than In Any County Purest Gold% of Earth, Is the more than two years in her life. She Fla., after which they motored to Hallowe'en dressing — corn-stalk said both had been improperly nour­ Is Entitled To Be Judged By of New Jersey, According To sheaves,' pumpkin lanterns, etc., off­ Miami, from which place they went set with the colors of thc oriole, or­ World’s Highest Picture ..of ished arfd that the boy had been made to Havana, Cuba, on their bridal trip., to do the work of a man by the Twelve. Of His Peers—dounty the State Leaders—No Reason ange and black. father. ' Mr. Froemke is- the editor and pub- i Tho guests, numbering perhaps Heaven and Is Likewise God’s and Local Candidates Assemble lisher of the Lake Albert News, is- ; Palmer denied this and stated that sued at Winter Haven. Thc bride at- 1 To Feel Concerned Over Out­ seventy-five persons, wyre received he had a doctor’s certificate to the by a ghostlv band/ who extended to Master Handiwork. Around the Festal Board. .tended school at Fort Loudon Semi-1 effect that the daughter is physically nary, Winchester, Va. come at the Polls Next Tuesday. the visitors the freedom of the entire In the pulpit of St. Paul’s church unfit to attend school, and declared house. In a suitable corner there was that the boy attends school regularly That the Van Ness act has taken a gypsy camp IV.r fortune-telling last Sunday evening Rev. George S. TALL CEDARS OF LEBANON Encouraged by favorable reports [ purposes. Various Johnson, preaching on “Ruth’s Choice,’’ with the exception of Tuesday and away from the citizens of New Jersey , , | purposes, various games appropriate paid a forcible and eloquent tribute Friday of each week, a’t which time he the right of trial by jury was vigor­ nvpE BAlsQUETm voinrr At\'n A D DANCEnivri? ji candidatesV- P“. ioi Assenibl}?1‘®’ ‘m ?ami e,,,U heu-v£'“''M . “ theplayed Hallowe'en in tho seasonStokes andside, while.spirit • to womanhood. He said'in the course helps him in his work. Judge Lawrence ously denied by State Chairman E. C. decided to continue the case for two Stokes at the dinner of the Monmouth ----- — • ; holder are highly confident of sue- thethe WashingtonAVashin^ton side,side .waswas given£tveil over ' of his sermon: weeks,‘advising Palmer to make a County' Republican Committee on Members of the local Tall Cedars,' Tuesday. *. u orking under . those who preferred Five I.luivHundred, “The story told in the four chap­ with their wives and friends, enjoyed! the .direction of. Edgar I. \ amlerveer, j Mrs. James Blair headed the i ters th at comprise the whole book of' change in the condition of his home; Wednesday afternoon in the Coleman com- House, Asbury Park. Nearly or quite a reception, banquet, vaudeville show’! «Jill1r?la,1,« a i . rs* Vtan,CTi fj!‘ mittee in charge................ She was..... ablj..bly as­ Ruth is beautiful and fascinating. It and dance last Friday evening at the I Wickle; v‘q“ chairman, the Repub l - 1sisted..... >• by ■Mrs. - & ’ank-- Buck, Mrs. Cur- is like a sweet and peaceful dream in LEAGUERS CONDEMN RULING three hundred of the faithful, includ­ ing both • sexes enjoyed the din­ Metropolitan hotel! Representatives ican committee \\oikeis have wen Dodd, Mrs; Thomas • Angles, the long night of turbulent Bible his­ BY MELLON ON SALE OF REEK from every section of Monmouth and j completed f. cal)Vass. j *;i# i*" Mrs*. Jennie .Haneox, Mrs. Elizabeth tory, Its background is one of sorrow ner nnd the spcifthes of Former Gov­ Ocean counties were present. Arnold tricts and they assure the candidates ernor Stokes and Mrs. Lillian Feick- Haldernmn, Mrs, ’William. B. Gilbert and conditions of poverty, but the S. Hadley was at the head .of the I the>’ 1>fve 110 ,™.as“n t0 b5 “ ncerned 'and Mrs. F. Ehsworth. foreground is rich in its wealth of Epwortli League members of this ert, of Plainfield, vice chairman of committee ih charge. J as to the result mfavoi ot the ticket. heroism, unbreakable friendship, vir­ district, assembled in convention at the Republican State Women's Com­ Following the banquet, which was ! According to -Mr. Vande^.eer, Re­ tue, sacrifice, love and ultimate hap­ Keyport on Thursday of’last week, mittee. It was'expected Ex-Governor served by Charles Beers, jr., manager j P ^ ca n women of Monmouth are MRS. ANNA FITZKOV 15UVS voiced their disapproval of Secretary Runyon would be present, but almost piness. It is a woman’s story and of the Metropolitan, the Lai] was j Vette lf “‘SaniZed than ill an^ ^other HOTEL FLORIDA IN PARK centers about Ruth the Moabitess, Mcllon’s recent ruling by the adop­ at thc,last moment a pressure of im­ cleared and a program of vaudeville 1 ?ount,\ 111 the State. He is supported after whom the book is named. tion of this resolution: portant business kept him away. State Senator William A. Stevens, given by New York talent. This in- ; {" ^ 1.,^ ,fw nr tn nh I Mrs. Anna Fitzroy, of Brooklyn, “Ruth chose honorable poverty ‘‘That we', as a district convention, eluded selectigns by the Gloria Tram- I the opportunity last year o L . t pUrchaSed from Mrs. Nellie sooner than a questionable life of in­ register our protost against the re­ of Long Branch, presided. The coun­ cent ruling of Secretary of the ty candidates and many local nomi­ peters, a. number by Al. Baker and 1 serv.e ,°„f ^ • Tn ! C- Allarrtyce the Hotel Florida at 20.6 dependence to duty. She was as beau­ ' Dermis,” songs and dances by -West- !?hn?vm ir> <;-ivs i Seventh avenue, Asbury Park, for a tiful in face and form as she* was in Treasury Mellon permitting the sale nees for office were present Governor Stokes said that the Re­ on nnd Young, a skit by the Dixie : claim, the chairman says f saicJ to ]lave beu;l about $-10,- character, and Naomi said truly that of beers (and wines for medicinal Five, vocal selections by Bettie North, Ithe 'v°mcn >wve out-numbe^( the , Q0 jirs j{. E. Applegate, sister of • she could find favor among the'- sons uses, deeming it contrary to the publican party had not been a party to and a monologue by B. Kellev For’ men almost two to one.at all political , ... •’•............... of Moab. A beautiful and virtuous spirit of the Eighteenth Amendment the denial of trial by jury , in liquor rest, better known as a "Lily of the gatherings. Mrs. Van Wickle is Mrs. Fitzroy, has managed the Hotel woman is coined from the purest gold prohibiting the same. violations, and that the Van Ness act s Ihaving the active support of Mrs, Florida for twenty-five years, and the of. earth, the world’s highest picture “Also we enter our hearty protest was not a party to tho denial of trial Leon Cubberly and others in' her ef- past season is said to have been one against Sunday desecration—movies, by jury where offenses against the law of the most successful in its exist­ 1 of heaven, and God’s master handi­ Rumored Sale of Hotel Site.
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