Mountairs, Southern Norway

Mountairs, Southern Norway

A small collection of calypterate Diptera (Tachinidae, Sarcophagidae, Calliphoridae, Muscidae) from the Dovre mountairs, Southern Norway KNL'T ROGNES Rognes, K. 1982. A small collecdon of calypterate Diptera (Tachinidae, Sarcophagidae, Ca[- liphoridae, Muscidae) from the Dovre mountains, Southern Norway. Fauna norv. Ser. B. 29, lto-t14. Data on 23 species of calypterate Diptera collected at Kongsvoll, Southern Norway, during the summer 1980 are given. Onychogonia cervini (Bigot, 1881) (Tachinidae) is reported as new to Scandinavia; Pollenia intermedia Macquart, 1835, Protocalliphora chrysorrhoea(Nle- igen, I 826) ard Protocalliphora nuortevai Grunin, 1972 (Calliphoridae) as new to Norway. Some features of the P. nuortevai males and females are described. Knut Rognes, Stavanger lærerhøgskole, Postboks 2521 Ullandhaug, N-4001 Stavanger, Norway. During the summer 1980 John O. Solem at The Hincks 097 5). Otherwise the presentation fol- Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences, The Mu- lows Rognes (1981). Species marked with an as- seum, (DKNVS-Museet), Trondheim, ran four terisk have not been previously recorded from Malaise-traps at three localities at Kongsvoll Norway. (Sør-Trøndelag: STI: Oppdal), in the Dovre mo- Family Tachinidae untains. The traps were placed across small streams primarily to collect aquatic insects. Parts Trichopareia grandicornis (Zetterstedt, I 849). of the captured materral, which was conserved Previous records: Tachina laticornis Zetterctedt, I 838 : 637; Zetterstedt I 844: l07l Tachina gran- in ethanol, was sorted out by Lita Greve Jensen, ; dicornis Zett. Siebke 1877: 83; Degeeria gran- Museum of Zoology, Bergen, and sent to me for - dicornis Zett. Bidenkap 1901 : 56; Admontia identification. I have pinned and treated it accor- grandicornis Zett. - Ringdahl 1952: 136-137 ding to a procedure described by Herting (1 961), No. ll2. n and it is now deposited at DKNVS-Museet, Material: Raubekken 900 m I g 9 Oct. Trondheirn, with duplicates in my own collec- Allophorocera ferruginea (Meigen, 182q. tion. The results of the examination are presen- Taxonomy and previous records: Wood 197 4; ted below. Rognes 1981: 109 (as Erycilla ferruginea). The localities (all in EIS 79) arq (1) Blesbek- Material: Raubekken 900 m I g 3l July. (Bigot, ken, I 100 m a.s.I., subalpine birch forest, UTM: "Onychogonia cervini I 88 l). Taxonomy: Mesnil 1956: 540 (as Her- 32V-NQ 32.07;Q) Raubekken 900 m a.s.l., sub- flaviceps); ting 197 3: 7; Mesnil 197 5: 1395. alpine birch forest, (3) UTM: 32V-NQ 31.08; Material: Raubekken 1200 m I d l0 July. Raubekken 1200 m a.s.l., lower alpine zone, The terminalia have been dissected ( . 46) and UTM: 32V-NQ 3 2.07. All localities lie in the lo- agree with the description given by Hertine Q .c.). wer parts of the western slopes of the mountain For comparative purposes I have also dissected a S. Knutshø, east of Kongsvoll. male Onychogonia flaviceps (Zetterstedt, I 8 3 8) Identifications mostly follow the works of (ttre specimen cited in Rognes l98l: 109). Lundbeck (1927), Seguy (1928, l94l), Mesnil , Zoogeographically this is an interesting cap- 0944-1975), Hall 0948), Emden (1954),Hen- ture. O. cerviniBryot has been known from rather few specimens from the Alps only, among which nis (1955- 1964) and Zumpt (1956). Other two have been bred from Orodemnias cervini works used "that are cited separately for the species (Fallou) (Lep.: Arctiidae), the only known host concerned. Benno Herting, Ludwigsburg, has (Herting 197 3: 7 - 8). The above record is the first verified my identification of the tachinids. The one from Scandinavia and cervini Bigot consequ- nomenclature and sequence of treated species enfly the second known Palaearctic Onychogonia largely follow Crosskey and Pont in Kloet & species with boreo-alpine distribution. Most in- l l0 FAuna norv. Ser. B 29: ll0-114. Oslo 1982. terestingly, the lepidopterous host species has also Material: Raubekken 900 m 2A d 26 June, just recently been captured in Scandiniavia for the 2d d 3 July, I d 10 July. first time (Sweden' Torne Lappmark, Nissunt- The genitalia of one specimen have been dissected jårro, altitude 700 - 1400 m) (Torstenius 197 l, (G. pr. 38). Palmqvist I 98 I , cf. also Hellberg I 98 1). Even Cynomya mortuorum (L.). though the locality is far north of the Dovre mo- Previous records: Sarcophaga mortuorum L. untains, a search for Orodemnias cervini there Zetterstedt 1838: 650 -651; Zetterstedt 1845: might be successful. 1303; Siebke 1877: 95; Cynomyia mortuorum L. Onychogonia flaviceps (Zetterstedt, I 8 3 8). - Bidenkap 1901: 58; Strand 1903: 7; Soot-Ryen Taxonomy and previous records: See Rognes 1925: l4l; Ringdahl 1944a:80; Ringdahl 1944c: l98t:109-110. 7; Ringdahl 1952: 148-149 No. 355; Nuorteva Material: Raubekken 1200 m I d 7 Aug. & Vesikari 1966: 545. Material: Raubekken 900 m 2q q 19 June, I g 3 July. Family Sarcophagidae Pseudonesia puberula (Zetterstedt, I 8 3 8). Sarcophaga frenata Pandelle, I 896. Previous records: Musca puberula Zetterstedt Previous records: Sarcophaga frenata Pand. 1838: 654 (data, of syntypes: Troms: TRY: Ringdahl 1944a: 80; Ringdahl 1944c: 8; Ringdahl Tromsø, Tromsø I d I g 24 July l82l); Dexia 1952: 146- 147 No . 294. puberula Zetterstedt 1844: 127 6; Siebke 1877 : 93; Material: Raubekken 900 m I g 3 July. Bidenkap l90l : 54; Pseudonesia pubicornis Zett. - Ringdahl 1944c:7; Ringdahl 1952: 148-149 No. 368: Ringdahl 1954: 49. Family Calliphoridae Material: Raubekken 1200 m I g 3l July. Calliphora alpina (Zetterstedt, I 838). " Pollenia intermedia Macquart, I 8 3 5. Taxonomy: Ringdahl l93l: 172. Taxonorxy: Mihålyi 197 6. Previous records: Sarcophaga alpina Zett. - Zet- Material: Raubekken 900 m I d 2l Aug. First terstedt 1845: 1305; Siebke 1877: 95 Acrophaga Norwegian record. alpina Zett. Ringdahl 1944a: 80; Ringdahl Pollenia rudis (Fabricius, 1786). 1952: 148-149 No. 353; Steringomyia alpina Taxonorxy: Mihålyi 197 6. Zett. Ringdahl 1944c: 7; Calliphora alpina Previous records: Musca rudis Fabr. Siebke Zett, - Zumpt 1956: 16. 1877:99; Strand 1900: 70; Pollenia rudis Fabr. - Material: Blesbekken I100 m2 A a 19 June, I g Strand 1903: 7 ; Strand 1906: 102 Strand l9l 3: 2l Aug.; Raubekken 900 m I d l0 July, I d I g 324; Bidenkap 1892: 238; Bidenkap 1901: 6l 31 July; Raubekken 1200 m 1 g l0 July, I g 31 Ringdahl 1944a: 80; Ringdahl 1944c: 5; Ringdahl July, I g 14 Aug. 1952: 148 - 149 No . 337 . Calliphora loewi Enderlein, 1903. Material: Raubekken 900 m I d 9 Oct. Previous records: Calliphora loewi End. - Nuor- Protophormia terraenovae (Robineau-Desvoidy, teva & Vesikari 1966: 545. I 8 30). Material: Blesbekken I 100 m 2a a 24 July, I d Taxonomy: Sabrosky I 956. 31 July Previous records: Musca groenlandica Zetterstedt Calliphora Ltralensis Villeneuve, 1922. 1838: 657 Zetterstedt 1845: 1330; Siebke 1877: Previous records: Calliphora uralensis Vill. 98; Phormia groenlandica Zett. Soot-Ryen Soot-Ryen I 925: l4l - 142; Lundbeck I 927 : 1 50; 1925: 145; Ringdahl 1944a: 80; Phormia terrae- Ringdahl 1944a: 80; RingdahL 1944c: 6; Ringdahl novae R.-D. Ringdahl 1944c: 5; Nuorteva & 1952: 148-149 No. 358; Nuorteva & Vesikari Vesikari 1966: 545; Protophormia azurea Fall. 1966: 545 Calliphora uralense Villen. - Davies RingdahL 1952: 148 -149 No. 342; Protophormia 1954: 7 2. teruae-novae R.-D. - Davies 1954: 72. Material: Raubekken 900 m I g 24 July Material: Raubekken 900 m I d l0 July, I d I g Calliphora vomitoria (L.). 7 Aug., I g 28 Aug. I d I g 4 Sept., I g 9 Oct. Previous records: Musca vomitoria L. Siebke * Protocalliphora chrysorrhoea (Meigen , 1826). 1877: 98 Calliphora vomitoria L. Bidenkap Taxonomy: Peus 1960. 1892: 238; Bidenkap 1901: 60; Soot-Ryen 1925: Material:Raubekken900mld 7 Aug., ld 4 l4l; Ringdahl 1944a 80; Ringdahl 1944c: 6; Sept. Ringdahl 1952: 148- 149 No. 356; Davies 1954: The terminalia of one specimen have been dissec- 7 2; Brinkmann 197 6: 326. ted (G. pr. 34). Previously known from Austria, Material: Raubekken 900 m I g 14 Aug., I d 9 W. Germany (Aachen, Dachau) (Peus 1960) and Oct. Finland (Nuorteva 1960, Nuorteva & Jårvinen Bellardia agilis (Meigen, 1826). 1961, Grunin & Nuorteva 1969). According to Taxonorxy: Schumann 197 3; Schumann 197 4. current opinion the larvae are obligatory blood- Previous records: Onesia agilis Meig. - Ringdahl suckers of Riparia riparia L. nestlings. First Nor- 1944a: 80; Ringdahl 1944c: 6; Ringdahl 1952: wegian record. 148 - 149 No. 365. lll * Protocalliphora nuortevøi Grunin, 197 2. Width of frons at vertex 0.864- 1.000 times dis- Taxonomy: Grunin 1972. tance between anterior ocellus and lunula (mean Material: Blesbekken I 100 m 3 d d I g 12 June, 0.932, n= l3) (Finnish females 0.878-1.000, 3qq 19June,,2ee 26June, ld lTJuly, ld mean 0.955, n = 6). Width of frons at vertex (not 24 July, I C 1g 3l July, I d 2l Aug.; Raubek- 0.487 -0.570 times greatest diameter of eye ken 900 m2 A a 19 June, 1 g 24July,.2e e 3l in profile view of head) (mean 0.526, n = l3) (Fin- July, 2C A 7 Aug., I d 2q q 2l Aug.; Raubek- nish females: 0.500-0.550, mean 0.530, n = 5). ken 1200 m 1 d l0 July, I C 24 July. A total of Interfrontal stripe 0.469 -0.554 times total width 12 d C and 14 a a. of frons (Uottr at level of anterior orbital setae) The terminalia of 6 males have been dissected (G. (mean 0.508, n = l3) (Finnish females: pr. 31, 32., 33, 35, 36, 37) and they agree with 0.481 -0.556, mean 0.513, n = 6). Area between Grunin's (1972) figures. I have also compared the prevertrcal, outer vertical and inner vertical setae material with most of the type material (holotype polished black in all specimens except 3 which are male, 3 male and 6 female paratypes in Zoological dusted in this region.

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