D RAGON 1 its possession and insure for itself the continued exclusive ownership of the trademark. The right to own a trademark isn’t granted automatically; a company has to apply for permission to call something a trademark, and after that permission is granted the owning company is obliged to do everything in its power to use the trademark designation and discourage (by legal action, if necessary) any usage For those of you who wonder and/or GDW’s copyrights and engaged in unfair which violates the trademark laws and complain about the “®” and “™” marks trade practices; . .the defendants are regulations. liberally sprinkled about the pages of permanently enjoined from further pub- The suit between GDW and Edu-Ware DRAGON™ Magazine (see, there’s an- lishing and selling Space and Space II.” illustrates what can happen to a com- other one), here’s an explanation and an Edu-Ware was also ordered to make a pany that is judged to be in the wrong. example of what can happen if a com- cash payment to GDW; to turn over to The penalties are stiff, but they have to pany’s rights to the copyrights and GDW all the copies of the games it still be in order to put some teeth into a com- trademarks it owns are not recognized has; and “...make every reasonable effort pany’s attempts to protect what right- and protected. to recall all copies of Space and Space II fully belongs to it. Dragon Publishing A press release from Game Designers’ in the hands of their distributors.” applauds the actions of GDW and the Workshop dated May 24 announces the The “®” and “™” marks you’ll see in this decision of the court — and we hope no settlement of GDW’s lawsuit against magazine are notations of trademarks, one will ever again have reason to put Edu-Ware Services, Inc. The latter com- which aren’t the same as copyrights. But out this sort of press release. pany had produced and marketed a pair trademarks and copyrights are generally of computer software games called similar in the way they must be used and Space and Space II. protected. The owner of a trademark “According to the complaint,” the press proclaims that fact to the world by insist- release reads, “the defendants infringed ing that the proper symbol be used when- Traveller copyrights by writing and sel- ever the trademarked name appears in ling the programs.” print. This tells other people that (a) the The court agreed with GDW, ruling company does indeed own that trade- that “...the defendants have . infringed mark, and (b) the owner wants to protect arely, if ever, has there been an issue of DRAGON™ Magazine that devoted this much space to the un- savory side of society. In this month’s cover paint- —Contents— ing, artist James Warhola caught a band of bandits in the act. Inside, Roger Moore and Tom Armstrong have teamed up to capture the bandit in words, describing that SPECIAL ATTRACTION profession for use as a non-player character class in the CHAGMAT — An AD&D™ adventure by Larry DiTillio ..... 33 AD&D™ game. And, DMs using the WORLD OF GREYHAWK™ Fantasy Setting can now get the definitive word on who’s where OTHER FEATURES within the Bandit Kingdoms, thanks to the map on page 14. Featured Creatures — Official new monsters. ............. 5 So much for bandits. Speaking of unsavory characters, the Smile! You’re on fantasy camera! — figure photos ....... 12 bad guys in CHAGMAT would win a non-congeniality award Where the bandits are — WORLD OF GREYHAWK™ aid . 14 hands down (and boy, have they got hands!). This AD&D ad- A shifty character for your campaign — The bandit NPC . 22 venture, created by Larry DiTillio, begins on page 33. The humanoids — Kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, gnolls: Are barbarians unsavory, too? Well, that sort of depends on What they’re like and why they’re like that ........... 26 you. In From the Sorceror’s Scroll, Gary Gygax unveils the Plan before you play — Make maps that make sense. ..... 50 barbarian character class which is likely to be part of the up- Jolly good gaming journals — British fanzines ........... 58 coming AD&D expansion volume, and he invites all of you Games Fair 82 — A report from Gary Gygax ............. 59 who’ve been waiting for such a character to give it a try. One of these days... — The future as seen by Foglio ...... 61 Also inside is the last installment of Roger Moore’s series on Computer games have a long way to go ................. 62 the major races in the AD&D universe, this one concerning For the sake of change — Coins through the ages ........ 67 kobolds, goblins, hobgoblins, and gnolls — the creatures we Two fantastic flops — Cinema criticism. ................. 72 call “The Humanoids,” for lack of a more accurate description that’s nice enough to print. Maybe you’ll understand why these REGULAR OFFERINGS guys are so bad when you see the... things they worship. (The Out on a Limb — Letters from readers .................... 4 first one to correctly pronounce “Khurgorbaeyag” gets to be an From the Sorceror’s Scroll — The barbarian class ......... 8 honorary goblin.) Greyhawk’s World — News from the east and south ...... 15 How about some good news? Flip the page to see “Featured Leomund’s Tiny Hut — Make charisma count ............ 19 Creatures,” a brand-new section wherein we’ll be showcasing Convention schedule ................................... 60 the best of Gary Gygax’s menagerie of new monsters for AD&D The Electric Eye — Program for TOP SECRET© agents ... 65 play. This inaugural column is about the Devas — “the minions Dragon’s Augury — Simba Safari reviewed ............... 73 of Good,” as Gary calls them. And it is the number one, “look- What’s New ............................................ 76 at-this-first” article in this issue — which, even with all the Wormy ................................................ 78 attention we’re giving to bad guys, should show you where our Dragon Mirth .......................................... 80 loyalties really lie. — KM DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, ADVANCED D&D, and TOP SECRET are registered trademarks owned by TSR Hobbies, Inc. TRAVELLER is a trademark owned by Game Designers’ Workshop, Inc. ™ designates other trademarks owned by TSR Hobbies, Inc., unless otherwise indicated. Vol. VII, No. 1 July 1982 Publisher. Jake Jaquet Editor-in-Chief. Kim Mohan (Cabot) had lost his self-respect and felt un- Editorial staff . Bryce Knorr ‘What the heck?’ worthy of the Caste of Warriors. His align- Marilyn Mays ment permanently altered to lawful evil, and Gali Sanchez he became a pirate captain in the wide-open Sales. Debbie Chiusano Dear Editor: delta city of Port Kar.” Circulation . Corey Koebernick What the heck’s going on?! Ed Greenwood’s Did Rahman truly read these books, or did Office staff . Cherie Knull attempt (“Firearms,” issue #60) to convince he just skim the one? In other books besides Roger Raupp AD&D players and DMs to change this finely the one mentioned, Tarl Cabot is a good Contributing editors. Roger Moore designed game into a “historical simulation” character, gaining back most of his lost re- Ed Greenwood startled me. spect through other deeds. Introducing firearms would dangerously When Tarl Cabot was made a slave he was This issue’s contributing artists: disrupt the balance of the game. Limiting fire- indeed demoralized, but this does not make James Warhola Phil Foglio arms, as Mr. Greenwood suggested, would be him evil. Rahman tries to back up his theory Paul Sonju Roger Raupp nearly impossible because of probable exper- by saying that Cabot seized ships and slaves. Darlene Pekul David Trampier imentation. There’s bound to be at least one Two times during this particular book does Steve Peregrine Bruce Whitefield mad wizard in the crowd. AD&D might be- Tarl gain ships. The first of these seizures was Jim Holloway Don Polcino come AG&G, Advanced Gunpowder and Gun- to save the group of people who enslaved him. David Larson Ataniel A. Noel slingers. Why not just play BOOT HILL? After gaining possession of the ship he could Keeping the true philosophy of the game have killed all of them, but instead he let them DRAGON Magazine (ISSN 0279-6848) is pub- will keep the game more interesting and chal- go. How can someone consider this evil? I lished monthly for a subscription price of $24 per year by Dragon Publishing, a division of TSR lenging for both player and DM. What would would change his alignment from lawful good, Hobbies, inc., P.O. Box 110, Lake Geneva WI be the product of a game with guns that do but not to evil. I would suggest instead neutral 53147. 5-50 points of damage in a world where the good or lawful neutral, or better yet just get rid average person has 3 hit points? of the lawful and call him chaotic good or DRAGON Magazine is available at hundreds of hobby stores and bookstores throughout the Kwang Lee neutral. United States and Canada, and through a limit- Federal Way, Wash. Jeff Norton ed number of overseas outlets. Subscription Colorado Springs, Colo. rates are as follows, with aIl payments to be made in advance: $24 for 12 issues sent to a U.S. or Canadian address; $50 U.S. for 12 issues sent via surface mail or $95 for 12 issues sent via air Boodle blunders mail to any other country. ‘Sixth sense’ A limited quantity of certain back issues of DRAGON Magazine can be purchased directly Dear Editor: from the publisher by sending the cover price This concerns the FIight of the Boodles Dear Editor: plus $1.50 postage and handling for each issue ordered.
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