USOO6627655B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 6,627,655 B2 D'Cruz et al. (45) Date of Patent: *Sep. 30, 2003 (54) VANADIUM (IV) METALLOCENE 4,608,387 A 8/1986 Kopfet al. COMPLEXES HAVING SPERMICIDAL 4,608,392 A 8/1986 Jacquet et al. ACTIVITY 4,613,497 A 9/1986 Chavkin 4,707,362 A 11/1987 Nuwayser (75) Inventors: Osmond D'Cruz, Maplewood, MN 4,795,425 A 1/1989 Pugh 4.820,508 A 4/1989 Wortzman (US); Phalguni Ghosh, St. Anthony, 49179012 - a 2 A 4f1990 Bourbon et al. MN (US); Fatih M. Uckun, White 4.938949 A 7/1990 Borch et al. Bear Lake, MN (US) 4,992.478 A 2/1991 Geria 4,999,342 A 3/1991. Ahmad et al. (73) Assignee: Parker Hughes Institute, St. Paul, MN 5,013,544 A 5/1991 Chantler et al. (US) 5,021,595 A 6/1991 Datta 5,069,906 A 12/1991 Cohen et al. (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 5,387,611 A 2/1995 Rubinstein patent is extended or adjusted under 35 5,407,919 A 4/1995 Brode et al. 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