RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXVIL, NO. 3. EED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1944. SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 12 Reports Show Record War Prisoner County War Bond Riimson Marine Blood Bank Coming Program Begun Total, $8,694,201 Returns After Year For Methodists By Red Cross 2 Years' Fighting To Red Bank July 20 Membership Increase Is' Mrs. Douglas Craik E, F And G Bond Sales To Be Pvt» Harold Sheehan Gives Information Bookings For Visit Filled 107—Pastor Invited Back Counted Through July 28 Wat On Guadalcanal For the Public And New Britain Next Trip Here September 2 -•• At the fourth quarterly confer- To familiarize the people of Mon- Burfelnd, chairman of the Mon- ence of First Methodist church of mouth county with the recently or- mouth County War Finance com- Pvt. Harold M. Sheehan of the Preliminary studies Indicating- Red Bank held last week at the Public To Operate Marine Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs that the intervals between dona- ganized prisoner of war program mittee, announced the following Charged With tions of blood for plasma may b» church, with Rev. Austin C. Brady administered by the home service totals for the Fifth War Loan drive Patrick Sheehan of 30 First street, district superintendent, presiding, Rumaon, has arrived home after shortened materially by re-inject- department of the county Red Modern Miracles through July 10: ing the red blood cells, from which ' Rev. Roger J. Squire, who was ap- Crosa chapter the following Infor- Monmouth county, 18,694,201.50, 26 months in the South Pacific. Striking Child' pointed pastor last October, re- Sheehan is a six-foot, sandy-haired, the plasma has been separated, in- mation has been submitted by Mrs. 102Vi per cent of quota of 18,500.- to the veins of the donor3 has been ' celved a unanimous Invitation to Douglas E. Craik, who U the repre- At Ft. Monmouth 000. soft-spoken Leatherneck, who after return for another year at a sub- enlisting in the Marines In Decem- With A Hammer reported in the Journal of the Am- sentative of this program for the Freehold area, J572.492.75, 76V4 erican Medical association. stantial Increase in salary. chapter: per cent of quota of $750,000. ber, 1941, received hla boot train- Reports by heads of the various To Get Opportunity Ing at Parrls Island and then was This discovery may make it pos- organizations showed the-church ti Before The Red Cross is notified Long Branch* area, $1,583,518, 96 Woman Held For sible to increase the frequency of that an 'individual la a prisoner of per cent of quota of Jl.650.000. stationed at New River tor more be In a flourishing condition. A On Open House Day advanced work. Immediately fol- blood donations to the point where growth In membership of 107 dur- war, the nearest of kin has already Red Bank area, $2,611,354, 97 per Grand Jury and the entire plasma requirements of received this information from the cent of quota of $2,700,000. lowing this Sheehan and the First ing the present pastorate was re Saturday, July 22 Marine division shoved off from the armed forces can be obtained vealed. With the exception of one Adjutant General's office In the Shore area, $3,926,836.50, 115 per Father It Jailed from a vastly smaller number of War Department at Washington, cont of quota ol $3,400,000. Norfolk, Virginia, through the Pan- year in 1917, when Rev. Dr. Harold ama Canal and landed on Samoa,' persons than at present. Paul Sloan received 114 new mem D. C. The Adjutant General's of- Visitors to Fort Monmouth on Stanley Bouse, chairman of the After hearing the story of how However, until this technique Is fice next sends.as complete a re- Open House day Saturday, July 22, Long Branch area, told county! where he and his outfit spent four bers Into the church following two m an eight year old child was struck perfected, the need for more and weeks of revival services, this If port as is possible to obtain through will get an opportunity to operate headquarters that he has received I °nths. over the head with a hammer be- more blood donors Is a continuing the largest membership Increase the International Red Cross at some of the communication mir- pledges amounting to $78;000. When cause she was late In returning one.. within a conference year in the his- Geneva, at which time the family acles of the Signal Corps. these purchases are definitely made, from an errand, Recorder John V. As American fighting men ad- tory of the church, which la plan- are also supplied with the address They'll talk on a beam of light— as he expects them to bs within a Crowell quickly took steps to bring vance or retreat along the coast of of the prison camp and the rules few days, the Long Branch area ning to observe its centennial JIM they may bring along a photo the ca to the attention of the Normandy, an army of blood don- November. There have been 35 and regulations governing mail and which will be flashed from one end will also go ovtr tht top on their grand jury. Visibly moved over the ors must stand behind them, main- baptisms, of which number eigh parcels to the service man or wom- of the exhibition area to the other quota. story told by the child and by an taining, a steady stream of-dona^ were adults and 27 infants and chil- an. The parcels which the family just as news photos are flashed top on their quota. aunt, who sought to protect her, tions from Red Cross blood donor dren. The total membership to may send are in addition to the around the world—they'll talk to E bond sales are still lagging the magistrate held the alleged as- centers and mobile units to pro- prisoner of war packages regularly each other-over walkie-talkie radio throughout the county. Only 53 date la 956. The church loet 12 REV. ROGER J. SQUIRE aallant, Mrs. Rebecca Brown, col- cessing laboratories and the front members by death. sent to war captives by the Red j sets and type out messages from per cent of the county quota of $3,- ored, of West Bergen place, for the lines. Toward this end, MrB. Ar- Cross Itself. one teletype machine to another. 700,000 has been reached. Area action of the grand jury, and jailed nold Wood, Jr., chairman of the A total oC only J1.585 remain* on and local chairmen are being urged the debt. This is expected to be The number of American- prison- They can write messages with a the father for violation of the child Red Cross Blood Donor service of ers of war has increased and will special pencil on one machine and to do everything In their power to welfare act. Monmouth county and Mrs. Harold liquidated through a campaign be Unusual Exhibits increase their E bond sales. Al- fore the end of th» summer, so tinue to Increase as more of our then see the message come out of The child, Thelma Drake, had Spear and Mrs. G. Upshur Moor- armed forces engage in enemy com- another in their own handwriting— though the Fifth War Loan drive head, vice chairman, have arrang- that the Methodists will have is officially over as far as the other been dispatched to the store by church plant valued at $150,000 free Seen At Pet Show bat and a prisoner of war program and they'll locate uncharged land MrB. Brown who, according to the ed for an extra visit of the mobile has been established In every Red mines with electrical detectors. issues are concerned of E, F and unit to Red Bank. and clear of all indebtedness when G bonds will be counted through police, resides with the child's the centennial 1* celebrated. Cross chapter throughout the coun- And that's not all. Major Gen. father, Lester Drake, colored, erf The first and already announced Held By Audubons try to meet the needs which will George L". VanDeu»en, Command- July 28. West Bergen place. When the visit to Red Bank of the unit will Harold H. Baynton, chairman of arise. Here In Monmouth county The purchase of $675,000 In war the pastoral relations committee, ing General of the Eastern Signal child came back to the house late, take place Thursday, July 20, at this program Is administered by Corps Training Center, has arrang- bonds by the Jersey Central Power it was brought out In evidence, the Red Bank Methodist church presented at the board session the chapter home service and, through and Light company, which they al- unanimous request for the minis Middletown Township ed a full day which will mark the Mrs. Brown seized a hammer and from 1:45 p. m. to 6:30 p. m. Book- the North Atlantic area and Amer- first time since Pearl Harbor that located to Monmouth county, did struck the child over the head. Ings for this visit have been filled. ter's return. Frank Helser, finance ican Red Cross in Washington, the much to help push the county over committee chairman, reported al Club's Tliree Group* the general public has had such an The child ran from the house However, there is a list of substi- county chapter is kept posted with invitation to Fort Monmouth. Ci- thefcop on its quota.
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