MARCH,/APRlL L982 EASTLAKE NEWSLETTER EASTLAKECOMMUNITY COUNCIL BOX 477, SEATTLE, WA 9Blrl-0477 -- REMEMBER DATES TO ATTENTION CRIMESTOPPERS!- ! ! UPCOM]NG EVENTS Eastlake's Block Watch Program, one Oepril 10th - KrNG GREAT of the best known deterrenrts to the GARAGESALE - COLISEUM, ever-increasing crime rate, (short SEATTLE CENTER of an attacking Doberman Pinscher), is gaining momentrm and close to being offj-cially implemented. O epril 14th, 7PM, Wed. Block captians and helpers are nohr BLOCK WATCH PROGRAM& being recruited, and response to ECC GENERAL I4TG. date has been very good. We feel Seward School so strongly about this issue, that O april 21st, 7PM our entire April 14 General Meeting Tune in CABLE TV for will be devoted exclusively to the METRO PRESENTATION & Block Watch Program. There'11 be PHONE BANK - 1990 PLAN speakers, literaturer. tips on crime prevention, and ways werIl organize Coming... May 5th, to fight crime. ff yourve ever Second Program on Cable been burglarizedr' or know someone lV l^tith Metro who has, and are totally fed up Annual Potluck & with criminal activity ravaging Elections - MAY your neighborhood, it would be (Date to be Announced highly recommended to make this in next newsletter) rneeting. A "no show" on your part only means you support a more pros- perous outcome for thgpves. Again, the meeting RADIO KING'S GREAT GARAGESALE!III! will be held April 14, starting at 7PM at the Seward School Come to the Seattle Center Coli- (Idnchtoom), Iocated on the corner seum on SATURDAY, APRIL 10th, and of Boylston Avenue and Louisa. your 11 find the most amazing garage sale you have ever seen. Come early IIETRO & CABLE TV (10 AM to 8 PM). but it will take you hours to look at everything. The regi.onal public transit plan Literally hundreds of non-profit for this decade is the subject of groups will be there, and the an hour program to be produeed by Eastlake Community Council will be Metro and shown on cable TV. there, too. Our booths are number- On APRIL 2L at 7pl,tl, local cable ed 29 I 30, in roughly the Nw corner. companies will broadcast simultan- If you haven't yet heard from us, eously a program on the Metro fran- but you have something to donate for sit 1990 plan, including projected the sale, Shirlee at Bibelots & Books, regional transit centers and efforts 112 East Lynn Street, and G & H to solve traffic congestion in down- Printing have offered to accept town Seattle. donations. If you would like us to . Public opinion on the transit plan pick up your donations: will be solicited throughout the pro- gram, and viewers will be encouraged CALL Shirlee 329-6676 to call a Metro phone bank rnanned Bibelots & Books by community volunteens to offer Please give your name, address & suggei- tions and conunents. Some phone ECC will be in touch with vieweri-who - - call the phone bank you pick:up will be interview- to set, a time that is ed for a follow-up program convenient for you. to be May 5. (Continued paqe 3i Colunn l) ECC Newsletter Page 2 I-go rnui-Cav, Mafch 18, 7:30 pm Mt Baker clubhouse ffiso Richard Yukubousky, the cityr s transportation planner, will provide the latest f-90 information MAYORCHARLES ROYER YIS AND]i]E 5EATTLECITY COUNCIL NEEDIO ACT- IN OURINTEREST ds. }{ithout protectlon, I-90 wI I ear the guts out of Mt Baker, In a l'lemorandumof Agreement (l976) the CentralArea, and Rainler Valley. with the Clty of Seattle, lIe ftOte eqreed to provide a-full llri over-TinJ:rs-Tif6T0-- llE MUSTNOT BE VICTIMIZED - Our local ffi and 3rd Ave and @rrightsas translt accessramps. residentsof Seattle. Thestate also agreedthat the fundlng Either the Memorandumof Agreement for the ltds be approvedprior to the meanssomethlng or lt's not unrth the start of I-90 constructlon. paperlts v{ritten on. HUAG0f5... t',1\ DttllE IEREt{TsOtl, 1RAl6u[f,nolSlqET/Rr FCR !^Str{cTo}l$rrE...uH, yE vE sotDr2-! riltlltor{ il Bo$5To NS\\ KNDT( T STARTED o{qa LFTEl-to }il(HxJNPROJECT lltD,$l...WELL qEe,uJEsoRTA NANilEDONYOTI FCDERAL80(5 HELnN'Us$T... Each of the foLlowi,nq businesses METRO & CABLE TV (cont) have donated $25.00 io the Eastlake Public vibwing areas will be pro- Conmunity Council in addition to vided for people who do not receive their dues, in support of our cable TV in their homes and for groups. newsletter: Locations of public areas will be pub- licized prior to the broadcast, and The Balloonist informational flyers will be available 2044 Eastlake Avenue East in the schedule racks on buses and kiosksby early April. The two view- Bauer Books lng locations closest to Eastlake will 2241 Eastlake Avenue East be the fire station at llth Avenue NE Bi.belots & Books and NE 50th Street, and the Seattle ll2 Sast Lynn Street Central Community College. Metro believes that cable TV offers The Bumgardner Architects 2021 an innovative and cost-effective nueans Minor Avenue East of informing citizens about their re- Cadranell Yacht Landing gional governlEnt and soliciting par- 2370 Fairview Avenue East ticipation in local concerns. We hope Bruce C. Davis Company individuals and comnunity groups will 2624 Eastlake Avenue watch the broadcasts on APRIL 21 anil East l4AY 5 and offer their responses through Eastlake Zoo the phone bank. ?301 Eastlake Avenue East The ANNUAL EASTLAKE COMMUNITY CottNCIL Floating Homes Association POTLUCK DINNER AND GENERAL ELECTIONS Te 2329 Fairview Avenue East for the second week of scheduled May. G a H Printing Festivities will take place in Seward 2370 Eastlake Avenue East Schoolrs rrhistorical landmark" cafeteria. A variety of ECC Board membership position Julia's 14 Carrot Cafe will- open up in 1982, and this gathering i 2305 Eastlake Avenue East great you your a opportunity for to meet HaL's Shell Service fellow and communi-ty members neighbors. 2244 Eastlake Avenue East Bring your favorite dish and beverage, and we'll aII take care of the rest! The ECc J.C., Fox & Sons Tavern Board 6fr6ourages you to phone Fred Kempe, 2307 Eastlake Avenue East Lovor Corporation a position on the Eastlake Corununity 2808 Fairview Avenue East Morse Sta f ford Partnership,/Archi teccs 2033 Minor Avenue East PETE SEEGER CONCERTHONORS TERRY PETTUS Quick Stop crocery 2325 Eastlake Avenue East March 7th at the Moore Theatre, On Roanoke Exit Restaurant welcomed Pete Seeger in a Seattle 2356 Eastlake Avsrue East concert that was a rare treat for the folk music PeoPle in this citY- Arthur L. Scheine,/Architect The Floating llomes Association 2215 Franklin Avenue East concert to honor sponsored this Seattle-First National Bank very sPecial man - - Terry this Eastlake Branch, 1600 Eastlake East Pettus. "Terry Pettus has been the life and guiding force of the Scott S. Sherman Auto Repair Floating llomes Association for 215 East Garfield Street to the two decades." He has brought *********************************** Association political sawy, a genius publicity, elo- for organization ancl Thanks Offering a freshr new wit. and an over- - -look quence, a biting is the remodeling of the old Victor- dignity that whelming sense of human ian style triplex on the corner of a lifetime of ex- had evoLved from Franklin East and East Lynn Street. newspaPer reporter, perience as a It looks great! Thanks I'red and -union radical editor." organizer and Anita Farin. -Floatlng Homes Assoc. Barbara and Howard Droker ProgFam - Pete Seeger in ' Concert to Honor TerrY Pettus ECC Newsletter Page 4 ACI and I-90, gIPPSSAGAIN I'or all you fans of the Four Even though the state intends to Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the sell bonds and proceed with construc- washington State Legislature is tion right away, foes of the ACI have grooming a fifth entry! Economic not given up. Current plans are to Chaos. The Legislature passed try to force compliance with a 1976 Senate Bill 4459 last week, a l'temorandum of Agreement signed by the measure that provj-des for the sale state, which provides that funding for of 5120 million in bonds to under- the I-90 project must be approved , write interstate highway construc- prior to the initiation of construction. tion in the absence of commitnents THE CENTRAL SEATTLE COMMUNITY COT]NCIL for reimbursemenL from the Federal FEDERATION is reconstituting the I-90 Highway Trust Fund. What this MAJORITY, a coalj.tion of groups which means is that the state is going has long examined alternatives to I-90 ' to borrohr money to start working and the EASTLAKE COMMUNITYCOUNCIL hAS on the unfinished stretch of I-90, reaffirmed its participation in the without any assurance that the feds I-90 Majority. AIso, ECC has passed will come up with their tradition- a resolution calling on the city to aI 90* share of the $I.8 billion enforce the 1976 Memorandum of price tag. Agreement. President Reagan is a conser- If anyone in Eastlake would like to vative, but he appears wiJ.ling to know more about helping with the I-90 break with the tradition of feder- Majority, calL Allan Davis at 522-3005. aI involvement in transportation. Allan is Executive Direchor of the The latest budget proposal would Central Seattle Conununity Council reduce highway construction and Federation (CSCCF), 47L0 University mass transit subsidies. The five Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105. percent of the interstate system that remains unfinished is Pro- jected to cost $53.8 biflion, and administration efforts may result * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * in shifting some of these costs to state and local governments and to users. The possibility of sPending billions of state dollars on Donrt forget grandiose highway should werve cnanged our P,O.
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