Page 16 Central Dakota Times Wednesday, April 21, 2021 Public Notices . Public Notices . Public Notices . Public Notices . MINUTES OF THE BUFFALO Clerk of Courts COUNTY OF BRULE ) South Dakota, in the Brule County Courthouse, at Chamberlain, Brule County, South Dakota, members voted aye. Motion carried. COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Paul O. Godtland IN CIRCUIT COURT Chamberlain, SD, on the 15th day of March, and which prays for a judgment quieting the PRISONER BOARD CONTRACT April 13, 2021 P.O. Box 304 FIRST JUDICIAL CIRCUIT 2021, and which prays for a judgment quieting title to and the determination of all adverse Sheriff Miller presented a contract with Win- Chairman Lloyd Lutter called the meeting to Chamberlain, SD 57325 The People Of The State Of the title to and the determination of all adverse claims against the premises described in the ner Municipal Jail in Winner, SD, for $61/day. order at 1 p.m. 605-680-6031 South Dakota In The Interest Of claims against the premises described in the complaint, situated in said county, to-wit: Commissioner Nesladek moved and Commis- The board members took the oaths of office. (Published four consecutive weeks, April 21, J.M., DOB: 07-07-2019, Verified Complaint, situated in said county, to- DESCRIPTION 1: Parcel “A,” Lakeview sioner Mairose seconded to enter the agreement The board reviewed the valuation averages 2021, April 28, 2021, May 5, 2021, and May J.M. DOB: 01-22-2016, wit: Heights Third Addition to the City of Cham- with Winner Municipal Jail at $61/day. All and types of property classifications in Buffalo 12, 2021, at a total approximate cost of $50.62.) J.M. DOB: 04-20-2014 Lot Five (5), Block Fifteen (15), Original berlain, located in the northeast quarter of Sec- members voted aye. Motion carried. County. (April 21/April 28/May 5/May 12) Minor Children and Concerning Plat of the City of Chamberlain, Brule County, tion Twenty-One and the west half of Section TRAVEL REQUEST Compared 2021 Ag A Land Values with Alicia Traversie – Mother and South Dakota. As set out in Book 50 of Deeds Twenty-Two, in Township One Hundred Four Commissioner Nesladek moved and Com- 2020 Ag A Land Values and also with the aver- PUBLIC NOTICE TO BIDDERS Justin Moreno – Father on page 294 and North, Range Seventy-One West of the Fifth missioner Dozark seconded to approve Jennifer ages of neighboring counties. RFP#1-2021 Respondents. Beginning at the southwest (SW) corner of Principal Meridian in Brule County, South Konechne and Michael Schlaffman to attend A motion was made by Cable, seconded by Published: April 21, 2021, and April 28, 2021 TO THE PARENT, GUARDIANS OR Lot Five (5), Block Fifteen (15), Original Plat Dakota, LESS AND EXCEPT THE FOL- South Dakota Association of Highway Super- Loudner to approve the list of exempt Buffalo Proposals Due By: May 3, 2021, 3 p.m. CST OTHER RESPONDENTS ABOVE-NAMED, of the City of Chamberlain, Brule County, LOWING: intendent Training in Pierre, May 6, 2021, at County property for 2021. All aye. Motion car- Opening Date: May 3, 2021, 3:30 p.m. CST GREETINGS: South Dakota, thence north (N) along the alley EXCEPTION NUMBER 1: First Subdivi- $75/each. All members voted aye. Motion car- ried. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR You are hereby notified that a verified peti- approximately twenty-two feet (22’) to the sion of Parcel “A” of Lakeview Heights Third ried. With no further equalization business to at- USED EXECUTIVE COACH tion for termination of parental rights has been northwest (NW) corner of said lot, thence east Addition to the City of Chamberlain Commissioner Dozark moved and Commis- tend to, Cable moved and Loudner seconded to The Lower Brule Schools is soliciting Re- filed in the above-named court in which it is re- along the north (N) line of said lot approxi- EXCEPTION NUMBER 2: Second Subdi- sioner Mairose seconded to approve the audi- adjourn the 2021 equalization meeting. All aye. quest For Proposals (RFP) for a Used Execu- quested that the court enter a final dispositional mately forty feet (40’), thence diagonally vision of Parcel “A” of Lakeview Heights, tor, treasurer and register of deeds to attend a Motion carried. tive Coach. decree pursuant to SDCL 26-8A-26. southwest (SW) to the original point of begin- Third Addition to the City of Chamberlain spring workshop in Pierre May 4 and 5, 2021, ATTEST: Proposals should include at a minimum: You are hereby notified that the permanent ning. As set out in Book 51 of Deeds on page EXCEPTION NUMBER 3: Lot One of at $185/each plus motel. All members voted Michelle Schwiedop 2018 or Newer Freightliner Executive Coach termination of your parental rights will be the 399. Third Subdivision of Parcel “A” of Lakeview aye. Motion carried. Buffalo County Auditor 51 Passenger Bus state’s request at the final dispositional hearing And to serve a copy of your answer to said Heights Third Addition to the City of Cham- AUDITOR’S ACCOUNT APPROVED: Approximately 40,000 – 65,000 Miles and that you have a right to an attorney at all Verified Complaint on the undersigned at her berlain. WITH THE TREASURER Lloyd Lutter, Chairman 6.7 Cummins Diesel Engine 300 Hp. stages of the proceedings. office at 300 South Courtland #201, Chamber- DESCRIPTION 2: Parcel “B,” Lakeview The auditor’s account with the treasurer Buffalo County Board Of Equalization GVW 33,000 # You are hereby notified that the court has set lain, SD 57325, within thirty (30) days after the Heights Third Addition to the City of Cham- showed a 3-31-21 balance of $6,794,231.96 in (Published one week, April 21, 2021, at a Dual 50 Gallon Fuel Tanks – Total 100 Gal- a final dispositional hearing on Friday, the 11th completed service of this summons upon you, berlain, located in the northeast quarter of Sec- all state, county, civil, school and trust funds. total approximate cost of $9.92.) lons day of June, 2021, at the hour of 1 p.m. in the exclusive of the day of such service and if you tion Twenty-One and the west half of Section EXECUTIVE SESSION (April 21) Reclining Seats courtroom of the Brule County Courthouse, fail to answer said Verified Complaint within Twenty-Two in Township One Hundred Four Per SDCL 1-25-2, Commissioner Nesladek Individual USB Ports Chamberlain, South Dakota. You are required that time, the plaintiff will apply to the court for North, Range Seventy-One West of the Fifth moved and Commissioner Carson seconded to NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Underneath Luggage to appear at this hearing and respond to the pe- the relief demanded in the Verified Complaint. Principal Meridian in Brule County, South enter executive session to discuss personnel at Notice is hereby given that Brule County Back-Up Camera tition. Dated this 15th day of March, 2021. Dakota. 8:50 a.m. Executive session declared over at would like to modify its highway system by Other Options A Plus You are hereby notified that pursuant to Theresa Maule Rossow DESCRIPTION 3: Tract One (1) in the First 9:24 a.m. No action taken. transferring the following road, commonly Please contact Lance L. Witte at 605-461- SDCL 26-7A-44 and 27-7A-53 that failure to Maule Law Office, Inc. Subdivision of Parcel “A,” Lakeview Heights REPORTS AND CORRESPONDENCE known as 252nd Street to the City of Kimball. 8586 for questions regarding the RFP. Propos- appear, answer or respond to this petition will Attorney For The Plaintiff Third Addition to the City of Chamberlain, The following reports were received and Notice is further given that a public hearing als need to be labeled Lower Brule Schools – result in a finding that you are in default and 300 South Courtland #201 Brule County, South Dakota, LESS AND EX- placed on file in the county auditor’s office: will be held before the Brule County Commis- 51 Passenger Executive Coach. shall be deemed by the court to be an admis- Chamberlain, SD 57325 CEPT Lots C-2, C-3, C-4 and C-5 of the Sec- auditor’s account with the treasurer, trial bal- sion on the 6th day of May, 2021, at nine forty- Interested firms should submit a proposal by sion to the petition. 605-234-5400 ond Subdivision of Parcel “A” of Lakeview ance sheet, HB 1259, 30 x 30 Land Grab and five a.m. (9:45 a.m.) at the commission room 3:30 p.m. May 3 to: You are hereby notified that the Indian Child [email protected] Heights Third Addition to the City of Cham- SCWDD agenda 4-13-2021 and minutes 3-9- in the Brule County Courthouse, 300 South Lance L. Witte Welfare Act does apply to these proceedings. (Published four consecutive weeks, March berlain, Brule County, South Dakota. 2021. Courtland, Chamberlain, South Dakota, to con- Superintendent Dated this fifth day of April, 2021. 31, 2021, April 7, 2021, April 14, 2021, and DESCRIPTION 4: Tract Two (2) in the First APPROVE CLAIMS sider said petition. Lower Brule Schools Theresa Maule Rossow April 21, 2021, at a total approximate cost of Subdivision of Parcel “A,” Lakeview Heights Commissioner Nesladek moved and Com- The property to be vacated is as follows: P.O. Box 245 Brule County State’s Attorney $101.23.) Third Addition to the City of Chamberlain, missioner Dozark seconded to approve the fol- Located in the southeast corner of T 103 N, 227 BIA Route 10 Subscribed and sworn before me this fifth day (March 31/April 7/April 14/April 21) Brule County, South Dakota, LESS AND EX- lowing bills and payroll.
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