- Finally, comrades, this community is some beautiful gardens between some of the being harassed by the mosquitoes. We have blocks. I think something beautiful is coming, one enemy to fear and we are justified in fear­ something also preventive is coming. I have ing i t A mosquito, one, you don’t have to fee also seen whole areas of tall grass which are bitten by many. One; it’s a serious develop­ very menacing, threatening. I thinlr we should ment, it’s going to be killing us. It has become evolve a slogan, something to the effect: H o a killer in some of the areas where we are, like to long grass. Yes to lawn grass.” Angola; it has taken a remarkable number of I would like, comrades, to say that we lives. Mosquitoes; and I should like to pro­ are greatly concerned about the loss of life pose, Comrade Director, and to you, com­ among our people. You see, we are here, we rades, to all of you, that we fight mosquitoes, are not even with our parents. We don’t have we declare war on the mosquitoes. We elim­ too many doctors here. We would like to inate it here, while we defend ourselves ag­ leave as few of our comrades in the secret ainst its attacks. But we really go out to fight cemeteries as possible. We are worried about it. death that comes unnecessarily, and we think I understand that the mosquito lives in as a movement we should fight the cause of tall grass and breeds there, it grows there and death, so that comrades can be preserved for multiplies itself in tall grass, damp areas near for the struggle, for the future, for service to water, little puddles. I don’t know if some of our people and to our struggle. And those the classes that are attended are about the causes that we can eliminate, let us eliminate mosquito: what it is, how it operates, where I have some belief. I've always thought it lives, how it grows, how it bites, why it that if we can attack the area where the mos­ lives. But an enemy like mosquitoes needs to quito grows, that will at least reduce the in­ be studied. While we are studying it, we wage cidence of malaria. We should organise our­ a war against the mosquito. Now, from the selves into brigades, or whatever, find 250 little that 1 have picked up, it seems that the slashers, and we go on cutting down every tall grass that you find everywhere around tuft of grass that we see. exposing, dry up here is a starting point or a major point of every puddle, dean up the place, spread a mosquito bites. If that is correct, then we green carpet on our grounds, a lawn as a should attack this source; attack its base, its protective measure. breeding ground, remove the tall grass, so In any case, the institution will look even that we don’t rely on tablets. We don’t wai; cleaner for that, and we will be the healthier until we are on the floor after the attack. We for it. I do not know how practicable thi« prevent the attacks. We attack the source. proposition is, but when next I come here I Sometimes we should learn a little even from will be coming to see what has happened in our enemies -- we are not mosquitoes, they the war against mosquitoes. And I would like call us terrorists, we are not even terrorists, to urge that all these defensive measures like we are freedom fighters. But you know they nets should be brought in. You should scream think that we are breeding in Swaziland, at the leadership to bring them, because some­ breeding in Lesotho. So they afe attacking times if "we have lost a day we have lost a life. what they consider our bases in Pretoria, be­ Nets are in the world, let’s have them. Let us lieving that if they do that, of course, they fight this enemy; it’s very small, butif we de­ will live in Deace. They won’t live in peace in feat the small one, we can defeat the big one. our case. But I think we can live in peace if Let's fight. we attack the mosquitoe* at their base. Amandla! The Small Enemy and the Big One Comrades, I suggest we remove the tall grass and replace it with lawn. I have seen ARAB SOLIDARITY CONFERENCE • . The acts of terrorism, aggression and de- The United Nations Special Committee ag­ stabilisation directed by the regime against ainst Apartheid, in co-operation with the independent African States. League of Arab States, organised a Confer­ ence of Arab Solidarity with the Struggle for The Conference showed grave concern at the Liberation in Southern Africa in Tunis on military, nuclear, economic and cultural co­ 7th—9th August, 1984. It was attended by operation between major Western powers and representative* of Governments of Member Israel and the regime in Pretoria. Particular at­ States of the League, Member States of the tention was drawn to the policy of the United Special Committee, the Frontline States, States. This policy, with' its strategic co-oper- intergovernmental and governmental organis­ ation with Israel and its “constructive engage­ ations, the African National Congress of ment'’ with Pretoria, encourages the preten­ South Africa, the Pan Africanist Congress of sions of Israel for recognition as a regional Azania, the South West African People s power in southern Africa, and acts against the Organisation and the Palestinian Liberation interests .of Africa and the Arab world. Organisation. - . There was a strong call for comprehen­ The Conference was conscious that the sive and mandatory sanctions against the African and Arab peoples are linked by geo­ South African regime, and a call for Arab graphical, cultural and historical bonds, as States, African States and all their friends to well as by their common experience in the exert their influence on the United States, to struggle for liberation. It pledged support for persuade Washington to harmonise its posit­ the liberation struggle in southern Africa, and ion with that of the overwhelming majority welcomed the advance of the armed struggle of States. '' by SWAPO and the ANC. Concern was shown, too, at the fact that certain transnational corporations collaborate The Conference condemned: with Pretoria to plunder the natural resources of Namibia and South Africa. * The manoeuvres of the Pretoria regime to impose a racist constitution on the people of Complacency Discouraged ‘ Comrade Mfanafuthi Johnny Makatini, head South Africa, ■ - * The manoeuvres of the regime to sabot­ of the ANC delegation, told the Conference: age the implementation of the United Nations "Though we are, as ever, confident of j g plan for the independence of Namibia. • * ) V . * ■ - victory, we do not want to encourage Unity and Solidarity complacency amongst our friends and The Conference paid'a great deal of attention supporters. The racist South African re­ to the crucial question of unity and mutual gime has powerful allies in the internat­ support between Arab and African countries, ional community, who work day and and denounced all attempts to create divis­ night to restore it to international res­ ions between them. It expressed its distress at pectability. We hare already witnessed the war between Iran and Iraq, and the hope the relative ease with which Botha was for an early end to this war. It commended able to breach the wall of international African States which have refrained from re­ isolation with a visit to Europe. We are, lations with Israel because of its alliance with however, heartened by the recent action the South African regime, its hostility to the of the Labour Government in New Zea­ Arab peoples and its denial of rights to the land, an action which should be more 'Palestinians. It called on Arab States not to widely emulated to extend the boycott patronise those Western companies that col­ of South Africa and make it more com­ laborate with the apartheid regime by supp­ prehensive.” lying it with military and nuclear equipment and technology. The Conference recognised that the Arab oil boycott of South Africa is an important contribution to the liberation struggle in southern Africa, and urged the Arab and Af­ rican oil-exporting countries, in co-operation with others, to take firm action against those companies which are helping the South Af­ rican regime circumvent the embargo. Information Much attention was paid to the question of gathering and disseminating information on the struggle for liberation of the African and Arab peoples. Subjects for study were: * The phenomenon of settler colonialism, the structural similarities between Zionism and apartheid, and the collaboration between South Africa and Israel; * The trade concessions and privileges en­ joyed by Israel with the European Economic Community and other Western countries, as well as those to take effect in 1985 with the US, asrthese concessions have legal, economic and-other implications for the Palestinian and other occupied Arab territories, and may be used by the South African regime, which is already exporting many of its products through Israel. Comrade Mfanaf-uthi Makattni thares views ■ The Conference: with an Arab delegate a t the Solidarity 1 Conference in Tunis in Auguit 1984 * Appealed to all Arab States and organis­ ations to maintain, and consider increasing, • Called for world-wide observance for the their material and financial assistance to the Week of Solidarity with the Peoples Strugg­ national liberation movements of South Af­ ling against Racism and Racial Discrimination, rica and Namibia.
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