WNIB Program Schedule May 1971

WNIB Program Schedule May 1971

PR RAM u NIB 9 .1 fm •• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • .• I .• • • • • • • • • • • • • ------------------------------ • .: The biggest airlines in the world serve big cities .: .: ____________and not-so-big _,;;;;.._________________ cities. so DO WE.. .: • • • • • OZARK does everything the big- • • gest airlines do. Runs its own • • hostess school. Has a computer- • • ized reservations system. Flies • • minions of passengers over • : mi!Hons of miles. Jets in and out : • of big cities like New York, • • Chicago, Washington, D.C., • : ---•••• St Louis. And also serves cities : • lllllll!ll•;;:,,. that aren't so big. If you don't • : know al! that about Ozark... : • maybe you should take a closer • • look. And an Ozark flight • • • :• can your travel agent :• : or Ozark Air Lines. : • • • • • • ! OZARK.A/RUNES I i Up there with the biggest i • • •• •• •.-::------------------------------------------=-=-:~c-==-=-=-=-•·••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S 36285) HAVEL Piano Concerto in G - Nicole Henroit-Schweitzer,p; Orch de Paris/Charles PROGRAM SCHEDULE Munch (Ang S 36588) DEBUSSY Prelude to the Afternoon of WNI a :Faun - Philh/Guido Cantelli (Ser 60077) 97.1 fm May, 1 9 PM " .•• THEREFORE CHOOSE LIFE" The first of six 1971 Massey Lectures by Dr. George Wald. Tonight's topic; "One with the Universe. 11 9:30 CASPER CITRON PROGRAM WNIB Progrrun Schedule is published by Radio Station WNIB, 25 East Chestnut, Chicago, Illinois 60611. Phone: 337-5252. Subscription rates: one year $5. 00; SUNDAY 2 two years $9. 00; three years $12. 00. 10 AM HANDEL "Jephta" Sinfonia to Act 3 - English Chamber Orch/Richard Bonynge (Lon cs 6586) COVER: "Self Portrait" (1937) by Henri Matisse. The medium is charcoal PERC,OLESI "Se tu m'ami" - Lily and estompc, en white paper. The drawing is part of the exhibition, "Matisse Pens, s (Vic ViC 1473); GIORDANO "Caro mio as a Draughtsman", at The Art Institute of Chicago from May 29 through July ben" - Tito Gobbi, bt (Ser SIB 602 l); SARTI "Lun­ 11, 197 L Courtesy Art Institute of Chicago. gi dal caro henc" - Renata Tebaldi, s (Lon 5267) GLUCK Gavotte from "Iphigenia in Au­ lis", Musette from "Armide", & Dance of the B.1.cssed Spirits from "Orfeo ed Euridice",, Phila­ delphia Orch/Eugene Ormandy (Col M 30484) LOCATELLI Violin Concerto in D,Op. 3/tl - Jaap Schroeder, vn; Concerto Amsterdam (Das Alte Werk SA WT 9499-A EX) AM CIITCAC,O TEMPLE SERVICE 5 PM HUMMEL Rondo Brillant on a Russian Dr. Robert Bruce Pierce, pastor 1 Folk Thome, Op. 98 - Folicja Blumenthal, p; Prague Chamber Orch/Helmuth Froschauer 12:30 MUSIC .FROM GERMANY 10 AM THE BACH HOUR (Vic VICS 1533) BEETHOVEN Music for the Drama, BACH Prelude & Fugue in c, BWV 548 GERMAN SONG" 'S kommt ein Vogel "Tarpeja"; HENZE Syrn i/4 - Heinz Wunderlich, org·an (None H 71252) goflogen" - Vienna Choir Boys (Epic LC 3588) BACH Partita ill in b - Henryk Szer­ OCHS Humorous Variations on " 's tPM CONCERT FROM RADIO ITALIANA yng, vn (DGG 139 270/72) kommt ein Vogel go.flogen" - Ernst Gusnter BEETHOVEN "Tho Ruins of Athens", BACH English Suite J/3 in b - Reine Scherzor,p; Northwest German Phil/Werner An­ Op. 113 {Incl.dental Music) - Soloists; Sym Orch Gianoli,p (West XWN 18155) dreas Albert (Electrola C 063-28 180) & Cho of RAl, Turin/Vittorio Gui (48') ADAM Variations on "Ah vous <lirai-je DVORAK 'Cello Concerto in b, Op, 104 11AM FROM THE .MIDWAY maman" - Ma<lo Robin, s (Lon 5925); PROCH - Mstislav lfostropovich, 'c; Sym Orch of HAI, "Reeoneiling Science and Democracy" Theme & Variations - Milizia Korjus, s (Camden Turin/Franco Caracciolo (38 ') is discussed by Duncan MacRae, Professor of CAL 279) Sociology and Political Science at the University PAGANINi Variations on "God Save the of Chicago. Queen"-· Ruggiero Ricci, vn; Leon Pommers,p 2:30 BRAHMS Variations on a Theme of (Lon CM 9099) H.1ydn, Op. 5(ia - Cleveland Oreb/George Szell 12 PM MENDELSSOHN 'Cello Sonata in D, (Col MS 6965) Op. 58 - Janos Starker, 'c; Gyorgy Sebok, p ALKAN Pi.ano Pieces: "Petit Conte", 6 6 (Mer MG 50320) PM SCHUMANN Intermezzi, Op. 4 - nLe Tambour hat .aux charnpsn, & 11 La Vision" - PAGANINI/BREAM Grand Sonata in Christoph Eschenbach,p (DGG 139 183) Raymond Lewenthal, p (Col M 30234) A - Julian Bream, g (RCA 3156) WEBER "Abu Hassan" Overture -Lon­ SOLER 3 Sonatas (in D, in d & in Db) don Sym/Charles Mackerras (Phi PHM 500-105) 3 PM HOLST The Planets - Boston Sym & - Lucero Tena, castanets; Madrid Chamber WEHJ•;R Arias: "Von Jugend auf im New England Conservatory Cho/William Stein­ Orch/Jose M. Franco Gil (Dec DL 710153) Kamfgefild" from "Oberon" - Nicolai Gedda, t berg (DGG 2530 102) {Ang S 36624); & "Un ob die Wolke" from "Der SIBELIUS Violin Concerto in d, Op. 47 1 PM OPERA FROM RADIO ITALIANA Freischuetz" Anneliese Rothenberg·er, s (Ang - David Oistrakh, vn; Philadelphia Orch/Eugene VERDI "Ernani" - Montserrat Caballe, SCL 3753) Ormandy (Ody Y 30489) s {Elvira): Bruno Prevedi, t (Ernani); Peter MOZART Horn Concerto J/1 in D, K. Glossop, bt (Don Carlo): Boris Christoff,bs (Don 41.2 - Gord Siefert, horn; Berlin Phil/Herbert von 4;15 KHACHATURIAN "Gayne" Ballet Suite Ruy Gornez de Silva); Mirella Fiorentini, s (Gio­ Karajan (DGG 139 038) - Vienna Phil/A ram Khachaturian (Lon CM 9322) vanna): Fr:mco Ri.cciardi, t (Don Riccardo); Giu­ !MYDN/YBAHRA Minuet - Ybarra, g STRAUSS Burleske ind - Byron Janis, seppe Morresi, bs (Iago): Sym Orch & Cho of (West WST 17164) p; Chicago Sym/Fritz Reiner (RCA 2127} HAI, Mil:rn/Gianandrea Gavazzini (l hr 47') HAYDN Serenade from String Quartet in F, Op. 3#5 - Philadelphia Orch/Eugcnc Or­ rnandy (Col M 30484) 5 PM DELIUS Hrigg Fair - An English Rhap- 3:15 ITALIAN MAGAZINE (from RAI) sody • Halle Orch/Sir ,folm Barbirolli (Ang S 3:30 SCOPE (from UN Radio) 7 PM DIKSHITAR "Aksayalingavibho" - .Ram- 36756) 3:45 GERMAN PRESS REVIEW nad Krishnan, singer; Ens of violin, mridangam, CHARPENTIER "Dcpuis le jour" from kanjira & tambura (None H 72040) "Louise" - Montserrat Caballe, s (RCA 3209); 4 PM CONVERSATION AT CHICAGO BAX Clarinet Sonata -Stanley Drucker, REYER "Ssiut, spcndenr du jour" from "Sigurd" !!Trends in U~ S. - Asian Policy11 cl; Leonid Hambro,p (Ody 30492) - Regine Crespin, s (Vega C30X 318) 4:30 POLLUTION TODAY, TOMORROW PISTON Sym it2 {1943) - Boston Sym/ DEBUSSY Danse Saeree et Danse Pro­ Firsl of 14 programs from the Univer­ Michael Tilson Thomas (DGG 25:JO 103) fane - Al.ice Chalifoux, harp; Cleveland Orch/Pi­ sity of HHnois. Today; Senator Charles Percy erre Boulez (Col MS 7362) presents n broad look at things to be done 8 PM DELIUS 'Cetlo Concerto - 3acqueline HAHN Trois etudes - Jean Doyen,p fighting pollution. du Pre, 'c; Hoyal Phil/Sir Malcolm Sargent {Ang (Hichesse Classique 742) 3 FAURE Pavane, Op. 50 - Royal Liver­ 12 Variations in Eb on "La Belle Francoise", K. DEBUSSY 3 Nocturnes (Nuages, Fetcs, pool Orch/Charles Groves (Cap SP 8699) 353; Fantasia inc, K. 475; & Sonata inc, K. 457 Sirenes) - New Philh & John Alldis Cho/Pierre - Walter Gieseking,p (Ang 35071) Boulez (Col M 30483) 6 PM MENDELSSOHN Serenade & Allegro Giocoso, Op. 43 - Rena Kyriakou,p; Pro Musi­ 2 PM HAYDN Sym #103 in Eb ("Drum Roll") 9:50 RESPIGHI Violin Sonata in b - Jascha ca Sym/Hans Swarowsky (Turnabout 34170) - Royal Phil/Sir Thomas Beecham (Cap 7198) Heifetz, vn; Emanuel Bay,p (RCA LVT 1034) DONIZETTI "Ange si pur" & "Un ange, BOCCHERINI Quintet #9 in C - Nar­ DELIUS Appalachia - Halle Orch & une fcmnH:'l inconnuif 1 from HLe Favorite11 - Tony ciso Yepes, g; Melos Quartet, Stuttgart (DGG Ambrosian Singers/Sir John Barbirolli (Ang S Poncet, t (Philips 837. 493 GY); "0 mio Fernando" 2530 069) 36756) from "La Favorita" - Shirley Verrett, ms (RCA 304:J) 3 PM ROSSINI "Maometto TI" Overture - ROSSL'<I Sona ta for Strings # 1 in G - Naples Opera Orcb/Edoardo Brizio (I Grandi Berlin Phil/Herbert von Karajan (DGG 139 041) Musicisti 071) TUESDAY 4 ROSSINI Introduction & Variations - DONIZETTI "Deserto in terra" from Jean Pierre Rampa!, fl; Lily Laskine,harp {Epic "Don Sebastiano" - Luciano Pavarotti, t (Lon OS 10 AM HAYDN Concerto #2 in G for 2 Guitars LC 3917) 26087); & "Piangete voi? •. , Al dolce guidami" & Orch - Ida Presti & Alexander Lagoya, g; Pro BOCCHERINI Introduction & Fandango (Mad Scene) from "Anna Bolena" - Montserrat Arte Orch/Kurt Redel (Mer MG 50380} - Julian Bream, g; George Malcolm,hpsd (RCA Caballe, s (RCA 3209) CIMAROSA "11 Maestro di Capella" - 3027) A UBER "Marco Spada" Overture - New Fernando Gorena, bs; Orch dei Pomeriggi Musi­ Philb/Richard Bonynge (Lon CS 6643) caH, Milan/Bruno Amaducci (Lon 5194) 7 PM SUNDAY EVENING OPERA MEYERBEER ''0 Beau Pays" from CLEMENTI Sym in C, Op. 18#2 - I HANDEL "Orlando" - Sofia Steffan, "Les Huguenots" - Beverly Sills, s (West J 7163) Virtuosi di Roma/Renato Fasano (LHMV 2) ms (Orlando); Grazielia Sciutti, s (Angelica); Bernadette Greevy, c (Medoro); Carole Bogard, 11 AM SCHUBERT Piano Sonat.a in C, D. 279 4 PM SCHARWENKA Piano Concerto # 1 in s (Dorinda); Marius Rintzler, bs (Zoroastro); Vi­ (1815) - Wilhelm Kempff,p (DGG 2720 024) ob, Op. 32 - Earl Wild,p; Boston Sym/Erich enna Volksoper Orch/stephen Simon (RCA 6197) DVORAK Othello Overture, Op. 93 - Leinsdorf (RCA 3080) London Sym/Istvan Kertesz (Lon CS 6527) DVORAK Czech Suite, Op. 39 - Musica 10PM CHICAGO TEMPLE SERVICE SCHUMANN Manfred Overture, Op. 115 Aeterna Orch/Frederic Wa.ldman \Dec DL 710137} Dr. Hobert Bruce Pierce, pastor - Boston Sym/Charles Munch (RCA 2474) MENDELSSOHN The Fair Melusina 5 PM ALKAN Sonatine -Raymond Lewenthal, Overture - Suisse Romande Orch/Ernest Anser­ p (Col M 30234) met (Lon CS 6436) DELIBES "Viens, Malika" from "Lak­ MONDAY 3 me" - Gianna d'Angelo, s; Jane Berbie, ms (Ang 12 PM PAGANINI Violin Concerto #1 in D, 36107); BIZET "Au fond du temple saint" from Op.

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