Colby College Digital Commons @ Colby Colby Alumnus Colby College Archives 1937 Colby Alumnus Vol. 26, No. 4: February 1937 Colby College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Colby College, "Colby Alumnus Vol. 26, No. 4: February 1937" (1937). Colby Alumnus. 341. This Other is brought to you for free and open access by the Colby College Archives at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in Colby Alumnus by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. �eCOLBY ·;frbnLtan� 1937 c A L u M N u s Roberts Memorial Union Fund Or�-anization l. FRANKLIN \\-tNSLO\\' Jo1t!\.'01' '!11, /'n ..�icfr11t, CCJ!hy C'ollt>$!e Chairman ITEHHEl!T E. \\-Al>S\\'!11<111, ''.!:! ri · -Clwirm n SHAJLER MATHEWS, ' 4 FREllERICK T. II ILL, '10 Er.1.:woRTlt W. :\1rLLETT, '2:5 Ref!.,·ional Clwirmen PUTNAM P. BICKNELL, '15 r EIL LE NARD, '21 Rockland, !Ue. Rostrlll, .11 ass. EDWARD B. WI T L w, '04 FREDERI K T. HILL, '10 RALPH N. '.\11TJ1, '17 T11ckahnc', N. ) Tratuville, Me. ll'urn><f<J, l/o.�s. Ff EI> \\'. '. RIDEO T, '07 THEODORE R. HODGKINS, '25 RE\'. E . J.. :JIEARJ\IA.', ':2:! Leonia,. 1• J. Far111ingto11, ,1/e. S11ri11uficld, .11 uss. EHNE 'T G. W LKER, '!JO ARCHER JORDAN, '95 LE.'LJE F . .\I R ll, ·1;- ll'n.«hi11yto11, D. A 11b11rn, .lle. J-11111111· ·r, .\'. H. HARRY T. J ORDA. · , I 3 FRANK H. LEIGHTO , '04 JI AHLE. F. T. 'EA \'ERN.', '01 Phi lodclph io, I'1 Ba11gor, 11/e. lln1 lfr>Jd, llJll/I. I>E. 'l.' E. B WM '9:3 FRANK B. NICHOLS, '92 DR. HENRY B. M OH, 10 Lo Augclcs, Bath, Ue. I'l'<n•icln1cc, R. 1. n. Yi\1 • ·n P. L CE, '15 CHESTER . SOULE, '13 PA L 1\1. EDl\I ND , '26 a11 Fra11ci. en, Portland, l\Je_ .\'ew l'ork ity FREDERI K M. PADELFORD, ATHANIEL TOMPKI S, '03 THO.i\IAS G. GRAC'E, '21 eatti , TJ' m�h. Ho11/to11, Me. Broukly11, .\'. L u;o� '. GILPATRI K, '09 MILROY WARREN, '14 LIBBY P LSIFER, '21 pokanc, ll'ash Lubec, �le- Rochester, .\'. L Honorary Committ DR. HAROLD . AREY, 'O::l CHARLE.' E. G R EY 'U THOMAS B. A HCRAFT, Faculty OLIVER L. HALL, U3 DANIEL W. ASHLEY, '15 RI HARD D. l!ALL, '32 DR. GEORGE G. AVERILL, Tru tee FLORE TIU M. H LL \\'ELL, '77 J. COLBY BASSETT, '95 HA IBAL E. HA 1LI , '79 ARTHUR F. BICKFORD, '16 DR. R. EL 0 HATT, 15 SPA ULDING BISBEE, '13 DR. HO\\' ARD F. HILL, '1 WEBSTER CHESTER, Faculty DR. J. FREDERI K HILL, ' 2 LEW C. CHURCH, '02 HENRY H. HILTO , Tru tee DR. CECIL W. CLARK, '05 GEORGE W. HI CKLEY, Honorary BAINBRIDGE COLBY, Trustee DUDLEY M. HOLMA ' I 4 DR. RICHARD COLLINS, 'UG FRANK B. HUBBARD, I 4 DR. BERNARD CRANE, '20 JAMES H. HUDSO '00 WILLIAM C. CRAWFORD, '82 RALPH L. HUNT, Honorary MERLE CROWELL, '10 \:\'ILLIAM B. J A K, '00 HE RY S. CUSHMAN, '13 REED V. JEWETT, '95 COLI H. DASCOMBE, 'UU CLARE E L. JUDKI ' , ' 1 ELBRIDGE G. DAVIS, '07 DR. HERBERT F. KALLO II, '!J2 CARROLL E. DOBBIN, 'lG HARVEY KNIGHT, '14 REX W. DODGE, '06 SEYMOUR J. KOFF, '25 WINFRED N. DONOVAN, '92 HARRY L. KOOPMA , ' 0 ALBERT F. DRUMMOND, '88 ROBERT G. LAVIGNE, '29 CHARLES M. DRUMMOND, '98 FRED F. LAWREN E, '00 HORATIO R. DUNHAM, '86 LEWIS L. LEVINE, '16 LYNDON L. DUNHAM, 91 HERBERT C. LIBBY, '02 '96 HENRY W. DUNN, CLARENCE C. LITTLE, Honorary WILLIAM H. ERBE, '17 MARTIN H. LONG, '02 GEORGE P. FALL, '92 GEORGE H. LORIMER, '98 WILLIAM FARWELL, '02 HUGH D. M LELLAN, '95 DONALD B. FLOOD, '17 FRANK W. MAN ON, '98 JULIUS H. B. FOGG, '02 ERNEST C. MARRINER, '13 DR. JOHN H. FOSTER, '13 FREDERICK W. MARRINER, '17 NATHAN H. GARRICK, '10 CLARENCE E. MELENEY, '76 '17 DR. MATTHEW G. GOLDEN, CYRUS K. MERRIAM '75 '02 ANGIER L. GOODWIN, HENRY F. MERRILL, Honorary WALTER L. GRAY, '95 DR. PER Y S. MERRILL, '94 The Colby Alumnus PUBLISHED BY THE ALUMNI COUNCIL FOR THE ALUMNI ON rHE FIFTEENTH DAY OF OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, APRIL, MAY AND JULY VOLUME 26 FEBRUARY 15, 1937 NUMBER 4 CONTENTS ov r-The Front Campu in Winter Scene of tu lent Life ...................................... From The Oracle 2 Colby Men on Maine' upreme Judicial Cou1t ........... James H. Hudson, '00 3 Colby's New Coach . .. .. .. .. .Harland . R. Ratcliffe, '23 10 The Pre iclent' ..................... Page ........................ .......... 14 Chatting With Our Colby People . 15 Plans Laid for Robert Memorial Union Fun<l . 17 Colby Men Rally to' Robert Memorial Project . 18 Colby's Winter Carnival ·································· ················· 19 Foreign Exchange ........ Fellow ..... ······································ 19 Prai e for Crowell, '10 . 20 Boston A ociation Stag maker . 20 Necrology . • . 21 Class Notes About Colby Men and Women ....... .............. .........· .... · 22 Editorial Board: Oliver L. Hall, '93, Editor; Herbert C. Libby, '02; Frederick T. Hill, '10; Grace Wells Thompson, '15; Mira L. Dolley, '19; Thaddeus F. Tilton, '20; Harland R. Ratcliffe, '23 ; Ervena Goodale Smith, '24; Joseph C. Smith, '24; G. Cecil Goddard, '29, Business Manager. Pub lication Office: Waterville, Me.; Contributions for Publication Should Be Sent To Oliver L. Hall, Executive Dept., State H ou . se, Augusta, Maine. Entered as second-class mail matter Jan. 25, 1912, at the Post Office at Waterville, Me., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Na tional Advertisi ng Representative: The Graduate Group, Inc., New York, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco, Los Angeles and Boston. Subscription Price $2.00 a year; The October, March and July issues, $1.00 the Three; Single Copies, $.35. Checks, drafts, etc., should be made payable to The Colby Alumnus. THE COLBY ALUMNUS 3 Colby Men On Maine's Supreme Judicial Court By JA MES H. HUDSON, '00 ECENTLY the € - Judge vVhitman 1 ater teemed editor of the became the third Chief Alumnus, Oliver L. Justice of the Supreme 1 ll, Colby '93, asked Judicial Court, succeed­ to prepare for ea1·ly ing Chief Justice Wes­ blication a n article ton. n Colby Judges, mean- The Court of Com­ Judges of higher mon Pleas was abol­ 1 u rt s." Although ished in 1839, and was uched only a a re­ supplanted by a Dis­ e t, it seemed that I trict Court, J u cl g e ould con icier it man- Whitman becoming the 1tory, would I evidence Chief Justice of the )preciation of the er­ new D i s t r i c t Court. ce he is rendering to Maine then had the ie College so gener- Supreme Judicial and 1sly and efficiently, al­ District Courts u n t i 1 iough busily engaged 1852 , when the latter ; edito1· of the Bangor Court w a s abolished •>mrnercial, one of ancl i t s jurisdiction aine' leading news- transferred to the Su­ ·tpers. Now on leave preme Judicial Court, f abiience f r o m the w h o s e membership ommercial at Augusta w a s t h e n increased 'l private secretary to from four to· seven. In rOV. Barrows. 1855 another member I regret that time and was added; in 1856 pace forbid mention of the Court was reduced 11e Colby Judges of to seven after a va­ ourt other than the cancy but again in­ :upreme Judicial, for creased to eight in 11any of them there 1857. Since then, ex­ 1 ave been-men of high cept for one year haracter and excellent (1879), when for po­ bi I it y w h o have litical reasons one Jus­ 'rought honor to Colby tice was legislated out rnd valuable ervice to of office, this Court had he State. eight member , until Before <l aling with 192 9. Then the pres­ ts Justices, I would ent State-wide Superior •riefly r el ate Court was created, con­ some CHIEF J STICE \\'ILLIA 1 PE1 N WHITEHOUSE h_ings concerning the sisting of even Jus- :iupremeJudicial Cou1t. tices, and provision was Statehood came to Maine on March Dartmouth 1803. Weston succeeded made for the reduction of the mem­ l 5, 182 0. Its fir t Legislature con­ Mellen as Chief Justice. Its first bership of the Supreme Court from •ened May 31st of that year. At that term was held in Old York Village on eight to six, con isting of the Chief -ession this Court was created. P. L. August 8, 182 0, by all of its Justices. Justice and five associates. '1iapter 17, approved June 24, 182 0. Not until 1847 was its number in­ By act of the Legislature in 1855, I ts life by original enactment was creased and then only to four. Co­ the Supreme Judicial Court was di­ limited to three years "and no longer." existent with this Court was the dis­ vided into two sections of four mem­ 'ection 11. Fortunately, anyway for tinct Circuit Court of Common Pleas, bers each, one division having exclu­ its Judge , Section 11 was seaso.nably surviving the separation from Massa­ sive jurisdiction over que tions of law repealed. As created, the Court con­ chusetts until 1822 , when our Legisla­ and equity and capital offence and ,;i ted of a Chief Justice and two As­ ture created in its stead the Court of the other empowered to sit only at ·ociates. Its first Chief Justice was Common Pleas. The Chief Justice of nisi prius terms. This law was re­ Prentiss Mellen of Portland, Harvard the new Court was Ezekiel Whitman pealed in 1856.
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