CANADIAN ADVENTIST From The President's Diary Volume 54. No. 2, Februaryess 1985, Oshawa, Ontario er G.E. Maxson/Editor June Polishuk/Associate Editor Allan Colleran/Art Director CONFERENCE EDITORS L. Larsen/Alberta M. Tetz/British Columbia D.M. MacIvor/ Man.- Sask. L. Lowe/Maritime D. Crook/Newfoundland E.R. Bacchus/Ontario C. Sabot/Quebec Official Organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada: President, J.W. Wilson; Secretary, P.F. Lemon; Treasurer, N.W. Klam; Departmental Directory Education, J.D.V. Fitch; Personal Ministries and Sabbath School, CS. Greene; Ministerial, WA Bornstein; Public Affairs D.D. Devnich; Publishing, W. Ruba; Youth and Stewardship, P.A. Parks; Trust Services, F. Lloyd Bell; Consultant to Health Care Institutions, AG. Rodgers. Issued monthly, annual subscription price in Canada $5.00. Out of Union $10.00. 1985 Triennial Sessions Conference Directory CANADIAN UNION CONFERENCE - J.W. Wilson, President; G.E. Maxson, Secretary; N.W. Klam, Treasurer; 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8. (416)433-0011. ALBERTA CONFERENCE — H.S. Larsen, President; W. Olson, CE PELLETS AND DRIVING SNOW RICHOCHETING from Secretary-Treasurer; Box 5007, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6A1. ur hotel window in Gander, Newfoundland jarred us into (403)342-5044. BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE — G.B. DeBoer, President; Ioreality that it was time to get up and catch our Eastern Pro- P.W. Dunham, Secretary, E. Tetz, Treasurer, Box 1000, Abbotsford, British Columbia V2S 4P5. (604)853-5451. vincial Airlines flight for Winnipeg. MANITOBA - SASKATCHEWAN CONFERENCE — D.M. It was late February of 1982 and the schedule called for the Session Maclvor, President; M.D. Suiter, Secretary-Treasurer; 1004 Victoria Ave., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N 0Z8. (306)244-9700. Chairman to convene the fourth triennial constituency that evening in MARITIME CONFERENCE — L.G. Lowe, President; Winnipeg. Serious doubts crowded our minds as to whether we would Secretary-Treasurer; 121 Salisbury Rd., Moncton, N.B. El E 1A6. (506)855-8622. be there. ONTARIO CONFERENCE — G.W. Morgan, President; 0. Parch- That was before we reckoned with EPA's pilots. True to their ment, Secretary; K.R. Heinrich, Treasurer, Box 520, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7M1. (416)571-1022. reputation, the flight arrived right on time from St. John's and departed QUEBEC S.D.A. CHURCH ASSOCIATION — C. Sabot, President; LM. Abel, Secretary; G.R.J. Gray, Treasurer; 940 Ch. Charnbly, on time for points west. Less than an hour before "the call of the chair" Longueuil, Quebec J4H 3M3. (514)651-4240. we arrived at the Henderson Highway Church. NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR MISSION OF SEVENTH- DAY ADVENTISTS — D. Crook, President; B. Christenson, Three hundred Manitoba-Saskatchewan delegates had assembled Acting Secretary-Treasurer; 106 Freshwater Road, St. John's, to transact the church's business in a setting of orderly, serious debate. Newfoundland A1C 2N8. (709)576-4051. Those assembled will not soon forget the conversation which quickly Legal Directory melted into pleasantness as the secretary of the nominating committee, For the information of members and friends who wish to remember the Church and its institutions in preparing wills and Mrs. Ruth Bodrug, read the list of nominees for the executive legacies. committee. ALBERTA CONFERENCE CORPORATION of the Seventh-day Adventist Church - Box 5007, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6A1. In order to visually identify each nominee, they were asked to THE BRITISH COLUMBIA CORPORATION of the Seventh-day stand. Sister Bodrug read, "Wilfred Janes," and would you believe it Adventist Church - P.O. Box 1000, Abbotsford, B.0 V2S 4P5. MANITOBA CONFERENCE CORPORATION of the Seventh- two Wilfred Janes, stood up. As if that wasn't enough, Ruth read on, day Adventist Church - 1004 Victoria Avenue, Saskatoon, "John Ramsay," and two more John Ramsays stood up. With ease, one Saskatchewan, S7N OZ8. MARITIME CONFERENCE CORPORATION of the Seventh-day Wilfred and one John were accepted by the body and for the past three Adventist Church, Inc. - 121 Salisbury Road, Moncton, N.B. El E 1A6. years they have served the church well. ONTARIO CONFERENCE CORPORATION of the Seventh-day Now, across Canada it is session time once again. What an honour, Adventist Church - P.O. Box 520, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7M1. SASKATCHEWAN CONFERENCE CORPORATION of the responsibility and privilege to transact the Lord's business. Yes, there is Seventh-day Adventist Church - 1004 Victoria Avenue, Saska- a certain interest in who will do this, carry that department, or serve on toon, Saskatchewan S7N 0Z8. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH IN CANADA - 1148 the Executive Committee. But really, the actions of the constituency on King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1 H8. program proposals will go a long way toward setting the tenor for the SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH in Newfoundland and Labrador - 106 Freshwater Road, St. John's, Nfld. A1C 2N8. ensuing three year period. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH - Quebec Conference, or Eglise Adventiste du Septieme Jour - Federation du Quebec - May each Triennial Session have such an impact upon each 940 Ch Charnbly, Longueuil, Quebec J4H 3M3. conference that it will be recognized as the most important and productive meeting of the entire triennial period. Printed by Marade Press Limited. Second class mail 0 registration number 0912. Address all enquiries to 1148 May I invite each delegate to read and study I Corinthians 12 as we King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8. prepare for our session duties. In particular, begin with verse 4, note Continued next page ISSN 0702-5084 2 MESSENGER/FEBRUARY 1985 INGATHERING 1984 Mission Spirit: C.S. Greene, Personal Ministries Director, Canadian Union Conference 1985 Neal C. Wilson "0 give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endureth forever." Psalm 107:1 The worldwide church family on March 9, 1985, will have an oppor- In a day when there is so much bad news, I have good news. Brother tunity to participate in one of the Reid Coolen, the assistant treasurer in the Union, gave me a copy of the greatest mission outreaches of this final totals for the 1984 Ingathering Campaign. I will share the good news century. with you, but first, let me congratulate all of you for the fine support you Today we have thousands of have given to your pastors and churches during the campaign. Sure we missionaries from scores of home- have received more in funds than we did the year before, but the greater lands serving Christ around the satisfaction will be found in the many individuals we have contacted for world. But because of religious op- the Master. The many pieces of literature that have been distributed, the position, cultural barriers, huge many prayers said in homes, and the territories covered will all result in a masses of humanity, and a variety of final harvest of souls. other reasons we as a church find it Brother Alex Vickers, of the Oshawa church, passed to his rest on difficult, and at times almost impos- sible, to fulfill the Gospel commis- Sabbath, December 15, 1984. He will be remembered for his fine Christian sion in some areas of the world. influence and as a great Ingatherer. He started by getting a $2.00 donation But there are ways to send the from a businessman some years ago, and this donation climbed through Gospel — ways that would truly the years to one of $35,000 in 1984. From a humble start, to a great end, or amaze our 19th Century pioneers. should we say from a little acorn to a mighty oak. One of these is radio. On March 9 All across this mighty land we have received reports of God's leading. church members are being asked to In Alberta, on two separate contacts, donations of a thousand dollars were contribute to the special General given. Individual members in Ontario solicited funds ranging from five Conference Session Offering, which hundred dollars to four thousand two hundred dollars. Every conference has been designated to benefit Ad- reported wonderful experiences of God's leading. "God gives oppor- ventist World Radio-Asia. tunities. Success depends upon the use we make of them." Adventist World Radio plans to Below is the achievement for the 1984 Campaign, as it compares with build a shortwave station on the the 1983 Campaign. island of Guam powerful enough to 1984 1983 reach more than 2 billion people — CONFERENCE CAMPAIGN CAMPAIGN MEMBERSHIP PER CAPITA half of the world's population. Alberta 96,610.72 94,614.75 6,379 15.15 The proposed station will broad- British Columbia 130,001.45 118,017.82 8,171 15.91 cast a strong signal that will have the Manitoba-Saskatchewan 101,994.20 94,803.00 3,370 30.27 potential of being heard in the is- Maritime 46,190.01 45,909.01 1,766 26.16 lands of the Pacific, in the Phillip- Newfoundland 27,590.94 22,451.62 758 36.40 Ontario 291,325.92 227,393.41 11,887 24.51 pines, Indonesia, parts of Africa, Quebec 16,763.87 18.432.48 1,850 9.06 India, Malaysia, Burma, Thailand, TOTALS 710,477.11 621.622.09 34,181 20.79 Vietnam, the Chinas, the Koreas, Japan, and vast areas of the Soviet If we are willing to work for the Master, He will always reward us with Union. success. So, to all who played a part in the 1984 INGATHERING, my The capital cost of this major congratulations and God's richest blessings. missionary outreach is large in terms of dollars — $5 million. But thank Continued from page 2 God for new challenges. Together 1985 Triennial Sessions we can easily make this project a verse 12 and note the apostle's emphasis with verse 14 and onward.
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