Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia, 2012, vol. 24, no. 4, p. 351-362 http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S2179-975X2013005000008 How many species of cladocerans (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) are found in Brazilian Federal District? Quantas espécies de cladóceros (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) são encontradas no Distrito Federal? Francisco Diogo Rocha Sousa1,2 and Lourdes Maria Abdu Elmoor-Loureiro2 1Laboratório de Carcinologia, Programa de Pós-graduação em Biodiversidade Animal, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – UFSM, Av. Roraima 1000, Camobi, CEP 97105-900, Santa Maria, RS, Brazil e-mail: [email protected] 2Laboratório de Biodiversidade Aquática, Universidade Católica de Brasília – UCB, QS7 lote 1, Bloco M, sala 204, CEP 71966-700, Taguatinga, DF, Brazil e-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Aim: This study aimed provides a checklist of cladocerans and also an evaluation of richness and species composition in the Federal District, Brazil. Methods: Checklist of cladocerans was obtained evaluating data from the literature, from taxonomic collection (Elmoor-Loureiro’s collection) and from fauna surveys conducted over more than three decades in different types of aquatic environments. Results: The 57 water bodies studied showed 56 species, of which 14 are new records. The number of species contained in the list displayed corresponds to 85% of what was expected for richness estimators. The highest number of species was observed in the lentic water bodies (52), which also presented the specific composition of fauna (R = 0.110; p = 0.016), possibly because there were samples taken among the aquatic vegetation. According to our understanding, some species may be subject to local extinctions because they inhabit water bodies located exclusively in urban areas, which can lead to a decline in richness. Conclusion: Thus, the results of this study can assist in monitoring aquatic environments and in selection of new areas for surveys of cladocerans in the Federal District. Keywords: Chydoridae, lentic, local extinctions, lotic, richness. Resumo: Objetivo: Este estudo objetivou fornecer uma checklist de cladóceros e também uma avaliação da riqueza e composição de espécies no Distrito Federal, Brasil. Métodos: A checklist de cladóceros foi obtida utilizando dados encontrados na literatura, dados de coleção (coleção de Elmoor-Loureiro) e dados de levantamentos faunísticos realizados por mais de três décadas em diferentes tipos de ambientes aquáticos. Resultados: Os 57 corpos d’água avaliados apresentaram 56 espécies das quais 14 são novos registros. O número de espécies contido na lista apresentada corresponde a 85% do esperado por estimadores de riqueza. O maior número de espécies foi observado no conjunto de corpos d’água lênticos (52), que também apresentou composição específica de fauna (R = 0.110; p = 0.016), possivelmente, por amostragens realizadas entre a vegetação aquática. Segundo nosso entendimento, algumas espécies podem estar sujeitas a extinções locais por habitarem corpos d’água localizados exclusivamente em áreas urbanas, o que pode levar ao declínio da riqueza. Conclusão: Desta maneira, os resultados deste estudo podem auxiliar no monitoramento de ambientes aquáticos e na seleção de novas áreas para levantamentos da fauna de cladóceros no Distrito Federal. Palavras-chave: Chydoridae, lêntico, extinções locais, lótico, riqueza. 1. Introduction Cladocerans are microcrustaceans that inhabit approximately 600 species worldwide, of which just predominantly continental waters. These animals over 19% can be found in Brazil. have an important ecological role, functioning as By the beginning of the last decade, many gaps a link between different trophic levels, since they had been recognized in the diversity and distribution act as scrapers, filterers and collectors of organic of species of cladocerans in Brazil (Elmoor-Loureiro, matter. According to Forró et al. (2008), there are 2000). However, in recent years, these gaps have 352 Sousa, FDR. and Elmoor-Loureiro, LMA. Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia been reduced by the increasing number of studies number of species of cladocerans for the Federal that have resulted in a consistent species list, and also District is underestimated. studies showing records of species not previously Another matter of concern is the reduction known in the country (e.g. Velho et al., 2000; of natural areas in the Federal District, resulting Elmoor-Loureiro, 2002; Elmoor-Loureiro et al., in decreased quality of aquatic habitats, with the 2004, 2009; Santos-Wisniewski et al., 2001, 2002, potential effect of confinement of elements of the 2008; Serafim Junior et al., 2003; Zanata et al., biota in areas for conservation. However, according 2003; Guntzel et al., 2004; Sinev et al., 2005; to Agostinho et al. (2005), these are poorly studied Lopes et al., 2006; Lansac-Tôha et al., 2009; from the viewpoint of aquatic biota, which Sousa et al., 2009, 2010; Van Damme and Dumont, represents a gap in knowledge. 2010; Elmoor-Loureiro and Soares, 2010; Ghidini Seeking to fill the gap in the knowledge of and Santos-Silva, 2011; Sousa and Elmoor- aquatic biota in the Federal District, in the last six Loureiro, 2011). The descriptions of new species years, projects have been carried out by the Grupo have also contributed to a better understanding de Estudos de Ecossistemas Aquáticos (GEEA), of the biodiversity of these microcrustaceans in from the Catholic University of Brasília, in different Brazilian territory (Sinev and Hollwedel, 2002; kinds of water bodies, including the ones located Kotov and Elmoor-Loureiro, 2008; Sinev and in areas for conservation. Using the results of Elmoor-Loureiro, 2010; Bekker et al. 2010; these projects, data from published studies and Van Damme et al., 2011). data contained in the Elmoor-Loureiro scientific The increase in the number of taxa, new records collection, at the Laboratory of Aquatic Biodiversity of occurrence and the need to make the information of the Catholic University of Brasília, this study more widely available, since it has so far been aimed to compile the knowledge about the fauna restricted to the “gray literature” and in collections, of cladocerans in the Federal District. Another have led to the publication of updated lists of species objective was to carry out the assessment of richness of cladocerans for some Brazilian states (Soares and taxonomic composition of this fauna. and Elmoor-Loureiro, 2011; Rocha et al., 2011; Santos-Wisniewski et al., 2011). Lists such as these 2. Methods provide important bases for new investigations, Initially, we evaluated 11 publications on the whether in the field of biogeography, ecology or cladocerans of the Federal District (mentioned in conservation. Other Brazilian regions, including the introduction). To the list of species were added the Federal District, still need an updated list of data from the analysis of samples collected between species of cladocerans. 1978 and 2009, from the projects developed Currently, knowledge about cladocerans fauna by GEEA and several samples deposited in the in the Federal District is found in 11 publications, collection of Elmoor-Loureiro (Aquatic Biodiversity which indicate the occurrence of 39 species Laboratory, Catholic University of Brasília). (Elmoor-Loureiro, 1988, 1989, 1997, 2000, 2002; Altogether, data referring to 57 water bodies Starling, 2002; Elmoor-Loureiro et al., 2004, 2009; were considered, including lotic and lentic systems Elmoor-Loureiro and Mendonça-Galvão, 2008; (Table 1). Richness was evaluated using rarefaction Sousa et al., 2010; Sousa and Elmoor-Loureiro, and non-parametric estimators of species richness. 2011). These studies have gradually been increasing The estimated values were obtained using the the number of known species, especially due to software EstimateS (Colwell, 2009), with the the large number of environments studied and the richness estimated by averaging the values for ICE, greater attention given to the littoral zone. It should Chao 2 and Jackknife 1 (formulas in Gotelli and be noted that some of these studies have focused Colwell, 2010). predominantly on plankton of lakes and reservoirs. Water bodies were separated into different However, the Federal District has a large network categories according to the kind of environment and of small and medium lotic systems that conduct the occurrence in protected areas. Lotic water bodies these water bodies to the three major Brazilian were represented by rivers and streams, and lentic hydrographic basins (São Francisco, Paraná and water bodies by reservoirs, dams, ponds and shallow Tocantins/Araguaia), besides the occurrence of lakes. For standardization purposes, protected areas the many water bodies, shallow, permanent and were considered to be water bodies inside or partly temporary (Padovesi-Fonseca, 2005). Most of these inside ecological parks and permanent protected environments were not sampled, suggesting that the areas (Table 1). How many species of cladocerans (Crustacea, Branchiopoda) ... 2012, vol. 24, no. 4, p. 351-362 4,p. 24,no. 2012, vol. Table 1. List of water bodies sampled in the Federal District, codes and geographical coordinates. EL = Elmoor-Loureiro collection; GEEA = data from research projects conducted by Grupo de Estudos em Ecossistemas Aquáticos. Code Sites Geographic coordinates Waterbody type Protected area Source 1 Garças Pond 15° 50’ 47” S, 47° 56’ 23” W Lentic Present study - EL 2 Temporary Pond 15° 53’ 34” S, 47° 54’ 55” W Lentic APA-Gama-Cabeça-de-Veado Present study - EL 3 Malacology
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