- PER S 0 N A L I A W. CH .J. BASTIAANS ================== ) / / HEM 0 No, 693/50/13 11-7-'50 ,Aan: de Secretaris-Generaal llrochurel "Personalia van Staatkundige Eenheden" Regering en Volksvertegenwoordiging in Indonesie Bedoeld als laatste produkt in een a.flopende periode, uit te geven door de toenmalige afdeling Documentatie R.V.D. werd destijds bovengenoemde brochure door mij bepleit voor een uitgave in druk, Dit ging echter niet zo gemakkelijk, geen fondsen konden daarvoor beschikbaar worden gesteld nooh vrUgemaakt en op hoog niveau werd toen beslist dat men de uitgave niet nodig achtte, Copie van de desbe.treffende Memo-wisseling heb ik aan het manuscript doen voor­ afgaan, Een officiele druk en ciraulatie bestaat dus van deze brochure niet. Deze brochure bevat een schat van gegevens, moeizaam verzameld en op orde gezet, wer de staatkundige indeling, regeringeper!lDllen enz. van Indonesie, kort v66r de souvereiniteitsoverdracht. Het zou j8llDller zijn indien de kennis van hoe het geweest was zonder m~er verloren raakt en men straks verbaasd opkijkt bij het horen b.v. van de aanduiding "T.B.A.-gebieden". Hoe dit ook zij, ik meen met U persooru.ijk een exemplaar aan te bieden van het manuscript, waaraan ik volledigheidshalve een kaart van de staatkundige indeling van het toenmsJ.ige Indonesill heb gevoegd, toch nog een juiste, goede en waardige bestemming te geven voor alle documentaire arbeid, moeite en zorg, besteed aan de ~stelling van een dergelijk uit eell aeschiedkundig oog­ punt beschouwd, ni&t-onbelangriJk lIIBJlUBc:dpt. JoJelihat: REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementer!an Penere.nga.n pp/T4/IS/45 Dja.ka.rta, 6 September t 50. ---:0------------------------------- SUSUNAN KAllINE'r PERTAMA NmARA ICESATUAN' R.I. COO>OSITION FIRST CABINEl' UNITARY STATE R.I. 1, Perd~ Menter! Mohammad Nateir Prime ,Minister (Masjumi) 2, 'ia.k1lPerdana Menter! Hmnengku Iluwano IX , vio~ , Premier (non-party) 3. Kenter! Luar Neger! Dr .Mohammai! Rum Minister of Fore!gn Affaire (Mssjumi) 4. Kenter! Dalam Neger! Dr.Assaat Mini.ter of Home Affaire (non-Party) ·5. Kenter! Keua.ngan Dr.Sjafruddin Prawirsnega.ra Minister of Finanoe (masjumi) 6. Kenter! Pertahanan a.!. Dr.A. Halim Minister of Defenoe a.!. (non-party) 7. Menter! Perdagangan dan Dr.Sumi tro Djojohadikusumo Perindustrian (.P.S.I.) 8. Min,ister of Trede & Industry 8. Menter! Partanian Dr. Mam1 Minister of Agriou1ture (B.T.I.) 9. Kenter! Perhubungan Dr. Djuanda Minister of Communioation (non-pa;ety) 10. Menter! Pekerdjaan Umum Dr. Johannes Minister of Pub1io Works (P.I.R.) 11. Menter! Perburuhan R.P.Soeroso Minister of Labour (Parindra) 12. Menter! Sosial Harjadi Minister of Soeial Affairs (P.K.R.I.) 13. Menteri Penerangan Pal.. upes~ Minister of Information (Fraksi Demokrat) 14. Menteri Pendidikan. Pengadjaran Dr.~der Djohan d.a.n Ke budajaan (non-party) Minister of Edueation 15. Menteri Kesehatan Dr. Leimena Minister of Health (Parkindo) 16. Menteri Kehak1man Dr.Songsonegoro Minister of Justioe (P.I.R. 11. Menter! A8ama Wachid Hasjim Minister of Religion (Me.sjumi) 18. Menterl Negara Harsono TJokroaminoto Minister without portfolio (P.S.I.I.) R!:PUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian Penerangan fP/IA/IS/46 Djakarta, 1 Sept. '50 ---------------------------------------------------------------------.------- DEWAN MENTERI ~­, PmGUMUNAN NO. 1 Dewan Menteri Negara Kesatuan Repub1ik IndoneBia hari ini te1ah mengadeken . rapatnja jazgpertsma, terutama untuk memb1tjarakan sedalam-dalamnja program Kabinet Natsir, jang berbunji sbb.1 PROGRAM KABINE!' NATSIR 1. Mempersiapkan dan menjelenggarakan pemilihan umum, untuk Konstituante dalam waktu jang singkat. 2. Mentjapai konsolidasi dan menjempurnakan susunan pemerintahan se~a membentuk peralatan Negara jang bulat (pasal 146 U.U.D.) 3. Menggiatkan usaha mentjapai kesmanan dan ketenteraman. 4. Memperkembang dan memperkokoh kekuatan ekonomi Rakjat sebagai dasar bag! melaksanakan ekonomi naeional jang sehat. Me1aksanakan keragame.n antara buruh dan madjikan. 5. Membsntu penbangunan perumahan Rakjat serta memper1uas usahA-ueMa meninggikan deradjat kesehatan dan ketjerdasan Rakjat. 6. Menjempurnakan orgenisasi Angkatan Perang dan memulihkan bekas Anggauta-anggauta Tentara dan Geriljs kedalam masjarakat. 1. Memperdjoangkan penjelesnaian BOal Irian Barat Wam tahun ini. B. Mendjalankan politik Luar Negeri jang babaEI. Salain daripada itu Kabinet meJIIUtuskan aken be~o1ak ke Jogjakarta pada hari Sabtu tanggal 9 September 1950 untuk mengoper mandat Kabinet demi­ eioner RoI.; kemlldian Wam pakan jang akan detang beberapa Menteri akan melsWL.t ;;.e :'lIlkasar untuk mengoper pula mandat dari Kabinet tlsmis10ner N.I.T. 4. REPUBLIK INDONESIA Kementerian Penerangan ____________________________________ ~~~~~L_l!2_~~~! __ !222_ _______ _ COlme:!. 0:" i'lexTi:;TE!UES _ .- - --_ ._-- ANNOUNCEMENT The Council of MJnistere of the Unitary State, the Republie of Indonesia, held its firet meeting today, whieh was speeially eonvened for a nature consideration of the Natsir Cabinet's program. Following is the PROGRAM OF THE NATSIR CABINlin' 1. To make preparations for end to carry into effect general eleotions for the Constituènt Aseembly in the short est poseible time. 2. To consolidate end improve the govemment structure and build en effeetive maehinery of state (art.146, Constitution) ~. To see to the establishment of seeurity and safety as soon BIl possible. 4. To develop and strengthen the economie power of resistence of ths people as the foundation of a sound national eeonomy. To arrivs at harmoniaus relation between workers end employers. 5. To stimulate popular housing sehemes and enhanee plans for raising the eanditions of health and edueation of the people. 6. To improve the organisation of the Armed Forces and return ex members of the Army end guerillae into society. 7. Tc try to Bettle the West Irian dispute wi thin this year. 8. To preseure an independent foreign polieyó ~ Cabinet alBo deelded to leave for Jogja next Sa~, 9th September 1950, to take over the outgoing R.I. Cabinet's mandate~ Next week, some Ministers will fiy to MaeaBsar to take over the mandate from the outgoing East Indonesian Cabinet. -- 5. KEMENTERIAN PENERANGAN RE9UBLIK INDONESIA , , t ti' , f t I I , . I , 1 t , I t , , , I , lt' I Irt I , , I I f I I , , f I , , , I I I I I I , , tI' ti , Irt t I I f I , Djakarta, 9 September 1950 MOHAMMAD NATSIR Moha!!l!!lF,d ~:a t ,~ir f:€ lar Datoek Sinaro Pandjeng was bom in 1908 at Alahar~ ~andjang, in Sumatra West Coast. He completed a teacher's course L~ 1932 after leaving a secondary school two years previously. Natsir started bis oareer as a school teacher in 1932, end until the out break of the Pacific WäS he was direotor of the "Pendidikan Islam" School Association. He spent the next four ~ars as head of the Education Department of the Bandung munioipaJ. office. Even as early as 1929. while he was still a student, he was already active in social life. At that time he was chalrman of the Young Islami tes I Union. From 1932 until 1942 he was vice-chairman of the "Persatuan Islam" (Islam Union) at Bandung. In the first ,aar Of the Japaneae occupation he became a member of the Central Board of tbe M.I.A.I. (Indonesian Islamio Council.) Natsir came into the political limelight in November 1945 - three months after Indonesia proclaimed herself independent - when he became vice­ chalrman of the Working Committee of the Republican provisional parliament. In Januar,y 1946 he eucceeded the late Dr.A;dr Sjarifuddin as information minister. In October he occupied a similar post in the third oabinet of Sutan Sjahrir but lald i t down in June 1947. In Jenuar,y 1948 he aga1n took the information portfolio, in tbe presidential oabinet of Dr. Mohammed Hatta, only to relinquish it in August. In the political nogetiations witb the Netherlands government. Natsir served as a member of the Indonesien delegation for the Renville talks as weIl as of the eubsequent delegation for the implementation of the Ven Royen-Rum Agreement. ~ing the second Dutch military aotion in Deoember 1948, Natsir was interned in Joejakarta end later brought to Djakarta. In 1949 he took part L~ the oonsultations with President Sukarno end Vice-President Hatta, then intemed in Bangka. These consultations led to the prel.iminaJ.7 talks at Djakarta. He also took part in the meeting wi th membere of tbe emergenoy Republioan government lln SunB tra. In Deoember 1949 he headedaa oommittee to study the Dimll Islam problem. Natsir is also a writer. He Ma writtan severs! artioles on Islam ReligiCD, eduoation and oulture, in Dutoh end in Indonesien. In September 1947 he was oh!ef editor of "Suara. Republik" end a montb later direotor of "Suara Rakjat". In the Masjumi Natsir ia ohairman of the Party Council. 6. DR. st~TRO DJOJOHADIKUSUMO (Mini ste~ of ~' rrul. e & Industry) Dr.Sumi tro D~ o .i ,P.R·', k·1 "~""O was bom in ~ 1918 at Madi1ln in ~st Java. He 1ffiS the e:'e'.<:u', 3' :: (,f Ft .M.M rgono Djojohadikusumo, the present President­ Dil:eetor of tb "! " 'E-a.; .k :;e,;ç\'t'a Indonesia" (Indonesian atLte mmk). A1'ter hav:ln G' Fl ·" ~ · 3rJ. t ~: C'I)':;: ' the furopean Elementary School in hie birth­ p1ace, he ~~~ ~!!". ') J ';;;' 3 !l:l')ó:)3re Burger School" (A Dutoh patterned high Séhool) ~~ J)~ .c:,c.:cc b . iii! (;:'..' G !lf.l chose the literary-economic section. Afterwards he contim.ad his studios at the Commeroial University of Amsterdam and in 1943 toak his dootor's degree in economics. In 1946 he j oined the V.I.B. (Assooiation of Indonesian Citizens), set up in the Nether1ands shortly aft er the war. In Jo'ebruary- of the same year he was attached as adviser, together with Mr.Zain, t o the Dutch de1agetion to the United Nations conferenoe on Indonesia in London. The delegation was headed by Dr.van Kleffens, After this conference he r eturned to Indonesia and arrived in Djakarta on 2nd Ma.roh 1946.
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