Editorial Dear Members of our Federation, ‘Advances in Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry’ that will be held in St. Let me begin this editorial by saying Petersburg (Russia) on August 27- that I am pleased to represent you as the 31st. This symposium, which follows President of EFMC for 2006-2008 and the successful ASCMC-Moscow-04 look forward to working collaboratively chaired by Prof. K.C. Nicolaou, will with you, reflecting on experience, now be chaired by Prof. Steve Ley discussing common concerns, refreshing a (Cambridge) and Dr. Magid Abou- vision of our intended future and sharing Gharbia (Wyeth,USA) and co-organized our accomplishments. This first message with ChemBridge Corporation and the is a suitable occasion to have a ‘look back support of ACS. and forward’ to some important events and key initiatives of our Federation. A new series of meetings will be organized biennially by our Federation First of all let me welcome our new jointly with the Medicinal Chemistry Treasurer Rasmus Clausen and our new Division of the American Chemical Society. Council Members Marina Gordaliza The first of these meetings, ‘Frontiers in (Spain), Jeffrey Sterling (Israel), and Anna CNS and Oncology Medicinal Chemistry’, Tsantili-Kakoulidou (Greece). I am looking will be held in Siena (Italy) from October forward to their input and to a fruitful 7 to 9, 2007, with the sponsorship of cooperation. Let me also thank Avi Domb, the Division of Medicinal Chemistry of Isabel Fernandez and Panos Kourounakis the Italian Chemical Society and the for their valuable contributions and their Chairmanship of Dr. Giovanni Gaviraghi continuous support to EFMC. (SienaBiotech, Italy). The main event in 2006 has been There will be other major manifesta- the XIXth International Symposium on tions coming up in 2007 under the aus- Medicinal Chemistry (ISMC), held in pices of EFMC. I wish to highlight, among Istanbul, Turkey. It proved very successful these, the 5th Joint Meeting on Medicinal and I would like to take this opportunity Chemistry, which will take place on June 2007 to congratulate our Turkish hosts, and 17-21 in Portoroz (Slovenia); the 43rd RICT in particular Prof. Fethi Sahin and Prof. Rencontres Internationales de Chimie Erden Banoglu with their Local and Thérapeutique, July 4-6, Lille, France; the Scientific Organizing Committees, for 16th Camerino-Noordwijkerhout Sympo- their achievement. sium - An Overview of Receptor Chemistry, September 9-13, Camerino, Italy; the An- For 2007, a major EFMC event will glo-Swedish Medicinal Chemistry Meet- EFMC YEARBOOK be the International Symposium on ing, March 11-14, 2007 (Are, Sweden); 01 the Belgian Annual One Day Meeting on official web page (www.efmc.info) which Medicinal Chemistry in November; the is informative and continuously updated. International Meeting on Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry in Antalya, This is an important period in the history October 16-21. of the Federation. It is the conviction of all of us, I am sure, that there is the need Our EFMC-approved Medicinal Che- to re-define its mission, vision and goals mistry Schools of Leiden, Leysin, and in order to ensure that the Federation Urbino, are well established and attract will continue to thrive in the future. New several hundred participants each year. initiatives are underway in a number of These three events are not only unique areas. In particular, we are re-organizing occasions for an advanced training in our structure looking for new ways to medicinal chemistry, but represent also serve the Federation’s member societies examples of how different educative and corporate members. The Council models can integrate efficiently at meeting held in Istanbul at the occasion of a European Level. The Urbino School, the ISMC, in particular, has approved the scheduled for June 1-6, 2007, is targeting establishments of a number of Committees at PhD students and researchers from both which are already fully operative: academia and industry and aims to cover, at an advanced and truly interdisciplinary - Education and Training Committee level, hot topics in medicinal chemistry. (ETC), Chair: Peter Matyus The Leiden School, planned for October, - European Commission R&D Initiatives 2007, is limited to 35 participants and Committee (ECIC), Chair: Ferran Sanz provides a fully interactive environment - Industry Liaison Committee (ILC), where basic and more advanced Chairs: David Alker & Brigitte Lesur concepts of toxicology, lead finding and - Information & Communication pharmacology are introduced. The Leysin Committee (ICC), Chair: Gerhard Ecker School, also scheduled for October 2007 is aimed to give a balanced introduction While the scope and composition of to the backgrounds, tools and concepts each Committee is reported elsewhere of medicinal chemistry, also with the help in this Yearbook, let me express the of tutorials and case studies. firm belief that they will help in making tremendous progress on new initiatives 2007 Also this year, the scientific and that will enhance the impact and the training activities of medicinal chemistry image of our Federation. Just to mention a and related disciplines are very broad and few, a corporate Membership programme continuously improving. Together with has been issued, a European Medicinal the EC I have the intention to provide Chemistry Curriculum is being discussed, our members with an efficient way of on- and an EFMC-Newsletter will be launched time information, comments, and reports next year. These initiatives will strengthen EFMC YEARBOOK on newly scheduled events. I therefore the membership and foster new creative strongly suggest to regularly check our ideas for the Federation. 02 The Federation is embarking upon a Federation for Medicinal Chemistry); comprehensive planning effort. Thus, we EPHAR (the Federation of European are installing mechanisms for ongoing Pharmacological Societies); ESCP (the strategic planning in order to set priorities European Society of Clinical Pharmacy); and to be selective about what we aspire EUROTOX (the European Federation to do. I am very pleased to announce, of Toxicologists & European Societies in this context, that we have just signed of Toxicology); FEBS (the Federation of a contract with Ly Differding of LD European Biochemical Societies); and GA Organisation for a constant organizational (the Society for Medicinal Plant Research). support to the EFMC which will allow The name agreed for this group is ‘European us to professionalize our daily work, to Pharma Sciences Leadership Forum’ and increase our activities and guarantee their everybody agrees that this initiative can be sustainability. the start for better communication, greater mutual trust and stronger integration of Most members of our Federation wish the efforts on the part of the organizations an increasingly effective collaboration with representing pharmaceutical research. organizations that represent the diverse aspects of drug discovery. Indeed, we need Last but certainly not least, I want to improve our collective impact upon the to thank the Past-President Ferran forces that are shaping our disciplines, Sanz for his extraordinary efforts in and to create a forum able to reflect the strengthening EFMC. Let me recall, here, transdisciplinary cultural context in which the implementation of the new Statute we operate. In order to achieve this goal, and by-laws and the steady policy for the we must join our colleagues in sister recruitment of new member societies. learned societies in order to define mutually Moreover, Ferran’s deep involvement and consistent strategies, possibly having a high reputation in the scientific frontiers of mechanism in place to provide for ongoing our discipline has contributed to give high communications and to seek energies that visibility and respect to our community. allow us to impact collectively. The first Also, Ferran has played an invaluable role steps in this direction have already been in helping me for preparing to my tasks made. Indeed, Presidents of the following and to build on past accomplishments of European Federations and Associations the Federation have already met twice to discuss ways to collaborate : EUFEPS (the European I believe that you all agree that our 2007 Federation for Pharmaceutical Sciences); tradition is rich and our future is bright. EACPT (the European Association of With the help of all of you, I look forward Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics); to productive years in creating experiences EAPB (the European Association of that will enhance medicinal chemistry and Pharma Biotechnology); ECRIN (the our Federation. European Clinical Research Infrastructures Network); EFB (the European Federation With warmest regards, EFMC YEARBOOK of Biotechnology); EFMC (the European Roberto Pellicciari, President, EFMC 03 Table EFMC Presentation of Content 1 Editorial 5 Table of Content 7 Executive Committee 2007 8 Council 9 EFMC Objectives 10 Education and Training Committee 11 European Committee R&D Initiatives Committee 12 Industry Liaison Committee 13 Information & Communication 15 Corporate Members 16 EFMC Awards 19 Calendar of Events 27 Article National Adhering Organisations 37 Adhering Organisation 38 Austria 39 Belgium 42 Denmark 43 France 46 Germany 47 Greece 48 Hungary 49 Israël 50 Italy 51 Latvia 52 Poland 53 Russia 54 Slovenia 55 Spain 57 Sweden 58 Switzerland 60 The Netherlands 2007 61 Turkey 62 United Kingdom Directory of Companies 66 Directory of companies Publisher : Reproduction : Medicinal Chemistry Publisherin Europe,
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