^ t O hi E T ANNUAL PLAN 1999 - 2000 STATE PLANNING COMMISSION, TAMIL NADU, C H E N N A I - 600 005. O n l> L f{N ^/eo6rf?AA4rvieS r V A ANNUAL PLAN 1999 - 2000 NIEPA DC D10879 ilBRARy A Uyi;UM£fiTATiON zm m iVational Inseitutc ot Educatiooaf Ploonuig !*nd ^iduiiaiitration. 17-B, 8rj Aurobindo Marg, ■ r-.v Oelhi-llCOl6 ^ | aQ!TQ d o c ; N o .................... Jit CONTENTS Page 1. Crop Husbandry 1 2. Research and Education 23 3. Agricultural Marketing, Storage & WareHousing 27 4. Soil & Water Conservation 31 5. Animal Husbandry 35 6. Dairy Development 41 7. Fisheries 43 8. Forest 49 9. Investment in Agri.Financial Institutions 54 10. Co-operation 55 11. Special Programme for Rural Development 57 12. Land Reforms 59 13. Community Development 60 14. Minor Irrigation 62 15. Command Area Development 65 16. Major, Medium Irrigation & Flood Control 67 17. Power Development 75 18. Non-Conventional Sources of Energy 83 19. Industries- Large and Medium 86 20. Village and Small Industries 100 21. Weights and Measures 109 22. Mining and Metallurgical Industries 110 23. Roads and Bridges 112 24- Road and Inland Water Transport 120 25. Scientific Services and Research 122 26. Ecology and Environment 129 27. Secretariat Economic Services 131 28. Tourism 134 29. Economic Advice and Statistics 138 30. Civil Supphes 141 31. General Education 145 32. Technical Education 154 33. Art and Culture 158 Page 34. Sports aiid Youth Sei-vices 162 35. Medical 164 36. Public Health 170 37. Water Supply and Sanitation 179 38. Housing 187 39. Urban Development 191 40. Information and Publicity 197 41. Welfare of SC/ST/OBCs 198 42. Labour and Labour Welfare 214 43. Social Welfare 218 44. Nutrition 228 45. Other Social and Community Services 233 46. Stationery and Printing 235 47. Public Works 236 48. Special Aiea Progianuiies 238 STATEMENTS : (i) Annual Plan 1999-2000 - Proposed Outlays 240 (ii) Physical Targets and Achievements 243 (iii) Externally Aided Projects 261 (iv) Schemes implemented under Basic Minimum Services 264 (v) Basic Minimum Services- Physical Targets & Achievements 265 Chapter I CROP HUSBANDRY I. AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Agriculture in Tamil Nadu is the vilalt sector in tenns of size and importance accounting for 20% of net State domestic product. The net area sown of all crops of the State has been stagnating more or less at a level of 5.9 million ha. However the gross area sown has gone to 7.2 million ha. The area inigated is recorded at 2.8 million ha. out of the net sown aiea of 5.9 million ha. Tamil Nadu has harnessed more than 95% of the river flows and there is veiy little scope for further increase in area inigated by this source. Regarding the ground water position, the State has already exploited 40% of the availabilit}' and ftiilher scope is limited to 176 blocks of the State eligible for further tapping as estimated by ground water survey sources. There is continued stmggle with the Kcraataka Government to obtain the awarded quantum of water by the Cauveiy Water Tribunal. I ’he Mettur reservoir was tluown open for iirigation on June 20th, 1998 one week later from the scheduled date of June 12th. There was apprehension among the fanners owing to inadequate storage position resulting in the kunivai coverage of 1.181 L.I Ia. with the snoiifall of 0.893 L.Ha. in Cauveiy Delta. However, tiie coverage was 4,800 Ha. over and above the coverage of last year (1997). This shortfall was made good in Samba. The excess rains received during second week of December caused a damage in the paddy and other crops and necessitated the Government to provide relief measures to the affected farmers to the tune of Rs. 41.11 lakhs for fuUy damaged crops. The aV>errant weather condition which prevailed is expected to have an impact over the production of millets, oilseeds and pulses. The coverage and production anticipated are as follows:- Crop Coverage Production (In L.ha.) (In L.MT.) Rice 23.533 72.110 Millets 10.923 14.418 Pulses 10.337 5.599 Total Foodgrains 44.793 92.127 Oilseeds 13,287 19.408 Cotton (L.Bales) 2.525 6.565 Sugai'cane (Gur) 3.097 38.155 Duhng 1999-2000, the tlinast would be on maximising the production in diy lands through increasing the insitu moisture consei-vation facilities, improved cultural practices, mixed farming with the economic returns, etc. Besides making available the quality inputs i.e. seeds, fertilizers and bio fertilizers at appropriate time, fast transfer of technology, adoption of timely and situation specific agriculture technology, adoption of Integrated Pest Management, etc., are some of the activities of the department which will be given more emphasis during the 2 current annual plan. Considering the above aspects and the experience gained m the past, the target fixed for 19999- 2000 is as follows;- S.No. Crop Production [L MT] 1. Rice 74,00 2. Millets 19.00 3. Pulses 7.00 4. Total Foodgrains 100.00 5. Oilseeds 22.00 6. Colton ( Lakh Bales) 6,50 7. Sugarcane [Gur] 37.00 To achieve the aforesaid goals the endeavour of the depailment will be i. Implementation of various Centrally Sponsored, Central Sector and State Schemes drawn for incresasing the production of foodgrains, oilseeds and commercial crops like cotton and sugarcane. ii. Transfer of technology for crop production to reach the farmers through extension activities, ifarrmers tiaining and watershed based approach. iii. Adoption of integrated fanning system to raise the economy of the fanners. INPUT SUPPLY 1. SEEDS : The depai'tment has proposed to distribute: * Certified seeds of Paddy to cover 17% of total area of the paddy i.e. 18000 metric tonnes. * 400 of Millet seeds as programmed under Centrally sponsored schemes to cover 7% of the area 'under millets. * 2600 m.tonnes of certified seeds of pulses to cover 12.5 % area under pulses. * 375 m.tonnes of cotton seeds to cover 10% of rainfed and ijTigated area under cotton. * 11,000 m.tonnes of groundnut seeds to cover 5% of the area under Groundnut. * 110 m.tonnes of Gingelly seeds to cover 15% of the area under Gingelly. * 250 m.tomies of sunflower seeds to cover 50% of the area under Sunflower. * 150 m.tomies of castor seeds to cover 30% of the area under Castor. * 400 m.tomies of soyabeans for 25% of the area under soyabeans. * 9.30 L.tonnes of NPK fertilisers * 125 m.tonnes of Green Manure seeds * 1250 m.tomies of Micro Nutrients Mixtures * 1400 m.tonnes of Bio fertilisers * 390 m.tonnes of Blue Green Algae inoculam * 160 m.tonnes. of Azolla. PLANT PROTECTION With a view to safeguarding the Agro eco system, the use of Plant protection chemicals is discouraged and Integrated Pest Management technolog}' is propagated, besides bio pesticides, bio control agents and eco-friendly chem:cals. For this. Integrated Pest Management demonstrations are laid out in Pulses, Cotton and Oilseeds to train the farmers, the State Govenmient have targeting for laying out 200 Fanners Field Schools in Groundnut 80 Fanners Field Schools under pulses. In addition 1400 Nos. Fanners Field Schools are laid out under Integiated Cereals DevelopmenI Programme - Rice, 1200 Nos. Integrated Cotton Development Programme (Cotton) and -^0 Nos. Farmers Field Schools under Accelerated Maize Development Progranmie. SCHEMEWISE DETAILS: 1. Crop Yield Coiiipetitiuii The main objective of the Crop Yield Competition is to inculcate healthy competitive spirit among the farmers to increase the productivity of crops by adopting the advanced scientific techniques. The Crop Yield Comj\2tition is conducted at State and district level for the notified crops and cash prizes are awarded. The prize amount for the Slate level competition for Paddy and Groundnut Crop is Rs. 25,000 as first jirize and Rs. 15,000/ - as sxond prize. For district level it is Rs.8,000/- for First Prize and Rs.4,000/- as Second Prize. For other crops the piize money is follows. Level Prize money (Rupees) State 8,000/- 4,000/- District 4,000/- 2,000/- A sum of Rs. 14.02 laklis has been spent duiing 1998-99 and a sum of Rs. 16.87 laklis has been provided in l\ie budget for 1999-2000 towards prize money. l.Stati Seed Farms li Tamil Nadu, 39 State Seed Fanns are functioning at present. Out of which, five are large, ftinctioning at SeiUr in Nagapattinam district and Thiagarajapuram and Sakkaramangalam in Thiruvamr District, Inungur in Kamr district and Anna Pamiai in Pudukottai district. The main objectives of the State Seed Farms are (a) to produce foundation seeds of Paddy, Millets, Oilseeds. Cotton and Vegetables, (b) to sei-ve as a model farm to neighbouring farmers. Ii addition to production of foundation seeds and certified seeds and also produced in the State Seed Farms to ceiliin extent. Most of the Breeder Seeds are obtained from the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore for the production of Foundation Seeds. An amount of Rs. 78.67 lakhs was utilised towards State Seed Farm during 1998-^9. The provision made in the budget is Rs.73.58 lakhs towards working expenses of the Sellur, Sakkanmangalam and Thiagarajapuram and Anna Pannai during 1999-2000. 3. Mutiplicatiun, Procurement and Distributiun of Paddy and Millet Seeds Tie Seed Multiplication activities in Tamil Nadu are taken up by adopting a three tier system in a well establiilied and systematic way. The breeder seeds produced in the Tamil Nadu Agricultural University are multiplied into Ftundation seeds in the Government owned 39 State Seed Fanns. The Certified seeds are produced by utilisinj the foundation seeds by registering seed farms, in the fanners holdings.
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