10090 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 28, 1973 H.R. 6294. A bill for the relief of Jesus PETITIONS, ETC. 91. Also, Petition of Andrew Cha.ndo and Rajas-Vasquez; to the Committee on the 76 other correction officers at the Annandale Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions Youth Correctional Facility, Annandale, N.J., H.R. 6295. A bill for the relief of Simon and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk relative to protection for law enforcement Relles-Hernandez; to the Committee on the and referred as follows: officers against "nuisance suits,.; to the Com­ Judiciary. 88. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Wllllam mittee on the Judiciary. H.R. 6296. A bill for the relief of Jesus F. Southers and others, Tampa., Fla.., rela­ 92. Also, Petition of William J. Solomon Avina-Almanza; to the Committee on the tive to protection for law enforcement offi­ and others, Lorain, Ohio, relative to protec­ Judiciary. cers against "nuisance suits"; to the Com­ tion for law enforcement officers against By Mr. REUSS: mittee on the Judiciary. "nuisance suits"; to the Committee on the H .R . 6297. A bill to authorize R. Edward 89. Also, Petition of Capt. W. M. Clements Judiciary. Bellamy, doctor of philosophy, a retired of­ and others, Macon, Ga.., relative to protection 93. Also, Petition of Richard Osborne and ficer of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. for law enforcement officers against "nui­ others, Tallmadge, Ohio, relative to protec­ Public Health Service, to accept employment sance suits"; to the Committee on the tion for law enforcement officers against by the Canadian Department of Agriculture; Judiciary. "nuisance suits"; to the Committee on the to the Committee on the JudiclaJ'y. 90. Also, Petition of Paul E. White, Jr., Judiciary. By Mr. RODINO: and others, Snow Hill, Md., relative to pro­ 94. Also, Petition of Ea.rl L. Mease and H.R. 6298. A b111 for the relief of Augusto tection for law enforcement officers against others, Steelton, Pa.., relative to protection dos Santos Nunes de Matos; to the Commit­ "nuisance suits"; to the Committee on the for law enforcement officers against "nUisance tee on the Judiciary. Judiciary. suits"; to the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF RE'MARKS WHAT PATRIOTISM MEANS Americans who have committed themselves historical papers at a memorial library to our country. at the University of Georgia in Athens. In recent weeks we have watched the Mr. Calhoun was finance director in our HON. WILLIAM H. HUDNUT III triumphant return o.f our P.O.W.'s on tele­ fundraising efforts, and did an outstand­ OF INDIANA vision, We wm never know what type of commitment was required of them but to­ ing job. lN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES day we are reminded of our thankfulness for I ask unanimous consent that there be Wednesday, March 28, 1973 what they have done. printed in the RECORD as an extension of Every American worthy of the name loves my remarks, an article from the Savan­ Mr. HUDNUT. Mr. Speaker, last Mon­ his country and respects the flag. But patriot­ nah Morning News, as well as the cita­ day, March 26, I had the privilege of ism is more than a. feeling. It is a. willingness tion on Mr. Calhoun's award. presenting a flag flown over the Capitol to serve America, to put the nation's welfare There being no objection, the article to the Mary Evelyn Castle Elementary above his own. Now some of us may not be called on to and citation were ordered to be printed School in Lawrence Township, in Indian­ in the RECORD, as follows: apolis. There were some 700 children serve in Viet Nam or to serve as politicians there, each one bedecked in a red, white, or leaders. But we can do our part by making CALHOUN NAMED TOP SUGAR MAN the very best of our talents and abll1ties. Lawton M. Calhoun, retired executive of and blue piece of finery of his or her own Our country and our family and each of us Savannah Foods and Industries Inc. has re­ making-a bow tie, a hat, a straight tie, individually is best served when we do our ceived the Dyer Memorial Award of "Sugar a necklace and so forth. We sang the best at whatever we do. No matter what it is, Man of the Year" for 1972. "Star-Spangled Banner" and some other to do it to the best of our a.b111ty is part Considered the most prestigious honor in songs. Some of the children read poems of our responsibility to our country. the U.S. sugar industry, the award is given about the meaning of the flag. The school So let toda.y's presentation remind us of for "significant and meritorious service" to our responsiblllty as American citizens to the industry. principal, Mr. Thomas D. McClain, and keep America. great and strong-that should other dignitaries spoke. The parent-fac­ Calhoun, who retired last year as chair­ be our commitment. man of the board, president and chief execu­ ulty organization presented the school tive officer of Savannah Foods and Indus­ a standard for the new flag to hang from. tries, received a. giant silver bowl, a. symbol And after I made the presentation, one of the award, at a. luncheon in New York City of the students, Diana Mutz, responded. THE DYER MEMORIAL AWARD TO Monday. This was indeed a thrilling occasion, LAWTON M. CALHOUN AS "SUGAR The presentation was made by John B. the highlight of which was this young MAN OF THE YEAR" Bunker, president of Holly Sugar Corporation fifth grader's response. I am pleased to of Colorado Springs, Colo. who was chairman insert her remarks in the RECORD for the of the three-man judges' panel. Other judges were James H. Marshall, benefit of my colleagues, because they HON. HERMAN E.. TALMADGE president of the California. and Hawaiian reflect an idealism, a commitment, a OF GEORGIA Sugar Co. of San Francisco, Calif., and Rob­ faith, and a hope, that all Americans IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES ert M. Armstrong, president of Imperial Su­ should possess; and they represent, in gar Co. of Sugarla.nd, Tex. Wednesday, March 28, 1973 my opinion,- an extraordinary insight, The citation for the 15th annual presen­ for one so young, into the meaning of Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President, one tation of the award noted that Calhoun dur­ patriotism. of the State of Georgia's most distin­ ing his nearly 40 years in the industry served for a. period as chairman of the Sugar Asso­ Her rP.marks are as follows: guished citizens, Lawton M. Calhoun, re­ ciation Inc. and was instrumental in orga­ WHAT PATRIOTISM MEANS tired president and chairman of the nizing the International Sugar Research John Adams, the second President of the Board of sa·vannah, Ga., Foods and In­ Foundation, a worldwide bcdy dedicated to United States once told his wife, "There are dustries, Inc., has been awarded the Dy­ initiating and conducting investigations on only two kinds of people in this world who er Memorial Award as "Sugar Man of sugar and disseminating the results. really matter-those who are committed and the Year" for 1972. The "Sugar Man of the Year" award was those who require the commitment of This is indeed a high honor for Mr. established in 1958 as a. memorial to the late others." B. W. Dyer, founder of B. W. Dyer and Co., As those of you know who have seen the Calhoun, and well-deserved recognition sugar economists and brokers of New York musical "1776," John Adams was reminded of his outstanding leadership in our Na­ City. of his statement when he had all but given tion's sugar industry over a period of Calhoun joined the Savannah office of up hope of achieving American independence sume four decades. I congratulate Mr. Lamborn and Co., general brokers for the from the British. It was the commitment of Calhoun on this award, and also com­ Savannah Sugar Refining Corporation, in his wife that gave him the courage to con­ mend him for service he has rendered for 1934. In 1940 he accepted a. job as assistant tinue his fight and to win it later on that the State of Georgia and our Nation. sales manager for the sugar refinery. same month. It is of interest to the Senate that Mr. Because we all become discouraged and Calhoun is a member of the board of DYER MEMORIAL AWARD "SUGAR MAN OF THB sometimes forget, it is important to be re­ YEAR 1972" TO LAWTON M. CALHOUN, CITA• minded of our commitment to freedom and trustees of the Richard B. Russell TION FOR SIGNIFICANT AND MERITORIOUS to the principles of the United States. A flag Foundation, Inc., which was orgatllzed SERVICE TO THE SUGAR INDUSTRY presentation is a. physical symbol of the following our beloved colleague's death For his significant and meritorious serv­ commitment of thousands and thousands of to preserve the late Senator Russell's ice to the sugar community during his nearly March 28, 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 10091 40 years in the industry, Lawton M. Calhoun Mr. Speaker, my concern stems not a means of crime control are readily com­ 1s hereby commended. only from the constitutional implications municated among the participants. The As Chairman of The Sugar Association, of Executive impoundment, but also from Inc., he early recognized that sugar must be emerging role of the institution as an in­ actively promoted as a wholesome, nutritious the great harm dealt our cities and tegral part of the community and the source of food energy.
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