SERIE ORIENTALE ROMA IX GIUSEPPE TUGCI MINOR BUDDHIST TEXTS PART I Asanga's commentary on the Vajracchedikd edited and translated - Analysis of the commentary on it by Vasubandhu - Mahaydna- vimsikd of Nagarjuna - Navaslokl of Kambalapada - Caluhsta- vasamdsdrlha of Amrtakara - Hetutattvopadesa of Jitari - Tarkasopdna of Vidyakarasanti - With an Appendix containing the Gilgit Text of the Vajracchedikd, edited by N. P. CHAKRAVARTI ROMA Is. M. E. 0. 195 6 ISTITUTO ITALIANO PER IL MEDIO ED ESTREMO ORIENTE SERIE ORIENTALE ROMA SOTTO LA DIREZIONE DI GIUSEPPE TUCCI VOLUME IX ROMA Is. M. E. O. 19 56 MINOR BUDDHIST TEXTS Vol. IX TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI Printed in Italy - Stampato in Italia LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AA ana* AAA = Abhisamaydlankdra and Alokd, ed. G. Tucci, Gaekwad's Or. Series, n. 62, Baroda 1932. AK. ; Abhidharmakosa (L'Abhidharmakosa, traduit et annote par L. DE LA VALLEE POUSSIN, 6 voll., Paris 1923-1931). Blue Annals ; by G. ROERICH, Calcutta 1949-1953. Bagchi P. C. BAGCHI, he Canon Bouddhique en Chine, 2 voll. (Sino- Indica, nn. I, IV), Paris 1927-1938. Bobhu. Bodhisaltvabhumi, ed. by U. WOGIHARA, Tokyo 1930. Buston History of Buddhism by Bu-ston, transl. by O. OBERMILLER (Materialen zur Kunde des Buddh. N. 18, Heidelberg 1931). Cordier, Cat. = P. CORDIER, Catalogue du Fonds Tibetain de la Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris 1915. D. sDe dge edition of the bsTan agyur. Dbh. • Dasabhumika et Bodhisatlvabhumi ed. J. RAHDER, Louvain 1926. IHQ ; Indian Historical Quarterly. Km. • Kamalasila. JBORS Journal of the Bihar and Orissa Research Society. JRAS Journal cf the Royal Asiatic Society. Lank. •• Lankavatarasutra, ed. B. NANJIO, Kyoto 1923. LAMOTTE, La Somme = La somme du grand Vehicule d'Asanga, par E. LAMOTTE, Bibliotheque du Museon, VII, 2 voll., Louvain 1938-39. LAMOTTE, Grande Sagesse = Le traite de la grande Vertue de Sagesse, de Nagdrjuna, par E. LAMOTTE, Bibliotheque du Museon, Vol. XVIII, 2 voll., Louvain 1944-49. MCB - Melanges Chinois et Bouddhiques. Mdh. V - Madhydntavibhdgatikd, ed. by S. YAMAGUCHI, Nagoya 1934, 2 voll. MS. = Mlmamsasutra, Mlmdmsddarsana, with the Com. of Sahara Swami ed. by RATNA GOPAL BHATTA, Banaras 1910. Kashi Sanskrit Series, n. 42. MSA. = Mahdydnasutrdlankara, ed. S. LEVI, BEHE, n. 159, Paris 1907. MV. = Mahdvyutpatti, ed. SAKAKI RYOZABURO, Kyfito 1916-25. N. - sNar fan edition of bKa' agyur and bsTan agyur. NB. - Nydyabi.idu 'j ed. by TH. I. STCHERBATSKY, Leningrad, NBT. - Nvdyabindutika I Bibl. Buddhica. Nj. - A Catalogue of the Chinese Translation of the Buddhist Tri­ pitaka by BUNYU NANJIO, Oxford 1883. [ VII ] LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS NMu. = Nyayamukha ofDinnaga, by G. TUCCI (Materialen zur Kunde des Buddhismus, N. 15, Heidelberg 1930). NP. = Nyayapravesa, Sansk. text with Com., ed. by A. B. DHRUVA, Gaekwad's Or. Series n. 37, Baroda 1930. NS. = Ny ay a s U tras. NV. = Nyayavarttika by UDYOTAKARA, ed. VindhyeSvariprasada Dvivedin, Kashi Sanskrit Series 1926. PP. = Prajnaparamita. PPp. = Prajnaparamitapindartha ed. G. Tucci, JRAS, 1947, p. 534. PS. = Pramanasamuccaya ed. and restored into Sanskrit by H. R. RANGASWAMY IYENGAR, Mysore Univ. Publ., My­ sore, 1930. PV. = Dharmakirti's Pramanavdrttika with a com. of Mano- rathanandin ed. by Rahul a Sankrityayana. Ap­ pendix to JBORS., vol. XXIV-XXVI, 1938-1940. RG. = Ratnagotravibhaga M a h a y a n o 11 a r a n t r a- Sastra, ed. by E. H. JOHNSTON, JBORS, XXXVI, Part I, 1950. SN. = Samdhinirmocanasutra, texte Tibetain ed. et tr. par E. LA- MOTTE. Universite de Louvain, Louvain 1935. SS. = Siksasamuccaya ed. by C. BENDALL, Bibl. Buddhica, n. I, St. Petersburg 1902. SV. = Slokavarttika of Kumarila ed. by Ramasastri, Chow- khamba Sanskrit Series, n. 3, Banaras 1898. Siddhi = Vijnaptimatratasiddhi, La Siddhi de Hiuan tsang tr. et ann. par L. DE LA VALLEE POUSSIN, 2 voll. Paris, 1928. T. = Tibetan. Ta. = Taishd Issaikyo ed. J. TAKAKUSU, K. WATANABE. TB. = Tarkabhasa ed. byE. Krishnamacharya, Gaekwad's Or. Series, n. 94, Baroda. TPS -- G. TUCCI, Tibetan Painted Scrolls, Roma 1949. TS. = Tattvasamgraha of Santiraksita with the Com. of Kamalaslla, ed. byE. Krishnamacharya. Gaek­ wad's Or. Series, nn. 30-31, 2 voll., Baroda 1926. TOhoku Cat. = A complete Catalogue of the Tibetan Buddhist Canons, ed. by H. Ui, M. SUZUKI, Y. KANAKURA, T. TADA, Tohoku Im­ perial University, Sendai 1934. V. = Vajracchedika, ed. M. MtJLLER (An. Ox. Aryan Series), vol. I, Part. I, Oxford 1881. ZII = Zeitschrift fiir Indologie u. Iranistik. [ VIII ] INDEX VII INDEX IX XI SECTION I - The Trisatikdyah Prajnaparamitayah Karikasaptatih by Asanga 3 Appendix I - Comparison of Taisho 1510 a and Taisho 1510 b . 39 Chapter 1 - Sanskrit text, Chinese, Tibetan and English Translations 51 Chapter 2 - Analysis of the Vajracchedikd according to Vasu­ bandhu (Taisho 1510) (compared with Kama- 129 Appendix II - TheGilgit text of the Vajracchedikd by N. P. Chakravarti 173 I" 193 < 209 233 SECTION V - Introduction - Helutattvopadesa of J i t a r i and Tarkaso- 247 261 275 PREFACE During my travels in Tibet and Nepal I came across many manuscripts of Sanskrit works which are, to my knowledge, so far unedited. I could acquire the originals of some of them; of others I took photos, of some I had copies made. The works which I so collected are chiefly Buddhist. It is my purpose to edit them in this series or to have them edited by my pupils. Though the works are not all of equal importance they will certainly contribute to a better knowledge of Buddhist thought. To some colleagues who have assisted me with their suggestions I wish to acknowledge my gratitude: to Prof. Edward Conze the best authority on the intricacies of the Prajnaparamita, to Prof. P. Demieville who has been so kind as to read the introduction to the Saptasaptati. Prof. V. V. Gokhale went through the proofs of the book and proposed some additions and corrections; Muni Jambuvijaya, a great authority on Nyaya, made me many suggestions concerning the two logical trea­ tises here published. Both gave me the valuable as­ sistance of their experience and learning. My thanks are also due to Dr. R. Gnoli whose familiarity with Indian palaeography greatly spared my eyes. For editorial reasons the book has been divided into two parts: the second part will be published very soon, being already in the press; it contains, besides other texts, the Bhavanakrama (1st) of Kamalaslla and the indexes. G. Tucci [xi] SECTION I THE TRISATIKAYAH PRAJ NAPARAMITAYAH KARIKASAPTATIH B Y ASANGA 1. - G. Tuccr, Minor Buddhist Texts. INTRODUCTION In the Nor monastery (on which see TPS., p. 205) I found a small palm-leaf manuscript of Nepalese origin and script of only three pages. The second and the third page, especially the second, seem to have been eaten up by worms on the right side, so that the contents of the book are fragmentary. The booklet ends with the follow­ ing colophon: Trisatikayah prajnaparami- tayah karikasaptatih samapta krtir iyam aryasangapadanam iti. So we are confronted with one of the minor commen­ taries upon the Prajnaparamita (Cf. Prajiiapa- K ramitapindartha by Dinnaga, ed. by me in JRAS, 1947, p. 53 ff.J)). The importance of the ms. consists in the fact that it preserves another work by one of the most active and rightly famous mahayana writers to whom not only Buddhist but generally Indian speculation is greatly indebted. But the contents of these metrical summaries of the sutra are very difficult to understand without the help of some commentaries. Morover, in this case, the fragmentary condition of the ms. required the comparison with a Tibetan or a Chinese version. No title similar to that which appears in the colophon can be found in the indices either of the Ch. Canon or of the bsTan agyur. But in the Ch. Canon, under the title Neng tuan chin kang pan jo po lo mi to J) In another ms. (the same which contains the MahayanavimsikS) the work is called Paramitarthasamksepa; cf. p. 200. [5] G. TUCCI ching lun sung, Nj. 1208, Taisho 1514, fg ifj ^ fj|J S ^ i I S I i "i if> restored hypothetically as Vajracchedikaprajnaparamita-sutra-sas- tra-karika (or gatha Nj.) a metrical work by Asanga is preserved which, as it appears from the very title, is a commentary upon the Vajracchedika X). The 1) Fundamental Literature on the Vajracchedika: MAX MULLER'S edition in Anecdota Oxoniensia. The Aryan Series. Vol. I. Part I, Oxford 1881. A. F. R. HOERNLE, JRAS, 1910, p. 834 ff., 1283 ff. and ID., Manuscript remains of Buddhist Literature, Vol. I, 1916, p. 176 and 214. (Khotanese: see there references to earlier literature). E. LEUMANN, Zur nordarischen Sprache u. Literatur, p. 58 ff., p. 84 ff. H. REICHELT, Die Sogdischen Handschriftenreste des Britischen Museums. II Teil (Nachtrag), 1931, p. 71 ff. Stzb. Berl. Ak. Wiss. 1934, pp. 644-647. The Vajracchedika has been translated many times into Chinese: by Kuma- rajlva, Hobogirin, n. 235; by Bodhiruci, ibid. n. 236; by Paramartha, ibid. n. 237; by Dharmagupta, ibid, n. 238; by Hs iian-tsang, ihia*. n. 220-9; by I Ching, ibid. n. 239. The Tibetan translation is included in the bKa'agyur. BECK, Ver- zeichnis der Tibet. Handschriften, p. 10, n. 5. (set p ' y i n , vol. 24). OTANI, Cat., p. 223, n. 739. TOHOKU, Cat. (D), p. 5, n. 16. CSOMA KOROSI, Analysis of Sher Chin, in Asiatic Researches, 1836; p. 395. The translators into Tibetan were Sllendrabodhi and Ye ses sde. The Manchu version was edited by C. DE HARLEZ, WZKM, 1897, pp. 209- 290: 331-356. I. J. SCHMIDT, Memoires de VAcad. Imp. des Sciences, St. Petersbourg. VIme Serie, 1840. The work has been translated into English by MAX MULLEH, SBE, vol. XLIX, Part II, p. 109 ff, W. GEMMELL, Diamond Sutra, Shanghai 1912, A.

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