www.kentuckynewera.com | TV | Saturday-Sunday, April 7-8, 2012 B9 SUNDAY PRIMETIME APRIL 8, 2012 N - NEW WAVE M - MEDIACOM S1 - DISH NETWORK S2 - DIRECTV N M 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 S1 S2 WKRN Show Dog Nashville's ABC World America's Funniest Once Upon a Time GCB " Turn t he Other GCB "xSe Is D ivine" (N) Nashville's :35 Sports :05 Bob :35 Tim :05 The Closer "Gr ave Extra Weekend !" (2) (2) [2] 2 2 ABC Championship News 2 !" News !" Home Videos !" "7:15 a.m." !" Cheek" (N) !" News 2 !" Extra !" Mueller McCarver Doubts" !" WSMV 2:00 ISU Figure Skate Channel 4 NBC News Dateline NBC !" Harry's Law "The Lying The Celebrity Apprentice "Ad Hawk" A celebrity 4 News at :35 Inside Twilight Twilight Paid Paid Paid Meet the (4) [4] 4 4 NBC World Championship !" News !" !" Game" (N) !" goes on a tirade against a teammate. (N) !" 10:00 p.m. Sports !" Zone Zone Program !" Program !" Program !" Press !" WTVF 1:00 Golf Masters Tournament Site: Augusta 60 Minutes !" The Amazing Race (N)" The Good Wife "The CSI: Miami "Habeas News/Sp- :35 Grey's Anatomy !" :35 Criminal Minds :35 Law & Order :35 Up to (5) (5) [5] 5 5 CBS Nat ional Gol f Clu b -- Aug usta, Ga. (L) !" Death Zone" !" Corpse" (SF) (N) !" orts !" "100" !" "Promises to K" eep !" Minute !" WPSD 2:00 ISU Figure Skate Local 6 at NBC News Dateline NBC !" Harry's Law "eTh L ying The Celebrity Apprentice "Ad Hawk" A c elebrity Local 6 at Red/Blue Outdoo- A. Griffith Grey's Anatomy !" Insider- Inside (6) (6) - - NBC World C hampionship !" 5 p.m. !" Game" (N) !" goe s on a tir ade aga inst a tea mmate. (N) !" 10 p.m. Review !" rsman !" Show !" Week. !" Edition !" WZTV # !! The Benchwarmers (2006, Comedy) The Cleveland The B.Burger Family American FOX News at 9 !" Seinf . "The Seinf. "The Family Fam. G "Go Futurama Always Paid Paid (7) [6] 17 17 FOX David Spade, Jon Lovitz, Rob Schneider. !" Simpsons Show Simpsons "Torpedo"" Guy Dad Dog" !" Library" !" Guy Stewie Go" Sunny Program !" Program !" WNPT Music Steves' Antiques Rd. "El Paso Globe Trekker "West Roots "Kevin Bacon Masterpiece Classic "Great Expectations" 2/2 Bluegrass Closer to Tavis Wshingtn Masterpiece Classic "Great Expectations" Pt. 2 (8) [8] 8 8 PBS Voyager Europe (Ho ur T wo)" 2/3 !" Texas" !" and Kyra Sedgwick" (N)" from Al 1pri ( N) !" Under Truth Smiley !" !" of 2 fmro A pril 1 (N) !" WKMA This Old Ask This Rough Cut Victory To Manor Summer As Time You Being Masterpiece Classic "Great Exp ectations" 2/2 Globe Trekker "Mid- Religion One to European Scully the Theater The (9) (35) - - PBS House Old House Woodwork Garden Born Wine Goes By Served? from April 1 (N) !" Atlantic States" !" News !" One Journal !" World !" Talk !" Aviators !" WUXP 3:00 # The Glass Judge Joe Judge Joe Judge Judy Judge Judy # !! Best in Show (2000, Comedy) Parker A. Griffith A. Griffith House "Saviors" !" Paid Paid Wrestling Ring of Whacked According (13) (30) [13] 30 30 MNT Window !" Brown !" Brown !" !" !" Posey, Eug ene Lev y, Jay Bra zeau. !" Show !" Show !" Program !" Program !" Hr ono !" Out !" to Jim WNAB Brother & Sister "Time Big Bang Big Bang 30 Rock 30 Rock # !!! Confessions of a Dangerous Mind Brainbus- Scrubs TMZ !" Cheaters !" Paid Paid Everybody Everybody (18)(58) [12] 58 58 CW A fter Time" 2 /2 !" Theory Theory ('02, )D Dra wre B arrymore, Sam R ockwell. !" ters Program !" Program !" Hate Chris Hate Chris !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" !" # !!! (20)( 50) WPGD J. Prince Change Potter's Life Lead Way B. Hinn J.Osteen K. Shook Voice Creflo The Passion of the Christ (Recut) James Caviezel. Changes Lives The Fabric Of Time Power - - WBKO A. Griffith A. Griffith Paid ABC World America's Funniest Once Upon a Time GCB " Turn t he Other GCB "xSe Is D ivine" (N) WBKO @ :35 Sports :05 City :35 Numb3rs :35 Bones "Pilot" !" :35 Inside (21)( 13) [15] - - ABC Show Show Program !" News !" Home Videos !" "7:15 a.m." !" Cheek" (N) !" 10 !" Conn. Limits !" "Democracy" !" Edition !" CATV 4 PM 4:30 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 1 AM 1:30 S1 S2 :15 10th Home Law & O: CI "False- 30 Rock Met Your M-Mother Met Your Met Your Met Your WGN :40 Instant The Unit " The Wall" !" Monk "Mr. Monk's Monk "Mr. Monk and # !! Galaxy Quest (15) WGN [9] Inning Videos !" Hearted Judges" !" Mother "Pilot" !" Mother Mother Mother News !" Replay !" 100th Case" !" the Wrong Man" !" ('99, Com) Tim Allen. !" 239 307 (23) HGTV [18] For Rent For Rent HouseH !" House Holmes on Homes Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection Holme s "Steamed" Holmes on Homes Holmes Inspection Holmes "Steamed" Holmes on Homes 112 229 (24) FOOD [23] Chopped Chopped WorstCooks Cupcake Wars (N) Chopped (N) Iron Chef America (N) Restaurant Stakeout Chopped Iron Chef America Restaurant Stakeout 110 231 (25) TRAV [70] Bourdain "Kurdistan"" Bourdain "Boston" !" Sand !" Sand !" Tricked Out Trailers !" RV 2012 "RV 2 012" !" Killer Rv Upgrades !" RV Crazy! !" RV 2012 "RV 2 012" !" Killer Rv Upgrades !" RV Crazy! !" 215 277 (26) E! [53] The Voice Khloe & !" Khloe & Khloe & Khloe & Ice Coco !" Ice Coco Ice Coco Ice Coco !" Khloe & Ice Coco Fashion Police !" Khloe & Ice Coco C. Lately Soup !" Khloe & Ice Coco 114 236 (27) HALL [58] 3:00 # Love Begins # Love's Everlasting Courage Wes B rown. !" # !!! Love Comes Softly K atherine H eigl. !" Frasier !" Frasier !" Frasier !" Frasier !" G. Girls !" G. Girls !" G. Girls !" G. Girls !" B.Newhart B.Newhart 185 312 (28) LIFE [31] # !! Too Late to Say Goodbye !" # Drew Peterson: Untouchable ('12) Rob Lowe. Army Wives The Client List # Drew Peterson: Untouchable ('12) Rob Lowe. Army Wives The Client List 108 252 (29) SOAP [59] One Tree Hill One Tree Hill General Hospital !" General Hospital !" General Hospital !" General Hospital !" General Hospital !" General Hospital !" General Hospital !" General Hospital !" 188 262 (30) OXY [62] Snapped "Sarah Kolb" Snapped Snapped Snapped Snapped Best Ink Law:CI "Cold Comfort"" Law:CI "Legion" !" Law:CI "Cold Comfort"" Law:CI "Legion" !" 127 251 (32) GOLF [262] Golf H/L U.S. Open Highlights P. Lessons Live From the Masters (L) Live From the Masters Live From the Masters Live From the Masters 401 218 (34) ESPNC 3:00 ESPN 30 for 30 ESPN Films "Goose" The Fab Five !" The Fab Five !" NCAA Football Classics Texas A&M vs. Texas !" NCAA Football !" 143 614 3:00 30 for 30 "e ThU" SportsCenter !" Baseball Tonight (L) !" MLB Baseball Chicago W hite Sox vs. T exas R angers S ite: R angers B allpark SportsCenter The d ay's nsew in the SportsCenter The d ay's nsew in the SportsCenter !" (35) ESPN [25] !" -- Arlington, Texas (L) !" world of sports. !" world of sports. !" 140 206 2:25 Cheerlea- Cheerlea- E:60 !" SportsCenter !" ESPN Film s "Roll Tide/ Year of the Quarterback "The SEC Storied "Herschel SEC Storied E:60 !" MLB Baseball Chicago White Sox vs. Texas (36) ESPN2 [26] Soccer ding ding War Eagle" !" Marinovich Project" !" Walker" !" Rangers Site: Rangers Ballpark !" 144 209 Action Sports World Mountain Barfly WPT Poker Borgata The Panel The Panel The Panel The Panel The Panel The Game WPT Poker Borgata NCAA Softball Louisiana State University vs. Premier League (37) [47] FSS Tour Games !" O pen !" 365 O pen !" Alabama !" Review Show !" 420 646 (39) SPEED [35] Touring Car Racinga T smania Challenge Speed Center !" Dave Despain (L) !" Car Warriors Octane (N) Car Crazy Speed Center !" Car Warriors Dave Despain !" Touring Car Racing 150 607 :15 # !! Van Helsing Hugh Jackman. A fdame m onster heunt r must # !!! 300 G erard B utler. T he Spartan kgin a ssembles a # !! Men in Black II ('02, Sci -Fi) :15 Falling Skies :15 # !!! Total Recall ( 1990, S ci-Fi) Sharon (40) TNT [39] battle Count Dracula, the Wolf Man and Frankenstein's Monster. !" small army of soldiers to defend his land from the Persians. !" Tommy Lee Jones, Will Smith. !" "Mutiny" !" Stone, Rachel Ticotin, Arnold Schwarzenegger. !" 138 245 (41) FX [54] 3:30 # !! Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Shia LaBeouf. !" # !!! I, Robot ('04, Sci-Fi) Will Smith. !" # !!! I, Robot ('04, Sci-Fi) Will Smith. !" Rescue Me !" Paid !" Paid !" 136 248 NCIS "Shalom" !" NCIS "Escaped" !" NCIS "Blowback" !" NCIS "Grace Period" !" NCIS "In the Dark" !" NCIS "Chimera" !" # Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Indiana :40 # !! Welcome Home, Roscoe (42) USA [49] Jones races to uncover the secrets behind a mysterious crystal skull. Jenkins Martin Lawrence. !" 105 242 3:30 # !! Just :15 # !! The House Bunny (2008, Comedy) # !! 17 Again (2009, Comedy/Drama) Leslie :05 # !! 17 Again (2009, Comedy/Drama) :20 # !! The House Bunny (2008, Comedy) :20 # !!! She's the (43) TBS [21] Friends !" Colin H anks, Eamm S tone, Aa nnF aris. !" Mann, T homas L ennon, Zac E fron. !" Leslie Mann, Tho mas L ennon, Zac Efr on. !" Colin H anks, Eamm S tone, Aa nnF aris. !" Man Amanda Bynes. !" 139 247 (44) HMC # !!! The Parent Trap ('61, Com ) M aureen O'H ara, H ayley Mil ls. !" # !! The Parent Trap II (19 86, F amily) !" # !! Man of the House Chevy Chase. !" # !! The Shaggy Dog ('06, Com ) T im Allen. !" # The Apple Dumpl... 187 560 (45) FNC [46] 3:00 News HQ !" Fox News !" Fox Report Weekend !" Huckabee !" Stossel Geraldo at Large !" Huckabee !" Stossel Geraldo at Large !" Fox News !" 205 360 (46) CNN [38] CNN Newsroom !" CNN Newsroom !" CNN Newsroom !" CNN Presents !" Piers Morgan !" CNN Newsroom !" CNN Presents !" Piers Morgan !" CNN Newsroom !" CNN Presents !" 200 202 (49) MSNBC [51] Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on Camera (N) Caught on Camera Deadly Concotion (N) Lost Dog Road SexSlave "Oakland" !" SexSlave "Motor City"" Meet the Press !" 209 356 (55) BET [57] Movie # ! The Longshots ('08, Com/Dra) Ice Cube.
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