THE DECEMBER 1961 Here's a really worth while concession which allows double tax relief for husband and wife. Annual interest up to £15 in the Ordinary Department of the Trustee Savings Bank is FREE OF INCOME TAX -both husband and wife are entitled to this relief-£30 in all. Had o.e: LORD STREET WEST, BLACKBURN TOWII"�: SO Higher Eanam : TlB.lkTop . Granville Road . ,. WIIdey NewRd. IF IT'S A NEW BICYCLE YOIJ WANT consult AN LAYS The Cycle Specialists A.ccredited dealers for:- RALEIGH - B.S.A. - DA WES RUDGE - SUNBEAM � PHILLIPS HERCULES Over 200 Cycles to choose from and any Model available on H.P. terms SUDELL CROSS and 88 I(ING STREET BLACKBURN Tel. 49247/8 41 BLACKBURN ROAD, ACCRINGTON And at LANCASTER 00000000000000000000000000000 CATON & DUCKWORTH LIMITED CONTRACTORS JOIN ERY BRICKW ORK MA SON RY SLATING CONC RETING OUR WORKS ARE FULLY EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ALL KINDS OF BUILDING. WE SHALL BE PLEASED TO SUBMIT PRICES FOR BUILDING OR ARCHITECTURAL WORK ON RECEIPT OF DRAWINGS. REPAIRS IN ANY BRANCH OF THE TRADE. Telephone 6289 Blackburn 00000000000000000000000000000 Established 1878 Telephone 6537 CHARLES KNOWLES (PENS) LTD. Commercial Stationers � FOUNT AIN PENS Largest stock in the district WATERMAN, PARKER, CONWAY-STEWART, SHEAFJTER. BALL PENS PARKER, BIRO, SCROLL, SCRIPTO, WATERMAN, PLATIGNUM. DRAWING INS TRUMENTS, &c. AGENT BY APPOINTMENT FOR ORDNANCE SURVEY MAPS England and Wales - 1 inch and t inch Blackburn District - 6 inch and 25 inch • THE PEN SHOP 72 DARWEN STREET BLACKBURN SAVE by all means but still- BE SMART T IS THE DUTY OF EVERYONE to practise economy in all tnir.gs. I But there is no need to depress yourself by wearing shabby· ooking clothes. By using our expert Dry-Cleaning Service you can be smartly dressed with the absolute minimum of expense. Frocks, coats and suits tha,' seem hopeless will be returned to you unbelievably fresh. carefully restored and fit ror months of smart wear. Take advantage of this fine service. *Our vanmen collect and deliver weekly in your district. Kindly request them to call. HAYDOCK BROS. LIMI TED Dyers and Cleaners RAMSGREAVE LAUNDRY, BLACKBURN Telephone 48087 Receiving Office: 38 Preston New Road. Blackburn. ,,---- -------------------------------------------------------- EAST HAMS ARTISTS IN FLOWERS • 33 DARWEN ST. Phones: Day 4008 - Night 21747 BLACKBURN BOOKS MUSIC H. L. BAXTER LTD. H. & M. FIElDING 12 KING WILLIAM ST. BLACKBURN TEL. 6651 STATIONERY SCHOOL BAGS, Etc. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII High Class DECORATOR Full range of . • • Contemporary Traditional Washable Wallpapers by "Sanderson!!! ,7 "Shand Kydd" " John Line" "Crown," etc., etc. ALSO LARGE SELECTION OF HAND PRINTED WALLPAPERS An work personally supervised :: Suggf'-stions submitted Estimates given Residence: " NORTH VIEW," (off 108 Pleckgate Rd.) Blackhurn Phone 6843 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I THE eE)MI?LETE LADIES' E)UTPITTER E. STONEHOUSE, LTD. 11 King William Street Blackburn Tel. 5512 Whatever Snack Bar you may choose REDMAN�S is the one for YOU to use . •••••••••••••••••••••••• PARTIES are our speciality. Let us know your requirements * We are at your service * •••••••••••••••••••••••• 30 VICTORIA ST. - BLACI(BURN THOMAS SHIR,LEY WASTE PAPER, RAG and METAL MERCHANT • CANTERBURY S'TREET BLACKBURN • CASH BUYERS OF RAGS, SCRAP METALS and WASTE PAPERS If you aim to start out on a career (not just PROSPECTS ARE EXCELLENT to take a job); if you like meeting people Promotion� is based solely on merit (and, (all sorts of people); if you are interested moreover, on merit regularly, impartially in what goes on around you (and in the and widely assessed). Training is provided larger world outside) then there is much at every stage to prepare all who respond that will satisfy you in our service. to it for early responsibility and the For we provide an amazing variety of !lank's special scheme for Study Leave banking facilities through an organiza· will be available to assist you in your tion of nearly 2,300 branches -large and studies for the Institute of Bankers small- in the cities, towns and villages of Examinations. A very high proportion England and Wales and the Channel indeed of present·day entrants will Islands. We have, too, offices at the achieve managerial rank, r;lany of them leading airports, at the Ocean Terminal, in their 30's. For these, the minimum Southampton and In several of the salary will be £ 1,600 a year with the Cunard liners. The M id land is every· certainty of rising to higher- often very where-in everything. You will find no much higher-figures. lack of variety if you join us. The highest positi:>ns in the bank are o�cn to all and at the top are rewards that would satisfy even the most ambitious. SALARIES ARE GOOD The� basic salary scale compares favour· PENSIONS ARE FREE ably with any in similar fields. Examples A� non·con ributory Pension Scheme brings are:- a pensiont equal to two-thirds of final salary after full service. Age Provinces Central London I YOU SHOULD HA VE £390 17 £290 a� good school record (G.C.E. passes 18 355 455 at 'A' level entitle you to one year's 21 410 510 seniority on the salary scale, and 24 540 640 earn exemptions in certain subjects of the Institute of Bankers Examin­ 31 880 980 ations). Sound health, absolute integrity and the will to succeed are also essential. But do remember that these are only the basic figures. Every young man of WE SHALL HAVE promise is given practical help and pleasure� in arranging for you to have an encouragement and those, for example, interview with a District Staff Superin­ who move into a Special Grade will tendent at one of a number of convenient receive at least £160 above the figure centres in London and the Provinces, but quoted. please write first to:- THE STAFF MANAGER MIDLAND BANK LIMITED HEAD OFFICE, POULTRY. LONDON, E.C.2. * FOR HOUSE AN D STEA M COAL THOMAS W AL,SH LTD. Fuel Specialists TAYLOR STREET SIDINGS - BLACKBURN Telephone 5368 Bldckburn HOLDEN & DA VIES LTD. HAULAGE CONTRACTORS BLAC KBURN • DAILY GOODS SERVICE TO AND FROM LIVERPOOL AND MANCHESTER. Te l. 44239 - 6814 and Blakewater 42592 �SLSl.SLSl.SlSl.SlSl.5lS5l lSl.S1.:Jl51..51.5151.51.515151.5l.SlSlSl.51.W � OLD BLACKBURNIANS TIES SCARVES CRAVATS i CRESTED LINKS !D When a wise man finds good clothes he makes a note � of the supplier � (tasb & (to. of course We invite you to inspect our large selection of clothing by the following leading makers DAKS l..5l.5l.5 CHESTER BARRIE 15l.5l51. a o SUMRIE CASH & CO. 53 KING WILLIAM STREET, BLACKBURN Telephone 5855 55 St. lames St., Burnley. Telephone 3073 26 Manchester Rd., Nelson. Telephone 2601 Complete Gentlemen's Outfitters 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111 MULLARD BLACI{BURN WORI{S LIMITED AND ITS ASSOCIATED COMPANIES offer excellent careers in Electronics to Grammar School boys. There are two methods of entry:- (a) Direct from school via the Student Apprenticeship Scheme. (b) From the Universites after Graduation. Training for managerial posts is an essential feature of Mullard policy. and takes the form of organised courses within the Works. supplemented by attendance at short residential courses or conferences. outside. Full details of conditions and current vacancies can be obtained from the WORKS PERSONNEL OFFICER Mullard Blackburn Works. Ltd. Philips Road Blackburn Lancashire factories- Blackburn. Fleetwood. Lytham. Padiham Simonstone �oJlthport. Waterfoot. London and Suuth- Mitcham, Wandsworth. Southampton. Salford. Whyteleaf. Hove. 111111111111111111111 fill11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I "'1"'1""""111""11""'''' FOR ... oven fresh pies and savouries delightful tea time confectionery delicious fresh cream cakes weekend gateaux and party cakes high standards of hygiene courteous and ejjicient service for . shopping with confidence- Office: CROSSFIELD STREET BAKERY, BLACKBURN Telephone 5495 PRESTS LTD. Bakers of fine bread and Confectionery Our Pattipan Specialities include Mor - Ma Malt Fruit Loaf and Pattipan Ready-cooked Puddings We distribute to over 3000 shops in the N orth West of England PRESTS LTD - LIMEFIELD - BLACK8URN Tel. 4328-9 -- . 1 ,� �, , WA LPAMUR QUALI ensure TY PAINTS perfection of finish. They Walpam include ur Water Pai nt, the most finishes, popular of flat Duradio Ena mel Paint for high gloss a durable and Darwen Satin Finish, and ideal for steamproof kitchens and ran bathrooms. In ge are paints, the full enamels an d varnishes meet every con to ceivable need. APPOINT TO HU MENT MAJESTY THE QVE'E N HANUf.A.C ay TURUS Of 'HE PAINT WALPAM UR CO LTD DARWEN & LONDON W606 LIGHTBOWN AN D BR ACEWELL LIMITED. * Dispensing Chemists * All Photographic Supplie., GRANVILLE RD. PHARMACY Telephone No. 7222 BLACKBURN Telephone 6277 Henry Hesmondhalgh ?;ea :Blender • and Coffee 1{oasler 68 NORTHGATE BLACKBURN Groceries --,- Provisions The portrait of Queen Elizabeth I made by Mrs. Edwardson which now hangs in the Garstang Room. '(the 1Blachburnian DE'CEMBER, 1961 No. 125 MAGAZINE COMMITTEE President: The Headmaster. Chairman: Mr. B. Davies. Treasurer: Mr. F. Bury. Committee: Mr. G. F. Eastwood, Mr. W. H . Proctor; P. Almond, D. E. Ambrose, E. J. Matthews, P. Murphy, D. J. Nicholson, N. Whalley. Editor: F. J. Seed. DISCE PRODESSE lE�ttorial WHERE did the summer go? The full implications of the question have not been fully explored yet. Am I mistaken, or is it the question that today's youth is really asking in its heart of hearts? We seem forever to be making preparations for a terrible winter that never comes, hopeless inhabitants of a perennial autumn, or to be walking along a tight-rope and knowing that sooner or later one's sense of balance will cease to be effective, if only through the ravages of old age. To try and catch a glimpse of tomorrow by following each step in the political game is unrewarding; kremlinology, economics and the imagined psychology of political leaders confuse the issue more, and anyway are beyond the grasp of most of us.
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