University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 12-1-1988 Central Florida Future, Vol. 21 No. 29, December 1, 1988 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 21 No. 29, December 1, 1988" (1988). Central Florida Future. 890. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/890 Central Florida Future e 1988 The Central Florida Future Volume. 21, Number -._~ j University of Central Florida/Orlando Thursday December 1, 1988 CEBA II ·benefits all, especially deans modern high-rise reflective ness and Engineering stu­ by Lance Turner ASSISTANT NEWS EDITOR shield glass. dents, according to Eubanks, What ties the CEBAI and II can expect to attend summer together is the Joint Use facil­ classes in the new building. The construction of CEBA ity or J.U. The classrooms, The case-rooms, h aving II, nearing completion, will case-rooms and 2 large audito­ first appeared at Harvard, provide students with a high­ riums in the JU will be used by have rows of desks seated on tech atmosphere, give faculty both colleges. tiers of decking that progress much needed space and set a CEBA II stands as a physi­ upward towards the back of new standard for deans' offices cal metaphor of the colleges it the room. atUCF. will serve - just as the Engi­ The rows are arched across UCFs College of Business neering and business schools the room in a horseshoe Administration is expected to are independent, the architec­ shaped design, placing the begin moving into its new ture of the business facility instructor at the front of the home during the last week of has a distinction and inde­ room surrounded by the stu­ February. pendence from the older CEBA dents. The new CEBA facility, the I engineering facility. And the Dr. Harvey Lewis, Associ­ second in a planned series of blended look of the JU is a ate Dean, College of Business three, will physically join the representation of the common Administration, said, the case­ business and engineering col- ground that will be shared by roorns are "designed for maxi­ leges together. · both schools. £11.£c.unv€ mum teaching effectiveness­ "I hope we set a new stan­ C.ENT<'E:.f< . in terms of eye contact of the dard for the campus," says Dr. KO.OM professors and the students." "i hope we set a new Clifford Eubanks, Dean of the For the entire CEBA II college of Business. The objec­ building, there are 13 such standard for the cam­ tive was to create a "corporate case-rooms and five class­ pus." type environment, because rooms. In aP,dition, there is that is where a very high per­ also four seminar rooms and Dr. Clifford Eubanks, cent of our graduates are two conference rooms. going." When not in class, students Dean of the College In the corporate world, in CEBA will be able to dine in of Business every good CEO has a good a snack bar, complete with an office, and as CEO of the Col­ SOURCE: Central Florida Future researcti Scott/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE outdoor patio, or just soak up lege of Business Administra­ the sunshine in the two story CEBA II is divided into two tion, Eubanks will have the guidelines - occupies ap- Dean of Administration, said atrium. · sections. The Business Ad­ "dean's wing" to se down rb 225 sq. feet Priv teindustry does support The CEBA complex, accord­ ministration (BA) facility is business in. the second floor of the BA sec­ education, and we have to be ing to Joe Harris, construction four stories highwith an exte­ The seven room dean's of­ tion. able to bring these people to inspector and project coordi- rior that combines the aca­ fice - which stays within the When asked about the of­ campus in a setting they feel demic-brick-look with the State University System fice, Dr. Wally Reiff, Associate comfortable in." B u s i - SEE CEBA-11PAGE4 New pfoposal.wants to raise athletic fee students at the Brevard or Daytona by.Paul Gilbert campuses or students with five or less CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE will pay $4.90 per credit hour. For example, a student at the main UCF will do away with a $16 ath­ campus with 12 credit hours will pay letic fee, which accompanies every tui­ $73.80 per term in athletic fees. This tion bill, and replace it with a per­ year, the same student paid $39.40. credit hour athletic fee of up to $6.15 The same student in Daytona Beach or pending the approval of the Board of Brevard campuses will pay $58.80 for Regents in Tallahassee. the same class load. "In order to have a first-class ath­ "Atfirst, Dr. Colbourn and I thought letic program, the students and uni­ it was a little steep," Student Govern­ versity must be willing to pay for it," ment President Denver Stutler said. the Athletic Fees Committee wrote in "But whatl'veheardfrom thestudents their recommendation to President , they thought it was justifiable. If sen­ Colbourn last month . "A fee increase is timent sways against it, I'll work with needed to compete with other institu­ McDowell t o change it." tions that already h ave top quality The increase will generate an addi­ intercollegiate athletic programs." tional $756,543 next year for the ath­ Eric Pansona/CENTAAL FLORIDA FUTURE: Currently, UCF students pay $1.92 letic department. The department per credit hour in addition t o the $16 plans to earmark $277 ,200 for 66 schol­ TAKE IT EASY flat fee. Under the new proposal, which arships. An additional $215,000 will be Mike Raisler takes time out of his busy schedule last week to enjoy the last few the Board of Regents is considering, spent to increase staff, and $125,000 rays of Fl,0rida sunshine before temperatures finally cooled down. students with six or more credit hours will pay $6.15 per credit hour, and SEE TUITION PAGE 5 SPORTS CONFETTI NEWS CLIPS 3 • Find out about the very • What's new on the OPINION 10 mysterious disappearing underground music act of mens tennis coach, scene. Plus, movie and COMICS 11 Mike DeFranco. Plus, album reviews that could Chris Brady takes a look at save you money for the CLASSIFIED 12 this year's basketball Christmas holidays. It's a schedule. festive edition of Confetti. SPORTS 13 r · 2, The Central Florida Future,' December 1, 1988 . : • • : • #J f~lw • • • • . THISBUD~S FOR YOU: • PLEASE RECYCLE OUR ALUMINUM CANS BUDWEISER®ol<ING OF BEERS®• 01987 ANHEUSER-BUSCH, JNC.•ST. LOUIS, MO WAYNE DENSCH, INC.. " ·· · .ss 1-71 oo· . · . UCF REP .ERIC · ERICSON -. 425·7005 . · · ' · The Central Florida Future, Decemoer 1. ~ 19aa, 3 Funds for Pell .Grants decrease pected. by Staff Report COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE As a result, the government could try to balance its books by cutting the amounts it grants to all but the very poorest students bor­ Students may find their Pell Grants shrink­ rowing money or by asking Congress for a ing after next June, the U.S. Department of "supplemental appropriation." Education warned last week. Tripp said she didn't know how big the The government is running short of the "shortfall" in Pell Grant funds would be - she funds it uses to make Pell Grants, department guessed it would be $30 million to $50 million spokeswomen Victoria Tripp said. - but Charles Saunders of the American Tripp said that campuses -which are sup­ Council on Education in Washington, D.C., posed to return unused Pell Grant money to the predicted it would amount to $250 million. department, which then would give it to other Saunders feared the department would students at other schools - have not refunded as much money as the department had ex- SEE PELL PAGE 7 • .. WILD BLUE PAVEMENT Look over there. It's a bird. No, it's a car. No, it's a plane. Just what the heck is it? Well it 's kind of a car-plane provided by the UCF Air Force ROTC. ' • DATING CONTRACT pay next time, then the issue of proximity to the Kennedy The measure helped correct exit polls conducted by the Dr. Roy U. Schenk, male sex is not a concern. Space Center. some of the unintentional side NBC, ABC and CBS television rights activists, advocates that Schenk has sent his dating The student groups this effects of the landmark Tax networks, did not distinguish equality between the sexes contract to several Greek or­ year are tackling four major Reform Act of 1986. between college students and should be extended to dating ganizations in the California areas, including: Mission to Most campuses pay grad other voters younger than age and, more specifically, "Date area. The contract has rasied Planet Earth (assigned to the students not by writing them 25. Rape." much publicity. UCF team), Humans to Mars, checks, but by waiving a pro­ ABC News found Dukak.is Schenk states if women Men generally do not find Outpost on the Moon, and toin of their tuition. Under the won a majority of the votes would assume equal responsi­ the contract inoffensive, but Exploration of the Solar Sys­ Tax Reform Act, grad students cast by boththe youngest bilities with men for initiating many feel they have a hard tem.
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